732 lines
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732 lines
24 KiB
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
exports.default = void 0;
var _xeUtils = _interopRequireDefault(require("xe-utils/methods/xe-utils"));
var _conf = _interopRequireDefault(require("../../conf"));
var _vXETable = _interopRequireDefault(require("../../v-x-e-table"));
var _tools = require("../../tools");
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; }
function _toConsumableArray(arr) { return _arrayWithoutHoles(arr) || _iterableToArray(arr) || _unsupportedIterableToArray(arr) || _nonIterableSpread(); }
function _nonIterableSpread() { throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to spread non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method."); }
function _unsupportedIterableToArray(o, minLen) { if (!o) return; if (typeof o === "string") return _arrayLikeToArray(o, minLen); var n = Object.prototype.toString.call(o).slice(8, -1); if (n === "Object" && o.constructor) n = o.constructor.name; if (n === "Map" || n === "Set") return Array.from(o); if (n === "Arguments" || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(n)) return _arrayLikeToArray(o, minLen); }
function _iterableToArray(iter) { if (typeof Symbol !== "undefined" && Symbol.iterator in Object(iter)) return Array.from(iter); }
function _arrayWithoutHoles(arr) { if (Array.isArray(arr)) return _arrayLikeToArray(arr); }
function _arrayLikeToArray(arr, len) { if (len == null || len > arr.length) len = arr.length; for (var i = 0, arr2 = new Array(len); i < len; i++) { arr2[i] = arr[i]; } return arr2; }
function _defineProperty(obj, key, value) { if (key in obj) { Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value: value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); } else { obj[key] = value; } return obj; }
var cellType = 'body'; // 滚动、拖动过程中不需要触发
function isOperateMouse($xetable) {
// 在 v3.0 中废弃 optimization.delayHover
return $xetable._isResize || $xetable.lastScrollTime && Date.now() < $xetable.lastScrollTime + $xetable.delayHover;
function countTreeExpand(prevRow, params) {
var $table = params.$table;
var rowChildren = prevRow[$table.treeOpts.children];
var count = 1;
if ($table.isTreeExpandByRow(prevRow)) {
for (var index = 0; index < rowChildren.length; index++) {
count += countTreeExpand(rowChildren[index], params);
return count;
function getOffsetSize($xetable) {
switch ($xetable.vSize) {
case 'mini':
return 3;
case 'small':
return 2;
case 'medium':
return 1;
return 0;
function calcTreeLine(params, items) {
var $table = params.$table,
$rowIndex = params.$rowIndex;
var expandSize = 1;
if ($rowIndex) {
expandSize = countTreeExpand(items[$rowIndex - 1], params);
return $table.rowHeight * expandSize - ($rowIndex ? 1 : 12 - getOffsetSize($table));
function renderLine(h, _vm, $xetable, rowLevel, items, params) {
var column = params.column;
var treeOpts = $xetable.treeOpts,
treeConfig = $xetable.treeConfig;
return column.slots && column.slots.line ? column.slots.line.call($xetable, params, h) : column.treeNode && treeConfig && treeOpts.line ? [h('div', {
class: 'vxe-tree--line-wrapper'
}, [h('div', {
class: 'vxe-tree--line',
style: {
height: "".concat(calcTreeLine(params, items), "px"),
left: "".concat(rowLevel * treeOpts.indent + (rowLevel ? 2 - getOffsetSize($xetable) : 0) + 16, "px")
})])] : [];
function renderBorder(h, type) {
return h('div', {
