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#include "gamma_alg_global.h"
namespace Independ {
// 峰曲线绘制相关函数功能是取比1道更密集的点
//stdvec interp1(PeakInfo peak, arma::vec regBase, arma::vec u);
arma::mat pchip(arma::mat x, arma::mat y, arma::mat xx = arma::mat(0u, 0u));
/* function d = pchipslopes(x,y,del)
* PCHIPSLOPES Derivative values for shape-preserving Piecewise Cubic Hermite Interpolation.
* d = pchipslopes(x,y,del) computes the first derivatives, d(k) = P'(x(k)). */
arma::rowvec pchipslopes(arma::rowvec x, arma::rowvec y, arma::rowvec del);
/* @syntax [y, s] = calFcnEval(x, p)
* @param x independent variable at which the calibration function shall be
* evaluated
* @param p parameter vector, where p(1) is the function type indicator
* @return y dependent variable
* @return s status 0: invalid parameters, 1: valid parameters */
arma::mat calFcnEval(arma::mat x, arma::colvec para);
/* list:
* ID p equation
* 1 x1 y1 x2 y2 ... interpolation
* 2 a0 a1 ... polynomial
* 3 a0 a1 ... square root polynomial
* 4 a0 a1 ... square root of polynomial
* 5 A E1 E2 k n A*exp(-(E1/x)^k)*(1-exp(-(E2/n)^n))
* 6 a0 a1 ... ploynomial in log(y) against log(x)
* 7 a0 a1 ... polynomial in log(y) against 1/x
* 8 a0 a1 ... c polynomial in log(y) against log(c/x)
* 9 a b ex ey inverse exponential 1/(a*x^(-ex)+b*x^(-ey))
* 93 A E0 E1 k m HAE(1-2) efficiency
* 94 A E0 E2 E3 k n HAE(1-3) efficiency
* 95 A E0 E1 E2 E3 l m n HAE(1-2-3) Efficiency
* 96 A B n inverse power
* 97 a0 a1 l1 a2 l2 ... exponential sum
* 98 c constant
* 99 ECut E0 k linear with cutoff
* @syntax [s, msg, ft, para] = calParaCheck(p)
* @param p calibration parameter vector
* @return s status 0: invalid parameters, 1: valid parameters
* @return msg error message string
* @return ft function type identifier
* @return para parameter vector */
bool calParaCheck(arma::vec p);
/* wrapper function for spline baseline contribution
* returns the spline baseline component, assuming no steps above control
* points. I.e. the spline component has to be substracted from the
* control points beforehand.
* @syntax y = wrapBaseSpline(x, cx, cy, cdy)
* @param x channels to evaluate spline baseline contribution
* @param cx control points x position
* @param cy control points y position
* @param cdy control points slopes
* @return y spline baseline contribution at channels x */
arma::mat wrapBaseSpline(arma::mat x, arma::mat cx, arma::mat cy, arma::mat cdy);
/*function bpp = makeBasePP(cx, cy, cdy, pc, pfwhmc, pstep)
* turn baseline control data points into piecewise polynomial
* The baseline is defined as the sum of peak steps plus a spline component.
* This function returns the spline component as a piecewise polynomial, that
* can efficiently be evaluated using ppval, saving repetition of the
* calculations performed here.
