jobjectArrayg_e_efficiency;// efficiency (counts in peak/photon emitted)
jobjectArrayg_e_uncertainty;// uncertainty (counts in peak/photon emitted)
/* ROI_Limits Block */
jobjectArrayROI_number;// ROI number
jobjectArrayPOI_B_x1;// 2-D ROI <20><>-range start, x 1 (keV)
jobjectArrayPOI_B_x2;// 2-D ROI <20><>-range stop, x 2 (keV)
jobjectArrayPOI_G_y1;// 2-D ROI <20><>-range start, y 1 (keV)
jobjectArrayPOI_G_y2;// 2-D ROI <20><>-range stop, y 2 (keV)
/* b-gEfficiency Block */
jobjectArraybg_nuclide_name;// nuclide name
jobjectArraybg_ROI_number;// ROI number
jobjectArraybg_efficiency;// <20><>-<2D><> coincidence efficiency (counts in ROI/<2F><>-<2D><> pair emitted)
jobjectArraybg_uncertainty;// uncertainty (counts in ROI/<2F><>-<2D><> pair emitted)
/* Ratios Block */
jobjectArrayratio_id;// ratio identifier
jobjectArrayROI_num_highter_G_energy_ROI;// ROI number for the higher <20><> -energy ROI
jobjectArrayROI_num_lower_G_energy_ROI;// ROI number for the lower <20><> -energy ROI
jobjectArraycount_ratio;// Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(RMSSOHData::HeaderBlock)count ratio(counts in higher <20><> -energy ROI/counts in lower <20><> -energy ROI)
jobjectArraycount_ratio_uncertainty;// count ratio uncertainty (percent)
/* g_Spectrum Block */
jlongnum_g_channel;// number of <20><> channels
jlongg_energy_span;// <20><>-energy span (keV)
jlongg_begin_channel;// begin of channels
jobjectArrayg_counts;// count at channel
/* b_Spectrum Block */
jlongnum_b_channel;// number of <20><> -channels
jlongb_energy_span;// <20><> -energy span (keV)
jlongb_begin_channel;// begin of channels
jobjectArrayb_counts;// counts at channels
/* Histogram Block */
jlongb_channels;// <20><>-channels
jlongg_channels;// <20><>-channels
jlongb_h_energy_span;// <20><>-energy span
jlongg_h_energy_span;// <20><>-energy span
jobjectArrayh_counts;// counts at channels
/* Certificate Block */
jdoubletotal_source_activity=0;// total source activity (Bq)
jstringassay_date;// assay date (yyyy / mm / dd)
jstringassay_time;// assay time (hh : mm : ss)
jstringunits_activity;// units of activity: <20><>B,<2C><><20><>b<EFBFBD><62> for Bq or <20><>[blank]<5D><>; if nothing, then <20><>B<EFBFBD><42> is assigned
jobjectArraynuclide_name;// nuclide name
jobjectArrayhalf_life_time;// half-life in seconds, hours, days, or years
jobjectArraytime_unit;// time unit(Y, D, H, S)
jobjectArrayactivity_nuclide_time_assay;// activity of nuclide at time of assay
jobjectArrayelectron_decay_mode;// electron decay mode descriptor: B for <20><> particle or C for conversion electron (CE), 0 for none (that is, <20><>-only source)
jobjectArraymaximum_energy;// maximum <20><>-particle energy or CE energy (keV)
jobjectArrayintensity_b_particle;// intensity of <20><>-particle (percent)
/* Totaleff Block */
jobjectArrayt_g_energy;// <20><>-energy (keV)
jobjectArraytotal_efficiency;// total efficiency (counts/photon emitted)
jobjectArrayleakage;// detector leakage current (nanoamperes [nA])
jobjectArrayd_date;// date (yyyy/mm/dd)
jobjectArrayd_time;// time (hh:mm:ss)
jobjectArrayd_interval_duration;// SOH data sampling interval duration (s)
/* NIMBIN block */
jobjectArrayflag;// +/-
jobjectArrayn_voltage;// average NIMBIN voltage (V)
jobjectArrayn_date;// date (yyyy/mm/dd)
jobjectArrayn_time;// time (hh:mm:ss)
jobjectArrayn_interval_duration;// SOH data sampling interval duration (s)
/* Power Supply block */
jobjectArrayMAIN;// MAIN (for MAIN power supply)
jobjectArraymain_power_status;// status of main power supply (ON/OFF)
jobjectArrayAUX;// AUX (for AUXiliary power supply)
jobjectArrayaux_power_status;// status of auxiliary power supply (ON/OFF)
jobjectArrayUPS;// UPS (for Uninterrupted Power Supply)
jobjectArrayups_status;// status of uninterruptedly power supply (ON/ OFF)
jobjectArrayp_date;// date (yyyy/mm/dd)
jobjectArrayp_time;// time (hh:mm:ss)
jobjectArrayp_interval_duration;// SOH data sampling interval duration (s)
/* Equip Status block */
jobjectArrayC_value;// status of sampling system (ON/OFF) or the SRID of the sample being collected
jobjectArrayP_value;// status of sample preparation, processing, or decay (ON/OFF) or the SRID of the sample being processed or decayed
jobjectArrayA_value;// status of detector system (ON/OFF) or the SRID of the sample being counted
jobjectArraye_date;// date (yyyy/mm/dd)
jobjectArraye_time;// time (hh:mm:ss)
jobjectArraye_interval_duration;// SOH data sampling interval duration (s)
/* Tamper Env block */
jobjectArraytamper_sensor_name;// tamper sensor name
jobjectArraytamper_sensor_status;// tamper sensor status (OPEN or CLOSED)
jobjectArrayt_date;// date (yyyy/mm/dd)
jobjectArrayt_time;// time (hh:mm:ss)
jobjectArrayt_interval_duration;// SOH data sampling interval duration (s)
/* Process Sensors block */
jobjectArraysensor_name;// tamper sensor status (OPEN or CLOSED)
jobjectArraysensor_reading;// sensor reading (TEMP in <20><>C, PRESSURE in Pa, PROCESSFLOW in m3/h, VOLT-AGE in V, COUNTRATE in counts/s, DEWPOINT in <20><>C, CO2VOLUME in cm3)
jobjectArrayps_date;// date (yyyy/mm/dd)
jobjectArrayps_time;// time (hh:mm:ss)
jobjectArrayps_duration;// SOH duration (s)
/* Chromatogram block */
jstringsrid;// the SRID of the sample being counted
jobjectArrayinterval_number;// interval number (starts at 1)