class: "vxe-table-".concat(type, "ed-borders"),
ref: "".concat(type, "Borders")
}, [h('span', {
class: 'vxe-table-border-top',
ref: "".concat(type, "Top")
}), h('span', {
class: 'vxe-table-border-right',
ref: "".concat(type, "Right")
}), h('span', {
class: 'vxe-table-border-bottom',
ref: "".concat(type, "Bottom")
}), h('span', {
class: 'vxe-table-border-left',
ref: "".concat(type, "Left")
* 渲染列
function renderColumn(h, _vm, $xetable, $seq, seq, rowid, fixedType, rowLevel, row, rowIndex, $rowIndex, column, $columnIndex, columns, items) {
var _ref2;
var _e = $xetable._e,
tableListeners = $xetable.$listeners,
tableData = $xetable.tableData,
height = $xetable.height,
columnKey = $xetable.columnKey,
overflowX = $xetable.overflowX,
scrollXLoad = $xetable.scrollXLoad,
scrollYLoad = $xetable.scrollYLoad,
highlightCurrentRow = $xetable.highlightCurrentRow,
allColumnOverflow = $xetable.showOverflow,
allAlign = $xetable.align,
currentColumn = $xetable.currentColumn,
cellClassName = $xetable.cellClassName,
cellStyle = $xetable.cellStyle,
spanMethod = $xetable.spanMethod,
radioOpts = $xetable.radioOpts,
checkboxOpts = $xetable.checkboxOpts,
expandOpts = $xetable.expandOpts,
treeOpts = $xetable.treeOpts,
tooltipOpts = $xetable.tooltipOpts,
mouseConfig = $xetable.mouseConfig,
mouseOpts = $xetable.mouseOpts,
editConfig = $xetable.editConfig,
editOpts = $xetable.editOpts,
editRules = $xetable.editRules,
validOpts = $xetable.validOpts,
editStore = $xetable.editStore,
validStore = $xetable.validStore;
var editRender = column.editRender,
align = column.align,
showOverflow = column.showOverflow,
className = column.className,
treeNode = column.treeNode;
var actived = editStore.actived;
var enabled = tooltipOpts.enabled;
var columnIndex = $xetable.getColumnIndex(column);
var _columnIndex = $xetable._getColumnIndex(column);
var isMouseSelected = mouseConfig && mouseOpts.selected; // 在 v3.0 中废弃 mouse-config.checked
var isMouseChecked = mouseConfig && (mouseOpts.range || mouseOpts.checked);
var fixedHiddenColumn = fixedType ? column.fixed !== fixedType : column.fixed && overflowX;
var cellOverflow = _xeUtils.default.isUndefined(showOverflow) || _xeUtils.default.isNull(showOverflow) ? allColumnOverflow : showOverflow;
var showEllipsis = cellOverflow === 'ellipsis';
var showTitle = cellOverflow === 'title';
var showTooltip = cellOverflow === true || cellOverflow === 'tooltip';
var hasEllipsis = showTitle || showTooltip || showEllipsis;
var isDirty;
var tdOns = {};
var cellAlign = align || allAlign;
var hasValidError = validStore.row === row && validStore.column === column;
var hasDefaultTip = editRules && (validOpts.message === 'default' ? height || tableData.length > 1 : validOpts.message === 'inline');
var attrs = {
'data-colid': column.id
var bindMouseenter = tableListeners['cell-mouseenter'];
var bindMouseleave = tableListeners['cell-mouseleave'];
var triggerDblclick = editRender && editConfig && editOpts.trigger === 'dblclick';
var params = {
$table: $xetable,
$seq: $seq,
seq: seq,
rowid: rowid,
row: row,
rowIndex: rowIndex,
$rowIndex: $rowIndex,
column: column,
columnIndex: columnIndex,
$columnIndex: $columnIndex,
_columnIndex: _columnIndex,
fixed: fixedType,
type: cellType,
isHidden: fixedHiddenColumn,
level: rowLevel,
data: tableData,
items: items
}; // 虚拟滚动不支持动态高度
if ((scrollXLoad || scrollYLoad) && !hasEllipsis) {
showEllipsis = hasEllipsis = true;
} // hover 进入事件
if (showTitle || showTooltip || enabled || bindMouseenter) {