* @syntax bpp = makeBasePP(cx, cy, cdy, pc, pfwhmc, pstep)
* @param cx baseline control points x values (channels)
* @param cy baseline control points y values (counts)
* @param cdy derivative at breakpoints, NaN at normal control points
* @param pc peak centroids
* @param pfwhmc peak FWHMa in channel units
* @param pstep peak step heights
* @return bpp piecewise polynomial describing spline component of baseline*/
PiecePoly makeBasePP(arma::vec cx, arma::vec cy, arma::mat cdy, arma::mat pc, arma::mat pfwhmc, arma::mat pstep);
/* @syntax s = peakSteps(x, pC, pFWHM, pSt)
* @param x channels at which step shall be evaluated
* @param pC centroids of peaks
* @param pFWHM full widths at half maximum (FWHM) of peaks
* @param pSt step heights
* @return s step counts */
arma::mat peakSteps(arma::mat x, arma::mat pC, arma::mat pFWHM, arma::mat pSt);
/* @syntax y = gaussInt(x, s)
* @param x upper border of integration interval
* @param s sigma (square root of variance) of the gaussian bell function
* @return y integral from -inf to x of G(t,s) dt */
arma::mat gaussInt(arma::mat x, double s);
/* @syntax y = peakBaseSpline(x,bpp,na,ct,fc,st,lt,lta,ut,uta,bw,rb,rd)
* @param x channels at which approximate spectrum shall be evaluated
* @param bpp spline component of the baseline, as piecewise polynomial to be
* evaluated with ppval
* @param na peak net areas
* @param ct peak centroids (channels)
* @param fc peak fwhms in channel units
* @param st peak step heights
* @param lt peak tailing parameters (lower tail)
* @param lta peak tailing alpha (lower tail)
* @param ut peak tailing parameters (upper tail)
* @param uta peak tailing alpha (upper tail)
* @param bw breit-wigner width (channels)
* @param rb recoil-induced tail slope (1/channels)
* @param rd delta-channels for left-hand neutron-peak model (channels)
* @return y counts of the spectrum approximation */
arma::mat peakBaseSpline(arma::mat x, PiecePoly bpp, arma::vec na, arma::vec ct, arma::vec fc, arma::vec st,
arma::vec lt, arma::vec lta, arma::vec ut, arma::vec uta, arma::vec bw, arma::vec rb, arma::vec rd);
/* function y = peakShape(x, ct, s, lt, lta, ut, uta, g, rb, rd)
* peakShape - aatami's peak shape
* Peak shape can be one of the following models:
* 1 pure gaussian
* 2 pure voigt (breit-wigner convoluted with gaussian)
* 3 1 or 2 with left or right tailing
* 4 neutron-induced peak model
* 1) the counts are normally distributed around the centroid ct with
* standard deviation s.
* 2) the initial counts have breit-wigner distribution with gamma-parameter g.
* detector response is a convolute with gaussian with standard deviation s.
* The difference between pure gaussian and voigt is added.
* 3) below Channel C0 = ct-s/lt, the gaussian part of the peak is replaced
* by a subexponential tail of the form b*exp(-k*(c'-x)^lta)
* where 0<lta<=1 is the tailing exponent.
* similarly, above channel C1 = ct+s/ut, the gaussian part is replaced
* by a subexponential tail with paramters ut and uta.
* 4) if rb and rd are finite, the peak has the shape of the convolution of
* the following function with a gaussian with standard deviation s:
* 0 for x < ct-rd
* n * ( x -(ct-rd) ) for ct - rd < x < ct
* n * exp(-rb*(x-ct)) for x > ct
* where n = 1/ (rd/2 + 1/rb) is the normalization factor.
* @syntax y = peakShape(x, ct, s, lt, lta, ut, uta, g)
* @param x channel at which function shall be evaluated
* @param ct centroid of gaussian peak
* @param s standard deviation of gaussian peak
* @param lt tail parameter for lower (left) tail
* @param lta decrease factor for lower (left) tail
* @param ut tail parameter for upper (right) tail
* @param uta decrease factor for upper (right) tail
* @param g breit-wigner width, gamma (channels)
* @return y peak count expectation in channels x */
arma::mat peakShape(arma::mat x, double ct, double s, double lt, double lta, double ut,
double uta, double g, double rb = qQNaN(), double rd = qQNaN());
/* @syntax ct = neutronModel(x, C, sigma, beta, dC)
* @param x channels at which peak shape shall be evaluated
* @param C centroid of unconvoluted peak
* @param sigma sigma of the convolution gaussian
* @param beta beta of the exponential tail
* @param dC width of the linear left tail
* @return ct densitiy function of peak in channels x */
arma::mat neutronModel(arma::mat x, double C, double sigma, double beta, double dC);
/* @syntax y = gaussianModel(x, ct, s, lt, lta, ut, uta, g)
* @param x channels at which to evaluate peak shape
* @param ct peak centroid
* @param s gaussian sigma
* @param lt left tail parameter
* @param lta left tail exponent
* @param ut right tail parameter
* @param uta right tail expontent
* @param g gamma (channels) of the breit-wigner
* @return y peak shape at channels x */
arma::mat gaussianModel(arma::mat x, double ct, double s, double lt,
double lta, double ut, double uta, double g);
/* convolution of exponential function with gaussian
* area = 1/beta;
* @syntax ct = convExponential(x, sigma, beta)
* @param x channels
* @param sigma sigma of the gaussian
* @param beta slope of the exponential
* @return ct convolution */
arma::mat convExponential(arma::mat x, double sigma, double beta);
/* convolution of triangular function with gaussian
* area = dC/2
* @syntax ct = convLin(x, sigma, dC)
* @param x channels
* @param sigma sigma of the gaussian
* @param dC width of the triangle */
arma::mat convLin(arma::mat x, double sigma, double dC);
/* convert tailing parameter to distance of junction
* @syntax J = lTailToJunct(s, t)
* @param s sigma
* @param t tailing paramter
* @return J distance of junction point from centroid */
double lTailToJunct(double s, double t);
/* @syntax alpha_use = lCheckAlpha(alpha)
* @param alpha tailing alpha parameter
* @return alpha_use alpha if in range, 1, if above, and lower treshold else */
double lCheckAlpha(double alpha);
/* NORMPDF Normal probability density function (pdf).
