Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/mdc' into mdc
This commit is contained in:
@ -57,6 +57,8 @@ public class Sample_G_Analysis {
private final Map<String,String> fieldMap = fieldMap();
private AbstractS_D_Q_G_SpectrumHandler spectrumHandler;
// Sample谱原始数据
private GardsSampleData sampleData;
@ -112,8 +114,9 @@ public class Sample_G_Analysis {
private String arrFileName;
public Sample_G_Analysis(EnergySpectrumStruct energySpectrumStruct,SpectrumServiceQuotes serviceQuotes,
public Sample_G_Analysis(AbstractS_D_Q_G_SpectrumHandler spectrumHandler, EnergySpectrumStruct energySpectrumStruct,SpectrumServiceQuotes serviceQuotes,
GardsSampleData sampleData) {
this.spectrumHandler = spectrumHandler;
this.sampleData = sampleData;
this.serviceQuotes = serviceQuotes;
this.energySpectrumStruct = energySpectrumStruct;
@ -140,16 +143,16 @@ public class Sample_G_Analysis {
// 解析PHD文件
spectrumPathProperties = SpringContextUtils.getBean(SpectrumPathProperties.class);
ftpUtil = SpringContextUtils.getBean(FTPUtil.class);
String sampleFilePath = sampleData.getInputFileName();
String pathName = ftpUtil.getFtpRootPath() + spectrumPathProperties.getSaveFilePath() + StringPool.SLASH +
sampleFilePath.substring(0, sampleFilePath.lastIndexOf(StringPool.SLASH));
String fileName = sampleFilePath.substring(sampleFilePath.lastIndexOf(StringPool.SLASH)+1);
String sampleFilePathName = spectrumHandler.spectrumFile.getAbsolutePath().replace("\\", StringPool.SLASH);
String pathName = sampleFilePathName.substring(0, sampleFilePathName.lastIndexOf(StringPool.SLASH));
String fileName = sampleFilePathName.substring(sampleFilePathName.lastIndexOf(StringPool.SLASH)+1);
// 获取数据库 Gamma 默认参数
// 解析能谱文件
boolean flag = gammaFileUtil.loadFile(pathName, fileName, phdFile, new Result());
boolean flag = gammaFileUtil.loadFile(pathName, fileName, phdFile, "AUTO", new Result());
// 文件路径
@ -192,14 +195,6 @@ public class Sample_G_Analysis {
log.error("Sample_G_Analysis", e);
throw new GAnalyseException("Sample Analyse Error at "+DateUtils.formatDate(new Date(),"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"));
} finally {
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(phdFile.getTmpFilePath())) {
File tmpFile = new File(phdFile.getTmpFilePath());
if (Objects.nonNull(tmpFile)) {
@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ public class SamplephdSpectrum extends AbstractS_D_Q_G_SpectrumHandler {
if (this.sourceData.system_type.equals(SystemType.PARTICULATE.getType()) || this.sourceData.system_type.equals(SystemType.GAMMA.getType())) {
Sample_G_Analysis sample_g_analysis = new Sample_G_Analysis(super.sourceData, super.spectrumServiceQuotes, super.sampleData);
Sample_G_Analysis sample_g_analysis = new Sample_G_Analysis(this, super.sourceData, super.spectrumServiceQuotes, super.sampleData);
@ -60,14 +60,20 @@ public class GammaFileUtil extends AbstractLogOrReport {
private AnalysisProcess analysisProcess;
public boolean loadFile(String pathName, String fileName, PHDFile phd, Result result) {
public boolean loadFile(String pathName, String fileName, PHDFile phd, String sysSource, Result result) {
String fromPath = pathName + StringPool.SLASH + fileName;
File file = ftpUtil.downloadFile(fromPath, "betaGamma");
if (Objects.isNull(file)) {
result.error500("ftp file can't find");
return false;
File file = null;
if (sysSource.equals("BetaGamma")) {
file = ftpUtil.downloadFile(fromPath, "betaGamma");
if (Objects.isNull(file)) {
result.error500("ftp file can't find");
return false;
} else if (sysSource.equals("AUTO")) {//如果是自动处理则从本地文件中获取文件内容
file = new File(pathName + StringPool.SLASH + fileName);
try {
@ -538,16 +538,16 @@ public class GammaController {
gammaService.saveToPHD(fileName, request, response);
// @GetMapping("peakComparison")
// @ApiOperation(value = "Peak Information页面查看Comparison数据", notes = "Peak Information页面查看Comparison数据")
// public Result peakComparison(String fileName, HttpServletRequest request) {
// return gammaService.peakComparison(fileName, request);
// }
// @GetMapping("nuclComparison")
// @ApiOperation(value = "Radionuclide Activity页面查看Comparison数据", notes = "Radionuclide Activity页面查看Comparison数据")
// public Result nuclComparison(String fileName, HttpServletRequest request) {
// return gammaService.nuclComparison(fileName, request);
// }
