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#include "ProcessAlgorithmGlobalVar.h"
#include "RadionuclideMessage.h"
enum BgErrorType{
E_NONE //默认没有错误
,E_FILE_CONTEXT_SAMPLE_Acquisition //文件读取错误
,E_FILE_CONTEXT_SAMPLE_bgEfficiency //
,E_FILE_CONTEXT_GAS_Acquisition //
,E_FILE_CONTEXT_GAS_Histogram //
,E_FILE_CONTEXT_DETA_Acquisition //
,E_SAMPLE_ROI_CTS //样品谱感兴趣区计数错误
,E_GAS_ROI_CTS //气体本底谱感兴趣区计数错误
,E_DETA_ROI_CTS //探测器本体谱感兴趣区计数错误
,E_S_DETUCT_D_CTS //样品普扣除探测器本底谱计数错误
,E_G_DETUCT_D_CTS //气体本底谱扣除探测器本底谱计数错误
,E_NET_COUNTS //获取净计数错误
,E_ROI_CON_UNCER //获取感兴趣浓度和不平衡度错误
,E_XE_CON_UNCER //获取同位素浓度和不确定度错误
,E_MDC //MDC计算错误
typedef struct tagBgFileI
RadionuclideMessage sample;
RadionuclideMessage gas;
RadionuclideMessage Detbgr;
typedef struct tagBgBoundary
QVector<int> ROI_B_Boundary_start;
QVector<int> ROI_B_Boundary_stop;
QVector<int> ROI_G_Boundary_start;
QVector<int> ROI_G_Boundary_stop;
typedef struct tagBgMDCPara
double MDC_Xe135; //MDC XE135
double MDC_Xe131m; //MDC XE131m
double MDC_Xe133m; //MDC XE133m
double MDC_Xe133; //MDC XE133
QVector<double> MDC;
QVector<double> MDC_CTS;
typedef struct tagBgLCPara
double LC_Xe135; //LC XE135
double LC_Xe131m; //LC XE131m
double LC_Xe133m; //LC XE133m
double LC_Xe133; //LC XE133
QVector<double> LC;
QVector<double> LC_CTS;
typedef struct tagBgXeConUncer
double Xe135_con; //135不浓度
double Xe135_uncer; //135不确定度
double Xe131m_con;
double Xe131m_uncer;
double Xe133m_con;
double Xe133m_uncer;
double Xe133_con;
double Xe133_uncer;
typedef struct tagBgOtherGenerate
QVector<double> ROI_net_coutns; //感兴趣区净计数
QVector<double> ROI_net_err;
QVector<double> ROI_con_uncer; //感兴趣区浓度和不确定度 [n..0]浓度 [n..1]不确定度
QVector<double> ROI_con_counts_factor; //感兴趣区浓度计数系数 [n..0]系数
global::XeType XeType;
BgLCPara LCPara;
BgMDCPara MDCPara;
BgXeConUncer XeConUncer;
enum FitType{_default,liner,poly2,poly3,gauss};
typedef struct tagBgFittingHandleData
int b_fitting_type;
int g_fitting_type;
QVector<double> b_fitting_para;
QVector<double> g_fitting_para;
typedef struct tagBgFittingPara
int b_fitting_type;
int g_fitting_type;
QVector<double> b_fitting_e_c;
QVector<double> g_fitting_e_c;
QVector<double> b_fitting_c_e;
QVector<double> g_fitting_c_e;
typedef struct tagBgSmapleGenerate
BgBoundary s_boungdary;
QVector<double> s_roi_cts; //样品普感兴趣区计数
QVector<double> s_deduct_d_cts; //样品谱扣除探测器本底谱数据
BgFittingPara s_fittingPara; // 拟合后值
QString s_collection_time; //采集时间
typedef struct tagBgGasGenerate
BgBoundary g_boungdary;
QVector<double> g_roi_cts; //气体本底谱感兴趣区计数
QVector<double> g_deduct_d_cts; //气体本底谱扣除探测器本底谱数据
BgFittingPara g_fittingPara; // 拟合后值
typedef struct tagBgDetbgrGenerate
BgBoundary d_boungdary;
QVector<double> d_roi_cts; //探测器本底谱感兴趣区计数
BgFittingPara d_fittingPara; // 拟合后值
typedef struct tagBgAllGenerate
BgGasGenerate BgGas;
BgSampleGenerate BgSample;
BgOtherGenerate BgOther;
BgDetbgrGenerate BgDetbgr;
