384 lines
22 KiB
384 lines
22 KiB
#ifndef ALG_GLOBAL_H
#define ALG_GLOBAL_H
#include <QString>
#include <QDebug>
#include <armadillo>
#include "GammaAnalyAlgLib.h"
#define MAX_INDEX_PEAK 47
#define MAX_INDEX_SPEC 24
#define pi_ 3.1415926535897932384L
struct PiecePoly // piecewise polynomial -- pp
QString form;
arma::rowvec b; // breaks
arma::mat c; // coefs
arma::rowvec d; // dim
int l; // pieces
int k; // order
// PAT cell data
struct PatCellData
// Variable lengths strings (cell vector)
QString NuclideSoft; // Soft identification from PAT
QString NuclideHard; // Hard identification from PAT
QString NuclideInternal; // normalized name of nuclide
QString Nuclide; // NuclideHard, probably followed by NuclideSoft
QString HalfLifeStr; // Nuclide half life as string, with time unit
QString EffectiveHalflifeStr; // Effective nuclide half life as string, including unit
// Nuclide Reference Peak index
struct NuclidePIdx
// Nuclide Analysis Table (NAT)
struct NuclideATab
struct PAT
//QString PatName; // 1
arma::mat Peaks; // 2
QString PatFlags; // 3
/* 1: Source 'E' External
* 'A' Artificial Peaks
* 'B' Background Peaks
* 'M' Mariscotti Peak Search
* 'R' Residual Peak Search
* 'I' Manually inserted
* 'L' Library inserted
* 'N' inserted by natural RN model
* 'S' inserted by summation peak model
* 'G' neutron-induced lumps in germanium
* 2-5: ?
* 6-7: 'ct'
* 8: Centroid- 'Q' Quickfit
* -Method 'F' Full Fit
* 'U' User Defined
* 'E' External
* 'T' Tied Multiplet fitting (relative energy)
* 'M' Mariscotti Centroid
* 'L' Library Energy (converted to centroid)
* 'G' Special Library Energy (Neutron Lumps)
* 9: Free '0' ct wasn't free in last fitting of this peak
* '1' ct was free in last fitting of this peak
* 10-11: 'na'
* 12: NetArea Method 'Q' Quickfit
* 'F' Full Fit
* 'U' User Defined
* 'E' External
* 'T' Tied Multiplet fitting
* 'C' Calculated from reference lines
* 'S' Summation above reliable baseline
* 's' summation above quick-and-dirty baseline
* 'G' fitting of neutron lump area
* 13: NetArea Free '0' na wasn't free in last fitting of this peak
* '1' na was free in last fitting of this peak
* 14-15: 'fw'
* 16: FWHM Method 'Q' Quickfit
* 'F' Full Fit
* 'U' User Defined
* 'E' External
* 'C' Calibration value (converted to fwhm_ch)
* 'G' Calibration value with add-on (lumps)
* 17: FWHM Free (0|1)
* 18-25: ?
* 26: Spurious (S|.) marked spurious
* 27: Reviewed (R|.) marked reviewed
* 28: TailChanged (T|.) tail changed since last fitting
* 29: ResChanged (R|.) resolution changed since last fitting
* 30: ?
//PatCellData PatCell; // 4
QStringList CalibName; // 5
//NuclidePIdx PeakIdx; // 6 The param now is empty--@cao
//NuclideATab Nat; // 7
QVector<bool> NatUpdateFlag;
//QStringList AdminInfo; // 8
Peaks.set_size(0, MAX_INDEX_PEAK);
CalibName << "" << "" << "" << "" << "" << "" << "" << "" << "";
PatFlags.fill(0, 30);
/*struct SpecBaseInfo
arma::rowvec Spectrum; // channel contents
// arma::rowvec SpectrumLong; // channel contents, padded with NaNs to length of longest spectrum
arma::rowvec BaseLine; // fitted baseline
arma::rowvec AnalysisRange; // Analysis Range (first and last valid channel)
arma::rowvec AnalysisRangeSave; // Save Analysis range, i.e. if empty will be [1,NCh]
arma::rowvec XControl; // baseline control points x-data
arma::rowvec YControl; // baseline control points y-data
arma::rowvec YSlope; // slope at breakpoints, NaN at normal control points
arma::rowvec Residual; // residual (Spectrum-BaseLine-Peaks)
arma::rowvec Stripped; // stripped spectrum (gaussian peaks substracted)
arma::rowvec Steps; // non-spline baseline components
arma::rowvec ROISmooth; // stripped spectrum minus Steps, with smoothened ROIs
arma::rowvec SmoothStripped; // smoothened stripped spectrum
arma::rowvec Approximation; // spectrum approximation (baseline + peaks)
arma::rowvec ChiSquare; // mean weighted residual and number of channels with zero counts ( [ChiSquare, nzero] )
arma::rowvec ArtXControl; // artificial baseline control points x-data
arma::rowvec ArtYControl; // artificial baseline control points y-data
arma::rowvec ArtYSlope; // slope of artificial baseline control points
arma::rowvec ArtificialBase; // Artificial baseline (if not empty)
arma::rowvec BaseFittingWeights; // Weight function used in baseline fitting
arma::rowvec PSS; // value of peak search sensitivity in each channel
#endif // ALG_GLOBAL_H
/*enum PatType
struct __PeakInfo
double Centroid; // 1 directly read from data
double CentroidErr; // 2 directly read from data, currently always NaN for internal PATs
double Energy; // 3 EnergyPAT for peaks where EnergyPAT is NaN; for other peaks
// the value of energy calibration at Centroid is evaluated.
