2024-06-04 15:25:02 +08:00

804 lines
22 KiB

#include "matlab_func.h"
#include "genenalfunc.h"
#include "math.h"
using namespace arma;
namespace Matlab {
mat polyval(mat p, mat x, mat S, mat mu)
//p.print("p = ");
mat y;
uword nc = p.size(); // nc = length(p);
// if isscalar(x) && (nargin < 3) && nc>0 && isfinite(x)
if(x.size()==1 && nc>0 && x.is_finite() && S.is_empty() && mu.is_empty())
// Make it scream for scalar x. Polynomial evaluation can be
// implemented as a recursive digital filter.
rowvec tempY = zeros<rowvec>(nc);
rowvec B, A;
A << 1 << -x(0);
B << 1;
filter(tempY, B, A, p, nc-1); // y = filter(1,[1 -x],p);
y << tempY(nc-1); // y = y(nc);
return y;
if(!mu.is_empty()) // if nargin == 4
x = (x - mu(0))/mu(1); // x = (x - mu(1))/mu(2);
// Use Horner's method for general case where X is an array.
// siz_x = size(x);
y.zeros(size(x)); // y = zeros(siz_x, superiorfloat(x,p));
if (nc > 0) // if nc>0
y.fill(p(0)); // y(:) = p(1);
for(uword i=1; i<nc; ++i) // for i=2:nc
y = x % y + p(i); // y = x .* y + p(i);
return y;
/*if nargout > 1
if nargin < 3 || isempty(S)
'S is required to compute error estimates.');
// Extract parameters from S
if isstruct(S), % Use output structure from polyfit.
R = S.R;
df = S.df;
normr = S.normr;
else % Use output matrix from previous versions of polyfit.
[ms,ns] = size(S);
if (ms ~= ns+2) || (nc ~= ns)
'S matrix must be n+2-by-n where n = length(p).');
R = S(1:nc,1:nc);
df = S(nc+1,1);
normr = S(nc+2,1);
// Construct Vandermonde matrix for the new X.
x = x(:);
V(:,nc) = ones(length(x),1,class(x));
for j = nc-1:-1:1
V(:,j) = x.*V(:,j+1);
// S is a structure containing three elements: the triangular factor of
// the Vandermonde matrix for the original X, the degrees of freedom,
// and the norm of the residuals.
E = V/R;
e = sqrt(1+sum(E.*E,2));
if df == 0
warning('MATLAB:polyval:ZeroDOF',['Zero degrees of freedom implies ' ...
'infinite error bounds.']);
delta = repmat(Inf,size(e));
delta = normr/sqrt(df)*e;
delta = reshape(delta,siz_x);
end */
void filter(mat& y, mat B, mat A, mat X, uword n)
if(n == 0)
y(0) = B(0) * X(0) / A(0);
filter(y, B, A, X, n-1);
double temp = 0;
for(uword i=0; i<=n && i<B.n_elem; i++)
temp += B(i) * X(n-i);
for(uword i=1; i<=n && i<A.n_elem; i++)
temp -= A(i) * y(n-i);
y(n) = temp / A(0);
void polyder(mat& a, mat& b, int nargout, mat u, mat v)
if (v.is_empty())
v << 1;
u = vectorise(u).t();
v = vectorise(v).t();
uword nu = u.size();
uword nv = v.size();
rowvec up;
rowvec vp;
if ( nu < 2 ) up << 0;
up = u.cols(0, nu-2) % RangeVec(nu-1, 1, -1);
if ( nv < 2 ) vp << 0;
vp = v.cols(0, nv-2) % RangeVec(nv-1, 1, -1);
rowvec a1 = conv(up, v);
rowvec a2 = conv(u, vp);
int i = a1.size();
int j = a2.size();
int ij;
if (i - j > 0)
ij = i - j;
ij = j - i;
rowvec z = zeros<rowvec>( ij );
if ( i > j )
a2 = join_horiz(z, a2);
else if ( i < j )
a1 = join_horiz(z, a1);
rowvec temp_a;
if ( nargout < 2 )
temp_a = a1 + a2;
temp_a = a1 - a2;
uvec f = find( temp_a!=0 );
if ( !f.is_empty() )
temp_a = temp_a.cols(, temp_a.size()-1 );
else temp_a << 0;
