WIP: STATION OPERATION页左侧列表完成,地图绘制完成,标记物进行中

This commit is contained in:
Xu Zhimeng 2023-06-08 19:31:07 +08:00
parent 0afd4fdc12
commit fb4673024f
18 changed files with 1551 additions and 27 deletions

View File

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Binary file not shown.


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Binary file not shown.


(image error) Size: 1.5 KiB

Binary file not shown.


(image error) Size: 1.1 KiB

Binary file not shown.


(image error) Size: 3.9 KiB

Binary file not shown.


(image error) Size: 2.7 KiB

Binary file not shown.


(image error) Size: 3.3 KiB

Binary file not shown.


(image error) Size: 1.1 KiB

Binary file not shown.


(image error) Size: 4.1 KiB

Binary file not shown.


(image error) Size: 1.2 KiB

View File

@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
<div ref="containerRef" class="scroll-container" :class="{ 'scroll-end': scrollEnd }" @scroll="onScroll">
export default {
props: {
direction: {
type: String,
default: 'horizontal', // horizontal | vertical
data() {
return {
scrollEnd: false,
mounted() {
window.addEventListener('resize', this.onScroll)
destroyed() {
window.removeEventListener('resize', this.onScroll)
methods: {
onScroll() {
const ele = this.$refs.containerRef
if (this.direction == 'horizontal') {
this.scrollEnd = ele.scrollLeft + ele.offsetWidth == ele.scrollWidth
} else {
this.scrollEnd = ele.scrollTop + ele.offsetHeight == ele.scrollHeight
this.$emit('scrollEnd', this.scrollEnd)
<style lang="less" scoped>
.scoll-container {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
overflow: auto;