tdOns.mouseenter = function (evnt) {
if (isOperateMouse($xetable)) {
if (showTitle) {
_tools.DomTools.updateCellTitle(evnt, column);
} else if (showTooltip || enabled) {
// 如果配置了显示 tooltip
$xetable.triggerTooltipEvent(evnt, params);
if (bindMouseenter) {
$xetable.emitEvent('cell-mouseenter', Object.assign({
cell: evnt.currentTarget
}, params), evnt);
} // hover 退出事件
if (showTooltip || enabled || tableListeners['cell-bindMouseleave']) {
tdOns.mouseleave = function (evnt) {
if (isOperateMouse($xetable)) {
if (showTooltip || enabled) {
if (bindMouseleave) {
$xetable.emitEvent('cell-mouseleave', Object.assign({
cell: evnt.currentTarget
}, params), evnt);
} // 按下事件处理
if (checkboxOpts.range || isMouseChecked || isMouseSelected) {
tdOns.mousedown = function (evnt) {
$xetable.triggerCellMousedownEvent(evnt, params);
} // 点击事件处理
if (highlightCurrentRow || tableListeners['cell-click'] || isMouseChecked || editRender && editConfig || expandOpts.trigger === 'row' || expandOpts.trigger === 'cell' || radioOpts.trigger === 'row' || column.type === 'radio' && radioOpts.trigger === 'cell' || // 在 v3.0 中废弃 type=selection
checkboxOpts.trigger === 'row' || (column.type === 'checkbox' || column.type === 'selection') && checkboxOpts.trigger === 'cell' || treeOpts.trigger === 'row' || column.treeNode && treeOpts.trigger === 'cell') {
tdOns.click = function (evnt) {
$xetable.triggerCellClickEvent(evnt, params);
} // 双击事件处理
if (triggerDblclick || tableListeners['cell-dblclick']) {
tdOns.dblclick = function (evnt) {
$xetable.triggerCellDBLClickEvent(evnt, params);
} // 合并行或列
if (spanMethod) {
var _ref = spanMethod(params) || {},
_ref$rowspan = _ref.rowspan,
rowspan = _ref$rowspan === void 0 ? 1 : _ref$rowspan,
_ref$colspan = _ref.colspan,
colspan = _ref$colspan === void 0 ? 1 : _ref$colspan;
if (!rowspan || !colspan) {
return null;
if (rowspan > 1) {
attrs.rowspan = rowspan;
if (colspan > 1) {
attrs.colspan = colspan;
} // 如果编辑列开启显示状态
if (!fixedHiddenColumn && editRender && editConfig && editOpts.showStatus) {
isDirty = $xetable.isUpdateByRow(row, column.property);
var type = column.type === 'seq' || column.type === 'index' ? 'seq' : column.type;
return h('td', {
class: ['vxe-body--column', column.id, (_ref2 = {}, _defineProperty(_ref2, "col--".concat(cellAlign), cellAlign), _defineProperty(_ref2, "col--".concat(type), type), _defineProperty(_ref2, 'col--last', $columnIndex === columns.length - 1), _defineProperty(_ref2, 'col--tree-node', treeNode), _defineProperty(_ref2, 'col--edit', !!editRender), _defineProperty(_ref2, 'col--ellipsis', hasEllipsis), _defineProperty(_ref2, 'fixed--hidden', fixedHiddenColumn), _defineProperty(_ref2, 'col--dirty', isDirty), _defineProperty(_ref2, 'col--actived', editConfig && editRender && actived.row === row && (actived.column === column || editOpts.mode === 'row')), _defineProperty(_ref2, 'col--valid-error', hasValidError), _defineProperty(_ref2, 'col--current', currentColumn === column), _ref2), _tools.UtilTools.getClass(className, params), _tools.UtilTools.getClass(cellClassName, params)],
key: columnKey ? column.id : $columnIndex,
attrs: attrs,
style: cellStyle ? _xeUtils.default.isFunction(cellStyle) ? cellStyle(params) : cellStyle : null,
on: tdOns
}, allColumnOverflow && fixedHiddenColumn ? [h('div', {
class: ['vxe-cell', {
'c--title': showTitle,
'c--tooltip': showTooltip,
'c--ellipsis': showEllipsis