@ApiOperation(value = "Peak Information页面查看Comparison数据", notes = "Peak Information页面查看Comparison数据")
public Result peakComparison(String fileName, HttpServletRequest request) {
return gammaService.peakComparison(fileName, request);
@ApiOperation(value = "Radionuclide Activity页面查看Comparison数据", notes = "Radionuclide Activity页面查看Comparison数据")
public Result nuclComparison(String fileName, HttpServletRequest request) {
return gammaService.nuclComparison(fileName, request);
@ -203,8 +203,8 @@ public interface IGammaService{
void readMDCParameter();
// Result peakComparison(String fileName, HttpServletRequest request);
// Result nuclComparison(String fileName, HttpServletRequest request);
Result peakComparison(String fileName, HttpServletRequest request);
Result nuclComparison(String fileName, HttpServletRequest request);
@ -149,8 +149,8 @@ public class GammaServiceImpl extends AbstractLogOrReport implements IGammaServi
private RedisStreamUtil redisStreamUtil;
private ISysDictSpectrumService sysDictService;
// @Autowired
// private IDataService dataService;
private IDataService dataService;
public Result initValue(Integer sampleId, String dbName, String analyst, String samfileName, HttpServletRequest request) {
@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ public class GammaServiceImpl extends AbstractLogOrReport implements IGammaServi
String fileName = sampleFilePath.substring(sampleFilePath.lastIndexOf(StringPool.SLASH) + 1);
// 读取文件内容
// 调用加载文件的方法 传入文件路径,文件名称,全局变量phd,响应结果result
boolean flag = gammaFileUtil.loadFile(pathName, fileName, phd, result);
boolean flag = gammaFileUtil.loadFile(pathName, fileName, phd, "BetaGamma", result);
// 如果文件加载失败 返回失败原因
if (!flag) {
return result;
@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ public class GammaServiceImpl extends AbstractLogOrReport implements IGammaServi
String pathName = ftpUtil.getFtpRootPath() + spectrumPathProperties.getUploadPath() + StringPool.SLASH + userName;
String fileName = samfileName;
// 加载文件内容
boolean bRet = gammaFileUtil.loadFile(pathName, fileName, phd, result);
boolean bRet = gammaFileUtil.loadFile(pathName, fileName, phd, "BetaGamma", result);
if (!bRet) {
return result;
@ -482,7 +482,7 @@ public class GammaServiceImpl extends AbstractLogOrReport implements IGammaServi
phd = new PHDFile();
// 读取文件内容
// 调用加载文件的方法 传入文件路径,文件名称,全局变量phd,响应结果result
boolean flag = gammaFileUtil.loadFile(pathName, fileName, phd, result);
boolean flag = gammaFileUtil.loadFile(pathName, fileName, phd, "BetaGamma", result);
// 如果文件加载失败 返回失败原因
if (!flag) {
return result;
@ -873,7 +873,7 @@ public class GammaServiceImpl extends AbstractLogOrReport implements IGammaServi
if (Objects.isNull(phd)) {
phd = new PHDFile();
// 加载文件内容
boolean bRet = gammaFileUtil.loadFile(path, fileName, phd, result);
boolean bRet = gammaFileUtil.loadFile(path, fileName, phd, "BetaGamma", result);
if (!bRet) {
return result;
@ -5914,128 +5914,128 @@ public class GammaServiceImpl extends AbstractLogOrReport implements IGammaServi
// @Override
// public Result peakComparison(String fileName, HttpServletRequest request) {
// Result result = new Result();
// Connection conn = null;
// List<PeakInfo> peakInfoList = new LinkedList<>();
// //获取用户名
// String userName = JwtUtil.getUserNameByToken(request);
// //读取缓存内容
// Cache<String, PHDFile> phdCache = localCache.getPHDCache();
// PHDFile phd = phdCache.getIfPresent(fileName + StringPool.DASH + userName);
// if (Objects.isNull(phd)) {
// result.error500("Please select the parse file first!");
// return result;
// }
// Map<String, Integer> idcStationMap = (Map<String, Integer>) redisUtil.get("idcStationMap");
// try {
// String collectStart = "";
// if (phd.getCollect().getCollection_start_time().indexOf(StringPool.DOT) > 0) {
// collectStart = phd.getCollect().getCollection_start_date() + " " + phd.getCollect().getCollection_start_time().substring(0, phd.getCollect().getCollection_start_time().indexOf(StringPool.DOT));
// } else {
// collectStart = phd.getCollect().getCollection_start_date() + " " + phd.getCollect().getCollection_start_time();
// }
// //获取采集开始时间
// Date acqStart = DateUtils.parseDate(phd.getAcq().getAcquisition_start_date() + " " + phd.getAcq().getAcquisition_start_time());
// //计算得到采集结束时间对应的毫秒数
// long stopTime = (long) (acqStart.getTime() + (phd.getAcq().getAcquisition_real_time() * 1000));