double EnergyErr; // 4 directly read from data, currently always NaN for internal PATs
double FWHM_Ch; // 5 FWHM_ChPAT, where this is not NaN; where it is NaN, using FWHM / dE
double FWHM; // 6 FWHMPAT, where not NaN; where Nan, use dE*FWHM_Ch
double FWHMErr; // 7 FWHM error estimate, read directly from PAT; currently always NaN for internal PATs
double StepRatioErr; // 8 Step Ratio error read from PAT, currently always NaN
double StepRatio; // 9 StepRatioPAT, where not NaN, else using calibration
double Tail; // 10 ManualTail, where not NaN; where NaN, tail calibration value of energy;
double TailErr; // 11 Tail uncertainty read from PAT, currently always NaN for internal PATs
double NetArea; // 12 Net area value read from PAT
double AreaErrorPAT; // 13 net area error read from PAT, currently always NaN for internal PATs
double MeanBackCount; // 14 mean background count read from PAT; for internal PATs updated whenever baseline changes
double Sensitivity; // 15 Peak Search sensitivity at finding, read from PAT; may be NaN
double Significance; // 16 Significance value read from PAT; for internal PATs updated whenever baseline changes
double SignificanceErr; // 17 significance uncertainty read from PAT, currently NaN for internal PATs
double MultipletPAT; // 18 multiplet flag (0|1) read from PAT, must be NaN for internal PATs
double Efficiency; // 19 EfficiencyPAT, where not NaN; where NaN, calculated from efficiency calibration of Energy
double EfficiencyErr; // 20 efficiency uncertainty read from PAT; currently always NaN for internal PATs
double BWWidth; // 21 BWWidthPAT, but 0 where NaN
double BWWidthErr; // 22 Breit-Wigner gamma uncertainty
double EmissionRate; // 23 currently EmissionRatePAT
double EmissionRateErr; // 24 emission rate error, read from PAT
double CCF; // 25 CCFPAT, if that is not NaN, 1 otherwise
double CCFErr; // 26 Error of CCF in % of CCF, if NaN in PAT, then 10*abs(1-CCF)
double LineEnergy; // 27 library line energy of the nuclide with which the peak was assoziated.
double LineEnergyErr; // 28 Line energy error read from PAT
double Yield; // 29 Library Line Yield (1 for 100%)
double YieldErr; // 30 Library Line Yield Uncertainty
double ReferenceID; // 31 Unique ID numbers for reference peaks, NaN otherwise (in PAT)
double RefPointer; // 32 Pointer to reference peak ID of nuclide assoziated with the
// peak, calculated from NuclideIntenal and nuclide Structure
double BranchingRatio; // 33 Branching Ratio between peak and its reference (equilibrium)
double LC; // 34 Currie's minimum NetArea for accepting peak
double LD; // 35 Currie's NetArea that should lead to reliable detection
double SignedResidual; // 36 Mean signed residual (patBaseVar)
double UnsignedResidual; // 37 Mean unsigned residual (patBaseVar)
double ResidualUpToDate; // 38 Flag whether variables 36 and 37 are up to date
double SumPeakArea; // 39 calculated area of summation peak (counts)
double SumPeakAreaErr; // 40 error of summation peak area (counts)
double BackgroundArea; // 41 Total Baseline Area (1+f)*BC
double RefEfficiencyErr; // 42 uncertainty of the efficiency ratio between the peak
// and it's reference peak. If the value in PAT is NaN, the
// uncertainties of the efficiencies will be propagated.