* Y = NORMPDF(X,MU,SIGMA) Returns the normal pdf with mean, MU,
* and standard deviation, SIGMA, at the values in X.
* The size of Y is the common size of the input arguments. A scalar input
* functions as a constant matrix of the same size as the other inputs.
* Default values for MU and SIGMA are 0 and 1 respectively. */
arma::mat NORMPDF(arma::mat X, double MU = 0, double SIGMA = 1);
/* function [errorcode,out1,out2,out3,out4] = distchck(nparms,arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4)
* DISTCHCK Checks the argument list for the probability functions. */
bool distchck(arma::mat& out1, arma::mat &out2, arma::mat &out3, arma::mat &out4, int nparms,
arma::mat arg1, arma::mat arg2 = arma::mat(0, 0),
arma::mat arg3 = arma::mat(0, 0), arma::mat arg4 = arma::mat(0, 0));
/* @syntax areaXray = xrayAreaCorrection(sd, gamma)
* @param sd standard deviation of the Gaussian width of the peak (channels)
* @param gamma Breit-Wiegner width (channels) of the X-ray line
* @return areaXray Area of the non-Gaussian component of an X-ray peak */
double xrayAreaCorrection(double sd, double gamma);
/* @syntax [v_g, width]=voigt_gauss(x,x0,sigma,gamma)
* @param x channels at which the function shall be evaluated
* @param x0 Centroid of the Gaussian distribution (channels)
* @param sigma Standard Deviation of the Gaussian distribution (in channels)
* @param gamma Width of the Lorentzian function (typically 50 - 100 eV)
* in channels
* @return v_g (Voigt - Gauss)
* @return width Full-Width Half-Maximum of the Voigt function, in channels */
arma::mat voigt_gauss(double &width, arma::mat x,
double x0, double sigma, double gamma);
arma::mat calDerivEval(arma::mat x, arma::colvec p);
/* @syntax [para,beta0,free_idx,beta_idx,NPara,argpt] = lParsePara(arg,argptin)
* @param arg cell vector of arguments of fitFunction
* @param argptin pointer to first parameter argument (index)
* @return para cell vector of parameters
* @return beta0 vector of initial values of free parameters
* @return free_idx index of beta0 into para
* @return indizes of arguments into para */
void lParsePara(arma::vec &beta0, arma::field<arma::urowvec> &beta_idx, arma::field<arma::vec> para, arma::field<arma::uvec> free_idx);
/* @syntax [sw, wt, uw, w, rs] = lParseOpt(arg, argpt, sz, idx)
* @param arg cell vector of arguments
* @param argpt pointer to next argument cell
* @param sz size of y data vector
* @param idx index of bad data points, to be stripped from weights
* @return sw show waitbar flag
* @return wt waitbar text
* @return uw use weights flag
* @return w vector of weights
* @return rs restricted fitting flag */
void lParseOpt(int &sw, int &uw, arma::mat &w, int &rs,
QStringList Opt, arma::mat weights, int sz, arma::umat idx);
/* @syntax para = lBetaToPara(beta, parain, free_idx, beta_idx, NPara)
* @param beta vector of values of free parameters
* @param parain cell vector of parameter vectors
* @param free_idx cell vector of indizes of free components in para
* @param beta_idx cell vector of indizes of free components in beta
* @param NPara length of para */
arma::field<arma::vec> lBetaToPara(arma::vec beta, arma::field<arma::vec> parain,
arma::field<arma::uvec> free_idx, arma::field<arma::urowvec> beta_idx, int NPara);
/* @syntax [s, p1, ..., pn, X2, r, J] = fitFunction(x,y,model,ip1, f1, ...