rowvec temp_b = conv(v, v);
f = find( temp_b!=0 );
if ( !f.is_empty() )
temp_b = temp_b.cols(, temp_b.size()-1 );
else temp_b << 0;
/*if ( temp_a.size() > max(nu+nv-2, 1) )
temp_a = temp_a.cols(1, temp_a.size()-1 );
a = temp_a;
b = temp_b;
colvec polyfit(colvec x, colvec y, int n)
if ( x.size() != y.size() )
// **************** printf("MATLAB:polyfit:PolyNotUnique");
uword x_size = x.size();
mat V = zeros(x_size, n+1);
V.col(n) = ones(x_size);
/* 运行出错
* rowvec j = RangeVec2(n, 1, -1);
* for (rowvec::iterator it = j.begin(); it!=j.end(); ++it)
V.col(*it) = x % V.col((*it)+1);
for(int j=n-1; j>=0; --j)
V.col(j) = x % V.col(j+1);
// mat Q;
// mat R;
// qr_econ(Q, R, V); // [Q,R] = qr(V,0);
//p = R\(Q'*y); % Same as p = V\y;
//vec p = solve(R, trans(Q) * y);
vec p = zeros(V.n_cols);
if(!V.has_inf() && !y.has_inf())
p = solve(V, y);
/* try {
p = solve(V, y);
catch(std::runtime_error &e)
qDebug() << e.what();
p = zeros<vec>(V.n_cols);
//p = fliplr(p);
return p;
double realmin(QString type)
double xmin;
if(type == "float")
int minexp = -126;
xmin = pow(2,minexp); // xmin = single(pow2(1,minexp));
else {
int minexp = -1022;
xmin = pow(2,minexp); // xmin = pow2(1,minexp);
return xmin;
int fix(double x)
if(x >= 0) return floor(x);
else return ceil(x);
mat fix(mat dataMat)
mat retMat(size(dataMat));
for(uword i=0; i<dataMat.size(); i++)
if(dataMat(i) >= 0) retMat(i) = floor(dataMat(i));
else retMat(i) = ceil(dataMat(i));
return retMat;
mat m_erf(mat x)
for(uword i=0; i<x.size(); i++)
x(i) = erf(x(i));
return x;
PiecePoly mkpp(rowvec breaks, mat coefs, rowvec d)
PiecePoly pp;
if(d.is_empty()) d << 1;
int dlk = numel(coefs);
int l = breaks.size()-1;
int dl = prod(d)*l;
int k = fix(dlk/dl+100*eps(1.0));
if(k<=0 || dl*k != dlk)
qDebug() << "The requested number of polynomial pieces is incompatible with the proposed size"
"of a coefficient and the number of scalar coefficients provided.";
pp.form = "pp";
pp.b = reshape(breaks,1,l+1);
pp.c = reshape(coefs,dl,k);
pp.l = l;
pp.k = k;
pp.d = d;
return pp;
mat ppval(mat xx, PiecePoly pp)
/*if isstruct(xx) % we assume that ppval(xx,pp) was used
temp = xx; xx = pp; pp = temp;
// obtain the row vector xs equivalent to XX
rowvec sizexx;
sizexx << xx.n_rows << xx.n_cols;
int lx = numel(xx);
rowvec xs = reshape(xx,1,lx);
// if XX is row vector, suppress its first dimension
//if length(sizexx)==2&&sizexx(1)==1, sizexx(1) = []; end
if(sizexx.size() == 2 && sizexx(0) == 1)
// if necessary, sort xs
uvec ix;
bool ixexist = false;
if( any( diff(xs) < 0 ) )
ix = sort_index(xs, "ascend");
xs = sort(xs, "ascend", 1);
ixexist = true;
// take apart PP
// for each data point, compute its breakpoint interval
vec index = UMatToMat(sort_index( join_horiz(pp.b.cols(0,pp.l-1), xs) ) );//[ignored,index] = sort([b(1:l) xs]);
//index = find(index>l)-(1:lx);
vec temp_idx = RangeVec2(0, lx-1).t();
index = UMatToMat( find(index>pp.l-1) ) - temp_idx;
//index(index<1) = 1;
for(int i=0; i<index.size(); i++)
if(index(i) < 1) index(i) = 1;
// now go to local coordinates ...
