// Copyright (C) 2010-2014 National ICT Australia (NICTA) // // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this // file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Written by Conrad Sanderson - http://conradsanderson.id.au //! \addtogroup Proxy //! @{ // ea_type is the "element accessor" type, // which can provide access to elements via operator[] template struct Proxy_default { inline Proxy_default(const T1&) { arma_type_check(( is_arma_type::value == false )); } }; template struct Proxy_fixed { typedef typename T1::elem_type elem_type; typedef typename get_pod_type::result pod_type; typedef T1 stored_type; typedef const elem_type* ea_type; typedef const T1& aligned_ea_type; static const bool prefer_at_accessor = false; static const bool has_subview = false; static const bool fake_mat = false; static const bool is_row = T1::is_row; static const bool is_col = T1::is_col; arma_aligned const T1& Q; inline explicit Proxy_fixed(const T1& A) : Q(A) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); } arma_inline static uword get_n_rows() { return T1::n_rows; } arma_inline static uword get_n_cols() { return T1::n_cols; } arma_inline static uword get_n_elem() { return T1::n_elem; } arma_inline elem_type operator[] (const uword i) const { return Q[i]; } arma_inline elem_type at (const uword row, const uword col) const { return Q.at(row, col); } arma_inline elem_type at_alt (const uword i) const { return Q.at_alt(i); } arma_inline ea_type get_ea() const { return Q.memptr(); } arma_inline aligned_ea_type get_aligned_ea() const { return Q; } template arma_inline bool is_alias(const Mat& X) const { return (void_ptr(&Q) == void_ptr(&X)); } arma_inline bool is_aligned() const { #if defined(ARMA_HAVE_ALIGNED_ATTRIBUTE) return true; #else return memory::is_aligned(Q.memptr()); #endif } }; template struct Proxy_redirect {}; template struct Proxy_redirect { typedef Proxy_default result; }; template struct Proxy_redirect { typedef Proxy_fixed result; }; template class Proxy : public Proxy_redirect::value >::result { public: inline Proxy(const T1& A) : Proxy_redirect< T1, is_Mat_fixed::value >::result(A) { } }; template class Proxy< Mat > { public: typedef eT elem_type; typedef typename get_pod_type::result pod_type; typedef Mat stored_type; typedef const eT* ea_type; typedef const Mat& aligned_ea_type; static const bool prefer_at_accessor = false; static const bool has_subview = false; static const bool fake_mat = false; static const bool is_row = false; static const bool is_col = false; arma_aligned const Mat& Q; inline explicit Proxy(const Mat& A) : Q(A) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); } arma_inline uword get_n_rows() const { return Q.n_rows; } arma_inline uword get_n_cols() const { return Q.n_cols; } arma_inline uword get_n_elem() const { return Q.n_elem; } arma_inline elem_type operator[] (const uword i) const { return Q[i]; } arma_inline elem_type at (const uword row, const uword col) const { return Q.at(row, col); } arma_inline elem_type at_alt (const uword i) const { return Q.at_alt(i); } arma_inline ea_type get_ea() const { return Q.memptr(); } arma_inline aligned_ea_type get_aligned_ea() const { return Q; } template arma_inline bool is_alias(const Mat& X) const { return (void_ptr(&Q) == void_ptr(&X)); } arma_inline bool is_aligned() const { return memory::is_aligned(Q.memptr()); } }; template class Proxy< Col > { public: typedef eT elem_type; typedef typename get_pod_type::result pod_type; typedef Col stored_type; typedef const eT* ea_type; typedef const Col& aligned_ea_type; static const bool prefer_at_accessor = false; static const bool has_subview = false; static const bool fake_mat = false; static const bool is_row = false; static const bool is_col = true; arma_aligned const Col& Q; inline explicit Proxy(const Col& A) : Q(A) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); } arma_inline uword get_n_rows() const { return Q.n_rows; } arma_inline uword get_n_cols() const { return 1; } arma_inline uword get_n_elem() const { return Q.n_elem; } arma_inline elem_type operator[] (const uword i) const { return Q[i]; } arma_inline elem_type at (const uword row, const uword) const { return Q[row]; } arma_inline elem_type at_alt (const uword i) const { return Q.at_alt(i); } arma_inline ea_type get_ea() const { return Q.memptr(); } arma_inline aligned_ea_type get_aligned_ea() const { return Q; } template arma_inline bool is_alias(const Mat& X) const { return (void_ptr(&Q) == void_ptr(&X)); } arma_inline bool is_aligned() const { return memory::is_aligned(Q.memptr()); } }; template class Proxy< Row > { public: typedef eT elem_type; typedef typename get_pod_type::result pod_type; typedef Row stored_type; typedef const eT* ea_type; typedef const Row& aligned_ea_type; static const bool prefer_at_accessor = false; static const bool has_subview = false; static const bool fake_mat = false; static const bool is_row = true; static const bool is_col = false; arma_aligned const Row& Q; inline explicit Proxy(const Row& A) : Q(A) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); } arma_inline uword get_n_rows() const { return 1; } arma_inline uword get_n_cols() const { return Q.n_cols; } arma_inline uword get_n_elem() const { return Q.n_elem; } arma_inline elem_type operator[] (const uword i) const { return Q[i]; } arma_inline elem_type at (const uword, const uword col) const { return Q[col]; } arma_inline elem_type at_alt (const uword i) const { return Q.at_alt(i); } arma_inline ea_type get_ea() const { return Q.memptr(); } arma_inline aligned_ea_type get_aligned_ea() const { return Q; } template arma_inline bool is_alias(const Mat& X) const { return (void_ptr(&Q) == void_ptr(&X)); } arma_inline bool is_aligned() const { return memory::is_aligned(Q.memptr()); } }; template class Proxy< Gen > { public: typedef typename T1::elem_type elem_type; typedef typename get_pod_type::result pod_type; typedef Gen stored_type; typedef const Gen& ea_type; typedef const Gen& aligned_ea_type; static const bool prefer_at_accessor = Gen::prefer_at_accessor; static const bool has_subview = false; static const bool fake_mat = false; static const bool is_row = Gen::is_row; static const bool is_col = Gen::is_col; arma_aligned const Gen& Q; inline explicit Proxy(const Gen& A) : Q(A) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); } arma_inline uword get_n_rows() const { return (is_row ? 1 : Q.n_rows); } arma_inline uword get_n_cols() const { return (is_col ? 