double TailAlpha; // 43 Calibration Alpha value for lower tail
double UpperTail; // 44 Calibration Tail Parameter for upper tails
double UpperTailAlpha; // 45 Calibration Tail Alpha for upper tails
double RecoilBeta;
double RecoilDeltaE;
struct SpectrumInfo
QString Station; // string Station Code
QString Detector; // string Detector Code
QString Geometry; // string Detector Geometry
char DataType; // char first letter of message data type
QString DataTypeLong; // string message data type
QString SampleType; // string sample type
char SystemType; // char P/G/B
QString SRID; // string sample reference id
QString Qualifier; // string sample qualifier ('FULL'|'PREL')
QString CollectionStart; // datenum Collection Start Date
QString CollectionStop; // datenum Collection Stop Date
double SampleVolume; // double Sampled Air Volume (m^3)
QString Comment; // string comment (including newlines)
double Channels; // double number of channels in spectrum
double ChannelZero; // double flag whether channel zero was truncated
QString AcquisitionStart; // datenum Acquisition Start date and time
QString AcquisitionStop; // datenum Acquisition Stop date and time
double AcquisitionReal; // double Acquisition Real Time (s)
double AcquisitionLive; // double Acquisition Live Time (s)
double SampleID; // double sample id
double Category; // double spectrum category
QString CalibrationDate; // datenum Date of calibration
QString MessageFile; // string message filename
QString ReportFile; // string report filename
QString AatFile; // string spectrum binary file name
QStringList AatamiComment; // cellstr aatami comments
char LoadSource; // char flag for input method
QString SetupClass; // string setup class for the spectrum
QString CertificateAssay; // datenum assay date of certificate
QStringList CertificateNuclides; // cellstr cell string of nuclides
double CertificateHalflifes; // double corresponding half lifes(days)
double CertificateActivities; // double corresponding assay act (Bq)
double CertificateActUncertainties; // double corresponding assay uncert (Bq)
double CertificateGEnergies; // double corresponding gamma energies (keV)
double CertificateGIntensities; // double corresponding gamma intensities (%)
QStringList CertificateDecayModes; // cellstr corresponding decay modes
double CertificateBEnergies; // double corresponding beta energies (keV)
double CertificateBIntensities; // double corresponding beta intensities (%)
struct PAT
double Centroid; // directly read from data
double CentroidErr; // directly read from data, currently always NaN for internal PATs
double EnergyPAT; // energy value given in PAT, must be NaN for internal PATs
double Energy; // EnergyPAT for peaks where EnergyPAT is NaN; for other peaks
// the value of energy calibration at Centroid is evaluated.
double EnergyErr; // directly read from data, currently always NaN for internal PATs
double LineEnergy; // library line energy of the nuclide with which the peak was assoziated.
double LineEnergyErr; // Line energy error read from PAT
double FWHM_ChPAT; // PAT value of FWHM value in channels, must not be NaN for internal PATs
double FWHM_Ch; // FWHM_ChPAT, where this is not NaN; where it is NaN, using FWHM / dE
double FWHMPAT; // FWHM in energy range read directly from PAT. Always NaN for internal
double FWHM; // FWHMPAT, where not NaN; where Nan, use dE*FWHM_Ch
double FWHMErr; // FWHM error estimate, read directly from PAT; currently always NaN for internal PATs
double FWHMFitted; // FWHM, where FWHMIsFitted, NaN else
double BWWidthPAT; // Breit-Wigner width for x-rays, in keV, NaN for normal peaks
double BWWidth; // BWWidthPAT, but 0 where NaN
double BWWidthChan; // BWWidth in channel units
double StepRatioPAT; // Step Ratio (Step/NetArea) in PAT, may be NaN
double StepRatioErr; // Step Ratio error read from PAT, currently always NaN
double StepRatio; // StepRatioPAT, where not NaN, else using calibration
double Step; // NetArea * StepRatio
double StepErr; // NetArea * StepRatioErr
double ManualTail; // Tailing parameter read from PAT, may be NaN
double Tail; // ManualTail, where not NaN; where NaN, tail calibration value of energy;
double TailErr; // Tail uncertainty read from PAT, currently always NaN for internal PATs
double TailAlpha; // Calibration Alpha value for lower tail
double UpperTail; // Calibration Tail Parameter for upper tails
double UpperTailAlpha; // Calibration Tail Alpha for upper tails
double NetArea; // Net area value read from PAT
double NetAreaFree; // flag if net area should be free (has not been calculated)
double AreaErrorPAT; // net area error read from PAT, currently always NaN for internal PATs
double AreaError; // AreaErrorPAT, where not NaN; where NaN, calculated from NetArea and Baseline area
double AreaErrorP; // 100*AreaError/NetArea
double NetAreaCalculated; // net area calculated from reference peaks (counts)
double NetAreaCalcError; // error of calculated net area (%)
double NACalcMin; // Calculated Net area, but reference net area substituted by
// LC for too small peaks (or 1 if LC < 1)
double NetAreaCalcUTest; // u-test for calculated versus current net area (only
// reasonable for peaks fitted independently of reference peak).