temp_idx = index - 1;
xs = xs - IdxMat(pp.b, temp_idx);
rowvec dd = pp.d;
int d = prod(dd); // d = prod(dd);
if(d>1) // ... replicate xs and index in case PP is vector-valued ...
xs = reshape(repmat(xs, d, 1), 1, d*lx); // xs = reshape(xs(ones(d,1),:), 1, d*lx);
index = d*index;
vec temp = RangeVec2(-d, -1).t();
// index = reshape(1+index(ones(d,1),:)+temp(:,ones(1,lx)), d*lx, 1 );
index = reshape(1+repmat(index, d, 1)+repmat(temp, 1, lx), d*lx, 1);
} else {
if(sizexx.size() > 1)
else { dd << 1; }
// ... and apply nested multiplication:
temp_idx = index - 1;
mat v = MatRows(pp.c, temp_idx).col(0); //v = c(index,1);
for(int i=1; i<pp.k; i++) {//for i=2:k
v = vectorise(xs)%v + MatRows(pp.c, temp_idx).col(i);
v = reshape(v,d,lx);
//v(:,ix) = v;
v = reshape(v, xx.n_rows, xx.n_cols);
else {
v = reshape(v, dd(0), xx.n_elem);
return v;
PiecePoly spline(mat x, mat y)
// Check that data are acceptable and, if not, try to adjust them appropriately
//[x,y,sizey,endslopes] = chckxy(x,y);
rowvec sizey;
mat endslopes;
// 调用 chckxy 后 x 变为行向量
chckxy(x, y, sizey, endslopes, 4);
rowvec t_x = x;
int n = t_x.size(), yd = prod(sizey);
// Generate the cubic spline interpolant in ppform
uvec dd = zeros<uvec>(yd); // dd = ones(yd,1);
rowvec dx = diff(t_x);
//divdif = diff(y,[],2) / dx(dd,:);
mat t1 = diff(y, 1, 1);
mat t2 = MatRows(dx, dd);
mat divdif;
if(size(t1) == size(t2))
divdif = t1 / t2;
else if(t2.size() == 1)
divdif = t1 / as_scalar(t2);
else if(t1.size() == 1)
divdif = as_scalar(t1) / t2;
else {
qDebug() << "size(t1) must be same as size(t2)";
PiecePoly pp;
if(endslopes.is_empty()) // the interpolant is a straight line
pp = mkpp(t_x, join_horiz(divdif, y.col(0)), sizey); //pp = mkpp(x,[divdif y(:,1)],sizey);
else // the interpolant is the cubic Hermite polynomial
pp = pwch(t_x, y, endslopes, dx, divdif);
pp.d = sizey;
else if(n==3 && endslopes.is_empty()) // the interpolant is a parabola
y.cols(1,2) = divdif; //y(:,2:3)=divdif;
y.col(2) = diff(divdif.t()).t() / (t_x(2)-t_x(0)); //y(:,3)=diff(divdif')'/(x(3)-x(1));
y.col(1) = y.col(1) - y.col(2) * dx(0); //y(:,2)=y(:,2)-y(:,3)*dx(1);
pp = mkpp(t_x(uvec("0,2")), MatCols(y,uvec("2 1 0")), sizey); //pp = mkpp(x([1,3]),y(:,[3 2 1]),sizey);
else // set up the sparse, tridiagonal, linear system b = ?*c for the slopes
mat b = zeros(yd, n);
// b(:,2:n-1)=3*(dx(dd,2:n-1).*divdif(:,1:n-2)+dx(dd,1:n-2).*divdif(:,2:n-1));
mat dx_dd = MatRows(dx, dd);
b.cols(1, n-2) = 3 * ( dx_dd.cols(1, n-2) % divdif.cols(0, n-3) + dx_dd.cols(0, n-3) % divdif.cols(1, n-2) );
double x31, xn;
x31 = t_x(2) - t_x(0); //x31=x(3)-x(1);
xn = t_x(n-1) - t_x(n-3); //xn=x(n)-x(n-2);
// b(:,1) = ((dx(1)+2*x31)*dx(2)*divdif(:,1)+dx(1)^2*divdif(:,2))/x31;
b.col(0) = ( (dx(0)+2*x31) * dx(1) * divdif.col(0) + pow(dx(0),2) * divdif.col(1) ) / x31;
//b(:,n) = (dx(n-1)^2*divdif(:,n-2)+(2*xn+dx(n-1))*dx(n-2)*divdif(:,n-1))/xn;
