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107 lines
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#include "gamma_alg_global.h"
namespace Matlab {
PiecePoly mkpp(arma::rowvec breaks, arma::mat coefs, arma::rowvec d = arma::rowvec());
/* function v=ppval(pp,xx)
* PPVAL Evaluate piecewise polynomial.
* V = PPVAL(PP,XX) returns the value, at the entries of XX, of the
* piecewise polynomial f contained in PP, as constructed by PCHIP, SPLINE,
* INTERP1, or the spline utility MKPP. */
arma::mat ppval(arma::mat xx, PiecePoly pp);
/* peakSearch.m => calValues.m => calFcnEval.m => polyval.m
* function [y, delta] = polyval(p,x,S,mu) */
arma::mat polyval(arma::mat p, arma::mat x, arma::mat S = arma::mat(0, 1), arma::mat mu = arma::mat(0, 1));
/* polyval.m => filter.m ----Built-in function
* Y = FILTER(B,A,X) filters the data in vector X with the filter described
* by vectors A and B to create the filtered data Y. */
void filter(arma::mat& y, arma::mat B, arma::mat A, arma::mat X, arma::uword n);
/* POLYDER Differentiate polynomial.
* POLYDER(P) returns the derivative of the polynomial whose
* coefficients are the elements of vector P. */
void polyder(arma::mat &a, arma::mat &b, int nargout, arma::mat u, arma::mat v = arma::mat(0, 1) );
// function [p,S,mu] = polyfit(x,y,n)
arma::colvec polyfit(arma::colvec x, arma::colvec y , int n);
/* REALMIN Smallest positive floating point number.
* x = realmin is the smallest positive normalized double precision floating
* point number on this computer. Anything smaller underflows or is an IEEE
* "denormal".
* REALMIN('double') is the same as REALMIN with no arguments.
* REALMIN('single') is the smallest positive normalized single precision
* floating point number on this computer. */
double realmin(QString type = QString("double"));
int fix(double x);
arma::mat fix(arma::mat dataMat);
/*Y = ERF(X) is the error function for each element of X. X must be real.
* The error function is defined as:
* erf(x) = 2/sqrt(pi) * integral from 0 to x of exp(-t^2) dt. */
arma::mat m_erf(arma::mat x);
//function output = spline(x,y,xx)
arma::mat spline(arma::mat x, arma::mat y, arma::mat xx);
PiecePoly spline(arma::mat x, arma::mat y);
//function [x,y,sizey,endslopes] = chckxy(x,y)
void chckxy(arma::mat &x, arma::mat& y, arma::rowvec &sizey, arma::mat& endslopes, int nargout);
/* function pc = pwch(x,y,s,dx,divdif)
* PWCH Piecewise cubic Hermite interpolation
* PC = PWCH(X,Y,S) returns the ppform of the piecewise cubic Hermite
* interpolant f to the given data values Y and the given slopes S
* at the given data sites X. X must be a vector, and S must be of the same
* size as Y.
* If Y is a vector, then it must be of the same length as X and will be
* resized if necessary to be a row vector.
* If Y is a matrix, then size(Y,2) must equal length(X).
* With d equal to size(Y,1), the piecewise cubic Hermite interpolant f to
* these data is the d-valued piecewise cubic function with breaks at the
* data sites X that satisfies
* f(X(j)) = Y(:,j), Df(X(j)) = S(:,j), j=1:length(X) .
* PC = PWCH(X,Y,S,DX,DIVDIF) also asks for DX := diff(X) and DIVDIF :=
* diff(Y,1,2)./DX . */
PiecePoly pwch(arma::mat x, arma::mat y, arma::mat s, arma::mat dx = arma::mat(0,0), arma::mat divdif = arma::mat(0,0));
/* function [res1,res2] = spdiags(arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4)
* SPDIAGS Sparse matrix formed from diagonals.
* SPDIAGS, which generalizes the function "diag", deals with three
* matrices, in various combinations, as both input and output.
* [B,d] = SPDIAGS(A) extracts all nonzero diagonals from the m-by-n
* matrix A. B is a min(m,n)-by-p matrix whose columns are the p
* nonzero diagonals of A. d is a vector of length p whose integer
* components specify the diagonals in A.
* B = SPDIAGS(A,d) extracts the diagonals specified by d.
* A = SPDIAGS(B,d,A) replaces the diagonals of A specified by d with
* the columns of B. The output is sparse.
* A = SPDIAGS(B,d,m,n) creates an m-by-n sparse matrix from the
* columns of B and places them along the diagonals specified by d.
* Roughly, A, B and d are related by
* for k = 1:p
* B(:,k) = diag(A,d(k))
* end */
void spdiags(arma::mat &res1, arma::mat &res2, arma::mat arg1,
arma::mat arg2 = arma::mat(0,0), int arg3 = 0, int arg4 = 0);
#endif // MATLAB_FUNC