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// Written by Conrad Sanderson - http://conradsanderson.id.au
//! \addtogroup Col
//! @{
//! Class for column vectors (matrices with only one column)
template<typename eT>
class Col : public Mat<eT>
typedef eT elem_type;
typedef typename get_pod_type<eT>::result pod_type;
static const bool is_col = true;
static const bool is_row = false;
inline Col();
inline Col(const Col<eT>& X);
inline explicit Col(const uword n_elem);
inline explicit Col(const uword in_rows, const uword in_cols);
inline explicit Col(const SizeMat& s);
template<typename fill_type> inline Col(const uword n_elem, const fill::fill_class<fill_type>& f);
template<typename fill_type> inline Col(const uword in_rows, const uword in_cols, const fill::fill_class<fill_type>& f);
template<typename fill_type> inline Col(const SizeMat& s, const fill::fill_class<fill_type>& f);
inline Col(const char* text);
inline const Col& operator=(const char* text);
inline Col(const std::string& text);
inline const Col& operator=(const std::string& text);
inline Col(const std::vector<eT>& x);
inline const Col& operator=(const std::vector<eT>& x);
#if defined(ARMA_USE_CXX11)
inline Col(const std::initializer_list<eT>& list);
inline const Col& operator=(const std::initializer_list<eT>& list);
inline Col(Col&& m);
inline const Col& operator=(Col&& m);
inline explicit Col(const SpCol<eT>& X);
inline const Col& operator=(const eT val);
inline const Col& operator=(const Col& m);
template<typename T1> inline Col(const Base<eT,T1>& X);
template<typename T1> inline const Col& operator=(const Base<eT,T1>& X);
inline Col( eT* aux_mem, const uword aux_length, const bool copy_aux_mem = true, const bool strict = false);
inline Col(const eT* aux_mem, const uword aux_length);
template<typename T1, typename T2>
inline explicit Col(const Base<pod_type,T1>& A, const Base<pod_type,T2>& B);
template<typename T1> inline Col(const BaseCube<eT,T1>& X);
template<typename T1> inline const Col& operator=(const BaseCube<eT,T1>& X);
inline Col(const subview_cube<eT>& X);
inline const Col& operator=(const subview_cube<eT>& X);
inline mat_injector<Col> operator<<(const eT val);
arma_inline const Op<Col<eT>,op_htrans> t() const;
arma_inline const Op<Col<eT>,op_htrans> ht() const;
arma_inline const Op<Col<eT>,op_strans> st() const;
arma_inline subview_col<eT> row(const uword row_num);
arma_inline const subview_col<eT> row(const uword row_num) const;
using Mat<eT>::rows;
using Mat<eT>::operator();
arma_inline subview_col<eT> rows(const uword in_row1, const uword in_row2);
arma_inline const subview_col<eT> rows(const uword in_row1, const uword in_row2) const;
arma_inline subview_col<eT> subvec(const uword in_row1, const uword in_row2);
arma_inline const subview_col<eT> subvec(const uword in_row1, const uword in_row2) const;
arma_inline subview_col<eT> rows(const span& row_span);
arma_inline const subview_col<eT> rows(const span& row_span) const;
arma_inline subview_col<eT> subvec(const span& row_span);
arma_inline const subview_col<eT> subvec(const span& row_span) const;
arma_inline subview_col<eT> operator()(const span& row_span);
arma_inline const subview_col<eT> operator()(const span& row_span) const;
arma_inline subview_col<eT> head(const uword N);
arma_inline const subview_col<eT> head(const uword N) const;
arma_inline subview_col<eT> tail(const uword N);
arma_inline const subview_col<eT> tail(const uword N) const;
arma_inline subview_col<eT> head_rows(const uword N);
arma_inline const subview_col<eT> head_rows(const uword N) const;
arma_inline subview_col<eT> tail_rows(const uword N);
arma_inline const subview_col<eT> tail_rows(const uword N) const;
inline void shed_row (const uword row_num);
inline void shed_rows(const uword in_row1, const uword in_row2);