// //根据毫秒数得到采集结束时间
// Date acquisitionStopDate = new Date(stopTime);
// //格式化得到采集结束时间的字符串
// String acquisitionStop = DateUtils.formatDate(acquisitionStopDate, "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
// //从缓存的idc台站信息中获取当前台站对应的台站id
// Integer stationId = null;
// if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(idcStationMap)) {
// stationId = idcStationMap.get(phd.getHeader().getSite_code());
// }
// //连接本地同步的idc数据库
// conn = dataService.connectInland();
// //连接对象为空 则连接idc国际库
// if (Objects.isNull(conn)) {
// conn = dataService.connectOverSea();
// }
// //判断是否连接成功
// if (Objects.nonNull(conn)) {
// //查询获取Peaks表的对比数据内容
// peakInfoList = dataService.viewPeaks(phd.getHeader().getDetector_code(), phd.getHeader().getSpectrum_quantity(), stationId, collectStart, acquisitionStop, conn);
// }
// result.setSuccess(true);
// result.setResult(peakInfoList);
// } catch (ParseException e) {
// throw new RuntimeException(e);
// } finally {
// try {
// if (Objects.nonNull(conn)) {
// conn.close();
// }
// } catch (SQLException e) {
// throw new RuntimeException(e);
// }
// }
// return result;
// }
// @Override
// public Result nuclComparison(String fileName, HttpServletRequest request) {
// Result result = new Result();
// Connection conn = null;
// List<TableNuclideActivity> nuclideActivityList = new LinkedList<>();
// //获取用户名
// String userName = JwtUtil.getUserNameByToken(request);
// //读取缓存内容
// Cache<String, PHDFile> phdCache = localCache.getPHDCache();
// PHDFile phd = phdCache.getIfPresent(fileName + StringPool.DASH + userName);
// if (Objects.isNull(phd)) {
// result.error500("Please select the parse file first!");
// return result;
// }
// Map<String, Integer> idcStationMap = (Map<String, Integer>) redisUtil.get("idcStationMap");
// try {
// String collectStart = "";
// if (phd.getCollect().getCollection_start_time().indexOf(StringPool.DOT) > 0) {
// collectStart = phd.getCollect().getCollection_start_date() + " " + phd.getCollect().getCollection_start_time().substring(0, phd.getCollect().getCollection_start_time().indexOf(StringPool.DOT));
// } else {
// collectStart = phd.getCollect().getCollection_start_date() + " " + phd.getCollect().getCollection_start_time();
// }
// //获取采集开始时间
// Date acqStart = DateUtils.parseDate(phd.getAcq().getAcquisition_start_date() + " " + phd.getAcq().getAcquisition_start_time());
// //计算得到采集结束时间对应的毫秒数
// long stopTime = (long) (acqStart.getTime() + (phd.getAcq().getAcquisition_real_time() * 1000));
// //根据毫秒数得到采集结束时间
// Date acquisitionStopDate = new Date(stopTime);
// //格式化得到采集结束时间的字符串
// String acquisitionStop = DateUtils.formatDate(acquisitionStopDate, "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
// //从缓存的idc台站信息中获取当前台站对应的台站id
// Integer stationId = null;
// if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(idcStationMap)) {
// stationId = idcStationMap.get(phd.getHeader().getSite_code());
// }
// //连接本地同步的idc数据库
// conn = dataService.connectInland();
// //连接对象为空 则连接idc国际库
// if (Objects.isNull(conn)) {
// conn = dataService.connectOverSea();
// }
// //判断是否连接成功
// if (Objects.nonNull(conn)) {
// //查询获取Peaks表的对比数据内容
// nuclideActivityList = dataService.viewNucl(phd.getHeader().getDetector_code(), phd.getHeader().getSpectrum_quantity(), stationId, collectStart, acquisitionStop, conn);
// }
// result.setSuccess(true);
// result.setResult(nuclideActivityList);
// } catch (ParseException e) {
// throw new RuntimeException(e);
// } finally {
// try {
// if (Objects.nonNull(conn)) {
// conn.close();
// }
// } catch (SQLException e) {
// throw new RuntimeException(e);
// }
// }
// return result;
// }
public Result peakComparison(String fileName, HttpServletRequest request) {
Result result = new Result();
Connection conn = null;
List<PeakInfo> peakInfoList = new LinkedList<>();
String userName = JwtUtil.getUserNameByToken(request);
Cache<String, PHDFile> phdCache = localCache.getPHDCache();
PHDFile phd = phdCache.getIfPresent(fileName + StringPool.DASH + userName);
if (Objects.isNull(phd)) {
result.error500("Please select the parse file first!");
return result;
Map<String, Integer> idcStationMap = (Map<String, Integer>) redisUtil.get("idcStationMap");
try {
String collectStart = "";
if (phd.getCollect().getCollection_start_time().indexOf(StringPool.DOT) > 0) {