1 : Q.n_cols); } arma_inline uword get_n_elem() const { return (is_row ? 1 : Q.n_rows) * (is_col ? 1 : Q.n_cols); } arma_inline elem_type operator[] (const uword i) const { return Q[i]; } arma_inline elem_type at (const uword row, const uword col) const { return Q.at(row, col); } arma_inline elem_type at_alt (const uword i) const { return Q[i]; } arma_inline ea_type get_ea() const { return Q; } arma_inline aligned_ea_type get_aligned_ea() const { return Q; } template arma_inline bool is_alias(const Mat&) const { return false; } arma_inline bool is_aligned() const { return Gen::is_simple; } }; template class Proxy< Op > { public: typedef typename T1::elem_type elem_type; typedef typename get_pod_type::result pod_type; typedef Mat stored_type; typedef const elem_type* ea_type; typedef const Mat& aligned_ea_type; static const bool prefer_at_accessor = false; static const bool has_subview = false; static const bool fake_mat = false; static const bool is_row = Op::is_row; static const bool is_col = Op::is_col; arma_aligned const Mat Q; inline explicit Proxy(const Op& A) : Q(A) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); } arma_inline uword get_n_rows() const { return is_row ? 1 : Q.n_rows; } arma_inline uword get_n_cols() const { return is_col ? 1 : Q.n_cols; } arma_inline uword get_n_elem() const { return Q.n_elem; } arma_inline elem_type operator[] (const uword i) const { return Q[i]; } arma_inline elem_type at (const uword row, const uword col) const { return Q.at(row, col); } arma_inline elem_type at_alt (const uword i) const { return Q.at_alt(i); } arma_inline ea_type get_ea() const { return Q.memptr(); } arma_inline aligned_ea_type get_aligned_ea() const { return Q; } template arma_inline bool is_alias(const Mat&) const { return false; } arma_inline bool is_aligned() const { return memory::is_aligned(Q.memptr()); } }; template class Proxy_diagvec_mat { inline Proxy_diagvec_mat(const T1&) {} }; template class Proxy_diagvec_mat< Op > { public: typedef typename T1::elem_type elem_type; typedef typename get_pod_type::result pod_type; typedef diagview stored_type; typedef const diagview& ea_type; typedef const diagview& aligned_ea_type; static const bool prefer_at_accessor = false; static const bool has_subview = true; static const bool fake_mat = false; static const bool is_row = false; static const bool is_col = true; arma_aligned const Mat& R; arma_aligned const diagview Q; inline explicit Proxy_diagvec_mat(const Op& A) : R(A.m), Q( R.diag( (A.aux_uword_b > 0) ? -sword(A.aux_uword_a) : sword(A.aux_uword_a) ) ) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); } arma_inline uword get_n_rows() const { return Q.n_rows; } arma_inline uword get_n_cols() const { return 1; } arma_inline uword get_n_elem() const { return Q.n_elem; } arma_inline elem_type operator[] (const uword i) const { return Q[i]; } arma_inline elem_type at (const uword row, const uword) const { return Q.at(row, 0); } arma_inline elem_type at_alt (const uword i) const { return Q[i]; } arma_inline ea_type get_ea() const { return Q; } arma_inline aligned_ea_type get_aligned_ea() const { return Q; } template arma_inline bool is_alias(const Mat& X) const { return (void_ptr(&R) == void_ptr(&X)); } arma_inline bool is_aligned() const { return false; } }; template class Proxy_diagvec_expr { inline Proxy_diagvec_expr(const T1&) {} }; template class Proxy_diagvec_expr< Op > { public: typedef typename T1::elem_type elem_type; typedef typename get_pod_type::result pod_type; typedef Mat stored_type; typedef const elem_type* ea_type; typedef const Mat& aligned_ea_type; static const bool prefer_at_accessor = false; static const bool has_subview = false; static const bool fake_mat = false; static const bool is_row = false; static const bool is_col = true; arma_aligned const Mat Q; inline explicit Proxy_diagvec_expr(const Op& A) : Q(A) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); } arma_inline uword get_n_rows() const { return Q.n_rows; } arma_inline uword get_n_cols() const { return 1; } arma_inline uword get_n_elem() const { return Q.n_elem; } arma_inline elem_type operator[] (const uword i) const { return Q[i]; } arma_inline elem_type at (const uword row, const uword) const { return Q.at(row, 0); } arma_inline elem_type at_alt (const uword i) const { return Q.at_alt(i); } arma_inline ea_type get_ea() const { return Q.memptr(); } arma_inline aligned_ea_type get_aligned_ea() const { return Q; } template arma_inline bool is_alias(const Mat&) const { return false; } arma_inline bool is_aligned() const { return memory::is_aligned(Q.memptr()); } }; template struct Proxy_diagvec_redirect {}; template struct Proxy_diagvec_redirect< Op, true > { typedef Proxy_diagvec_mat < Op > result; }; template struct Proxy_diagvec_redirect< Op, false> { typedef Proxy_diagvec_expr< Op > result; }; template class Proxy< Op > : public Proxy_diagvec_redirect< Op, is_Mat::value >::result { public: typedef typename Proxy_diagvec_redirect< Op, is_Mat::value >::result Proxy_diagvec; inline explicit Proxy(const Op& A) : Proxy_diagvec(A) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); } }; template struct Proxy_xtrans_default { inline Proxy_xtrans_default(const T1&) {} }; template struct Proxy_xtrans_default< Op > { public: typedef typename T1::elem_type elem_type; typedef typename get_pod_type::result pod_type; typedef xtrans_mat stored_type; typedef const xtrans_mat& ea_type; typedef const xtrans_mat& aligned_ea_type; static const bool prefer_at_accessor = true; static const bool has_subview = true; static const bool fake_mat = false; static const bool is_row = false; static const bool is_col = false; const unwrap U; const xtrans_mat Q; inline explicit Proxy_xtrans_default(const Op& A) : U(A.m) , Q(U.M) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); } arma_inline ea_type get_ea() const { return Q; } arma_inline aligned_ea_type get_aligned_ea() const { return Q; } template arma_inline bool is_alias(const Mat& X) const { return void_ptr(&(U.M)) == void_ptr(&X); } arma_inline bool is_aligned() const { return false; } }; template struct Proxy_xtrans_default< Op > { public: typedef typename T1::elem_type elem_type; typedef typename get_pod_type::result pod_type; typedef xtrans_mat stored_type; typedef const xtrans_mat& ea_type; typedef const xtrans_mat& aligned_ea_type; static const bool prefer_at_accessor = true; static const bool has_subview = true; static const bool fake_mat = false; static const bool is_row = false; static const bool is_col = false; const unwrap U; const xtrans_mat Q; inline explicit Proxy_xtrans_default(const Op& A) : U(A.m) , Q(U.M) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); } arma_inline ea_type get_ea() const { return Q; } arma_inline aligned_ea_type get_aligned_ea() const { return Q; } template arma_inline bool is_alias(const Mat& X) const { return void_ptr(&(U.M)) == void_ptr(&X); } arma_inline bool is_aligned() const { return false; } }; template struct Proxy_xtrans_vector { inline Proxy_xtrans_vector(const T1&) {} }; template struct Proxy_xtrans_vector< Op > { typedef typename T1::elem_type elem_type; typedef typename get_pod_type::result pod_type; typedef Mat stored_type; typedef const elem_type* ea_type; typedef const Mat& aligned_ea_type; static const bool prefer_at_accessor = false; static const bool has_subview = quasi_unwrap::has_subview; static const bool fake_mat = true; // NOTE: the Op class takes care of swapping row and col for op_htrans static const bool is_row = Op::is_row; static const bool is_col = Op::is_col; arma_aligned const quasi_unwrap U; // avoid copy if T1 is a Row, Col or subview_col arma_aligned const Mat Q; inline Proxy_xtrans_vector(const Op& A) : U(A.m) , Q(const_cast(U.M.memptr()), U.M.n_cols, U.M.n_rows, false, false) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); } arma_inline ea_type get_ea() const { return Q.memptr(); } arma_inline aligned_ea_type get_aligned_ea() const { return Q; } template arma_inline bool is_alias(const Mat& X) const { return U.is_alias(X); } arma_inline bool is_aligned() const { return memory::is_aligned(Q.memptr()); } }; template struct Proxy_xtrans_vector< Op > { typedef typename T1::elem_type elem_type; typedef typename get_pod_type::result pod_type; typedef Mat stored_type; typedef const elem_type* ea_type; typedef const Mat& aligned_ea_type; static const bool prefer_at_accessor = false; static const bool has_subview = quasi_unwrap::has_subview; static const bool fake_mat = true; // NOTE: the Op class takes care of swapping row and col for op_htrans static const bool is_row = Op::is_row; static const bool is_col = Op::is_col; arma_aligned const quasi_unwrap U; // avoid copy if T1 is a Row, Col or subview_col arma_aligned const Mat Q; inline Proxy_xtrans_vector(const Op& A) : U(A.m) , Q(const_cast(U.M.memptr()), U.M.n_cols, U.M.n_rows, false, false) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); } arma_inline ea_type get_ea() const { return Q.memptr(); } arma_inline aligned_ea_type get_aligned_ea() const { return Q; } template arma_inline bool is_alias(const Mat& X) const { return U.is_alias(X); } arma_inline bool is_aligned() const { return memory::is_aligned(Q.memptr()); } }; template struct Proxy_xtrans_redirect {}; template struct Proxy_xtrans_redirect { typedef Proxy_xtrans_default result; }; template struct Proxy_xtrans_redirect { typedef Proxy_xtrans_vector result; }; template class Proxy< Op > : public Proxy_xtrans_redirect < Op, ((is_complex::value == false) && ((Op::is_row) || (Op::is_col)) ) >::result { public: typedef typename Proxy_xtrans_redirect < Op, ((is_complex::value == false) && ((Op::is_row) || (Op::is_col)) ) >::result Proxy_xtrans; typedef typename Proxy_xtrans::elem_type elem_type; typedef typename Proxy_xtrans::pod_type pod_type; typedef typename Proxy_xtrans::stored_type stored_type; typedef typename Proxy_xtrans::ea_type ea_type; typedef typename Proxy_xtrans::aligned_ea_type aligned_ea_type; static const bool prefer_at_accessor = Proxy_xtrans::prefer_at_accessor; static const bool has_subview = Proxy_xtrans::has_subview; static const bool fake_mat = Proxy_xtrans::fake_mat; static const bool is_row = Proxy_xtrans::is_row; static const bool is_col = Proxy_xtrans::is_col; using Proxy_xtrans::Q; inline explicit Proxy(const Op& A) : Proxy_xtrans(A) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); } arma_inline uword get_n_rows() const { return is_row ? 1 : Q.n_rows; } arma_inline uword get_n_cols() const { return is_col ? 1 : Q.n_cols; } arma_inline uword get_n_elem() const { return Q.n_elem; } arma_inline elem_type operator[] (const uword i) const { return Q[i]; } arma_inline elem_type at (const uword row, const uword col) const { return Q.at(row, col); } arma_inline elem_type at_alt (const uword i) const { return Q.at_alt(i); } arma_inline ea_type get_ea() const { return Proxy_xtrans::get_ea(); } arma_inline aligned_ea_type get_aligned_ea() const { return Proxy_xtrans::get_aligned_ea(); } template arma_inline bool is_alias(const Mat& X) const { return Proxy_xtrans::is_alias(X); } arma_inline bool is_aligned() const { return Proxy_xtrans::is_aligned(); } }; template class Proxy< Op > : public Proxy_xtrans_redirect < Op, ( (Op::is_row) || (Op::is_col) ) >::result { public: typedef typename Proxy_xtrans_redirect < Op, ( (Op::is_row) || (Op::is_col) ) >::result Proxy_xtrans; typedef typename Proxy_xtrans::elem_type elem_type; typedef typename Proxy_xtrans::pod_type pod_type; typedef typename Proxy_xtrans::stored_type stored_type; typedef typename Proxy_xtrans::ea_type ea_type; typedef typename Proxy_xtrans::aligned_ea_type aligned_ea_type; static const bool prefer_at_accessor = Proxy_xtrans::prefer_at_accessor; static const bool has_subview = Proxy_xtrans::has_subview; static const bool fake_mat = Proxy_xtrans::fake_mat; static const bool is_row = Proxy_xtrans::is_row; static const bool is_col = Proxy_xtrans::is_col; using Proxy_xtrans::Q; inline explicit Proxy(const Op& A) : Proxy_xtrans(A) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); } arma_inline uword get_n_rows() const { return is_row ? 1 : Q.n_rows; } arma_inline uword get_n_cols() const { return is_col ? 