View File

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> .ant-collapse-item {
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#userLayout {
.container {
background-color: @modalBg !important;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
<div ref="mapContainerRef" class="map-container">
import { Vector as VectorLayer } from 'ol/layer'
import TileLayer from 'ol/layer/Tile'
import Map from 'ol/Map'
import VectorSource from 'ol/source/Vector'
import XYZ from 'ol/source/XYZ'
import View from 'ol/View'
import Feature from 'ol/Feature'
import { Fill, Icon, Stroke, Style, Text } from 'ol/style'
import { Point } from 'ol/geom'
import Overlay from 'ol/Overlay'
import Data from './data.json'
import * as MarkerImg from './markerImage'
console.log('%c [ MarkerImg ]-19', 'font-size:13px; background:pink; color:#bf2c9f;', MarkerImg)
const token = 'AAPK2b935e8bbf564ef581ca3c6fcaa5f2a71ZH84cPqqFvyz3KplFRHP8HyAwJJkh6cnpcQ-qkWh5aiyDQsGJbsXglGx0QM2cPm'
export default {
data() {
return {
stationList: []
mounted() {
methods: {
getStationList() {
this.stationList = Data.result
console.log('%c [ this.stationList ]-36', 'font-size:13px; background:pink; color:#bf2c9f;', this.stationList)
initMap() {
const layers = [
new TileLayer({
source: new XYZ({
url: `https://ibasemaps-api.arcgis.com/arcgis/rest/services/World_Imagery/MapServer/tile/{z}/{y}/{x}?token=${token}`
const view = new View({
projection: 'EPSG:4326', // 使
center: [116.2, 39.56],
zoom: 4,
maxZoom: 16,
minZoom: 1
this.map = new Map({
target: this.$refs.mapContainerRef,
controls: []
// marker
initMarkers() {
const markerFeatures = []
this.stationList.forEach((eventItem, index) => {
const markerLayer = new VectorLayer({
source: new VectorSource({
features: markerFeatures
properties: { name: 'eventMarker' }
initMapClick() {
this.map.on('click', async evt => {
const feature = this.map.forEachFeatureAtPixel(evt.pixel, feature => {
return feature
this.currentCoords = feature.getGeometry().getCoordinates()
const stationInfo = feature && feature.values_ && feature.values_.stationInfo
if (stationInfo) {
await this.showMapPopup(stationInfo)
} else {
initMapPopup() {
this.popupOverlay = new Overlay({
element: this.$refs.mapPopupRef,
autoPan: true,
autoPanAnimation: {
duration: 250
async showMapPopup(stationInfo) {
this.popupOverlay.setPosition([stationInfo.lon, stationInfo.lat])
this.currMapClickEventItem = stationInfo //
if (!stationInfo.appEventDetailList) {
this.isGettingPopupDetail = true
const eventDetail = await this.getDetail(stationInfo.orid)
stationInfo.appEventDetailList = eventDetail.appEventDetailList
this.isGettingPopupDetail = false
closeMapPopup() {
// marker
getMarker(stationInfo) {
const { lon, lat } = stationInfo
const markerFeature = new Feature({
geometry: new Point([lon, lat]),
return markerFeature
// circle
getCircle(stationInfo) {
const { lon, lat } = stationInfo
const markerFeature = new Feature({
geometry: new Point([lon, lat]),
return markerFeature
// marker
getMarkerStyle() {
const src = MarkerImg.Car
return new Style({
image: new Icon({
scale: 0.8
<style lang="less" scoped>
.map-container {
height: 100%;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,850 @@
"success": true,
"message": "",
"code": 200,
"result": [
"evid": 11827659,
"orid": 11827659,
"magnitude": 3.38,
"magType": "ml",
"time": "2023-06-08 16:52:23",
"region": "NORTH KOREA",
"lat": 38.98,
"lon": 128.44,
"ms": -999.0,
"ml": 3.38,
"mb": 4.01,
"depth": 0.0,