b.col(n-1) = ( pow(dx(n-2),2) * divdif.col(n-3) + (2*xn+dx(n-2)) * dx(n-3) * divdif.col(n-2) ) / xn;
else {
x31 = 0;
xn = 0;
// b(:,[1 n]) = dx(dd,[2 n-2]).*endslopes;
mat tmp = dx_dd.col(1);
tmp.insert_cols(1, dx_dd.col(n-3));
tmp = tmp % endslopes;
b.col(0) = tmp.col(0);
b.col(n-1) = tmp.col(1);
vec dxt = vectorise(dx);
//c = spdiags([ [x31;dxt(1:n-2);0] [dxt(2);2*[dxt(2:n-1)+dxt(1:n-2)];dxt(n-2)] [0;dxt(2:n-1);xn] ],[-1 0 1],n,n);
mat t_mat(n, 3);
t_mat(0,0) = x31; t_mat(0,1) = dxt(1); t_mat(0,2) = 0;
t_mat(n-1,0) = 0; t_mat(n-1,1) = dxt(n-3); t_mat(n-1,2) = xn;
t_mat.col(0).rows(1,n-2) = dxt.rows(0,n-3);
t_mat.col(1).rows(1,n-2) = 2*(dxt.rows(1,n-2)+dxt.rows(0,n-3));
t_mat.col(2).rows(1,n-2) = dxt.rows(1,n-2);
mat c, res2;
spdiags(c, res2, t_mat, vec("-1 0 1"), n, n);
// sparse linear equation solution for the slopes
//mmdflag = spparms('autommd');
// s=b/c; 注:b/c = (c'\b')', c'\b' = solve(c', b')
mat s = trans(solve(trans(c), trans(b)));
// construct piecewise cubic Hermite interpolant
// to values and computed slopes
pp = pwch(t_x,y,s,dx,divdif);
pp.d = sizey;
return pp;
mat spline(mat x, mat y, mat xx)
mat output;
PiecePoly pp = spline(x, y);
//output = pp;
output.set_size(1, 5+pp.l+pp.d(0)*pp.l*pp.k);
output(0) = 10;
output(1) = pp.d(0);
output(2) = pp.l;
MatAssign(output, 3, 3+pp.l, pp.b);
output(4+pp.l) = pp.k;
MatAssign(output, 5+pp.l, 4+pp.l+pp.d(0)*pp.l*pp.k, pp.c);
else output = ppval(xx, pp);
return output;
void chckxy(mat &x, mat &y, rowvec &sizey, mat &endslopes, int nargout)
// make sure X is a vector:
if(x.n_rows > 1 && x.n_cols > 1) //if length(find(size(x)>1))>1
qDebug() << "MATLAB:chckxy:XNotVector,X must be a vector.";
rowvec t_x = vectorise(x).t();
// deal with NaN's among the sites:
uvec nanx = find_nonfinite(t_x);
for(int i=nanx.size()-1; i>=0; --i)
qDebug() << "MATLAB:chckxy:nan,All data points with NaN as their site will be ignored.";
int n = t_x.size();
if(n < 2)
qDebug() << "MATLAB:chckxy:NotEnoughPts,There should be at least two data points.'";
// re-sort, if needed, to ensure strictly increasing site sequence:
rowvec dx = diff(t_x);
uvec ind;
if( any(dx<0) )
//[x,ind] = sort(x);
ind = sort_index(t_x, "ascend");
t_x = sort(t_x,"ascend", 1);
dx = diff(t_x);
else {
ind = RangeVec(0, n-1).t(); // ind=1:n;
qDebug() << "MATLAB:chckxy:RepeatedSites,The data sites should be distinct.'";
// if Y is ND, reshape it to a matrix by combining all dimensions but the last:
sizey << y.n_rows << y.n_cols; // sizey = size(y);
//while length(sizey)>2&&sizey(end)==1, sizey(end) = []; end
int yn = sizey(sizey.size()-1); //yn = sizey(end);
sizey.shed_col(sizey.size()-1); //sizey(end)=[];
int yd = prod(sizey); //yd = prod(sizey);
if(sizey.size()>1) {
y = reshape(y, yd, yn);
} else {
// if Y happens to be a column matrix, change it to the expected row matrix.