1 : Q.n_cols; } arma_inline uword get_n_elem() const { return Q.n_elem; } arma_inline elem_type operator[] (const uword i) const { return Q[i]; } arma_inline elem_type at (const uword row, const uword col) const { return Q.at(row, col); } arma_inline elem_type at_alt (const uword i) const { return Q.at_alt(i); } arma_inline ea_type get_ea() const { return Proxy_xtrans::get_ea(); } arma_inline aligned_ea_type get_aligned_ea() const { return Proxy_xtrans::get_aligned_ea(); } template arma_inline bool is_alias(const Mat& X) const { return Proxy_xtrans::is_alias(X); } arma_inline bool is_aligned() const { return Proxy_xtrans::is_aligned(); } }; template struct Proxy_subview_row_htrans_cx { typedef eT elem_type; typedef typename get_pod_type::result pod_type; typedef subview_row_htrans stored_type; typedef const subview_row_htrans& ea_type; typedef const subview_row_htrans& aligned_ea_type; static const bool prefer_at_accessor = false; static const bool has_subview = true; static const bool fake_mat = false; static const bool is_row = false; static const bool is_col = true; arma_aligned const subview_row_htrans Q; inline explicit Proxy_subview_row_htrans_cx(const Op, op_htrans>& A) : Q(A.m) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); } template arma_inline bool is_alias(const Mat& X) const { return (void_ptr(&(Q.sv_row.m)) == void_ptr(&X)); } }; template struct Proxy_subview_row_htrans_non_cx { typedef eT elem_type; typedef typename get_pod_type::result pod_type; typedef subview_row_strans stored_type; typedef const subview_row_strans& ea_type; typedef const subview_row_strans& aligned_ea_type; static const bool prefer_at_accessor = false; static const bool has_subview = true; static const bool fake_mat = false; static const bool is_row = false; static const bool is_col = true; arma_aligned const subview_row_strans Q; inline explicit Proxy_subview_row_htrans_non_cx(const Op, op_htrans>& A) : Q(A.m) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); } template arma_inline bool is_alias(const Mat& X) const { return (void_ptr(&(Q.sv_row.m)) == void_ptr(&X)); } }; template struct Proxy_subview_row_htrans_redirect {}; template struct Proxy_subview_row_htrans_redirect { typedef Proxy_subview_row_htrans_cx result; }; template struct Proxy_subview_row_htrans_redirect { typedef Proxy_subview_row_htrans_non_cx result; }; template class Proxy< Op, op_htrans> > : public Proxy_subview_row_htrans_redirect < eT, is_complex::value >::result { public: typedef typename Proxy_subview_row_htrans_redirect < eT, is_complex::value >::result Proxy_sv_row_ht; typedef typename Proxy_sv_row_ht::elem_type elem_type; typedef typename Proxy_sv_row_ht::pod_type pod_type; typedef typename Proxy_sv_row_ht::stored_type stored_type; typedef typename Proxy_sv_row_ht::ea_type ea_type; typedef typename Proxy_sv_row_ht::ea_type aligned_ea_type; static const bool prefer_at_accessor = Proxy_sv_row_ht::prefer_at_accessor; static const bool has_subview = Proxy_sv_row_ht::has_subview; static const bool fake_mat = Proxy_sv_row_ht::fake_mat; static const bool is_row = false; static const bool is_col = true; using Proxy_sv_row_ht::Q; inline explicit Proxy(const Op, op_htrans>& A) : Proxy_sv_row_ht(A) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); } arma_inline uword get_n_rows() const { return Q.n_rows; } arma_inline uword get_n_cols() const { return 1; } arma_inline uword get_n_elem() const { return Q.n_elem; } arma_inline elem_type operator[] (const uword i) const { return Q[i]; } arma_inline elem_type at (const uword row, const uword) const { return Q[row]; } arma_inline elem_type at_alt (const uword i) const { return Q[i]; } arma_inline ea_type get_ea() const { return Q; } arma_inline aligned_ea_type get_aligned_ea() const { return Q; } template arma_inline bool is_alias(const Mat& X) const { return Proxy_sv_row_ht::is_alias(X); } arma_inline bool is_aligned() const { return false; } }; template class Proxy< Op, op_strans> > { public: typedef eT elem_type; typedef typename get_pod_type::result pod_type; typedef subview_row_strans stored_type; typedef const subview_row_strans& ea_type; typedef const subview_row_strans& aligned_ea_type; static const bool prefer_at_accessor = false; static const bool has_subview = true; static const bool fake_mat = false; static const bool is_row = false; static const bool is_col = true; arma_aligned const subview_row_strans Q; inline explicit Proxy(const Op, op_strans>& A) : Q(A.m) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); } arma_inline uword get_n_rows() const { return Q.n_rows; } arma_inline uword get_n_cols() const { return 1; } arma_inline uword get_n_elem() const { return Q.n_elem; } arma_inline elem_type operator[] (const uword i) const { return Q[i]; } arma_inline elem_type at (const uword row, const uword) const { return Q[row]; } arma_inline elem_type at_alt (const uword i) const { return Q[i]; } arma_inline ea_type get_ea() const { return Q; } arma_inline aligned_ea_type get_aligned_ea() const { return Q; } template arma_inline bool is_alias(const Mat& X) const { return (void_ptr(&(Q.sv_row.m)) == void_ptr(&X)); } arma_inline bool is_aligned() const { return false; } }; template class Proxy< Op< Row< std::complex >, op_htrans> > { public: typedef typename std::complex eT; typedef typename std::complex elem_type; typedef T pod_type; typedef xvec_htrans stored_type; typedef const xvec_htrans& ea_type; typedef const xvec_htrans& aligned_ea_type; static const bool prefer_at_accessor = false; static const bool has_subview = false; static const bool fake_mat = false; static const bool is_row = false; static const bool is_col = true; const xvec_htrans Q; const Row& src; inline explicit Proxy(const Op< Row< std::complex >, op_htrans>& A) : Q (A.m.memptr(), A.m.n_rows, A.m.n_cols) , src(A.m) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); } arma_inline uword get_n_rows() const { return Q.n_rows; } arma_inline uword get_n_cols() const { return 1; } arma_inline uword get_n_elem() const { return Q.n_elem; } arma_inline elem_type operator[] (const uword i) const { return Q[i]; } arma_inline elem_type at (const uword row, const uword) const { return Q[row]; } arma_inline elem_type at_alt (const uword i) const { return Q[i]; } arma_inline ea_type get_ea() const { return Q; } arma_inline aligned_ea_type get_aligned_ea() const { return Q; } template arma_inline bool is_alias(const Mat& X) const { return void_ptr(&src) == void_ptr(&X); } arma_inline bool is_aligned() const { return false; } }; template class Proxy< Op< Col< std::complex >, op_htrans> > { public: typedef typename std::complex eT; typedef typename std::complex elem_type; typedef T pod_type; typedef xvec_htrans stored_type; typedef const xvec_htrans& ea_type; typedef const xvec_htrans& aligned_ea_type; static const bool prefer_at_accessor = false; static const bool has_subview = false; static const bool fake_mat = false; static const bool is_row = true; static const bool is_col = false; const xvec_htrans Q; const Col& src; inline explicit Proxy(const Op< Col< std::complex >, op_htrans>& A) : Q (A.m.memptr(), A.m.n_rows, A.m.n_cols) , src(A.m) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); } arma_inline uword get_n_rows() const { return 1; } arma_inline uword get_n_cols() const { return Q.n_cols; } arma_inline uword get_n_elem() const { return Q.n_elem; } arma_inline elem_type operator[] (const uword i) const { return Q[i]; } arma_inline elem_type at (const uword, const uword col) const { return Q[col]; } arma_inline elem_type at_alt (const uword i) const { return Q[i]; } arma_inline ea_type get_ea() const { return Q; } arma_inline aligned_ea_type get_aligned_ea() const { return Q; } template arma_inline bool is_alias(const Mat& X) const { return void_ptr(&src) == void_ptr(&X); } arma_inline bool is_aligned() const { return false; } }; template class Proxy< Op< subview_col< std::complex >, op_htrans> > { public: typedef typename std::complex eT; typedef typename std::complex elem_type; typedef T pod_type; typedef xvec_htrans stored_type; typedef const xvec_htrans& ea_type; typedef const xvec_htrans& aligned_ea_type; static const bool prefer_at_accessor = false; static const bool has_subview = true; static const bool fake_mat = false; static const bool is_row = true; static const bool is_col = false; const xvec_htrans Q; const subview_col& src; inline explicit Proxy(const Op< subview_col< std::complex >, op_htrans>& A) : Q (A.m.colptr(0), A.m.n_rows, A.m.n_cols) , src(A.m) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); } arma_inline uword get_n_rows() const { return 1; } arma_inline uword get_n_cols() const { return Q.n_cols; } arma_inline uword get_n_elem() const { return Q.n_elem; } arma_inline elem_type operator[] (const uword i) const { return Q[i]; } arma_inline elem_type at (const uword, const uword col) const { return Q[col]; } arma_inline elem_type at_alt (const uword i) const { return Q[i]; } arma_inline ea_type get_ea() const { return Q; } arma_inline aligned_ea_type get_aligned_ea() const { return Q; } template arma_inline bool is_alias(const Mat& X) const { return void_ptr(&src.m) == void_ptr(&X); } arma_inline bool is_aligned() const { return false; } }; template class Proxy< Op > { public: typedef typename T1::elem_type elem_type; typedef typename get_pod_type::result pod_type; typedef eOp< Op, eop_scalar_times> stored_type; typedef const eOp< Op, eop_scalar_times>& ea_type; typedef const eOp< Op, eop_scalar_times>& aligned_ea_type; static const bool prefer_at_accessor = eOp< Op, eop_scalar_times>::prefer_at_accessor; static const bool has_subview = eOp< Op, eop_scalar_times>::has_subview; static const bool fake_mat = eOp< Op, eop_scalar_times>::fake_mat; // NOTE: the Op class takes care of swapping row and col for op_htrans static const bool is_row = eOp< Op, eop_scalar_times>::is_row; static const bool is_col = eOp< Op, eop_scalar_times>::is_col; arma_aligned const Op R; arma_aligned const eOp< Op, eop_scalar_times > Q; inline explicit Proxy(const Op& A) : R(A.m) , Q(R, A.aux) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); } arma_inline uword get_n_rows() const { return is_row ? 1 : Q.get_n_rows(); } arma_inline uword get_n_cols() const { return is_col ? 1 : Q.get_n_cols(); } arma_inline uword get_n_elem() const { return Q.get_n_elem(); } arma_inline elem_type operator[] (const uword i) const { return Q[i]; } arma_inline elem_type at (const uword row, const uword col) const { return Q.at(row, col); } arma_inline elem_type at_alt (const uword i) const { return Q.at_alt(i); } arma_inline ea_type get_ea() const { return Q; } arma_inline aligned_ea_type get_aligned_ea() const { return Q; } template arma_inline bool is_alias(const Mat& X) const { return Q.P.is_alias(X); } arma_inline bool is_aligned() const { return Q.P.is_aligned(); } }; template class Proxy< Op > { public: typedef typename T1::elem_type elem_type; typedef typename get_pod_type::result pod_type; typedef Mat stored_type; typedef const elem_type* ea_type; typedef const Mat& aligned_ea_type; static const bool prefer_at_accessor = false; static const bool has_subview = true; static const bool fake_mat = true; static const bool is_row = false; static const bool is_col = true; arma_aligned const unwrap U; arma_aligned const Mat Q; inline explicit Proxy(const Op& A) : U(A.m) , Q(const_cast(U.M.memptr()), U.M.n_elem, 1, false, false) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); } arma_inline uword get_n_rows() const { return Q.n_rows; } arma_inline uword get_n_cols() const { return 1; } arma_inline uword get_n_elem() const { return Q.n_elem; } arma_inline elem_type operator[] (const uword i) const { return Q[i]; } arma_inline elem_type at (const uword row, const uword) const { return Q[row]; } arma_inline elem_type at_alt (const uword i) const { return Q.at_alt(i); } arma_inline ea_type get_ea() const { return Q.memptr(); } arma_inline aligned_ea_type get_aligned_ea() const { return Q; } template arma_inline bool is_alias(const Mat& X) const { return ( void_ptr(&X) == void_ptr(&(U.M)) ); } arma_inline bool is_aligned() const { return memory::is_aligned(Q.memptr()); } }; template class Proxy< Glue > { public: typedef typename T1::elem_type elem_type; typedef typename get_pod_type::result pod_type; typedef Mat stored_type; typedef const elem_type* ea_type; typedef const Mat& aligned_ea_type; static const bool prefer_at_accessor = false; static const bool has_subview = false; static const bool fake_mat = false; static const bool is_row = Glue::is_row; static const bool is_col = Glue::is_col; arma_aligned const Mat Q; inline explicit Proxy(const Glue& A) : Q(A) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); } arma_inline uword get_n_rows() const { return is_row ? 1 : Q.n_rows; } arma_inline uword get_n_cols() const { return is_col ? 