"arsTable": 0,
"arsType": 0,
"arsTypeValue": "已告警",
"sourceType": "F",
"sourceTypeValue": "NDC快速产品",
"createTime": "2023-06-08 17:16:01",
"sourceAudit": 0,
"discardList": []
"evid": 11827486,
"orid": 11827486,
"magnitude": 3.29,
"magType": "ml",
"time": "2023-06-08 15:43:29",
"region": "NORTH KOREA",
"lat": 38.55,
"lon": 126.69,
"ms": -999.0,
"ml": 3.29,
"mb": -999.0,
"depth": 0.0,
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"createTime": "2023-06-08 15:52:00",
"sourceAudit": 1,
"discardList": [
{ "evid": 11827486, "reason": "Invalid detections", "auth": "wangxl", "lddate": "2023-06-08 15:58:25" }
"evid": 11827386,
"orid": 11827449,
"magnitude": 3.1,
"magType": "ml",
"time": "2023-06-08 14:00:07",
"lat": 45.96,
"lon": 128.39,
"ms": -999.0,
"ml": 3.1,
"mb": -999.0,
"depth": 0.0,
"arsTable": 1,
"arsType": 1,
"arsTypeValue": "真事件",
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"sourceTypeValue": "NDC快速产品",
"createTime": "2023-06-08 15:34:00",
"sourceAudit": 1,
"discardList": []
"evid": 11827339,
"orid": 11827432,
"magnitude": 1.4,
"magType": "ml",
"time": "2023-06-08 13:38:07",
"lat": 35.47,
"lon": -118.04,
"ms": -999.0,
"ml": 1.4,
"mb": -999.0,
"depth": 0.0,
"arsTable": 1,
"arsType": 1,
"arsTypeValue": "真事件",
"sourceType": "F",
"sourceTypeValue": "NDC快速产品",
"createTime": "2023-06-08 15:30:00",
"sourceAudit": 1,
"discardList": []
"evid": 11826874,
"orid": 11826874,
"magnitude": 4.52,
"magType": "ml",
"time": "2023-06-08 10:55:39",
"region": "NORTH KOREA",
"lat": 42.19,
"lon": 129.39,
"ms": -999.0,
"ml": 4.52,
"mb": -999.0,
"depth": 0.0,
"arsTable": 3,
"arsType": 2,
"arsTypeValue": "假事件",
"sourceType": "F",
"sourceTypeValue": "NDC快速产品",
"createTime": "2023-06-08 11:06:01",
"sourceAudit": 1,
"discardList": []
"evid": 11826521,
"orid": 11826521,
"magnitude": 3.34,
"magType": "ml",
"time": "2023-06-08 07:39:14",
"region": "NORTH KOREA",
"lat": 41.39,
"lon": 126.65,
"ms": -999.0,
"ml": 3.34,
"mb": -999.0,
"depth": 0.0,
"arsTable": 0,
"arsType": 0,
"arsTypeValue": "已告警",
"sourceType": "F",
"sourceTypeValue": "NDC快速产品",
"createTime": "2023-06-08 07:50:00",
"sourceAudit": 0,
"discardList": []
"evid": 11826346,
"orid": 11826655,
"magnitude": 2.42,
"magType": "ml",
"time": "2023-06-08 05:22:52",
"region": "NEVADA",
"lat": 40.01,
"lon": -115.65,
"ms": -999.0,
"ml": 2.42,
"mb": -999.0,
"depth": 0.0,
"arsTable": 2,
"arsType": 1,
"arsTypeValue": "真事件",
"sourceType": "F",
"sourceTypeValue": "NDC快速产品",
"createTime": "2023-06-08 09:06:00",
"sourceAudit": 1,
"discardList": []
"evid": 11826165,
"orid": 11826169,
"magnitude": 1.76,
"magType": "ml",
"time": "2023-06-08 05:05:17",
"region": "NEVADA",
"lat": 39.97,
"lon": -114.45,
"ms": -999.0,
"ml": 1.76,
"mb": 5.8,
"depth": 0.0,
"arsTable": 3,
"arsType": 2,
"arsTypeValue": "假事件",
"sourceType": "F",
"sourceTypeValue": "NDC快速产品",
"createTime": "2023-06-08 05:26:00",
"sourceAudit": 1,
"discardList": [{ "evid": 11826165, "reason": "系统自动拒绝", "auth": null, "lddate": null }]
"evid": 11826052,
"orid": 11826056,
"magnitude": 2.99,
"magType": "ml",
"time": "2023-06-08 04:32:29",
"region": "NORTH KOREA",
"lat": 41.3,
"lon": 129.24,
"ms": -999.0,
"ml": 2.99,
"mb": -999.0,
"depth": 0.0,
"arsTable": 3,
"arsType": 2,
"arsTypeValue": "假事件",
"sourceType": "F",
"sourceTypeValue": "NDC快速产品",
"createTime": "2023-06-08 04:42:00",
"sourceAudit": 1,
"discardList": []
"evid": 11825774,
"orid": 11825774,
"magnitude": 4.88,
"magType": "ml",
"time": "2023-06-08 02:06:57",
