@@ -10,7 +12,28 @@
export default {
data() {
return {
- content: '',
+ content:"1. All times shall be reported in UTC, all combined uncertainties shall be reported with k=1. \n\n"+
+ "2. Common reference time for reporting activity concentrations is the sample collection period, assuming constant concentration and "+
+ "collection during sampling. Accordincly, decay corrections area applied for acquisition, decay and sampling. The decay correction factors "+
+ "that should be used to decay correct activity concentrations (and MDCs, if applicable) to the collection period, are as follows, as in "+
+ "CTBT/PTS/INF.58/Rev.8, quoted here as multiplicative factors: \n\n"+
+ "3. In case of Xenon intercomparison exercises?the reference time will be provided by the PTS and only decay corrections Kw and Kc are needed. \n\n"+
+ "KS Decay correction during sampling time,\n\n"+
+ "KW Decay correction between end of sampling and acquisition start (decay time).\n\n"+
+ "KC Decay correction during acquisition (counting) time,\n\n"+
+ "4. For uncertainty budget callculation please see also CTBT/PTS/INF.96/Rev 9\n\n",
+ content1:"\n1. All times shall be reported in UTC, all combined uncertainties shall be reported with k=1. \n\n",
+ content2:"2. Common reference time for reporting activity concentrations is the sample collection period, assuming constant concentration and "+
+ "collection during sampling. Accordincly, decay corrections area applied for acquisition, decay and sampling. The decay correction factors "+
+ "that should be used to decay correct activity concentrations (and MDCs, if applicable) to the collection period, are as follows, as in "+
+ "CTBT/PTS/INF.58/Rev.8, quoted here as multiplicative factors: \n\n",
+ content3:"3. In case of Xenon intercomparison exercises?the reference time will be provided by the PTS and only decay corrections "+
+ "Kw and Kc are needed.\n",
+ content4:"KS Decay correction during sampling time,\n\n",
+ content5:"KW Decay correction between end of sampling and acquisition start (decay time).\n\n",
+ content6:"KC Decay correction during acquisition (counting) time,\n",
+ content7:"4. For uncertainty budget callculation please see also CTBT/PTS/INF.96/Rev 9\n\n",
isLoading: true
@@ -25,6 +48,16 @@ export default {
padding: 5px;
overflow: auto;
background-color: #285367;
+ word-wrap: break-word;
+ white-space: pre-wrap;
+ .span{
+ font-family:'Sans Serif';
+ font-size:9pt;
+ display: flex;
+ }
+ .one{
+ font-style:italic;
+ }
diff --git a/src/views/spectrumAnalysis/components/Modals/BetaGammaModals/BetaGammaRLRModal/index.vue b/src/views/spectrumAnalysis/components/Modals/BetaGammaModals/BetaGammaRLRModal/index.vue
index 6e953f6..0bcc804 100644
--- a/src/views/spectrumAnalysis/components/Modals/BetaGammaModals/BetaGammaRLRModal/index.vue
+++ b/src/views/spectrumAnalysis/components/Modals/BetaGammaModals/BetaGammaRLRModal/index.vue
@@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ import Methods from './components/Methods.vue'
import AdditionalInfo from './components/AdditionalInfo.vue'
import Notes from './components/Notes.vue'
import { getAction } from '@/api/manage'
+import { TagsInputCell } from '@/components/jeecg/JVxeTable/components/cells/JVxeTagsCell'
const tabs = [
'General Infomation',
@@ -83,8 +84,8 @@ export default {
props: {
- sampleId: {
- type: Number
+ sampleData: {
+ type: Object
data() {
@@ -92,9 +93,21 @@ export default {
return {
activeKey: 0,
detail: {},
- isLoading: false
+ isLoading: false,
+ text: "- All dates and times shall be given in UTC \n"+
+ "- If a Xe isotope is not detected, i.e., below Lc, then leave the related activity and activity concentration fields for this isotope empty. \n"+
+ "- Activity shall be decay corrected to radioactive Xe measuring start \n"+
+ "- Activity concentrations shall be decay corrected to sampling period, under the assumption of a constant concentration during sampling; or a reference time if provided (see also Notes below) \n"+
+ "- MDAs shall be decay corrected to radioactive Xe measuring start \n"+
+ "- MDCs shall be decay corrected to the sampling period, under the assumption of a constant concentration during sampling; or a reference time if provided \n"+
+ "- LC shall be decay corrected to the sampling period, under the assumption of a constant concentration during sampling; or a reference time if provided \n"+
+ "- Isotopic ratios shall be decay corrected to sampling period, under the assumption of a constant concentration during sampling; or a reference time if provided (see also Notes below) \n"+
+ "- Uncertainties values shall be reported as relative standard uncertainties (k=1) and shall include associated combined uncertainties \n"
+ mounted(){
+ this.getInfo()
+ },
methods: {
beforeModalOpen() {
this.activeKey = 0
@@ -104,9 +117,22 @@ export default {
async getInfo() {
try {
this.isLoading = true
- const { success, result, message } = await getAction('/spectrumAnalysis/viewRLR', { sampleId: this.sampleId })
+ let param = {
+ sampleId: this.sampleData.sampleId,
+ sampleFileName: this.sampleData.sampleFileName,
+ gasFileName: this.sampleData.gasFileName,
+ detFileName: this.sampleData.detFileName
+ }
+ param = {
+ sampleId: null,
+ sampleFileName: "AUX04_005-20230907_1404_S_FULL_40184.PHD",
+ gasFileName: "AUX04_005-20230907_0204_G_FULL_40189.4.PHD",
+ detFileName: "AUX04_005-20220422_1327_D_FULL_259525.PHD"
+ }
+ const { success, result, message } = await getAction('/spectrumAnalysis/viewRLR', param)
if (success) {
this.detail = result
+ this.detail.text = this.text
this.isLoading = false
} else {
diff --git a/src/views/spectrumAnalysis/index.vue b/src/views/spectrumAnalysis/index.vue
index 610173b..272d86d 100644
--- a/src/views/spectrumAnalysis/index.vue
+++ b/src/views/spectrumAnalysis/index.vue
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@
@@ -355,7 +355,7 @@ export default {
betaGammaSpectrumModalVisible: false, // beta-gamma spectrum 弹窗
betaGammaSampleInfomationModalVisible: false, // beta-gamma sample infomation 弹窗
betaGammaQCResultsModalVisible: false, // beta-gamma QC Result 弹窗
- betaGammaRlrModalVisible: false, // beta-gamma RLR 弹窗
+ betaGammaRlrModalVisible: true, // beta-gamma RLR 弹窗
statisticsParamerHistoryModalVisible: false // beta-gamma Statistics Paramer History 弹窗