getMessage.m % read basic data from messages %% DESC %% 'Status' double status of succes %% 'Station' string Station Code %% 'Detector' string Detector Code %% 'SampleType' string sample type %% 'SystemType' char P/G/B %% 'SRID' string sample reference ID %% 'CollectionStart' datenum Collection Start Date %% 'CollectionStop' datenum Collection Stop Date %% 'SampleVolume' double %% 'Channels' double number of channels in spectrum %% 'AcquisitionStart' datenum %% 'AcquisitionStop' datenum %% 'AcquisitionReal' double Acquisition Real Time (s) %% 'AcquisitionLive' double Acquisition Live Time (s) %% 'CalibrationDate' datenum Date of calibration %% 'idMeas' double Linssi:idMeas, if specified in Comment block -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- loadCtrlFcn.m % case 'AddMessages' 模块里调用 getMessage % The following cases access the figure 'UserData' property value, which is % a struct with the fields % % ud.sid [] sample id % ud.loadidx [] NaN or current sn of spectrum % ud.source_t '' 'D' 'M' 'U' or 'A' , according to data source (db, msg, ...) % ud.aatfile {} aat file name % ud.aatfileidx [] index of spectrum within aat file % ud.msg {} message file name % ud.station {} station code % ud.detector {} detector code % ud.cstart [] collection start % ud.cstop [] collection start % ud.astart [] acquisition start % ud.astop [] acquisition start % [] category % ud.channels [] number of channels % ud.stype {} sample type % ud.NS NS number of spectra ud 信息存储于 Af_loadCtrlFcn_data 全局变量