* ipn, fn, Opt1, [OptVal1], ...)
* @param x data points x values (independent variable)
* @param y data points y values (dependent variable)
* @param model name of function implementing the data model
* @param ip_i initial values for i'th parameter of model (must not be string)
* @param f_i index of parameters in i parameter vector p_n that shall be varied
* @param Opt_i string describing an option that possibly takes an argument
* @param OptVal_i value for i'th option, options are:
* 'Waitbar', value: title string for waitbar (else don't show waitbar)
* 'Weights', value: vector of weiths, else no weighted fitting
* 'Restrict' (no value) restrict free parameter values to positive values
* @return s status of success
* @return p_i value of the i'th parameter set after fitting
* @return X2 mean square relative residual
* @return J jacobian with respect to the free parameters */
bool fitFunction(arma::field<arma::vec> &para, double &X2, arma::field<arma::uvec> free_idx, arma::vec x, arma::vec y, QString model,
QStringList Opt = QStringList(), QString waittext = "", arma::mat weights = arma::mat(0, 0));
arma::vec FitModel(QString model, arma::vec x, arma::field<arma::vec> para);
/* call to peakBaseSpline with step ratios instead of step heights
* Wraps up a call to peakBaseSpline. Parameters are exactly the same, except
* that instead of peak step heights the peak step ratios are given. These
* are transformed to Step Heights according to
* Step Height = Step Ratio * Net Area
* Allows to automatically update the step height in net area fitting.
* @syntax y=wrapStepRatio(x,cx,cy,cdy,na,ct,fc,sr,lt,lta,ut,uta,db,rb,rd)
* @param x channels
* @param cx baseline control points x data
* @param cy baseline control points y data
* @param cdy slope at control points
* @param na peak net areas
* @param ct peak centroids
* @param fc peak fwhm in channels
* @param sr peak step ratios
* @param lt peak lower tailing parameters
* @param lta peak lower tailing alphas
* @param ut peak upper tailing parameters
* @param uta peak upper tailing alphas
* @param db peak doppler broadening in channels
* @param rb recoil peak model beta
* @param rd recoil peak model delta
* @return y peak and baseline counts in channels x */
arma::mat wrapStepRatio(arma::vec x, arma::vec cx, arma::vec cy, arma::vec cdy,
arma::vec na, arma::vec ct, arma::vec fc, arma::vec sr, arma::vec lt,
arma::vec lta, arma::vec ut, arma::vec uta, arma::vec db, arma::vec rb, arma::vec rd);
/* peakBaseLin - peak with linear baseline
* cnt = peakBaseLin(CHAN, BL, NA, C, F) returns the counts in channels CHAN
* for peaks with net areas NA, centroids C and channel resolutions F
* above a linear baseline:
* n exp(-(i-C(j))^2/(2*sigma(j)))
* cnt(i)=a+b*i+ sum NA(j)* --------------------------
* j=1 sqrt(2 pi sigma(j)^2)
* where BL = [b, a];
* and sigma(j)=F(j)/sqrt(8log(2));
* @syntax cnt = peakBaseLin(chan, BL, NA, C, F)
* @param chan channels at which peak plus baseline shall be evaluated
* @param BL baseline parameters [b, a]
* @param NA peak net areas
* @param C peak centroids
* @param F peak fwhms in channel units
* @author Andreas Pelikan */
arma::mat peakBaseLin(arma::mat chan, arma::vec BL, arma::vec NA, arma::vec C, arma::vec F);
/* @syntax bc = abkcnt(BL,CT,FC)
* @syntax bc = abkcnt(BL,CT,FC,k)
* @param BL baseline counts in every channel
* @param CT peak centroids
* @param FC peak fwhms in channel units
* @param k background count width (default 1.25)
* @return bc total background counts */
arma::mat abkcnt(arma::rowvec BL, arma::vec CT, arma::vec FC, double k = 1.25);
/* @syntax s = vecsum(y, l, h)
* @param y data vector
* @param l lower integration border (not necessarily integer)
* @param h upper integration border (not necessarily integer)
* @return s integral from l to h of the histogramm of y; size is the common size of l and h */
arma::mat vecsum(arma::rowvec y, arma::vec l, arma::vec h);
/* Create interpolation parameters for a data set
* Transform a dataset to a aatami calibration parameter vector and it's error
