2023-09-14 14:47:11 +08:00

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layout: default
title: PhotoSwipe Update Notifications & Changelog
h1_title: Update Notifications
description: Instructions on how to keep PhotoSwipe gallery up-do-date.
addjs: true
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markdownpage: true
It's very important to keep PhotoSwipe updated, especially during the beta period.
Each time PhotoSwipe gets an update - [GitHub releases]( page is updated with details about release.
Releases page has an [Atom feed](, you may setup email notifications when feed is updated [using IFTTT](
<a href="" target = "_blank" class="embed_recipe embed_recipe-l_30" id= "embed_recipe-230902"><img src= '' alt="IFTTT Recipe: PhotoSwipe update notification connects feed to email" width="370px" style="max-width:100%"/></a><script async type="text/javascript" src= "//"></script>
Altervatively, you can follow [@PhotoSwipe on Twitter](, or join my tiny email newsletter:
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<p style="font-size: 12px; margin: 4px 0 0 0;">Newsletter is sent 3 times a year at max. Powered by Mailchimp.</p>