
This commit is contained in:
xiaoguangbin 2024-08-26 14:58:06 +08:00
parent 5719c210ca
commit b4b2b38fa0
6 changed files with 212 additions and 138 deletions

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@ -75,6 +75,8 @@ public class SelfParameterInit {
} else if (attribute.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase("energy")) {
} else if (attribute.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase("half_life")) {
if (StrUtil.isNotBlank(nuclide.getName()) && Objects.nonNull(nuclide.getEnergy())) {

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@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
package org.jeecg.modules.base.entity.original;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.annotation.TableField;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.annotation.TableName;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonFormat;
import lombok.Data;
import org.springframework.format.annotation.DateTimeFormat;
import java.util.Date;
* 存储 自建台站 β-γ符合谱中#b_self_attenuation 数据块中
public class GardsSelfAttenuation implements Serializable {
* 样品id
@TableField(value = "SAMPLE_ID")
private Integer sampleId;
* 感兴趣区编号
@TableField(value = "ROI")
private Integer roi;
* 核素名称
@TableField(value = "NUCLIDE_NAME")
private String nuclideName;
// todo 补充三个 氙参数三个 氮参数
@TableField(value = "MODDATE")
@DateTimeFormat(pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")
@JsonFormat(pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")
private Date moddate;

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@ -17,6 +17,8 @@ public class NuclideLine implements Serializable {
private Double yieldUncert;
private Double halflife;
private Integer keyFlag;
private String name;

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@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
package org.jeecg.modules.exception;
import lombok.Getter;
public class AnalyseException extends Exception{
private boolean isDuplicateKeyException = false;
public AnalyseException(String message) {
public AnalyseException(String message, boolean isDuplicateKeyException) {
this.isDuplicateKeyException = isDuplicateKeyException;