collectStart = phd.getCollect().getCollection_start_date() + " " + phd.getCollect().getCollection_start_time().substring(0, phd.getCollect().getCollection_start_time().indexOf(StringPool.DOT));
} else {
collectStart = phd.getCollect().getCollection_start_date() + " " + phd.getCollect().getCollection_start_time();
Date acqStart = DateUtils.parseDate(phd.getAcq().getAcquisition_start_date() + " " + phd.getAcq().getAcquisition_start_time());
long stopTime = (long) (acqStart.getTime() + (phd.getAcq().getAcquisition_real_time() * 1000));
Date acquisitionStopDate = new Date(stopTime);
String acquisitionStop = DateUtils.formatDate(acquisitionStopDate, "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
Integer stationId = null;
if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(idcStationMap)) {
stationId = idcStationMap.get(phd.getHeader().getSite_code());
conn = dataService.connectInland();
//连接对象为空 则连接idc国际库
if (Objects.isNull(conn)) {
conn = dataService.connectOverSea();
if (Objects.nonNull(conn)) {
peakInfoList = dataService.viewPeaks(phd.getHeader().getDetector_code(), phd.getHeader().getSpectrum_quantity(), stationId, collectStart, acquisitionStop, conn);
} catch (ParseException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
} finally {
try {
if (Objects.nonNull(conn)) {
} catch (SQLException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
return result;
public Result nuclComparison(String fileName, HttpServletRequest request) {
Result result = new Result();
Connection conn = null;
List<TableNuclideActivity> nuclideActivityList = new LinkedList<>();
String userName = JwtUtil.getUserNameByToken(request);
Cache<String, PHDFile> phdCache = localCache.getPHDCache();
PHDFile phd = phdCache.getIfPresent(fileName + StringPool.DASH + userName);
if (Objects.isNull(phd)) {
result.error500("Please select the parse file first!");
return result;
Map<String, Integer> idcStationMap = (Map<String, Integer>) redisUtil.get("idcStationMap");
try {
String collectStart = "";
if (phd.getCollect().getCollection_start_time().indexOf(StringPool.DOT) > 0) {
collectStart = phd.getCollect().getCollection_start_date() + " " + phd.getCollect().getCollection_start_time().substring(0, phd.getCollect().getCollection_start_time().indexOf(StringPool.DOT));
} else {
collectStart = phd.getCollect().getCollection_start_date() + " " + phd.getCollect().getCollection_start_time();
Date acqStart = DateUtils.parseDate(phd.getAcq().getAcquisition_start_date() + " " + phd.getAcq().getAcquisition_start_time());
long stopTime = (long) (acqStart.getTime() + (phd.getAcq().getAcquisition_real_time() * 1000));
Date acquisitionStopDate = new Date(stopTime);
String acquisitionStop = DateUtils.formatDate(acquisitionStopDate, "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
Integer stationId = null;
if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(idcStationMap)) {
stationId = idcStationMap.get(phd.getHeader().getSite_code());
conn = dataService.connectInland();
//连接对象为空 则连接idc国际库
if (Objects.isNull(conn)) {
conn = dataService.connectOverSea();
if (Objects.nonNull(conn)) {
nuclideActivityList = dataService.viewNucl(phd.getHeader().getDetector_code(), phd.getHeader().getSpectrum_quantity(), stationId, collectStart, acquisitionStop, conn);
} catch (ParseException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
} finally {
try {
if (Objects.nonNull(conn)) {
} catch (SQLException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
return result;
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
import org.jeecg.common.cache.BetaCache;
import org.jeecg.common.cache.LocalCache;
import org.jeecg.common.util.oConvertUtils;
import org.jeecg.modules.service.IDataService;
import org.jeecg.modules.service.IGammaService;
import org.jeecg.modules.service.IGardsNuclCoincidenceSumSpectrumService;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
@ -33,8 +34,8 @@ public class JeecgSpectrumAnalysisApplication extends SpringBootServletInitializ
private IGammaService gammaService;
private IGardsNuclCoincidenceSumSpectrumService nuclCoincidenceSumSpectrumService;
// @Autowired
// private IDataService dataService;
private IDataService dataService;
@ -66,6 +67,6 @@ public class JeecgSpectrumAnalysisApplication extends SpringBootServletInitializ
Reference in New Issue
Block a user