if(yn==1) {
yn = yd;
y = reshape(y,1,yn);
yd = 1;
sizey << yd;
// determine whether not-a-knot or clamped end conditions are to be used:
int nstart = n + nanx.size();
if(yn == nstart){
//endslopes = [];
else if(nargout == 4 && yn == nstart+2)
// endslopes = y(:,[1 n+2]);
endslopes.set_size(y.n_rows, 2);
endslopes.col(0) = y.col(0);
endslopes.col(1) = y.col(n+1);
//y(:,[1 n+2])=[];
uvec tmp = find_nonfinite(endslopes);
if(!tmp.is_empty()) {
qDebug() << "MATLAB:chckxy:EndslopeNaN or EndslopeInf, The endslopes cannot be NaN or Inf.";
} else {
qDebug() << "MATLAB:chckxy:NumSitesMismatchValues, The number of sites, int2str(nstart) "
"is incompatible with the number of values, int2str(yn).";
// deal with NaN's among the values:
if(!nanx.is_empty()) {
//y(:,nanx) = [];
for(int i=0; i<nanx.size(); i++)
y.shed_col( nanx(i) );
//y = y(:,ind);
y = MatCols(y, ind);
//nany = find(sum(isnan(y),1));
uvec nany = find( sum(find_nonfinite(y), 1) );
//y(:,nany) = []; x(nany) = [];
for(int i=nany.size()-1; i>=0; --i)
qDebug() << "MATLAB:chckxy:IgnoreNaN,All data points with NaN in their value will be ignored.";
n = t_x.size();
if(n<2) {
qDebug() << "MATLAB:chckxy:NotEnoughPts, There should be at least two data points.";
x = t_x;
PiecePoly pwch(mat x, mat y, mat s, mat dx, mat divdif)
dx = diff( vectorise(x).t() );
int d = y.n_rows;
mat dxd = repmat(dx, d, 1);
divdif = diff(y, 1, 1) / dxd; //divdif = diff(y,1,2) / dxd;
int n = numel(x);
mat dzzdx = (divdif-s.cols(0, n-2))/dxd; // dzzdx = (divdif-s(:,1:n-1))/dxd;
mat dzdxdx = (s.cols(1, n-1)-divdif)/dxd; // dzdxdx = (s(:,2:n)-divdif)/dxd;
int dnm1 = d*(n-1);
mat coefs = join_horiz( join_horiz( reshape((dzdxdx-dzzdx)/dxd, dnm1, 1), reshape(2*dzzdx-dzdxdx, dnm1, 1) ),
join_horiz( reshape(s.cols(0, n-2), dnm1, 1), reshape(y.cols(0, n-2), dnm1, 1) ) );
rowvec t_d; t_d << d;
PiecePoly pc = mkpp(vectorise(x).t(), coefs, t_d);
return pc;
void spdiags(mat& res1, mat& res2, mat arg1, mat arg2, int arg3, int arg4)
if( arg3 == 0 ) //if nargin <= 2
if(arg1.n_rows != arg1.n_cols && min(arg1.n_rows, arg1.n_cols)==1)
qDebug() << "MATLAB:spdiags:VectorInput, A cannot be a vector.";
// Extract diagonals
mat A = arg1;
vec d;
uvec i, j;
if(arg2.is_empty()) //if nargin == 1
// Find all nonzero diagonals
vec t_A;
find(i, j, t_A, A); //[i,j] = find(A);
d = UMatToMat(sort(j-i)); //d = sort(j-i);
t_A << -qInf();
t_A.insert_rows(1, d);
d = d( find( diff( t_A ) ) ); // d = d(find(diff([-inf; d])));