1 : Q.n_cols; } arma_inline uword get_n_elem() const { return Q.n_elem; } arma_inline elem_type operator[] (const uword i) const { return Q[i]; } arma_inline elem_type at (const uword row, const uword col) const { return Q.at(row, col); } arma_inline elem_type at_alt (const uword i) const { return Q.at_alt(i); } arma_inline ea_type get_ea() const { return Q.memptr(); } arma_inline aligned_ea_type get_aligned_ea() const { return Q; } template arma_inline bool is_alias(const Mat&) const { return false; } arma_inline bool is_aligned() const { return memory::is_aligned(Q.memptr()); } }; template class Proxy< subview > { public: typedef eT elem_type; typedef typename get_pod_type::result pod_type; typedef subview stored_type; typedef const subview& ea_type; typedef const subview& aligned_ea_type; static const bool prefer_at_accessor = true; static const bool has_subview = true; static const bool fake_mat = false; static const bool is_row = false; static const bool is_col = false; arma_aligned const subview& Q; inline explicit Proxy(const subview& A) : Q(A) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); } arma_inline uword get_n_rows() const { return Q.n_rows; } arma_inline uword get_n_cols() const { return Q.n_cols; } arma_inline uword get_n_elem() const { return Q.n_elem; } arma_inline elem_type operator[] (const uword i) const { return Q[i]; } arma_inline elem_type at (const uword row, const uword col) const { return Q.at(row, col); } arma_inline elem_type at_alt (const uword i) const { return Q[i]; } arma_inline ea_type get_ea() const { return Q; } arma_inline aligned_ea_type get_aligned_ea() const { return Q; } template arma_inline bool is_alias(const Mat& X) const { return (void_ptr(&(Q.m)) == void_ptr(&X)); } arma_inline bool is_aligned() const { return false; } }; template class Proxy< subview_col > { public: typedef eT elem_type; typedef typename get_pod_type::result pod_type; typedef subview_col stored_type; typedef const eT* ea_type; typedef const subview_col& aligned_ea_type; static const bool prefer_at_accessor = false; static const bool has_subview = true; static const bool fake_mat = false; static const bool is_row = false; static const bool is_col = true; arma_aligned const subview_col& Q; inline explicit Proxy(const subview_col& A) : Q(A) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); } arma_inline uword get_n_rows() const { return Q.n_rows; } arma_inline uword get_n_cols() const { return 1; } arma_inline uword get_n_elem() const { return Q.n_elem; } arma_inline elem_type operator[] (const uword i) const { return Q[i]; } arma_inline elem_type at (const uword row, const uword) const { return Q[row]; } arma_inline elem_type at_alt (const uword i) const { return Q.at_alt(i); } arma_inline ea_type get_ea() const { return Q.colmem; } arma_inline aligned_ea_type get_aligned_ea() const { return Q; } template arma_inline bool is_alias(const Mat& X) const { return (void_ptr(&(Q.m)) == void_ptr(&X)); } arma_inline bool is_aligned() const { return memory::is_aligned(Q.colmem); } }; template class Proxy< subview_row > { public: typedef eT elem_type; typedef typename get_pod_type::result pod_type; typedef subview_row stored_type; typedef const subview_row& ea_type; typedef const subview_row& aligned_ea_type; static const bool prefer_at_accessor = false; static const bool has_subview = true; static const bool fake_mat = false; static const bool is_row = true; static const bool is_col = false; arma_aligned const subview_row& Q; inline explicit Proxy(const subview_row& A) : Q(A) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); } arma_inline uword get_n_rows() const { return 1; } arma_inline uword get_n_cols() const { return Q.n_cols; } arma_inline uword get_n_elem() const { return Q.n_elem; } arma_inline elem_type operator[] (const uword i) const { return Q[i]; } arma_inline elem_type at (const uword, const uword col) const { return Q[col]; } arma_inline elem_type at_alt (const uword i) const { return Q[i]; } arma_inline ea_type get_ea() const { return Q; } arma_inline aligned_ea_type get_aligned_ea() const { return Q; } template arma_inline bool is_alias(const Mat& X) const { return (void_ptr(&(Q.m)) == void_ptr(&X)); } arma_inline bool is_aligned() const { return false; } }; template class Proxy< subview_row_strans > { public: typedef eT elem_type; typedef typename get_pod_type::result pod_type; typedef subview_row_strans stored_type; typedef const subview_row_strans& ea_type; typedef const subview_row_strans& aligned_ea_type; static const bool prefer_at_accessor = false; static const bool has_subview = true; static const bool fake_mat = false; static const bool is_row = false; static const bool is_col = true; arma_aligned const subview_row_strans& Q; inline explicit Proxy(const subview_row_strans& A) : Q(A) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); } arma_inline uword get_n_rows() const { return Q.n_rows; } arma_inline uword get_n_cols() const { return 1; } arma_inline uword get_n_elem() const { return Q.n_elem; } arma_inline elem_type operator[] (const uword i) const { return Q[i]; } arma_inline elem_type at (const uword row, const uword) const { return Q[row]; } arma_inline elem_type at_alt (const uword i) const { return Q[i]; } arma_inline ea_type get_ea() const { return Q; } arma_inline aligned_ea_type get_aligned_ea() const { return Q; } template arma_inline bool is_alias(const Mat& X) const { return (void_ptr(&(Q.sv_row.m)) == void_ptr(&X)); } arma_inline bool is_aligned() const { return false; } }; template class Proxy< subview_row_htrans > { public: typedef eT elem_type; typedef typename get_pod_type::result pod_type; typedef subview_row_htrans stored_type; typedef const subview_row_htrans& ea_type; typedef const subview_row_htrans& aligned_ea_type; static const bool prefer_at_accessor = false; static const bool has_subview = true; static const bool fake_mat = false; static const bool is_row = false; static const bool is_col = true; arma_aligned const subview_row_htrans& Q; inline explicit Proxy(const subview_row_htrans& A) : Q(A) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); } arma_inline uword get_n_rows() const { return Q.n_rows; } arma_inline uword get_n_cols() const { return 1; } arma_inline uword get_n_elem() const { return Q.n_elem; } arma_inline elem_type operator[] (const uword i) const { return Q[i]; } arma_inline elem_type at (const uword row, const uword) const { return Q[row]; } arma_inline elem_type at_alt (const uword i) const { return Q[i]; } arma_inline ea_type get_ea() const { return Q; } arma_inline aligned_ea_type get_aligned_ea() const { return Q; } template arma_inline bool is_alias(const Mat& X) const { return (void_ptr(&(Q.sv_row.m)) == void_ptr(&X)); } arma_inline bool is_aligned() const { return false; } }; template class Proxy< xtrans_mat > { public: typedef eT elem_type; typedef typename get_pod_type::result pod_type; typedef Mat stored_type; typedef const eT* ea_type; typedef const Mat& aligned_ea_type; static const bool prefer_at_accessor = false; static const bool has_subview = false; static const bool fake_mat = false; static const bool is_row = false; static const bool is_col = false; arma_aligned const Mat Q; inline explicit Proxy(const xtrans_mat& A) : Q(A) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); } arma_inline uword get_n_rows() const { return Q.n_rows; } arma_inline uword get_n_cols() const { return Q.n_cols; } arma_inline uword get_n_elem() const { return Q.n_elem; } arma_inline elem_type operator[] (const uword i) const { return Q[i]; } arma_inline elem_type at (const uword row, const uword col) const { return Q.at(row,col); } arma_inline elem_type at_alt (const uword i) const { return Q.at_alt(i); } arma_inline ea_type get_ea() const { return Q.memptr(); } arma_inline aligned_ea_type get_aligned_ea() const { return Q; } template arma_inline bool is_alias(const Mat&) const { return false; } arma_inline bool is_aligned() const { return memory::is_aligned(Q.memptr()); } }; template class Proxy< xvec_htrans > { public: typedef eT elem_type; typedef typename get_pod_type::result pod_type; typedef Mat stored_type; typedef const eT* ea_type; typedef const Mat& aligned_ea_type; static const bool prefer_at_accessor = false; static const bool has_subview = false; static const bool fake_mat = false; static const bool is_row = false; static const bool is_col = false; arma_aligned const Mat Q; inline explicit Proxy(const xvec_htrans& A) : Q(A) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); } arma_inline uword get_n_rows() const { return Q.n_rows; } arma_inline uword get_n_cols() const { return Q.n_cols; } arma_inline uword get_n_elem() const { return Q.n_elem; } arma_inline elem_type operator[] (const uword i) const { return Q[i]; } arma_inline elem_type at (const uword row, const uword col) const { return Q.at(row,col); } arma_inline elem_type at_alt (const uword i) const { return Q.at_alt(i); } arma_inline ea_type get_ea() const { return Q.memptr(); } arma_inline aligned_ea_type get_aligned_ea() const { return Q; } template arma_inline bool is_alias(const Mat&) const { return false; } arma_inline bool is_aligned() const { return memory::is_aligned(Q.memptr()); } }; template class Proxy< subview_elem1 > { public: typedef eT elem_type; typedef typename get_pod_type::result pod_type; typedef subview_elem1 stored_type; typedef const Proxy< subview_elem1 >& ea_type; typedef const Proxy< subview_elem1 >& aligned_ea_type; static const bool prefer_at_accessor = false; static const bool has_subview = true; static const bool fake_mat = false; static const bool is_row = false; static const bool is_col = true; arma_aligned const subview_elem1& Q; arma_aligned const Proxy R; inline explicit Proxy(const subview_elem1& A) : Q(A) , R(A.a.get_ref()) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); const bool R_is_vec = ((R.get_n_rows() == 1) || (R.get_n_cols() == 1)); const bool R_is_empty = (R.get_n_elem() == 0); arma_debug_check( ((R_is_vec == false) && (R_is_empty == false)), "Mat::elem(): given object is not a vector" ); } arma_inline uword get_n_rows() const { return R.get_n_elem(); } arma_inline uword get_n_cols() const { return 1; } arma_inline uword get_n_elem() const { return R.get_n_elem(); } arma_inline elem_type operator[] (const uword i) const { const uword ii = (Proxy::prefer_at_accessor) ? R.at(i, 0) : R[i ]; arma_debug_check( (ii >= Q.m.n_elem), "Mat::elem(): index out of bounds" ); return Q.m[ii]; } arma_inline elem_type at (const uword row, const uword) const { const uword ii = (Proxy::prefer_at_accessor) ? R.at(row,0) : R[row]; arma_debug_check( (ii >= Q.m.n_elem), "Mat::elem(): index out of bounds" ); return Q.m[ii]; } arma_inline elem_type at_alt (const uword i) const { const uword ii = (Proxy::prefer_at_accessor) ? R.at(i, 0) : R[i ]; arma_debug_check( (ii >= Q.m.n_elem), "Mat::elem(): index out of bounds" ); return Q.m[ii]; } arma_inline ea_type get_ea() const { return (*this); } arma_inline aligned_ea_type get_aligned_ea() const { return (*this); } template arma_inline bool is_alias(const Mat& X) const { return ( (void_ptr(&X) == void_ptr(&(Q.m))) || (R.is_alias(X)) ); } arma_inline bool is_aligned() const { return false; } }; template class Proxy< subview_elem2 > { public: typedef eT elem_type; typedef typename get_pod_type::result pod_type; typedef Mat stored_type; typedef const eT* ea_type; typedef const Mat& aligned_ea_type; static const bool prefer_at_accessor = false; static const bool has_subview = false; static const bool fake_mat = false; static const bool is_row = false; static const bool is_col = false; arma_aligned const Mat Q; inline explicit Proxy(const subview_elem2& A) : Q(A) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); } arma_inline uword get_n_rows() const { return Q.n_rows; } arma_inline uword get_n_cols() const { return Q.n_cols; } arma_inline uword get_n_elem() const { return Q.n_elem; } arma_inline elem_type operator[] (const uword i) const { return Q[i]; } arma_inline elem_type at (const uword row, const uword col) const { return Q.at(row, col); } arma_inline elem_type at_alt (const uword i) const { return Q.at_alt(i); } arma_inline ea_type get_ea() const { return Q.memptr(); } arma_inline aligned_ea_type get_aligned_ea() const { return Q; } template arma_inline bool is_alias(const Mat&) const { return false; } arma_inline bool is_aligned() const { return memory::is_aligned(Q.memptr()); } }; template class Proxy< diagview > { public: typedef eT elem_type; typedef typename get_pod_type::result pod_type; typedef diagview stored_type; typedef const diagview& ea_type; typedef const diagview& aligned_ea_type; static const bool prefer_at_accessor = false; static const bool has_subview = true; static const bool fake_mat = false; static const bool is_row = false; static const bool is_col = true; arma_aligned const diagview& Q; inline explicit Proxy(const diagview& A) : Q(A) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); } arma_inline uword get_n_rows() const { return Q.n_rows; } arma_inline uword get_n_cols() const { return 1; } arma_inline uword get_n_elem() const { return Q.n_elem; } arma_inline elem_type operator[] (const uword i) const { return Q[i]; } arma_inline elem_type at (const uword row, const uword) const { return Q.at(row, 0); } arma_inline elem_type at_alt (const uword i) const { return Q[i]; } arma_inline ea_type get_ea() const { return Q; } arma_inline aligned_ea_type get_aligned_ea() const { return Q; } template arma_inline bool is_alias(const Mat& X) const { return (void_ptr(&(Q.m)) == void_ptr(&X)); } arma_inline