bool bProcessed;
bProcessed = false;
typedef struct tagBgUINeed
BgMDCPara MDCPara;
BgXeConUncer XeConUncer;
// BgFittingHandleData fittingData;
typedef struct tagBgCalibratePara
QVector<double> b_e_cal; //b 能刻度系数
QVector<double> g_e_cal; //g 能刻度系数
int b_e_cal_flag; //b 自计算刻度系数配置
int g_e_cal_flag; //g 自计算刻度系数配置
bool bApplyNewCalicSample; // 界面交互新刻度应用
bool bApplyNewCalicDetBg;
bool bApplyNewCalicGasBg;
bool bApplyNewCalicQc;
b_e_cal_flag = poly2;
g_e_cal_flag = poly2;
bApplyNewCalicSample = false;
bApplyNewCalicDetBg = false;
bApplyNewCalicGasBg = false;
bApplyNewCalicQc = false;
}*pBgCalibratePara, BgCalibratePara;
typedef struct tagBgEnergyChannel
QVector<double> energy; // g_Energy:g_energy or b_Energy:electron_energy kev 能量
QVector<double> channel; // g_Energy:centroid_channel or b_Energy channel 道
QVector<double> uncertainty; //不确定度 未使用
QVector<QString> mode; //类型 未使用
int record_count; //记录条数 未使用
//b g 能 道
typedef struct tagBgEC
BgEnergyChannel b_e_c;//b_Energy block
BgEnergyChannel g_e_c;//g_Energy block
typedef struct tagBgROILimit
QVector<double> ROI_B_start_x1;// ROI B-rang start,x1(keV)
QVector<double> ROI_B_stop_x2; // ROI B_rang stop,x2(kev)
QVector<double> ROI_G_start_y1;// ROI G-rang start,y1(keV)
QVector<double> ROI_G_stop_y2; // ROI G_rang stop,y2(kev)
typedef struct tagBgHistogram
long b_channels; // β-channels
long g_channels; // γ-channels
QVector<long long> counts; // counts at channels
typedef struct tagBgROIRatios
QVector<QString> ratio_id;
QVector<QString> ROI_num_highter_G_energy_ROI;
QVector<QString> ROI_num_lower_G_energy_ROI;
QVector<double> count_ratio;
QVector<double> count_ratio_uncertainty;
typedef struct tagBgEfficiencies
QVector<QString> nuclide_name; // nuclide name
QVector<QString> ROI_number; // ROI number
QVector<double> bg_efficiency; // β-γ coincidence efficiency (counts in ROI/β-γ pair emitted)
QVector<double> uncertainty;
typedef struct tagBgSample
BgROILimit s_limit; //样品谱限值
QString s_data_type; //样品数据类型
QVector<double> s_count_ratio; //样品谱比率计数
QVector<double> s_bg_efficiency; //样品谱能效感应区个数
QString s_collection_start_date; //样品谱采集开始日期 格式:yyyy/MM/dd
QString s_collection_start_time; //样品普采集结束时间 格式:hh:mm:ss.z
QString s_collection_stop_time; //样品谱采集结束日期 格式:yyyy/MM/dd
QString s_collection_stop_date; //样品普采集结束时间 格式:hh:mm:ss.z
QString s_acquisition_start_date; //acquisition start date (yyyy/MM/dd)
QString s_acquisition_start_time; //acquisition start time (hh:mm:ss.z)
double s_acquisition_real_time; //acquisition real time (s)
double s_acquisition_live_time; //acquisition live time (s)
double s_volume_of_Xe; //sample volume of Xe (cm 3 )
double s_xe_stable_volume; //total air volume sampled (standard cubic meters [scm])
double s_uncertainty; //uncertainty (cm 3 )
BgHistogram s_histogram; //Histogram Block
BgEC s_e_c; //能道
BgRoiRatios s_roi_ratio;
BgBgEfficiencies s_bg_efficiency_show;