else // Diagonals are specified
d = vectorise(arg2);
int m = A.n_rows, n = A.n_cols; //[m,n] = size(A);
int p = d.size();
mat B = zeros( min(m,n), p );
for(int k=0; k<p; k++) //for k = 1:p
if(m >= n) {
//i = max(1,1+d(k)):min(n,m+d(k));
i = vectorise( RangeVec( max(1,1+d(k))-1, min(n,m+d(k))-1 ) );
} else {
//i = max(1,1-d(k)):min(m,n-d(k));
i = vectorise( RangeVec( max(1,1-d(k))-1, min(m,n-d(k))-1 ) );
// B(i,k) = diag(A,d(k));
MatRows(B.col(k), i) = diagmat(A, d(k));
res1 = B;
res2 = d;
else //if nargin >= 3
// Create a sparse matrix from its diagonals
mat A, B = arg1;
vec d = vectorise(arg2);
int p = d.size();
bool moda = (arg4 == 0); //moda = (nargin == 3);
if(moda) // Modify a given matrix
A << arg3;
else // Start from scratch
A = sp_mat(arg3, arg4); //A = sparse(arg3,arg4);
// Process A in compact form
uvec i, j;
vec r;
find(i, j, r, A); //[i,j,a] = find(A);
mat a = join_horiz( UMatToMat(join_horiz(i, j)), r); //a = [i j a];
int m = A.n_rows, n = A.n_cols; //[m,n] = size(A);
int t_mn = (m >= n);
for(int k=0; k<p; k++) //for k = 1:p
// Delete current d(k)-th diagonal
//i = find(a(:,2)-a(:,1) == d(k));
i = find( a.col(1)-a.col(0) == d(k) );
//a(i,:) = [];
for(int ii=i.size()-1; ii>=0; --ii) a.shed_row( i(ii) );
// Append new d(k)-th diagonal to compact form
//i = (max(1,1-d(k)):min(m,n-d(k)))';
i = RangeVec( max(1,1-d(k))-1, min(m,n-d(k))-1 ).t();
//a = [a; i i+d(k) B(i+(m>=n)*d(k),k)];
vec t_i = UMatToMat(i);
vec t_ii = t_i+t_mn*d(k);
mat temp = t_i;
temp.insert_cols(1, t_i+d(k));
temp.insert_cols(2, MatRows(B.col(k), t_ii));
a = join_vert(a, temp);
} else
vec len = zeros(p+1,1); //len=zeros(p+1,1);
for(int k=0; k<p; k++)//for k = 1:p
//len(k+1) = len(k)+length(max(1,1-d(k)):min(m,n-d(k)));
len(k+1) = len(k) + min(m,n-d(k)) - max(1,1-d(k)) + 1;
a = zeros(len(p),3); //a = zeros(len(p+1),3);
int t_mn = (m >= n);
for(int k=0; k<p; k++)//for k = 1:p
// Append new d(k)-th diagonal to compact form
//i = (max(1,1-d(k)):min(m,n-d(k)))';
i = RangeVec( max(1,1-d(k))-1, min(m,n-d(k))-1 ).t();
//a((len(k)+1):len(k+1),:) = [i i+d(k) B(i+(m>=n)*d(k),k)];
vec t_i = UMatToMat(i);
vec t_ii = t_i+t_mn*d(k);
mat temp = t_i;
temp.insert_cols(1, t_i+d(k));
temp.insert_cols(2, MatRows(B.col(k), t_ii));
a.rows( len(k), len(k+1)-1 ) = temp;
//res1 = sparse(a(:,1),a(:,2),full(a(:,3)),m,n);
umat t_rc(2, a.n_rows);
for(int i=0; i<a.n_rows; ++i)
t_rc(0, i) = a(i, 0);
t_rc(1, i) = a(i, 1);
res1 = sp_mat(t_rc, a.col(2), m, n);