2023-09-14 14:47:11 +08:00

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# Change Log
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See [standard-version]( for commit guidelines.
<a name="6.1.1"></a>
## [6.1.1]( (2018-09-24)
### Bug Fixes
* **permutationTest:** Add TypeScript definition for permutationTest ([e7fa9db](, closes [#298](
* array quantile on certain kinds of input ([#334]( ([e9d007e](
<a name="6.1.0"></a>
# [6.1.0]( (2018-06-23)
### Features
* gammaln ([9d03631](
<a name="6.0.1"></a>
## [6.0.1]( (2018-05-11)
<a name="6.0.0"></a>
# [6.0.0]( (2018-04-30)
### Bug Fixes
* Polyfill Number.isInteger function before committing to dropping IE11 ([#297]( ([01cc37e](, closes [#296](
### build
* **package.json:** Remove bower and component.json compatibility ([#294]( ([0593cb8](, closes [#293](
### Features
* Gamma Function ([39c8ecd](
* **package.json:** simple-statistics is no longer supported as a component module or a bower module.
All other forms of support - script tag, unpkg, npm - continue.
<a name="5.4.0"></a>
# [5.4.0]( (2018-04-21)
### Features
* Permutation test ([1be011e](
<a name="5.3.1"></a>
## [5.3.1]( (2018-03-23)
### Bug Fixes
* Someone simple-statistics dependend on itself... ([12acd40](
<a name="5.3.0"></a>
# [5.3.0]( (2018-03-23)
### Features
* adding extent ([80bcc99](
* adding extentSorted ([053399f](
* adding quantileRankSorted ([#285]( ([84248ea](
<a name="5.2.1"></a>
## [5.2.1]( (2017-12-20)
<a name="5.2.0"></a>
# [5.2.0]( (2017-11-29)
### Features
* **package:** Add unpkg field to package.json to support unpkg default entry point ([#267]( ([c1afd51](
<a name="5.1.0"></a>
# [5.1.0]( (2017-10-23)
### Features
* Add TypeScript definition ([688538b](
<a name="5.0.1"></a>
## [5.0.1]( (2017-10-15)
### Bug Fixes
* Add index.js to package.json ([b744bfa](, closes [#253](
<a name="5.0.0"></a>
# [5.0.0]( (2017-09-26)
### Features
* Expose ES6 modules ([a775ef6](, closes [#210](
* kernel density estimation ([#245]( ([8637af1](, closes [#244](
* simple-statistics now uses ES6 modules internally, and exposes a entry point for other modules to use it as an ES6 module.
This means:
- If you use Rollup or another library that supports the `jsnext:main` or `module` fields of package.json, you'll likely automatically start using this feature. When you use simple-statistics as an ES6 module, `import {min} from "simple-statistics"` and other imports of only a few of its methods will automatically do 'tree-shaking' and only pull in the parts you use (if your bundling tool supports tree-shaking)
- Sub-requiring parts of simple-statistics, like `require('simple-statistics/min')` is **deprecated** and will not work. Its components are now written with ES6 syntax.
<a name="4.1.1"></a>
## [4.1.1]( (2017-08-05)
### Bug Fixes
* expose BayesianClassifier & PerceptronModel instead of bayesian and perceptron ([1d03671](
<a name="4.1.0"></a>
# [4.1.0]( (2017-04-27)
### Features
* sampleKurtosis ([1d9eec2](
<a name="4.0.0"></a>
# [4.0.0]( (2017-04-25)
### Bug Fixes
* Remove mixin method ([#215]( ([85036e2](, closes [#211](
### Performance Improvements
* **binomialDistribution:** avoid expensive factorial calculations ([#205]( ([525f9c0](
* **core:** Improve performance of min, max, sumNthPowerDeviations, variance, sampleVariance ([#195]( ([9d2569a](
* **distributions:** return array instead of object ([#209]( ([6c5df5f](
* **poissonDistribution:** avoid expensive factorial calculation ([#206]( ([b34aceb](
* **poissonDistribution:** use Math.exp instead of Math.pow ([#208]( ([6491dfa](
* **sampleSkewness:** Improve sampleSkewness performance ([#197]( ([03d37eb](
* **sum:** Switch from Kahan to Kahan-Babuska algorithm ([1b42d7f](
* Removes .mixin(). Instead use simple-statistics in a functional style.
* **distributions:** The return value of bernoulliDistribution, binomialDistribution, and poissonDistribution is no longer an Object with number keys, it is now an Array of numbers.
<a name="3.0.0"></a>
# [3.0.0]( (2017-04-06)
**Breaking change**: before this release, simple-statistics would return `NaN`
when provided with invalid input. After 3.0.0, simple-statistics will throw
exceptions when provided with invalid input. If you previously used `isNaN` to
test for these error cases, switch to using `try` and `catch`, or make sure
that valid input is given to simple-statistics.
### Features
* **mean:** combineMeans, a method for combining calculated means ([d9e3ebc](
* **mean:** subtractFromMean, a method to remove a value from the mean ([afe76e9](
* **variance:** combineVariances, a method for combining pre-calculated variances of two dataset ([68133f7](
<a name="2.5.0"></a>
# [2.5.0]( (2017-02-24)
### Features
* **mean:** addToMean, a method to update an mean with a new element ([b6637b4](
<a name="2.4.0"></a>
# [2.4.0]( (2017-02-22)
### Bug Fixes
* **build:** Ignore conventional-changelog-core for Flow ([4874868](
### Features
* **mode:** Implement modeFast, an indexed mode implementation (#183) ([59b7191](
<a name="2.3.0"></a>
# [2.3.0]( (2017-02-17)
### Features
* **core:** sampleWithReplacement (#174) ([a8d05d1](
## 2.2.0
* Improved [Ckmeans]( algorithm
from the [updated R project](
that dramatically increases performance.