View File

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.core.toolkit.CollectionUtils;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.core.toolkit.StringPool;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.core.toolkit.StringUtils;
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
import org.jeecg.common.cache.SelfCache;
@ -22,6 +23,7 @@ import org.jeecg.modules.entity.vo.*;
import org.jeecg.modules.native_jni.CalValuesHandler;
import org.jeecg.modules.native_jni.EnergySpectrumHandler;
import org.jeecg.modules.native_jni.struct.BgBoundary;
import org.jeecg.modules.native_jni.struct.CalValuesOut;
import org.jeecg.modules.native_jni.struct.CalcBgBoundaryParam;
import org.jeecg.modules.native_jni.struct.EnergySpectrumStruct;
import org.springframework.beans.BeanUtils;
@ -1794,4 +1796,142 @@ public class SelfStationUtil extends AbstractLogOrReport {
return flag;
* 获取结算结果需要的参数峰面积半衰期发射几率
* @param gStart RoiLimit Gamma Start
* @param gStop RoiLimit Gamma Stop
* @param nuclideLinesMap 所有核素信息
public HashMap<String, Object> getBetaAnalyseNuclideParam(SelfStationVueData sampleData, HashMap<String, NuclideLine> nuclideMap,
List<Double> gStart, List<Double> gStop, Map<String,
NuclideLines> nuclideLinesMap) {
HashMap<String, Object> param = Maps.newHashMap();
// 获取峰信息
List<PeakInfo> vPeak = null;
String mapKey = "";
// 遍历roiLimit
for (int g = 0; g < gStart.size(); g++) {
HashMap<String, Object> nuclideParam = Maps.newHashMap();
String nuclideName = "";
switch (g) {
case 0:
nuclideName = "Xe131M";
mapKey = "XE-131m";
vPeak = sampleData.getROIOnePHDFile().getVPeak();
case 1:
nuclideName = "Xe133M";
mapKey = "XE-133m";
vPeak = sampleData.getROITwoPHDFile().getVPeak();
case 2:
nuclideName = "Xe133";
mapKey = "XE-133";
vPeak = sampleData.getROIThreePHDFile().getVPeak();
case 3:
nuclideName = "Xe135";
mapKey = "XE-135";
vPeak = sampleData.getROIFourPHDFile().getVPeak();
// 发射几率
nuclideParam.put("yield", nuclideMap.get(nuclideName).getYield().toString());
// 半衰期
nuclideParam.put("halflife", nuclideMap.get(nuclideName).getHalflife().toString());
// baseline 计数这里使用的energy是固定的 从配置文件中取出
nuclideParam.put("baseline",this.getBetaAnalyseBaseLineCount(sampleData, nuclideName, nuclideMap.get(nuclideName).getEnergy()));
for (PeakInfo info : vPeak) {
double energy =;
// 找匹配roi范围的 energy
if (energy > gStart.get(g) && energy < gStop.get(g)) {
double area = info.area;
// 峰如果没有识别到核素则跳过
if (info.nuclides.contains(nuclideName)) {
NuclideLines nuclideLines = nuclideLinesMap.get(nuclideName);
// 峰面积
nuclideParam.put("area", area+"");
// 没有峰信息 核素=未识别 不计算活度浓度
if (!nuclideParam.containsKey("area")) {
nuclideParam.put("area", "0");
param.put(mapKey, nuclideParam);
return param;
* 得到 baseline计数
* @param sampleData 谱数据
* @param nuclideName 核素名称
* @param energy 能量
* @return
public double getBetaAnalyseBaseLineCount(SelfStationVueData sampleData,String nuclideName, Double energy) {
double baseLineCount = 0;
String currentText = null;
List<Double> vBase = null;
PHDFile phd = null;
// 获取baseline
switch (nuclideName) {
case "Xe131M":
phd = sampleData.getROIOnePHDFile();
case "Xe133M":
phd = sampleData.getROITwoPHDFile();
case "Xe133":
phd = sampleData.getROIThreePHDFile();
case "Xe135":
phd = sampleData.getROIFourPHDFile();
if (null == phd) {
return 0;
vBase = phd.getVBase();
currentText = StrUtil.isNotBlank(phd.getNewEner()) ? phd.getNewEner() : phd.getUsedEner();
// 得到baseline count范围
double fwhm = 0;
// 公式参数
ParameterInfo m_curParam = sampleData.getMapResoPara().get(currentText);
int p_size = m_curParam.getP().size()-1;
if(p_size >= 2 && m_curParam.getP().get(1) > 0 && m_curParam.getP().get(2) > 0) {
// Square root of polynomial: y = sqrt(a0+a1*x+a2*x^2+a3*x^3 )
fwhm = m_curParam.getP().get(1) + energy * m_curParam.getP().get(2);
// equation += "FWHM = ("+NumberFormatUtil.numberFormat(String.valueOf(m_curParam.getP().get(1)))+" + E * "+NumberFormatUtil.numberFormat(String.valueOf(m_curParam.getP().get(2)));
for(int i=3; i<=p_size; i++) {
fwhm += (Math.pow(energy, (i-1)) * m_curParam.getP().get(i));
// equation += " + E<sup style=\"vertical-align:super;\">"+(i-1)+"</sup> * "+NumberFormatUtil.numberFormat(String.valueOf(m_curParam.getP().get(i)));
fwhm = Math.pow(fwhm, 0.5);
// equation += ")<sup style=\"vertical-align:super;\">"+1+"/"+2+"</sup>";
// 通过energy带入到FHWM公式中将结果energy转化channel加减1.25之后取这个范围之内的baseline进行加和
List<Double> energyList = Lists.newLinkedList();
energyList.add(energy - (fwhm - 1.25));
CalValuesOut energyToChannel = CalValuesHandler.energyToChannel(energyList, phd.getUsedEnerPara().getP());
long begin = Math.round(energyToChannel.counts.get(0));
Console.log("nuclide:{},energy:{},fwhmL:{},beginChannel:{}",nuclideName, energy, (fwhm - 1.25), begin);
energyList = Lists.newLinkedList();
energyList.add(energy + (fwhm + 1.25));
energyToChannel = CalValuesHandler.energyToChannel(energyList, phd.getUsedEnerPara().getP());
long end = Math.round(energyToChannel.counts.get(0));
Console.log("nuclide:{},energy:{},fwhmR:{},endChannel:{}",nuclideName, energy, (fwhm + 1.25), end);
if (begin >= 0 && end <= vBase.size()) {
for (long i = begin; i < end; i++) {
baseLineCount += vBase.get((int)i);
return baseLineCount;