"region": "NORTH KOREA",
"lat": 40.82,
"lon": 129.76,
"ms": -999.0,
"ml": 4.88,
"mb": -999.0,
"depth": 0.0,
"arsTable": 3,
"arsType": 2,
"arsTypeValue": "假事件",
"sourceType": "F",
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"createTime": "2023-06-08 02:22:00",
"sourceAudit": 1,
"discardList": [
{ "evid": 11825774, "reason": "Invalid detections", "auth": "tangwei", "lddate": "2023-06-08 08:39:41" }
"evid": 11825682,
"orid": 11825682,
"magnitude": 3.3,
"magType": "mb",
"time": "2023-06-08 01:27:48",
"region": "NORTH KOREA",
"lat": 39.69,
"lon": 125.5,
"ms": -999.0,
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"mb": 3.3,
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"sourceTypeValue": "NDC快速产品",
"createTime": "2023-06-08 01:52:00",
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"magnitude": 3.61,
"magType": "ml",
"time": "2023-06-08 01:07:34",
"lat": 42.51,
"lon": 87.99,
"ms": -999.0,
"ml": 3.61,
"mb": 4.64,
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"arsTypeValue": "假事件",
"sourceType": "F",
"sourceTypeValue": "NDC快速产品",
"createTime": "2023-06-08 01:38:00",
"sourceAudit": 1,
"discardList": []
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"orid": 11826644,
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"magType": "ms",
"time": "2023-06-08 01:04:53",
"region": "JAWA, INDONESIA",
"lat": -8.85,
"lon": 110.56,
"ms": 5.32,
"ml": -999.0,
"mb": 5.48,
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"createTime": "2023-06-08 09:30:01",
"sourceAudit": 1,
"discardList": []
"evid": 11825495,
"orid": 11825495,
"magnitude": 3.19,
"magType": "ml",
"time": "2023-06-08 00:20:34",
"region": "NORTH KOREA",
"lat": 38.62,
"lon": 127.85,
"ms": -999.0,
"ml": 3.19,
"mb": 3.75,
"depth": 0.0,
"arsTable": 3,
"arsType": 2,
"arsTypeValue": "假事件",
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"createTime": "2023-06-08 00:36:00",
"sourceAudit": 1,
"discardList": [
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"evid": 11826286,
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"magType": "ml",
"time": "2023-06-07 23:54:40",
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"lon": -118.06,
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"time": "2023-06-07 23:31:23",
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"time": "2023-06-07 23:17:51",
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"ml": 3.62,
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"time": "2023-06-07 22:50:31",
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"sourceAudit": 1,
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"time": "2023-06-07 22:29:15",
"region": "NORTH KOREA",
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"lon": 129.51,
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"ml": 2.71,
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"discardList": [{ "evid": 11825252, "reason": "系统自动拒绝", "auth": null, "lddate": null }]
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"time": "2023-06-07 14:30:03",
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"time": "2023-06-07 13:45:20",
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"orid": 11823915,
"magnitude": 2.96,
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"time": "2023-06-07 10:24:54",
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"lat": 41.4,
"lon": 126.29,
"ms": -999.0,
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"createTime": "2023-06-07 10:42:00",