})] : renderLine(h, _vm, $xetable, rowLevel, items, params).concat([h('div', {
class: ['vxe-cell', {
'c--title': showTitle,
'c--tooltip': showTooltip,
'c--ellipsis': showEllipsis
attrs: {
title: showTitle ? _tools.UtilTools.getCellLabel(row, column, params) : null
}, column.renderCell(h, params)), hasDefaultTip ? hasValidError ? h('div', {
class: 'vxe-cell--valid',
style: validStore.rule && validStore.rule.maxWidth ? {
width: "".concat(validStore.rule.maxWidth, "px")
} : null
}, [h('span', {
class: 'vxe-cell--valid-msg'
}, validStore.content)]) : _e() : null]));
function renderRows(h, _vm, $xetable, $seq, rowLevel, fixedType, tableData, tableColumn) {
var stripe = $xetable.stripe,
rowKey = $xetable.rowKey,
highlightHoverRow = $xetable.highlightHoverRow,
rowClassName = $xetable.rowClassName,
rowStyle = $xetable.rowStyle,
allColumnOverflow = $xetable.showOverflow,
treeConfig = $xetable.treeConfig,
treeOpts = $xetable.treeOpts,
treeExpandeds = $xetable.treeExpandeds,
scrollYLoad = $xetable.scrollYLoad,
scrollYStore = $xetable.scrollYStore,
editStore = $xetable.editStore,
rowExpandeds = $xetable.rowExpandeds,
radioOpts = $xetable.radioOpts,
checkboxOpts = $xetable.checkboxOpts,
expandColumn = $xetable.expandColumn;
var rows = [];
tableData.forEach(function (row, $rowIndex) {
var trOn = {};
var rowIndex = $rowIndex;
var seq = rowIndex + 1;
if (scrollYLoad) {
seq += scrollYStore.startIndex;
} // 确保任何情况下 rowIndex 都精准指向真实 data 索引
rowIndex = $xetable.getRowIndex(row); // 事件绑定
if (highlightHoverRow) {
trOn.mouseenter = function (evnt) {
if (isOperateMouse($xetable)) {
$xetable.triggerHoverEvent(evnt, {
row: row,
rowIndex: rowIndex
trOn.mouseleave = function () {
if (isOperateMouse($xetable)) {
var rowid = _tools.UtilTools.getRowid($xetable, row);
var params = {
$table: $xetable,
$seq: $seq,
seq: seq,
rowid: rowid,
fixed: fixedType,
type: cellType,
rowLevel: rowLevel,
row: row,
rowIndex: rowIndex,
$rowIndex: $rowIndex
rows.push(h('tr', {
class: ['vxe-body--row', {
'row--stripe': stripe && ($xetable._getRowIndex(row) + 1) % 2 === 0,
'is--new': editStore.insertList.indexOf(row) > -1,
'row--radio': radioOpts.highlight && $xetable.selectRow === row,
'row--cheched': checkboxOpts.highlight && $xetable.isCheckedByCheckboxRow(row)
}, rowClassName ? _xeUtils.default.isFunction(rowClassName) ? rowClassName(params) : rowClassName : ''],
attrs: {
'data-rowid': rowid
style: rowStyle ? _xeUtils.default.isFunction(rowStyle) ? rowStyle(params) : rowStyle : null,
key: rowKey || treeConfig ? rowid : $rowIndex,
on: trOn
}, tableColumn.map(function (column, $columnIndex) {
return renderColumn(h, _vm, $xetable, $seq, seq, rowid, fixedType, rowLevel, row, rowIndex, $rowIndex, column, $columnIndex, tableColumn, tableData);
}))); // 如果行被展开了
if (expandColumn && rowExpandeds.length && rowExpandeds.indexOf(row) > -1) {
var expandColumnIndex = $xetable.getColumnIndex(expandColumn);
var cellStyle;
if (treeConfig) {
cellStyle = {
paddingLeft: "".concat(rowLevel * treeOpts.indent + 30, "px")
var showOverflow = expandColumn.showOverflow;
var hasEllipsis = _xeUtils.default.isUndefined(showOverflow) || _xeUtils.default.isNull(showOverflow) ? allColumnOverflow : showOverflow;
var expandParams = {
$table: $xetable,
$seq: $seq,
seq: seq,
column: expandColumn,
columnIndex: expandColumnIndex,
fixed: fixedType,
type: cellType,
level: rowLevel,
row: row,
rowIndex: rowIndex,
$rowIndex: $rowIndex
rows.push(h('tr', {
class: 'vxe-body--expanded-row',