View File

@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ import org.jeecg.modules.base.enums.CalType;
import org.jeecg.modules.base.enums.SampleFileHeader;
import org.jeecg.modules.entity.*;
import org.jeecg.modules.entity.vo.*;
import org.jeecg.modules.exception.AnalyseException;
import org.jeecg.modules.mapper.SpectrumAnalysisMapper;
import org.jeecg.modules.native_jni.CalValuesHandler;
import org.jeecg.modules.native_jni.EnergySpectrumHandler;
@ -2606,11 +2607,12 @@ public class SelfStationServiceImpl extends AbstractLogOrReport implements ISelf
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
} catch (RuntimeException | AnalyseException e) {
Log.error("analyse error", e);
result.error500(StrUtil.replace(e.getMessage(), "%s", "ROI"));
} catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.error("analyse error", e);
result.error500("analyse error!");
return result;
@ -2621,7 +2623,7 @@ public class SelfStationServiceImpl extends AbstractLogOrReport implements ISelf
* @param nuclideLinesMap 核素信息
* @throws JsonProcessingException
private List<GardsXeResultsSpectrum> betaAnalyse(SelfStationData selfStationData, Map<String, NuclideLines> nuclideLinesMap) throws JsonProcessingException {
private List<GardsXeResultsSpectrum> betaAnalyse(SelfStationData selfStationData, Map<String, NuclideLines> nuclideLinesMap) throws Exception {
SelfStationVueData sampleData = selfStationData.getSampleVueData();
EnergySpectrumStruct struct = selfStationData.getSampleStruct();
String phdPath = selfStationData.getSampleFilePathName();
@ -2630,7 +2632,7 @@ public class SelfStationServiceImpl extends AbstractLogOrReport implements ISelf
HashMap<String, NuclideLine> nuclideMap = selfParameter.getNuclideMap();
// 获取峰面积半衰期发射几率
HashMap<String, Object> nuclideParam = this.getBetaAnalyseNuclideParam(sampleData, nuclideMap, struct.POI_G_y1, struct.POI_G_y2, nuclideLinesMap);
HashMap<String, Object> nuclideParam = selfStationUtil.getBetaAnalyseNuclideParam(sampleData, nuclideMap, struct.POI_G_y1, struct.POI_G_y2, nuclideLinesMap);
// 调用beta分析算法
String resultStr = EnergySpectrumHandler.selfBgAnalyse(phdPath, JSON.toJSONString(nuclideParam));
@ -2642,7 +2644,7 @@ public class SelfStationServiceImpl extends AbstractLogOrReport implements ISelf
for (GardsXeResultsSpectrum xeData:xeDataList) {
Double conc = xeData.getConc();
Double mdc = xeData.getMdc();
if (conc < 0){
if (conc <= 0){
} else if (0<conc && conc < mdc) {
@ -2661,138 +2663,6 @@ public class SelfStationServiceImpl extends AbstractLogOrReport implements ISelf
return xeDataList;
* 获取结算结果需要的参数峰面积半衰期发射几率
* @param gStart RoiLimit Gamma Start
* @param gStop RoiLimit Gamma Stop
* @param nuclideLinesMap 所有核素信息
private HashMap<String, Object> getBetaAnalyseNuclideParam(SelfStationVueData sampleData, HashMap<String, NuclideLine> nuclideMap,
List<Double> gStart, List<Double> gStop, Map<String,
NuclideLines> nuclideLinesMap) {
HashMap<String, Object> param = Maps.newHashMap();
// 获取峰信息
List<PeakInfo> vPeak = null;
String mapKey = "";
// 遍历roiLimit
for (int g = 0; g < gStart.size(); g++) {
HashMap<String, Object> nuclideParam = Maps.newHashMap();
String nuclideName = "";
switch (g) {
case 0:
nuclideName = "Xe131M";
mapKey = "XE-131m";
vPeak = sampleData.getROIOnePHDFile().getVPeak();
case 1:
nuclideName = "Xe133M";
mapKey = "XE-133m";