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"evid": 11823902,
"orid": 11824979,
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"magType": "ml",
"time": "2023-06-07 10:13:03",
"lat": 37.22,
"lon": -117.69,
"ms": -999.0,
"ml": 2.86,
"mb": -999.0,
"depth": 0.0,
"arsTable": 2,
"arsType": 1,
"arsTypeValue": "真事件",
"sourceType": "F",
"sourceTypeValue": "NDC快速产品",
"createTime": "2023-06-08 09:30:00",
"sourceAudit": 1,
"discardList": []
"evid": 11823741,
"orid": 11823741,
"magnitude": 1.73,
"magType": "ml",
"time": "2023-06-07 08:40:39",
"region": "UTAH",
"lat": 38.84,
"lon": -112.01,
"ms": -999.0,
"ml": 1.73,
"mb": -999.0,
"depth": 0.0,
"arsTable": 3,
"arsType": 2,
"arsTypeValue": "假事件",
"sourceType": "F",
"sourceTypeValue": "NDC快速产品",
"createTime": "2023-06-07 08:50:00",
"sourceAudit": 1,
"discardList": [
{ "evid": 11823741, "reason": "Invalid detections", "auth": "tangwei", "lddate": "2023-06-07 09:05:18" }
"evid": 11823738,
"orid": 11823738,
"magnitude": 4.83,
"magType": "ml",
"time": "2023-06-07 08:27:30",
"region": "NORTH KOREA",
"lat": 39.17,
"lon": 128.3,
"ms": -999.0,
"ml": 4.83,
"mb": -999.0,
"depth": 0.0,
"arsTable": 3,
"arsType": 2,
"arsTypeValue": "假事件",
"sourceType": "F",
"sourceTypeValue": "NDC快速产品",
"createTime": "2023-06-07 08:46:00",
"sourceAudit": 1,
"discardList": [
{ "evid": 11823738, "reason": "Invalid detections", "auth": "tangwei", "lddate": "2023-06-07 09:05:01" }
"evid": 11823458,
"orid": 11823458,
"magnitude": 3.38,
"magType": "ml",
"time": "2023-06-07 06:10:48",
"region": "SOUTHERN INDIA",
"lat": 23.81,
"lon": 79.03,
"ms": -999.0,
"ml": 3.38,
"mb": 4.13,
"depth": 0.0,
"arsTable": 3,
"arsType": 2,
"arsTypeValue": "假事件",
"sourceType": "F",
"sourceTypeValue": "NDC快速产品",
"createTime": "2023-06-07 06:26:00",
"sourceAudit": 1,
"discardList": [{ "evid": 11823458, "reason": "系统自动拒绝", "auth": null, "lddate": null }]
"evid": 11823228,
"orid": 11823228,
"magnitude": 2.41,
"magType": "ml",
"time": "2023-06-07 04:17:32",
"region": "NORTH KOREA",
"lat": 40.16,
"lon": 128.32,
"ms": -999.0,
"ml": 2.41,
"mb": -999.0,
"depth": 0.0,
"arsTable": 3,
"arsType": 2,
"arsTypeValue": "假事件",
"sourceType": "F",
"sourceTypeValue": "NDC快速产品",
"createTime": "2023-06-07 04:26:00",
"sourceAudit": 1,
"discardList": [
{ "evid": 11823228, "reason": "Invalid detections", "auth": "liuzh", "lddate": "2023-06-07 08:16:54" }
"evid": 11823233,
"orid": 11823233,
"magnitude": 4.3,
"magType": "mb",
"time": "2023-06-07 04:07:35",
"region": "SOUTHERN NEVADA",
"lat": 37.59,
"lon": -115.95,
"ms": -999.0,
"ml": -999.0,
"mb": 4.3,
"depth": 0.0,
"arsTable": 3,
"arsType": 2,
"arsTypeValue": "假事件",
"sourceType": "F",
"sourceTypeValue": "NDC快速产品",
"createTime": "2023-06-07 04:30:00",
"sourceAudit": 1,
"discardList": [
{ "evid": 11823233, "reason": "Invalid detections", "auth": "liuzh", "lddate": "2023-06-07 08:16:41" }
"evid": 11823169,
"orid": 11823169,
"magnitude": 3.45,
"magType": "ml",
"time": "2023-06-07 03:30:34",
"region": "NORTH KOREA",
"lat": 39.65,
"lon": 127.38,
"ms": -999.0,
"ml": 3.45,
"mb": 3.78,
"depth": 0.0,
"arsTable": 3,
"arsType": 2,
"arsTypeValue": "假事件",
"sourceType": "F",
"sourceTypeValue": "NDC快速产品",
"createTime": "2023-06-07 03:50:00",
"sourceAudit": 1,
"discardList": [
{ "evid": 11823169, "reason": "Invalid association", "auth": "liuzh", "lddate": "2023-06-07 08:16:25" }
"evid": 11823157,
"orid": 11823157,
"magnitude": 3.68,
"magType": "ml",
"time": "2023-06-07 03:28:49",
"region": "NORTH KOREA",