* @syntax [s, msg, p, perr] = lMakeInterp(sn, cal, data) */
bool lMakeInterp(arma::mat &p, arma::mat &perr, arma::vec x, arma::vec y, arma::vec err);
/* =====================================================刻度拟合======================================================== */
/* @syntax [s, msg, p, perr] = calFitPara(cal, x, y, err)
* @param cal calibration name
* @param x independent variable data
* @param y dependent variable data
* @param err data error
* @return s status of fitting
* @return msg error message
* @return p parameter
* @return perr parameter error */
//bool calFitPara(arma::vec &p, arma::vec &perr, CalibrationType cal, arma::mat calData);
bool calFitPara(arma::vec &p, arma::vec &perr, CalibrationType cal, arma::vec x, arma::vec y, arma::vec err = arma::vec(),
arma::vec p0 = arma::vec(), arma::vec perr0 = arma::vec(), arma::urowvec idx = arma::urowvec());
/* @syntax [s, msg, pIni] = lGetIniPara(cal, x, y)
* @param cal calibration string
* @param x independend variable data
* @param y dependent variable data
* @return s status 0: failed, 1: succeeded
* @return msg error message
* @return pIni initial parameter vector */
bool lGetIniPara(arma::colvec &pIni, CalibrationType cal, arma::colvec x, arma::colvec y);
/* @syntax [issp,s,msg,p,perr]=lHandleSpecial(cal,x,y,err,p0,pErr0,idx,np)
* @param cal calibration string
* @param x independent variable data
* @param y dependent variable data
* @param err data error
* @param p0 initial parameter estimate
* @param pErr0 initial parameter error estimate
* @param idx index of paramters to be fitted
* @param np flag if initial parameters are user-specified
* @return issp flag 0: not a special case, 1: special case
* @return s status 0: failed, 1: succeeded
* @return msg error message
* @return p parameter vector
* @return perr parameter error vector */
bool lHandleSpecial(bool &issp, arma::colvec &p, arma::colvec &perr, CalibrationType cal, arma::colvec x, arma::colvec y,
arma::colvec err, arma::colvec p0, arma::colvec pErr0, arma::urowvec idx, bool np = true);
/* @syntax [s, msg, p, perr, x2] = lFitStandard(x, y, err, p0, pErr0, idx)
* @param x s data points
* @param y y data points
* @param err data error estimates
* @param p0 initial parameter estimate (first entry function type)
* @param pErr0 initial parameter error estimate
* @param idx index of free parameters (starting with 2) */
bool lFitStandard(arma::colvec &p, arma::colvec &perr, double &x2, arma::colvec x, arma::colvec y,
arma::colvec err, arma::colvec p0, arma::colvec pErr0, arma::urowvec idx);
/* @syntax [perr, RMS, X2, cv] = calEstimateError(p, x, y, err)
* @syntax [perr, RMS, X2, cv] = calEstimateError(p, x, y, err, idx)
* @param p calibration parameter coefficients, including function type code
* @param x data points x data
* @param y data points y data
* @param err data points error (not yet taken into account)
* @param idx optional, if specified, only the indexed parameters (starting with
* 1) will be taken into account, others assumed to be fixed (limited model).
* @return perr parameter coefficients error estimate
* @return RMS mean square relative error
* @return X2 chi-square value
* @return cv covariance matrix of the jacobian */
arma::colvec calEstimateError(arma::colvec p, arma::colvec x, arma::colvec y, arma::colvec err,
arma::urowvec idx = arma::urowvec()/*, arma::mat &RMS, double &X2, arma::mat &cv*/);
/* @syntax [s, msg, p] = calDefIniPara(ft, x, y, e)
* @param ft function type identifier (number of equation)
* @param x data points x values
* @param y data points y values
* @param e data points errors
* @return p initial parameters (para = [ft, p])*/
arma::vec calDefIniPara(int ft, arma::vec x, arma::vec y);
/* fit aatami style polynomial to data points
* fits a polynomial in aatami order [a0, a1, ...] to data points xi, yi
* @syntax p = lFitPoly(x, y)
* @param x x data points
* @param y y data points
* @return p polynomial coefficients*/
arma::vec lFitPoly(arma::vec x, arma::vec y);