vPeak = sampleData.getROITwoPHDFile().getVPeak();
case 2:
nuclideName = "Xe133";
mapKey = "XE-133";
vPeak = sampleData.getROIThreePHDFile().getVPeak();
case 3:
nuclideName = "Xe135";
mapKey = "XE-135";
vPeak = sampleData.getROIFourPHDFile().getVPeak();
// 发射几率
nuclideParam.put("yield", nuclideMap.get(nuclideName).getYield().toString());
// baseline 计数这里使用的energy是固定的 从配置文件中取出
nuclideParam.put("baseline",this.getBetaAnalyseBaseLineCount(sampleData, nuclideName,
for (PeakInfo info : vPeak) {
// 峰核素的energy
double energy =;
// 找匹配roi范围的 energy
if (energy > gStart.get(g) && energy < gStop.get(g)) {
double area = info.area;
// 峰如果没有识别到核素则跳过
if (info.nuclides.contains(nuclideName)) {
NuclideLines nuclideLines = nuclideLinesMap.get(nuclideName);
// 峰面积
nuclideParam.put("area", area+"");
// 半衰期
nuclideParam.put("halflife", (nuclideLines.halflife / 24 / 60 / 60) +"");
param.put(mapKey, nuclideParam);
return param;
* 得到 baseline计数
* @param sampleData 谱数据
* @param nuclideName 核素名称
* @param energy 能量
* @return
private double getBetaAnalyseBaseLineCount(SelfStationVueData sampleData,String nuclideName, Double energy) {
double baseLineCount = 0;
String currentText = null;
List<Double> vBase = null;
PHDFile phd = null;
// 获取baseline
switch (nuclideName) {
case "Xe131M":
phd = sampleData.getROIOnePHDFile();
case "Xe133M":
phd = sampleData.getROITwoPHDFile();
case "Xe133":
phd = sampleData.getROIThreePHDFile();
case "Xe135":
phd = sampleData.getROIFourPHDFile();
if (null == phd) {
return 0;
vBase = phd.getVBase();
currentText = StrUtil.isNotBlank(phd.getNewEner()) ? phd.getNewEner() : phd.getUsedEner();
// 得到baseline count范围
double fwhm = 0;
// 公式参数
ParameterInfo m_curParam = sampleData.getMapResoPara().get(currentText);
int p_size = m_curParam.getP().size()-1;
if(p_size >= 2 && m_curParam.getP().get(1) > 0 && m_curParam.getP().get(2) > 0) {
// Square root of polynomial: y = sqrt(a0+a1*x+a2*x^2+a3*x^3 )
fwhm = m_curParam.getP().get(1) + energy * m_curParam.getP().get(2);
// equation += "FWHM = ("+NumberFormatUtil.numberFormat(String.valueOf(m_curParam.getP().get(1)))+" + E * "+NumberFormatUtil.numberFormat(String.valueOf(m_curParam.getP().get(2)));
for(int i=3; i<=p_size; i++) {
fwhm += (Math.pow(energy, (i-1)) * m_curParam.getP().get(i));
// equation += " + E<sup style=\"vertical-align:super;\">"+(i-1)+"</sup> * "+NumberFormatUtil.numberFormat(String.valueOf(m_curParam.getP().get(i)));
fwhm = Math.pow(fwhm, 0.5);
// equation += ")<sup style=\"vertical-align:super;\">"+1+"/"+2+"</sup>";
// 通过energy带入到FHWM公式中将结果energy转化channel加减1.25之后取这个范围之内的baseline进行加和
List<Double> energyList = Lists.newLinkedList();
energyList.add(energy - (fwhm - 1.25));
CalValuesOut energyToChannel = CalValuesHandler.energyToChannel(energyList, phd.getUsedEnerPara().getP());
long begin = Math.round(energyToChannel.counts.get(0));
energyList = Lists.newLinkedList();
energyList.add(energy + (fwhm + 1.25));
energyToChannel = CalValuesHandler.energyToChannel(energyList, phd.getUsedEnerPara().getP());
long end = Math.round(energyToChannel.counts.get(0));
if (begin >= 0 && end <= vBase.size()) {
for (long i = begin; i < end; i++) {
baseLineCount += vBase.get((int)i);
return baseLineCount;
public Result InteractiveTool(Integer sampleId, String fileName, int gammaROINum, HttpServletRequest request) {
Result result = new Result();