bool is_aligned() const { return false; } }; template class Proxy< spdiagview > { public: typedef eT elem_type; typedef typename get_pod_type::result pod_type; typedef spdiagview stored_type; typedef const spdiagview& ea_type; typedef const spdiagview& aligned_ea_type; static const bool prefer_at_accessor = false; static const bool has_subview = false; static const bool fake_mat = false; static const bool is_row = false; static const bool is_col = true; arma_aligned const spdiagview& Q; inline explicit Proxy(const spdiagview& A) : Q(A) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); } arma_inline uword get_n_rows() const { return Q.n_rows; } arma_inline uword get_n_cols() const { return 1; } arma_inline uword get_n_elem() const { return Q.n_elem; } arma_inline elem_type operator[] (const uword i) const { return Q[i]; } arma_inline elem_type at (const uword row, const uword) const { return Q.at(row, 0); } arma_inline elem_type at_alt (const uword i) const { return Q[i]; } arma_inline ea_type get_ea() const { return Q; } arma_inline aligned_ea_type get_aligned_ea() const { return Q; } template arma_inline bool is_alias(const Mat&) const { return false; } arma_inline bool is_aligned() const { return false; } }; template class Proxy< eOp > { public: typedef typename T1::elem_type elem_type; typedef typename get_pod_type::result pod_type; typedef eOp stored_type; typedef const eOp& ea_type; typedef const eOp& aligned_ea_type; static const bool prefer_at_accessor = eOp::prefer_at_accessor; static const bool has_subview = eOp::has_subview; static const bool fake_mat = eOp::fake_mat; static const bool is_row = eOp::is_row; static const bool is_col = eOp::is_col; arma_aligned const eOp& Q; inline explicit Proxy(const eOp& A) : Q(A) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); } arma_inline uword get_n_rows() const { return is_row ? 1 : Q.get_n_rows(); } arma_inline uword get_n_cols() const { return is_col ? 1 : Q.get_n_cols(); } arma_inline uword get_n_elem() const { return Q.get_n_elem(); } arma_inline elem_type operator[] (const uword i) const { return Q[i]; } arma_inline elem_type at (const uword row, const uword col) const { return Q.at(row, col); } arma_inline elem_type at_alt (const uword i) const { return Q.at_alt(i); } arma_inline ea_type get_ea() const { return Q; } arma_inline aligned_ea_type get_aligned_ea() const { return Q; } template arma_inline bool is_alias(const Mat& X) const { return Q.P.is_alias(X); } arma_inline bool is_aligned() const { return Q.P.is_aligned(); } }; template class Proxy< eGlue > { public: typedef typename T1::elem_type elem_type; typedef typename get_pod_type::result pod_type; typedef eGlue stored_type; typedef const eGlue& ea_type; typedef const eGlue& aligned_ea_type; static const bool prefer_at_accessor = eGlue::prefer_at_accessor; static const bool has_subview = eGlue::has_subview; static const bool fake_mat = eGlue::fake_mat; static const bool is_row = eGlue::is_row; static const bool is_col = eGlue::is_col; arma_aligned const eGlue& Q; inline explicit Proxy(const eGlue& A) : Q(A) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); } arma_inline uword get_n_rows() const { return is_row ? 1 : Q.get_n_rows(); } arma_inline uword get_n_cols() const { return is_col ? 1 : Q.get_n_cols(); } arma_inline uword get_n_elem() const { return Q.get_n_elem(); } arma_inline elem_type operator[] (const uword i) const { return Q[i]; } arma_inline elem_type at (const uword row, const uword col) const { return Q.at(row, col); } arma_inline elem_type at_alt (const uword i) const { return Q.at_alt(i); } arma_inline ea_type get_ea() const { return Q; } arma_inline aligned_ea_type get_aligned_ea() const { return Q; } template arma_inline bool is_alias(const Mat& X) const { return (Q.P1.is_alias(X) || Q.P2.is_alias(X)); } arma_inline bool is_aligned() const { return (Q.P1.is_aligned() && Q.P2.is_aligned()); } }; template class Proxy< mtOp > { public: typedef out_eT elem_type; typedef typename get_pod_type::result pod_type; typedef Mat stored_type; typedef const elem_type* ea_type; typedef const Mat& aligned_ea_type; static const bool prefer_at_accessor = false; static const bool has_subview = false; static const bool fake_mat = false; static const bool is_row = mtOp::is_row; static const bool is_col = mtOp::is_col; arma_aligned const Mat Q; inline explicit Proxy(const mtOp& A) : Q(A) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); } arma_inline uword get_n_rows() const { return is_row ? 1 : Q.n_rows; } arma_inline uword get_n_cols() const { return is_col ? 1 : Q.n_cols; } arma_inline uword get_n_elem() const { return Q.n_elem; } arma_inline elem_type operator[] (const uword i) const { return Q[i]; } arma_inline elem_type at (const uword row, const uword col) const { return Q.at(row,col); } arma_inline elem_type at_alt (const uword i) const { return Q.at_alt(i); } arma_inline ea_type get_ea() const { return Q.memptr(); } arma_inline aligned_ea_type get_aligned_ea() const { return Q; } template arma_inline bool is_alias(const Mat&) const { return false; } arma_inline bool is_aligned() const { return memory::is_aligned(Q.memptr()); } }; template class Proxy< mtGlue > { public: typedef out_eT elem_type; typedef typename get_pod_type::result pod_type; typedef Mat stored_type; typedef const elem_type* ea_type; typedef const Mat& aligned_ea_type; static const bool prefer_at_accessor = false; static const bool has_subview = false; static const bool fake_mat = false; static const bool is_row = mtGlue::is_row; static const bool is_col = mtGlue::is_col; arma_aligned const Mat Q; inline explicit Proxy(const mtGlue& A) : Q(A) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); } arma_inline uword get_n_rows() const { return is_row ? 1 : Q.n_rows; } arma_inline uword get_n_cols() const { return is_col ? 1 : Q.n_cols; } arma_inline uword get_n_elem() const { return Q.n_elem; } arma_inline elem_type operator[] (const uword i) const { return Q[i]; } arma_inline elem_type at (const uword row, const uword col) const { return Q.at(row,col); } arma_inline elem_type at_alt (const uword i) const { return Q.at_alt(i); } arma_inline ea_type get_ea() const { return Q.memptr(); } arma_inline aligned_ea_type get_aligned_ea() const { return Q; } template arma_inline bool is_alias(const Mat&) const { return false; } arma_inline bool is_aligned() const { return memory::is_aligned(Q.memptr()); } }; //! @}