"lat": 41.96,
"lon": 127.28,
"ms": -999.0,
"ml": 3.68,
"mb": -999.0,
"depth": 0.0,
"arsTable": 3,
"arsType": 2,
"arsTypeValue": "假事件",
"sourceType": "F",
"sourceTypeValue": "NDC快速产品",
"createTime": "2023-06-07 03:40:00",
"sourceAudit": 1,
"discardList": [{ "evid": 11823157, "reason": "系统自动拒绝", "auth": null, "lddate": null }]
"evid": 11823074,
"orid": 11823074,
"magnitude": 1.68,
"magType": "ml",
"time": "2023-06-07 02:38:21",
"lat": 37.57,
"lon": -117.61,
"ms": -999.0,
"ml": 1.68,
"mb": -999.0,
"depth": 0.0,
"arsTable": 3,
"arsType": 2,
"arsTypeValue": "假事件",
"sourceType": "F",
"sourceTypeValue": "NDC快速产品",
"createTime": "2023-06-07 02:46:00",
"sourceAudit": 1,
"discardList": [{ "evid": 11823074, "reason": "系统自动拒绝", "auth": null, "lddate": null }]
"evid": 11822776,
"orid": 11822776,
"magnitude": 3.51,
"magType": "ml",
"time": "2023-06-07 00:14:18",
"region": "NORTH KOREA",
"lat": 39.91,
"lon": 126.42,
"ms": -999.0,
"ml": 3.51,
"mb": 3.14,
"depth": 0.0,
"arsTable": 3,
"arsType": 2,
"arsTypeValue": "假事件",
"sourceType": "F",
"sourceTypeValue": "NDC快速产品",
"createTime": "2023-06-07 00:42:00",
"sourceAudit": 1,
"discardList": [
{ "evid": 11822776, "reason": "Invalid detections", "auth": "liuzh", "lddate": "2023-06-07 08:15:50" }
"evid": 11822801,
"orid": 11822801,
"magnitude": 3.73,
"magType": "ml",
"time": "2023-06-06 23:55:13",
"lat": 23.11,
"lon": 92.02,
"ms": -999.0,
"ml": 3.73,
"mb": -999.0,
"depth": 0.0,
"arsTable": 3,
"arsType": 2,
"arsTypeValue": "假事件",
"sourceType": "F",
"sourceTypeValue": "NDC快速产品",
"createTime": "2023-06-07 00:52:00",
"sourceAudit": 1,
"discardList": [
{ "evid": 11822801, "reason": "Invalid detections", "auth": "liuzh", "lddate": "2023-06-07 08:15:38" }
"evid": 11822450,
"orid": 11822459,
"magnitude": 3.18,
"magType": "ml",
"time": "2023-06-06 21:24:45",
"region": "WESTERN IRAN",
"lat": 33.67,
"lon": 48.63,
"ms": -999.0,
"ml": 3.18,
"mb": 4.33,
"depth": 0.0,
"arsTable": 1,
"arsType": 1,
"arsTypeValue": "真事件",
"sourceType": "F",
"sourceTypeValue": "NDC快速产品",
"createTime": "2023-06-06 21:58:00",
"sourceAudit": 1,
"discardList": []
"evid": 11822445,
"orid": 11822446,
"magnitude": 3.25,
"magType": "ml",
"time": "2023-06-06 21:24:25",
"lat": 30.61,
"lon": 48.2,
"ms": -999.0,
"ml": 3.25,
"mb": 4.57,
"depth": 0.0,
"arsTable": 3,
"arsType": 2,
"arsTypeValue": "假事件",
"sourceType": "F",
"sourceTypeValue": "NDC快速产品",
"createTime": "2023-06-06 21:46:00",
"sourceAudit": 1,
"discardList": [{ "evid": 11822445, "reason": "系统自动拒绝", "auth": null, "lddate": null }]
"evid": 11822343,
"orid": 11822343,
"magnitude": 2.93,
"magType": "ml",
"time": "2023-06-06 20:12:42",
"region": "NORTH KOREA",
"lat": 40.29,
"lon": 129.07,
"ms": -999.0,
"ml": 2.93,
"mb": -999.0,
"depth": 0.0,
"arsTable": 3,
"arsType": 2,
"arsTypeValue": "假事件",
"sourceType": "F",
"sourceTypeValue": "NDC快速产品",
"createTime": "2023-06-06 20:26:00",
"sourceAudit": 1,
"discardList": [
{ "evid": 11822343, "reason": "Invalid detections", "auth": "liuzh", "lddate": "2023-06-06 21:33:23" }
"evid": 11822272,
"orid": 11822274,
"magnitude": 1.81,
"magType": "ml",
"time": "2023-06-06 19:14:05",
"lat": 38.99,
"lon": -118.19,
"ms": -999.0,
"ml": 1.81,
"mb": 7.27,
"depth": 0.0,
"arsTable": 3,
"arsType": 2,
"arsTypeValue": "假事件",
"sourceType": "F",
"sourceTypeValue": "NDC快速产品",
"createTime": "2023-06-06 19:36:00",
"sourceAudit": 1,
"discardList": [{ "evid": 11822272, "reason": "系统自动拒绝", "auth": null, "lddate": null }]
"timestamp": 1686217634834

