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// Copyright (C) 2015 National ICT Australia (NICTA)
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// Written by Conrad Sanderson - http://conradsanderson.id.au
//! \addtogroup fn_interp1
//! @{
template<typename eT>
interp1_helper_nearest(const Mat<eT>& XG, const Mat<eT>& YG, const Mat<eT>& XI, Mat<eT>& YI, const eT extrap_val)
const eT XG_min = XG.min();
const eT XG_max = XG.max();
const eT* XG_mem = XG.memptr();
const eT* YG_mem = YG.memptr();
const eT* XI_mem = XI.memptr();
eT* YI_mem = YI.memptr();
const uword NG = XG.n_elem;
const uword NI = XI.n_elem;
uword best_j = 0;
for(uword i=0; i<NI; ++i)
eT best_err = Datum<eT>::inf;
const eT XI_val = XI_mem[i];
if((XI_val < XG_min) || (XI_val > XG_max))
YI_mem[i] = extrap_val;
// XG and XI are guaranteed to be sorted in ascending manner,
// so start searching XG from last known optimum position
for(uword j=best_j; j<NG; ++j)
const eT tmp = XG_mem[j] - XI_val;
const eT err = (tmp >= eT(0)) ? tmp : -tmp;
if(err >= best_err)
// error is going up, so we have found the optimum position
best_err = err;
best_j = j; // remember the optimum position
YI_mem[i] = YG_mem[best_j];
template<typename eT>
interp1_helper_linear(const Mat<eT>& XG, const Mat<eT>& YG, const Mat<eT>& XI, Mat<eT>& YI, const eT extrap_val)
const eT XG_min = XG.min();
const eT XG_max = XG.max();
const eT* XG_mem = XG.memptr();
const eT* YG_mem = YG.memptr();
const eT* XI_mem = XI.memptr();
eT* YI_mem = YI.memptr();
const uword NG = XG.n_elem;
const uword NI = XI.n_elem;
uword a_best_j = 0;
uword b_best_j = 0;
for(uword i=0; i<NI; ++i)
const eT XI_val = XI_mem[i];
if((XI_val < XG_min) || (XI_val > XG_max))
YI_mem[i] = extrap_val;
// XG and XI are guaranteed to be sorted in ascending manner,
// so start searching XG from last known optimum position
eT a_best_err = Datum<eT>::inf;
eT b_best_err = Datum<eT>::inf;
for(uword j=a_best_j; j<NG; ++j)
const eT tmp = XG_mem[j] - XI_val;
const eT err = (tmp >= eT(0)) ? tmp : -tmp;
if(err >= a_best_err)
a_best_err = err;
a_best_j = j;
if( (XG_mem[a_best_j] - XI_val) <= eT(0) )
// a_best_j is to the left of the interpolated position
b_best_j = ( (a_best_j+1) < NG) ? (a_best_j+1) : a_best_j;
// a_best_j is to the right of the interpolated position
b_best_j = (a_best_j >= 1) ? (a_best_j-1) : a_best_j;
b_best_err = std::abs( XG_mem[b_best_j] - XI_val );
if(a_best_j > b_best_j)
std::swap(a_best_j, b_best_j );
std::swap(a_best_err, b_best_err);
const eT weight = (a_best_err > eT(0)) ? (a_best_err / (a_best_err + b_best_err)) : eT(0);
YI_mem[i] = (eT(1) - weight)*YG_mem[a_best_j] + (weight)*YG_mem[b_best_j];
template<typename eT>
interp1_helper(const Mat<eT>& X, const Mat<eT>& Y, const Mat<eT>& XI, Mat<eT>& YI, const uword sig, const eT extrap_val)
arma_debug_check( ((X.is_vec() == false) || (Y.is_vec() == false) || (XI.is_vec() == false)), "interp1(): currently only vectors are supported" );
arma_debug_check( (X.n_elem != Y.n_elem), "interp1(): X and Y must have the same number of elements" );
arma_debug_check( (X.n_elem < 2), "interp1(): X must have at least two unique elements" );
// sig = 10: nearest neighbour