key: "expand_".concat(rowid),
style: rowStyle ? _xeUtils.default.isFunction(rowStyle) ? rowStyle(expandParams) : rowStyle : null,
on: trOn
}, [h('td', {
class: ['vxe-body--expanded-column', {
'fixed--hidden': fixedType,
'col--ellipsis': hasEllipsis
attrs: {
colspan: tableColumn.length
}, [h('div', {
class: 'vxe-body--expanded-cell',
style: cellStyle
}, [expandColumn.renderData(h, expandParams)])])]));
} // 如果是树形表格
if (treeConfig && treeExpandeds.length) {
var rowChildren = row[treeOpts.children];
if (rowChildren && rowChildren.length && treeExpandeds.indexOf(row) > -1) {
rows.push.apply(rows, _toConsumableArray(renderRows(h, _vm, $xetable, $seq ? "".concat($seq, ".").concat(seq) : "".concat(seq), rowLevel + 1, fixedType, rowChildren, tableColumn)));
return rows;
* 同步滚动条
* scroll 方式:可以使固定列与内容保持一致的滚动效果,实现相对麻烦
* mousewheel 方式:对于同步滚动效果就略差了,左右滚动,内容跟随即可
* css3 translate 方式:对于同步滚动效果会有产生卡顿感觉,虽然可以利用硬件加速,渲染性能略优,但失去table布局能力
var scrollProcessTimeout;
function syncBodyScroll(scrollTop, elem1, elem2) {
if (elem1 || elem2) {
if (elem1) {
elem1.onscroll = null;
elem1.scrollTop = scrollTop;
if (elem2) {
elem2.onscroll = null;
elem2.scrollTop = scrollTop;
scrollProcessTimeout = setTimeout(function () {
if (elem1) {
elem1.onscroll = elem1._onscroll;
if (elem2) {
elem2.onscroll = elem2._onscroll;
}, 100);
var _default = {
name: 'VxeTableBody',
props: {
tableData: Array,
tableColumn: Array,
visibleColumn: Array,
fixedColumn: Array,
size: String,
fixedType: String,
isGroup: Boolean
mounted: function mounted() {
var $xetable = this.$parent,
$el = this.$el,
$refs = this.$refs,
fixedType = this.fixedType;
var elemStore = $xetable.elemStore;
var prefix = "".concat(fixedType || 'main', "-body-");
elemStore["".concat(prefix, "wrapper")] = $el;
elemStore["".concat(prefix, "table")] = $refs.table;
elemStore["".concat(prefix, "colgroup")] = $refs.colgroup;
elemStore["".concat(prefix, "list")] = $refs.tbody;
elemStore["".concat(prefix, "xSpace")] = $refs.xSpace;
elemStore["".concat(prefix, "ySpace")] = $refs.ySpace;
elemStore["".concat(prefix, "checkRange")] = $refs.checkRange;
elemStore["".concat(prefix, "emptyBlock")] = $refs.emptyBlock;
this.$el.onscroll = this.scrollEvent;
this.$el._onscroll = this.scrollEvent;
beforeDestroy: function beforeDestroy() {
this.$el._onscroll = null;
this.$el.onscroll = null;
render: function render(h) {
var _e = this._e,
$xetable = this.$parent,
fixedColumn = this.fixedColumn,
fixedType = this.fixedType;
var $scopedSlots = $xetable.$scopedSlots,
tId = $xetable.tId,
tableData = $xetable.tableData,
tableColumn = $xetable.tableColumn,
allColumnOverflow = $xetable.showOverflow,
spanMethod = $xetable.spanMethod,
scrollXLoad = $xetable.scrollXLoad,
mouseConfig = $xetable.mouseConfig,
mouseOpts = $xetable.mouseOpts,
emptyRender = $xetable.emptyRender,
emptyOpts = $xetable.emptyOpts,
_$xetable$keyboardCon = $xetable.keyboardConfig,
keyboardConfig = _$xetable$keyboardCon === void 0 ? {} : _$xetable$keyboardCon; // 在 v3.0 中废弃 mouse-config.checked
var isMouseChecked = mouseConfig && (mouseOpts.range || mouseOpts.checked); // 如果是固定列与设置了超出隐藏
if (!spanMethod) {
if (fixedType && allColumnOverflow) {
tableColumn = fixedColumn;
} else if (scrollXLoad) {
if (fixedType) {
tableColumn = fixedColumn;
var emptyContent;
if ($scopedSlots.empty) {
emptyContent = $scopedSlots.empty.call(this, {
$table: this
}, h);
} else {
var compConf = emptyRender ? _vXETable.default.renderer.get(emptyOpts.name) : null;