View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
import Car from '@/assets/images/station-operation/car.png'
import GroudMonitoringStation from '@/assets/images/station-operation/groud-monitoring-station.png'
import ImsRnStation from '@/assets/images/station-operation/ims-rn-station.png'
import NuclearFacility from '@/assets/images/station-operation/nuclear-facility.png'
import Ship from '@/assets/images/station-operation/ship.png'
export {

View File

@ -1,3 +1,421 @@
<div class="station-operation">
<!-- 左侧列表 -->
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<template slot="expandIcon">
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<!-- All Date -->
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<div class="title">
<div class="title-text">All Date</div>
<div class="title-rect">
<div class="title-operator">
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<div @click.stop="searchVisible = !searchVisible">
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<ScrollContainer direction="verticle" class="date-list">
<div class="date-list-content">
<div class="date-list-item" v-for="item of dateList" :key="item.id">
<h4 class="date-list-item-title">
{{ item.stationName }}
<div class="date-list-item-container">
<div class="date-list-item-content">
<div class="date-list-item-children">
<div class="date-list-item-child">
<label>Station Type:</label>
<span>{{ item.stationType }}</span>
<div class="date-list-item-child" style="word-break: break-all">
<span>{{ item.altitude }}</span>
<div class="date-list-item-children">
<div class="date-list-item-child">
<label>Lon And Lat:</label>
<span>{{ item.lon }} {{ item.lat }}</span>
<div class="date-list-item-children">
<div class="date-list-item-child">
<span class="green">{{ item.status }}</span>
<div class="date-list-item-child">
<span class="green">{{ item.signal }}</span>
<custom-empty v-if="!dateList || !dateList.length" style="margin-top: 40px"></custom-empty>
<div class="shadow"></div>
<!-- All Date End -->
<!-- Focus Date -->
<a-collapse-panel key="2">
<template slot="header">
<div class="title">
<div class="title-text" style="width: 180px">Focus Date</div>
<div class="title-rect">
<ScrollContainer direction="verticle" class="date-list">
<div class="date-list-content">
<div class="date-list-item" v-for="item of dateList" :key="item.id">
<h4 class="date-list-item-title">
{{ item.stationName }}
<div class="date-list-item-container">
<div class="date-list-item-content">
<div class="date-list-item-children">
<div class="date-list-item-child">
<label>Station Type:</label>
<span>{{ item.stationType }}</span>
<div class="date-list-item-child" style="word-break: break-all">
<span>{{ item.altitude }}</span>
<div class="date-list-item-children">
<div class="date-list-item-child">
<label>Lon And Lat:</label>
<span>{{ item.lon }} {{ item.lat }}</span>
<div class="date-list-item-children">
<div class="date-list-item-child">
<span class="green">{{ item.status }}</span>
<div class="date-list-item-child">
<span class="green">{{ item.signal }}</span>
<custom-empty v-if="!dateList || !dateList.length" style="margin-top: 40px"></custom-empty>
<div class="shadow"></div>
<!-- Focus Date End -->
<!-- 右侧地图 -->
<div class="station-operation-map">
<Map />
import Map from './components/Map.vue'
import ScrollContainer from '@/components/ScrollContainer/index.vue'
const dateList = new Array(5).fill(0).map(() => ({
id: 1,
stationName: 'ARP01',
stationType: 'IMS Station',
altitude: '596m',
lon: 139.079722,
lat: 36.299972,
status: 'Operation',
signal: 'Normally'
dateList.forEach((item, index) => (item.id = index))
export default {
components: {
data() {
return {
activeKey: '1',
isGettingDateList: false,
dateList: dateList,
searchVisible: false
methods: {
// All Date
onSearch() {
this.searchVisible = false
// All Date
onFilter() {}
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View File

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View File

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