inline void insert_rows(const uword row_num, const uword N, const bool set_to_zero = true);
template<typename T1> inline void insert_rows(const uword row_num, const Base<eT,T1>& X);
arma_inline arma_warn_unused eT& at(const uword i);
arma_inline arma_warn_unused const eT& at(const uword i) const;
arma_inline arma_warn_unused eT& at(const uword in_row, const uword in_col);
arma_inline arma_warn_unused const eT& at(const uword in_row, const uword in_col) const;
typedef eT* row_iterator;
typedef const eT* const_row_iterator;
inline row_iterator begin_row(const uword row_num);
inline const_row_iterator begin_row(const uword row_num) const;
inline row_iterator end_row (const uword row_num);
inline const_row_iterator end_row (const uword row_num) const;
template<uword fixed_n_elem> class fixed;
inline Col(const arma_fixed_indicator&, const uword in_n_elem, const eT* in_mem);
template<typename eT>
template<uword fixed_n_elem>
class Col<eT>::fixed : public Col<eT>
static const bool use_extra = (fixed_n_elem > arma_config::mat_prealloc);
arma_align_mem eT mem_local_extra[ (use_extra) ? fixed_n_elem : 1 ];
arma_inline void change_to_row();
typedef fixed<fixed_n_elem> Col_fixed_type;
typedef eT elem_type;
typedef typename get_pod_type<eT>::result pod_type;
static const bool is_col = true;
static const bool is_row = false;
static const uword n_rows = fixed_n_elem;
static const uword n_cols = 1;
static const uword n_elem = fixed_n_elem;
arma_inline fixed();
arma_inline fixed(const fixed<fixed_n_elem>& X);
inline fixed(const subview_cube<eT>& X);
template<typename fill_type> inline fixed(const fill::fill_class<fill_type>& f);
template<typename T1> inline fixed(const Base<eT,T1>& A);
template<typename T1, typename T2> inline fixed(const Base<pod_type,T1>& A, const Base<pod_type,T2>& B);
inline fixed(const eT* aux_mem);
inline fixed(const char* text);
inline fixed(const std::string& text);
template<typename T1> inline const Col& operator=(const Base<eT,T1>& A);
inline const Col& operator=(const eT val);
inline const Col& operator=(const char* text);
inline const Col& operator=(const std::string& text);
inline const Col& operator=(const subview_cube<eT>& X);
using Col<eT>::operator();
#if defined(ARMA_USE_CXX11)
inline fixed(const std::initializer_list<eT>& list);
inline const Col& operator=(const std::initializer_list<eT>& list);
arma_inline const Col& operator=(const fixed<fixed_n_elem>& X);
template<typename T1, typename eop_type> inline const Col& operator=(const eOp<T1, eop_type>& X);
template<typename T1, typename T2, typename eglue_type> inline const Col& operator=(const eGlue<T1, T2, eglue_type>& X);
arma_inline const Op< Col_fixed_type, op_htrans > t() const;
arma_inline const Op< Col_fixed_type, op_htrans > ht() const;
arma_inline const Op< Col_fixed_type, op_strans > st() const;
arma_inline arma_warn_unused const eT& at_alt (const uword i) const;
arma_inline arma_warn_unused eT& operator[] (const uword i);
arma_inline arma_warn_unused const eT& operator[] (const uword i) const;
arma_inline arma_warn_unused eT& at (const uword i);
arma_inline arma_warn_unused const eT& at (const uword i) const;
arma_inline arma_warn_unused eT& operator() (const uword i);
arma_inline arma_warn_unused const eT& operator() (const uword i) const;
arma_inline arma_warn_unused eT& at (const uword in_row, const uword in_col);
arma_inline arma_warn_unused const eT& at (const uword in_row, const uword in_col) const;
arma_inline arma_warn_unused eT& operator() (const uword in_row, const uword in_col);
arma_inline arma_warn_unused const eT& operator() (const uword in_row, const uword in_col) const;
arma_inline arma_warn_unused eT* memptr();
arma_inline arma_warn_unused const eT* memptr() const;
arma_hot inline const Col<eT>& fill(const eT val);
arma_hot inline const Col<eT>& zeros();
arma_hot inline const Col<eT>& ones();
//! @}