typedef struct tagBgGas
BgROILimit g_limit; //气体本底谱限值
QString g_data_type; //气体本底谱数据类型
QVector<double> g_count_ratio; //气体本底谱比率计数
QString g_acquisition_start_date; //acquisition start date (yyyy/MM/dd)
QString g_acquisition_start_time; //acquisition start time (hh:mm:ss.z)
double g_acquisition_real_time; //acquisition real time (s)
double g_acquisition_live_time; //acquisition live time (s)
BgHistogram g_histogram; //Histogram Block
BgEC g_e_c; //能道
typedef struct tagBgDetbgr
BgROILimit d_limit; //探测器本底谱限值
QString d_data_type; //探测体本底谱数据类型
double s_acquisition_live_time; //acquisition live time (s)
double d_acquisition_real_time; //acquisition live time (s)
BgHistogram d_histogram; //Histogram Block
BgEC d_e_c; //能道
typedef struct tagBgSGD
QVector<double> s_ROI_B_start_x1;// ROI B-rang start,x1(keV)
QVector<double> s_ROI_B_stop_x2; // ROI B_rang stop,x2(kev)
QVector<double> s_ROI_G_start_y1;// ROI G-rang start,y1(keV)
QVector<double> s_ROI_G_stop_y2; // ROI G_rang stop,y2(kev)
QString s_data_type; //样品数据类型
QVector<double> s_count_ratio; //样品谱比率计数
QVector<double> s_bg_efficiency; //样品谱能效感应区个数
QString s_collection_start_date; //样品谱采集开始日期 格式:yyyy/MM/dd
QString s_collection_start_time; //样品普采集结束时间 格式:hh:mm:ss.z
QString s_collection_stop_time; //样品谱采集结束日期 格式:yyyy/MM/dd
QString s_collection_stop_date; //样品普采集结束时间 格式:hh:mm:ss.z
QString s_acquisition_start_date; //acquisition start date (yyyy/MM/dd)
QString s_acquisition_start_time; //acquisition start time (hh:mm:ss.z)
double s_acquisition_real_time; //acquisition real time (s)
double s_acquisition_live_time; //acquisition live time (s)
double s_volume_of_Xe; //sample volume of Xe (cm 3 )
double s_xe_stable_volume; //total air volume sampled (standard cubic meters [scm])
double s_uncertainty; //uncertainty (cm 3 )
//Histogram Block
long s_b_channels; // β-channels
long s_g_channels; // γ-channels
QVector<long> s_counts; // counts at channels
//BgEC s_e_c; //能道
//BgEnergyChannel b_e_c;//b_Energy block
QVector<double> s_b_energy; // g_Energy:g_energy or b_Energy:electron_energy kev 能量
QVector<double> s_b_channel; // g_Energy:centroid_channel or b_Energy channel 道
QVector<double> s_b_uncertainty; //不确定度 未使用
QVector<QString> s_b_mode; //类型 未使用
int s_b_record_count; //记录条数 未使用
//BgEnergyChannel g_e_c;//g_Energy block
QVector<double> s_g_energy; // g_Energy:g_energy or b_Energy:electron_energy kev 能量
QVector<double> s_g_channel; // g_Energy:centroid_channel or b_Energy channel 道
QVector<double> s_g_uncertainty; //不确定度 未使用
QVector<QString> s_g_mode; //类型 未使用
int s_g_record_count; //记录条数 未使用
//BgRoiRatios s_roi_ratio;
QVector<QString> ratio_id;
QVector<QString> ROI_num_highter_G_energy_ROI;
QVector<QString> ROI_num_lower_G_energy_ROI;
QVector<double> count_ratio;
QVector<double> count_ratio_uncertainty;
//BgBgEfficiencies s_bg_efficiency_show;