double SumPeakArea; // calculated area of summation peak (counts)
double SumPeakAreaErr; // error of summation peak area (counts)
double PeakShare; // (SumPeakArea or NetAreaCal) / NetArea
double Activity; // Nuclide activity, decay corrected to acquisition start (assuming no feeding in
double EmissionRatePAT; // emission rate, read from PATcurrently always NaN
double EmissionRate; // currently EmissionRatePAT
double EmissionRateErr; // emission rate error, read from PAT
double CCFPAT; // coincidence correction factor read from PAT, currently always NaN
double CCF; // CCFPAT, if that is not NaN, 1 otherwise
double CCFErr; // Error of CCF in % of CCF, if NaN in PAT, then 10*abs(1-CCF)
double MeanBackCount; // mean background count read from PAT; for internal PATs updated whenever baseline changes
double Sensitivity; // Peak Search sensitivity at finding, read from PAT; may be NaN
double Significance; // Significance value read from PAT; for internal PATs updated whenever baseline changes
double SignificanceErr; // significance uncertainty read from PAT, currently NaN for internal PATs
double LC; // Currie's minimum NetArea for accepting peak
double LD; // Currie's NetArea that should lead to reliable detection
double SignedResidual; // Mean signed residual (patBaseVar)
double UnsignedResidual; // Mean unsigned residual (patBaseVar)
double MultipletPAT; // multiplet flag (0|1) read from PAT, must be NaN for internal PATs
double Multiplet; // MultipletPAT, where not NaN; where NaN, calculated from Centroid, NetArea and FWHM_Ch
double dE; // Energy Slope calculated from Centroid using Energy Calibration;
// if no energy calibration for that PAT, use current calibration;
// if no current calibration, return NaN
double EfficiencyPAT; // efficiency value read from PAT; always NaN for internal PATs
double Efficiency; // EfficiencyPAT, where not NaN; where NaN, calculated from efficiency calibration of Energy
double EfficiencyErr; // efficiency uncertainty read from PAT; currently always NaN for internal PATs
double RefEfficiencyErr; // uncertainty of the efficiency ratio between the peak
// and it's reference peak. If the value in PAT is NaN, the
// uncertainties of the efficiencies will be propagated.
double LineDeviation; // LineEnergy - Energy
double Res; // Resolution calibration value at Energy
double Res_Ch; // Res/dE
double FWHMIsFitted; // boolean whether FWHM comes from aatami fitting, calculated from FitFlags
double Index; // peak numbers
double CountsPerSecond; // NetArea/LiveTime
double appERate; // apparent Emmision Rate CountsPerSecond/Efficiency
double Yield; // Library Line Yield (1 for 100%)
double YieldErr; // Library Line Yield Uncertainty
double HalfLife; // Nuclide half life (days)
double EffectiveHalflife; // effective nuclide half life (days). For nuclides that are
// in an equilibrium-decay-chain, this is the halflife of the
// mother feeding the chain
double ReferenceID; // Unique ID numbers for reference peaks, NaN otherwise (in PAT)
double RefPointer; // Pointer to reference peak ID of nuclide assoziated with the
// peak, calculated from NuclideIntenal and nuclide Structure
double ReferencePN; // Peak Number of reference peak, if peak has reference peak, NaN otherwise
double PeakIdentified; // currently flag whether peak bears valid hard identification
double BranchingRatio; // Branching Ratio between peak and its reference (equilibrium)
// Fixed length strings; character array NPeak * l
char Source; // 1 source flag read from PAT
QString FitFlags; // 12 fitting flags in format 'ct**na**wt**' read from PAT
char Spurious; // 1 Spurious flag read from PAT
char Reviewed; // 1 Reviewed flag read from PAT
char TailChanged; // 1 Tail changed flag, read from PAT
char ResChanged; // 1 Resolution calibration changed flag, read from PAT
char TailFlag; // 1 Flag if ManualTail is NaN or finite
char MultipletStr; // 1 Flag if Multiplet is 0 or 1 ('.' or 'M')
char SignificanceFlag; // 1 flag according to Significance
char NetAreaFlag; // 1 where net area comes from
// Variable lengths strings (cell vector)
QString NuclideSoft; // Soft identification from PAT
QString NuclideHard; // Hard identification from PAT
QString NuclideInternal; // normalized name of nuclide
QString Nuclide; // NuclideHard, probably followed by NuclideSoft
QString HalfLifeStr; // Nuclide half life as string, with time unit
QString EffectiveHalflifeStr; // Effective nuclide half life as string, including unit