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// Written by Conrad Sanderson - http://conradsanderson.id.au
//! \addtogroup constants_compat
//! @{
// the Math and Phy classes are kept for compatibility with old code;
// for new code, use the Datum class instead
// eg. instead of math::pi(), use datum::pi
template<typename eT>
class Math
// the long lengths of the constants are for future support of "long double"
// and any smart compiler that does high-precision computation at compile-time
//! ratio of any circle's circumference to its diameter
static eT pi() { return eT(3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862089986280348253421170679); }
//! base of the natural logarithm
static eT e() { return eT(2.7182818284590452353602874713526624977572470936999595749669676277240766303535475945713821785251664274); }
//! Euler's constant, aka Euler-Mascheroni constant
static eT euler() { return eT(0.5772156649015328606065120900824024310421593359399235988057672348848677267776646709369470632917467495); }
//! golden ratio
static eT gratio() { return eT(1.6180339887498948482045868343656381177203091798057628621354486227052604628189024497072072041893911374); }
//! square root of 2
static eT sqrt2() { return eT(1.4142135623730950488016887242096980785696718753769480731766797379907324784621070388503875343276415727); }
//! the difference between 1 and the least value greater than 1 that is representable
static eT eps() { return std::numeric_limits<eT>::epsilon(); }
//! log of the minimum representable value
static eT log_min() { static const eT out = std::log(std::numeric_limits<eT>::min()); return out; }
//! log of the maximum representable value
static eT log_max() { static const eT out = std::log(std::numeric_limits<eT>::max()); return out; }
//! "not a number"
static eT nan() { return priv::Datum_helper::nan<eT>(); }
//! infinity
static eT inf() { return priv::Datum_helper::inf<eT>(); }
//! Physical constants taken from NIST 2010 CODATA values, and some from WolframAlpha (values provided as of 2009-06-23)
//! http://physics.nist.gov/cuu/Constants
//! http://www.wolframalpha.com
//! See also http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Physical_constant
template<typename eT>
class Phy
//! atomic mass constant (in kg)
static eT m_u() { return eT(1.660539040e-27); }
//! Avogadro constant
static eT N_A() { return eT(6.022140857e23); }
//! Boltzmann constant (in joules per kelvin)
static eT k() { return eT(1.38064852e-23); }
//! Boltzmann constant (in eV/K)
static eT k_evk() { return eT(8.6173303e-5); }
//! Bohr radius (in meters)
static eT a_0() { return eT(0.52917721067e-10); }
//! Bohr magneton
static eT mu_B() { return eT(927.4009994e-26); }
//! characteristic impedance of vacuum (in ohms)
static eT Z_0() { return eT(376.730313461771); }
//! conductance quantum (in siemens)
static eT G_0() { return eT(7.7480917310e-5); }
//! Coulomb's constant (in meters per farad)
static eT k_e() { return eT(8.9875517873681764e9); }
//! electric constant (in farads per meter)
static eT eps_0() { return eT(8.85418781762039e-12); }
//! electron mass (in kg)
static eT m_e() { return eT(9.10938356e-31); }
//! electron volt (in joules)
static eT eV() { return eT(1.6021766208e-19); }
//! elementary charge (in coulombs)
static eT e() { return eT(1.6021766208e-19); }
//! Faraday constant (in coulombs)
static eT F() { return eT(96485.33289); }
//! fine-structure constant
static eT alpha() { return eT(7.2973525664e-3); }
//! inverse fine-structure constant
static eT alpha_inv() { return eT(137.035999139); }
//! Josephson constant
static eT K_J() { return eT(483597.8525e9); }
//! magnetic constant (in henries per meter)
static eT mu_0() { return eT(1.25663706143592e-06); }
//! magnetic flux quantum (in webers)
static eT phi_0() { return eT(2.067833667e-15); }
//! molar gas constant (in joules per mole kelvin)
static eT R() { return eT(8.3144598); }
//! Newtonian constant of gravitation (in newton square meters per kilogram squared)
static eT G() { return eT(6.67408e-11); }
//! Planck constant (in joule seconds)
static eT h() { return eT(6.626070040e-34); }
//! Planck constant over 2 pi, aka reduced Planck constant (in joule seconds)
static eT h_bar() { return eT(1.054571800e-34); }
//! proton mass (in kg)
static eT m_p() { return eT(1.672621898e-27); }
//! Rydberg constant (in reciprocal meters)
static eT R_inf() { return eT(10973731.568508); }
//! speed of light in vacuum (in meters per second)
static eT c_0() { return eT(299792458.0); }
//! Stefan-Boltzmann constant
static eT sigma() { return eT(5.670367e-8); }
//! von Klitzing constant (in ohms)
static eT R_k() { return eT(25812.8074555); }
//! Wien wavelength displacement law constant
static eT b() { return eT(2.8977729e-3); }
typedef Math<float> fmath;
typedef Math<double> math;
typedef Phy<float> fphy;
typedef Phy<double> phy;
//! @}