QVector<QString> nuclide_name; // nuclide name
QVector<QString> ROI_number; // ROI number
QVector<double> bg_efficiency; // β-γ coincidence efficiency (counts in ROI/β-γ pair emitted)
QVector<double> uncertainty;
//BgROILimit g_limit; //气体本底谱限值
QVector<double> g_ROI_B_start_x1;// ROI B-rang start,x1(keV)
QVector<double> g_ROI_B_stop_x2; // ROI B_rang stop,x2(kev)
QVector<double> g_ROI_G_start_y1;// ROI G-rang start,y1(keV)
QVector<double> g_ROI_G_stop_y2; // ROI G_rang stop,y2(kev)
QString g_data_type; //气体本底谱数据类型
QVector<double> g_count_ratio; //气体本底谱比率计数
QString g_acquisition_start_date; //acquisition start date (yyyy/MM/dd)
QString g_acquisition_start_time; //acquisition start time (hh:mm:ss.z)
double g_acquisition_real_time; //acquisition real time (s)
double g_acquisition_live_time; //acquisition live time (s)
//BgHistogram g_histogram; //Histogram Block
long g_b_channels; // β-channels
long g_g_channels; // γ-channels
QVector<long> g_counts; // counts at channels
//BgEC g_e_c; //能道
//BgEnergyChannel b_e_c;//b_Energy block
QVector<double> g_b_energy; // g_Energy:g_energy or b_Energy:electron_energy kev 能量
QVector<double> g_b_channel; // g_Energy:centroid_channel or b_Energy channel 道
QVector<double> g_b_uncertainty; //不确定度 未使用
QVector<QString> g_b_mode; //类型 未使用
int g_b_record_count; //记录条数 未使用
//BgEnergyChannel g_e_c;//g_Energy block
QVector<double> g_g_energy; // g_Energy:g_energy or b_Energy:electron_energy kev 能量
QVector<double> g_g_channel; // g_Energy:centroid_channel or b_Energy channel 道
QVector<double> g_g_uncertainty; //不确定度 未使用
QVector<QString> g_g_mode; //类型 未使用
int g_g_record_count = 0; //记录条数 未使用
//BgROILimit d_limit; //探测器本底谱限值
QVector<double> d_ROI_B_start_x1;// ROI B-rang start,x1(keV)
QVector<double> d_ROI_B_stop_x2; // ROI B_rang stop,x2(kev)
QVector<double> d_ROI_G_start_y1;// ROI G-rang start,y1(keV)
QVector<double> d_ROI_G_stop_y2; // ROI G_rang stop,y2(kev)
QString d_data_type; //探测体本底谱数据类型
double d_acquisition_live_time; //acquisition live time (s)
double d_acquisition_real_time; //acquisition live time (s)
//BgHistogram d_histogram; //Histogram Block
long d_b_channels; // β-channels
long d_g_channels; // γ-channels
QVector<long> d_counts; // counts at channels
//BgEC d_e_c; //能道
//BgEnergyChannel b_e_c;//b_Energy block
QVector<double> d_b_energy; // g_Energy:g_energy or b_Energy:electron_energy kev 能量
QVector<double> d_b_channel; // g_Energy:centroid_channel or b_Energy channel 道
QVector<double> d_b_uncertainty; //不确定度 未使用
QVector<QString> d_b_mode; //类型 未使用
int d_b_record_count; //记录条数 未使用
//BgEnergyChannel g_e_c;//g_Energy block
QVector<double> d_g_energy; // g_Energy:g_energy or b_Energy:electron_energy kev 能量
QVector<double> d_g_channel; // g_Energy:centroid_channel or b_Energy channel 道
QVector<double> d_g_uncertainty; //不确定度 未使用
QVector<QString> d_g_mode; //类型 未使用
int d_g_record_count; //记录条数 未使用