if (compConf && compConf.renderEmpty) {
emptyContent = compConf.renderEmpty.call(this, h, emptyOpts, {
$table: this
}, {
$table: this
} else {
emptyContent = _conf.default.i18n('vxe.table.emptyText');
return h('div', {
class: ['vxe-table--body-wrapper', fixedType ? "fixed-".concat(fixedType, "--wrapper") : 'body--wrapper'],
attrs: {
'data-tid': tId
}, [fixedType ? _e() : h('div', {
class: 'vxe-body--x-space',
ref: 'xSpace'
}), h('div', {
class: 'vxe-body--y-space',
ref: 'ySpace'
}), h('table', {
class: 'vxe-table--body',
attrs: {
'data-tid': tId,
cellspacing: 0,
cellpadding: 0,
border: 0
ref: 'table'
}, [
* 列宽
h('colgroup', {
ref: 'colgroup'
}, tableColumn.map(function (column, columnIndex) {
return h('col', {
attrs: {
name: column.id
key: columnIndex
* 内容
h('tbody', {
ref: 'tbody'
}, renderRows(h, this, $xetable, '', 0, fixedType, tableData, tableColumn))]),
* 选中边框线
!fixedType && (isMouseChecked || keyboardConfig.isCut) ? h('div', {
class: 'vxe-table--borders'
}, [isMouseChecked ? renderBorder(h, 'check') : null, keyboardConfig.isCut ? renderBorder(h, 'copy') : null]) : null, h('div', {
ref: 'checkRange',
class: 'vxe-table--checkbox-range'
}), !fixedType ? h('div', {
class: 'vxe-table--empty-block',
ref: 'emptyBlock'
}, [h('div', {
class: 'vxe-table--empty-content'
}, emptyContent)]) : null]);
methods: {
* 滚动处理
* 如果存在列固定左侧,同步更新滚动状态
* 如果存在列固定右侧,同步更新滚动状态
scrollEvent: function scrollEvent(evnt) {
var $xetable = this.$parent,
fixedType = this.fixedType;
var $refs = $xetable.$refs,
highlightHoverRow = $xetable.highlightHoverRow,
scrollXLoad = $xetable.scrollXLoad,
scrollYLoad = $xetable.scrollYLoad,
lastScrollTop = $xetable.lastScrollTop,
lastScrollLeft = $xetable.lastScrollLeft;
var tableHeader = $refs.tableHeader,
tableBody = $refs.tableBody,
leftBody = $refs.leftBody,
rightBody = $refs.rightBody,
tableFooter = $refs.tableFooter,
validTip = $refs.validTip;
var headerElem = tableHeader ? tableHeader.$el : null;
var footerElem = tableFooter ? tableFooter.$el : null;
var bodyElem = tableBody.$el;
var leftElem = leftBody ? leftBody.$el : null;
var rightElem = rightBody ? rightBody.$el : null;
var scrollTop = bodyElem.scrollTop;
var scrollLeft = bodyElem.scrollLeft;
var isX = scrollLeft !== lastScrollLeft;
var isY = scrollTop !== lastScrollTop;
$xetable.lastScrollTop = scrollTop;
$xetable.lastScrollLeft = scrollLeft;
$xetable.lastScrollTime = Date.now();
if (highlightHoverRow) {
if (leftElem && fixedType === 'left') {
scrollTop = leftElem.scrollTop;
syncBodyScroll(scrollTop, bodyElem, rightElem);
} else if (rightElem && fixedType === 'right') {
scrollTop = rightElem.scrollTop;
syncBodyScroll(scrollTop, bodyElem, leftElem);
} else {
if (isX) {
if (headerElem) {
headerElem.scrollLeft = bodyElem.scrollLeft;
if (footerElem) {
footerElem.scrollLeft = bodyElem.scrollLeft;
if (leftElem || rightElem) {
if (isY) {
syncBodyScroll(scrollTop, leftElem, rightElem);
if (scrollXLoad && isX) {
if (headerElem && scrollLeft + bodyElem.clientWidth >= bodyElem.scrollWidth - 80) {
// 修复拖动滚动条时可能存在不同步问题
this.$nextTick(function () {
if (bodyElem.scrollLeft !== headerElem.scrollLeft) {
headerElem.scrollLeft = bodyElem.scrollLeft;
if (scrollYLoad && isY) {
if (isX && validTip && validTip.visible) {
$xetable.emitEvent('scroll', {
type: cellType,
fixed: fixedType,
scrollTop: scrollTop,
scrollLeft: scrollLeft,
isX: isX,
isY: isY
}, evnt);
exports.default = _default; |