// sig = 11: nearest neighbour, assume monotonic increase in X and XI
// sig = 20: linear
// sig = 21: linear, assume monotonic increase in X and XI
if(sig == 11) { interp1_helper_nearest(X, Y, XI, YI, extrap_val); return; }
if(sig == 21) { interp1_helper_linear (X, Y, XI, YI, extrap_val); return; }
uvec X_indices;
try { X_indices = find_unique(X,false); } catch(...) { }
// NOTE: find_unique(X,false) provides indices of elements sorted in ascending order
// NOTE: find_unique(X,false) will reset X_indices if X has NaN
const uword N_subset = X_indices.n_elem;
arma_debug_check( (N_subset < 2), "interp1(): X must have at least two unique elements" );
Mat<eT> X_sanitised(N_subset,1);
Mat<eT> Y_sanitised(N_subset,1);
eT* X_sanitised_mem = X_sanitised.memptr();
eT* Y_sanitised_mem = Y_sanitised.memptr();
const eT* X_mem = X.memptr();
const eT* Y_mem = Y.memptr();
const uword* X_indices_mem = X_indices.memptr();
for(uword i=0; i<N_subset; ++i)
const uword j = X_indices_mem[i];
X_sanitised_mem[i] = X_mem[j];
Y_sanitised_mem[i] = Y_mem[j];
Mat<eT> XI_tmp;
uvec XI_indices;
const bool XI_is_sorted = XI.is_sorted();
if(XI_is_sorted == false)
XI_indices = sort_index(XI);
const uword N = XI.n_elem;
const uword* XI_indices_mem = XI_indices.memptr();
const eT* XI_mem = XI.memptr();
eT* XI_tmp_mem = XI_tmp.memptr();
for(uword i=0; i<N; ++i)
XI_tmp_mem[i] = XI_mem[ XI_indices_mem[i] ];
const Mat<eT>& XI_sorted = (XI_is_sorted) ? XI : XI_tmp;
if(sig == 10) { interp1_helper_nearest(X_sanitised, Y_sanitised, XI_sorted, YI, extrap_val); }
else if(sig == 20) { interp1_helper_linear (X_sanitised, Y_sanitised, XI_sorted, YI, extrap_val); }
if( (XI_is_sorted == false) && (YI.n_elem > 0) )
Mat<eT> YI_unsorted;
const eT* YI_mem = YI.memptr();
eT* YI_unsorted_mem = YI_unsorted.memptr();
const uword N = XI_sorted.n_elem;
const uword* XI_indices_mem = XI_indices.memptr();
for(uword i=0; i<N; ++i)
YI_unsorted_mem[ XI_indices_mem[i] ] = YI_mem[i];
template<typename T1, typename T2, typename T3>
is_real<typename T1::elem_type>::value,
const Base<typename T1::elem_type, T1>& X,
const Base<typename T1::elem_type, T2>& Y,
const Base<typename T1::elem_type, T3>& XI,
Mat<typename T1::elem_type>& YI,
const char* method = "linear",
const typename T1::elem_type extrap_val = Datum<typename T1::elem_type>::nan
typedef typename T1::elem_type eT;
uword sig = 0;
if(method != NULL )
if(method[0] != char(0))
if(method[1] != char(0))
const char c1 = method[0];
const char c2 = method[1];
if(c1 == 'n') { sig = 10; } // nearest neighbour
else if(c1 == 'l') { sig = 20; } // linear
if( (c1 == '*') && (c2 == 'n') ) { sig = 11; } // nearest neighour, assume monotonic increase in X and XI
if( (c1 == '*') && (c2 == 'l') ) { sig = 21; } // linear, assume monotonic increase in X and XI
arma_debug_check( (sig == 0), "interp1(): unsupported interpolation type" );
const quasi_unwrap<T1> X_tmp( X.get_ref());
const quasi_unwrap<T2> Y_tmp( Y.get_ref());
const quasi_unwrap<T3> XI_tmp(XI.get_ref());
if( X_tmp.is_alias(YI) || Y_tmp.is_alias(YI) || XI_tmp.is_alias(YI) )
Mat<eT> tmp;
interp1_helper(X_tmp.M, Y_tmp.M, XI_tmp.M, tmp, sig, extrap_val);
interp1_helper(X_tmp.M, Y_tmp.M, XI_tmp.M, YI, sig, extrap_val);
//! @}