* Adds `permutationHeap` method for computing all permutations of an array.
* Adds `combinations` for combinations without replacement
* Adds `combinationsReplacement` for combinations with replacement
## 2.1.0
* Adds `bisect` method that implements the [bisection method](
for root-finding. Thanks [Jamie Neubert Pedersen](
for the contribution!
## 2.0.0
New features:
* `product`: returns the product of a series of numbers
* `medianSorted`: exposes the internal method of `median`
that only operates on sorted arrays and works in constant time
* `modeSorted`: exposes the internal method of `mode` and works
in linear time.
* Adds [Flow]( annotations to all methods, allowing
up-front typechecking if you use Flow in your application.
* Invalid input now uniformly produces the value `NaN` instead
of previously a mix of `null` and `undefined`.
* The method `sortedUniqueCount` is now called `uniqueCountSorted` to
match the other sorted methods, `medianSorted` and `modeSorted`
* `equalIntervalBreaks` was not exported by `index.js`, and now is.
## 1.0.1
* Fixes to ckmeans algorithm (thanks to @llimllib) (#125)
* Add keywords to package. Fixes #120
* Standardize indentation, add example for epsilon
* Browser testing with Sauce Labs
Bundle size optimizations:
* Add external sourcemaps for minified and unminified standalone bundles
* Use bundle-collapser for smaller bundles
* Indicate numericSort as an internal method.
## 1.0.0
### Breaking Changes
* Removed the .m() and .b() shortcuts from the linear regression
class. Use `.mb().b` and `.mb().m` instead.
* linearRegression is now a function, and linearRegressionLine is a separate
#### Linear Regression
var l = ss.linear_regression().data([[0, 0], [1, 1]]);
l.line()(0); // 0
var line = ss.linearRegressionLine(ss.linearRegression([[0, 0], [1, 1]]));
line(0); // 0
#### Jenks -> ckmeans
The implementation of Jenks natural breaks was removed: an implementation
of Ckmeans, an improvement on its technique, is added. Ckmeans should
work better for nearly all Jenks usecases.
ss.jenks([1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 20], 3) //= [1, 7, 20, 20]
ss.ckmeans([1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 20], 3))
[ [ 1,
9 ],
[ 10 ],
[ 20 ] ]
Instead of class breaks, ckmeans returns clustered data. Class breaks
can be derived by taking the first value from each cluster:
var breaks = ss.ckmeans([1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 20], 3)).map(function(cluster) {
return cluster[0];
* `BayesModel` is now a class
* `PerceptronModel` is now a class, and the `weights` and `bias` members
are accessable as properties rather than methods.
* All multi-word method names are now camelCase rather than underscore_cased:
this means that a method like `ss.r_squared` is now accessible as `ss.rSquared`
### New Features
* Ckmeans replaces Jenks
* `sortedUniqueCount` provides an extremely fast method for counting
unique values of sorted arrays.
* `sumNthPowerDeviations` is now exposed, providing a simple way to calculate
the fundamental aspect of measures like variance and skewness.
### Non-Breaking Changes
* JSDoc documentation throughout
* Each function is now its own file, and simple-statistics
is assembled with CommonJS-style require() statements. simple-statistics can
still be used in a browser with browserify.
* The standard normal table is now calculated using the cumulative distribution
function, rather than hardcoded.
## 0.9.2
* Improved test coverage
* Switched linting from JSHint to [eslint]( and fixed
style issues this uncovered.
## 0.9.1
* Fixes `.jenks` corner cases.
## 0.9.0
* Adds `.sample` for simple random sampling
* Adds `.shuffle` and `.shuffleInPlace` for random permutations
* Adds `.chunk` for splitting arrays into chunked subsets
## 0.8.1
* fixes a bug in `mode` that favored the last new number
## 0.8.0
* `mixin` can now take an array in order to mixin functions into a single array
instance rather than the global Array prototype.
## 0.7.0
* Adds `simple_statistics.harmonicMean` thanks to [jseppi](
## 0.6.0
* Adds `simple_statistics.quantileSorted` thanks to [rluta](
* `simple_statistics.quantile` now accepts a sorted list of quantiles as a second argument
* Improved test coverage
## 0.5.0
* Adds `simple_statistics.cumulativeStdNormalProbability` by [doronlinder](
* Adds `simple_statistics.zScore` by doronlinder
* Adds `simple_statistics.standardNormalTable`
## 0.4.0
* Adds `simple_statistics.median_absolute_deviation()` by siculars
* Adds `simple_statistics.iqr()` by siculars
* Adds `simple_statistics.skewness()` by Doron Linder
* Lower-level accessors for linear regression allow users to do the line
equation themselves
## 0.3.0
* Adds `simple_statistics.jenks()`
* Adds `simple_statistics.jenksMatrices()`
* Improves test coverage and validation
## 0.2.0
* Adds `simple_statistics.quantile()`
* Adds `simple_statistics.mixin()`
* Adds `simple_statistics.geometricMean()`
* Adds `simple_statistics.sampleVariance()`
* Adds `simple_statistics.sampleCovariance()`
## 0.1.0
* Adds `simple_statistics.tTest()`
* Adds `simple_statistics.min()`
* Adds `simple_statistics.max()`