2023-09-14 14:47:11 +08:00

1649 lines
58 KiB

* @author Toru Nagashima <>
* See LICENSE file in root directory for full license.
'use strict'
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Requirements
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
const assert = require('assert')
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Helpers
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
const KNOWN_NODES = new Set(['ArrayExpression', 'ArrayPattern', 'ArrowFunctionExpression', 'AssignmentExpression', 'AssignmentPattern', 'AwaitExpression', 'BinaryExpression', 'BlockStatement', 'BreakStatement', 'CallExpression', 'CatchClause', 'ClassBody', 'ClassDeclaration', 'ClassExpression', 'ConditionalExpression', 'ContinueStatement', 'DebuggerStatement', 'DoWhileStatement', 'EmptyStatement', 'ExperimentalRestProperty', 'ExperimentalSpreadProperty', 'ExportAllDeclaration', 'ExportDefaultDeclaration', 'ExportNamedDeclaration', 'ExportSpecifier', 'ExpressionStatement', 'ForInStatement', 'ForOfStatement', 'ForStatement', 'FunctionDeclaration', 'FunctionExpression', 'Identifier', 'IfStatement', 'ImportDeclaration', 'ImportDefaultSpecifier', 'ImportNamespaceSpecifier', 'ImportSpecifier', 'LabeledStatement', 'Literal', 'LogicalExpression', 'MemberExpression', 'MetaProperty', 'MethodDefinition', 'NewExpression', 'ObjectExpression', 'ObjectPattern', 'Program', 'Property', 'RestElement', 'ReturnStatement', 'SequenceExpression', 'SpreadElement', 'Super', 'SwitchCase', 'SwitchStatement', 'TaggedTemplateExpression', 'TemplateElement', 'TemplateLiteral', 'ThisExpression', 'ThrowStatement', 'TryStatement', 'UnaryExpression', 'UpdateExpression', 'VariableDeclaration', 'VariableDeclarator', 'WhileStatement', 'WithStatement', 'YieldExpression', 'VAttribute', 'VDirectiveKey', 'VDocumentFragment', 'VElement', 'VEndTag', 'VExpressionContainer', 'VFilter', 'VFilterSequenceExpression', 'VForExpression', 'VIdentifier', 'VLiteral', 'VOnExpression', 'VSlotScopeExpression', 'VStartTag', 'VText'])
const LT_CHAR = /[\r\n\u2028\u2029]/
const LINES = /[^\r\n\u2028\u2029]+(?:$|\r\n|[\r\n\u2028\u2029])/g
const BLOCK_COMMENT_PREFIX = /^\s*\*/
const ITERATION_OPTS = Object.freeze({ includeComments: true, filter: isNotWhitespace })
const PREFORMATTED_ELEMENT_NAMES = ['pre', 'textarea']
* Normalize options.
* @param {number|"tab"|undefined} type The type of indentation.
* @param {Object} options Other options.
* @param {Object} defaultOptions The default value of options.
* @returns {{indentChar:" "|"\t",indentSize:number,baseIndent:number,attribute:number,closeBracket:number,switchCase:number,alignAttributesVertically:boolean,ignores:string[]}} Normalized options.
function parseOptions (type, options, defaultOptions) {
const ret = Object.assign({
indentChar: ' ',
indentSize: 2,
baseIndent: 0,
attribute: 1,
closeBracket: 0,
switchCase: 0,
alignAttributesVertically: true,
ignores: []
}, defaultOptions)
if (Number.isSafeInteger(type)) {
ret.indentSize = type
} else if (type === 'tab') {
ret.indentChar = '\t'
ret.indentSize = 1
if (Number.isSafeInteger(options.baseIndent)) {
ret.baseIndent = options.baseIndent
if (Number.isSafeInteger(options.attribute)) {
ret.attribute = options.attribute
if (Number.isSafeInteger(options.closeBracket)) {
ret.closeBracket = options.closeBracket
if (Number.isSafeInteger(options.switchCase)) {
ret.switchCase = options.switchCase
if (options.alignAttributesVertically != null) {
ret.alignAttributesVertically = options.alignAttributesVertically
if (options.ignores != null) {
ret.ignores = options.ignores
return ret
* Check whether the given token is an arrow.
* @param {Token} token The token to check.
* @returns {boolean} `true` if the token is an arrow.
function isArrow (token) {
return token != null && token.type === 'Punctuator' && token.value === '=>'
* Check whether the given token is a left parenthesis.
* @param {Token} token The token to check.
* @returns {boolean} `true` if the token is a left parenthesis.
function isLeftParen (token) {
return token != null && token.type === 'Punctuator' && token.value === '('
* Check whether the given token is a left parenthesis.
* @param {Token} token The token to check.
* @returns {boolean} `false` if the token is a left parenthesis.
function isNotLeftParen (token) {
return token != null && (token.type !== 'Punctuator' || token.value !== '(')
* Check whether the given token is a right parenthesis.
* @param {Token} token The token to check.
* @returns {boolean} `true` if the token is a right parenthesis.
function isRightParen (token) {
return token != null && token.type === 'Punctuator' && token.value === ')'
* Check whether the given token is a right parenthesis.
* @param {Token} token The token to check.
* @returns {boolean} `false` if the token is a right parenthesis.
function isNotRightParen (token) {
return token != null && (token.type !== 'Punctuator' || token.value !== ')')
* Check whether the given token is a left brace.
* @param {Token} token The token to check.
* @returns {boolean} `true` if the token is a left brace.
function isLeftBrace (token) {
return token != null && token.type === 'Punctuator' && token.value === '{'
* Check whether the given token is a right brace.
* @param {Token} token The token to check.
* @returns {boolean} `true` if the token is a right brace.
function isRightBrace (token) {
return token != null && token.type === 'Punctuator' && token.value === '}'
* Check whether the given token is a left bracket.
* @param {Token} token The token to check.
* @returns {boolean} `true` if the token is a left bracket.
function isLeftBracket (token) {
return token != null && token.type === 'Punctuator' && token.value === '['
* Check whether the given token is a right bracket.
* @param {Token} token The token to check.
* @returns {boolean} `true` if the token is a right bracket.
function isRightBracket (token) {
return token != null && token.type === 'Punctuator' && token.value === ']'
* Check whether the given token is a semicolon.
* @param {Token} token The token to check.
* @returns {boolean} `true` if the token is a semicolon.
function isSemicolon (token) {
return token != null && token.type === 'Punctuator' && token.value === ';'
* Check whether the given token is a comma.
* @param {Token} token The token to check.
* @returns {boolean} `true` if the token is a comma.
function isComma (token) {
return token != null && token.type === 'Punctuator' && token.value === ','
* Check whether the given token is a whitespace.
* @param {Token} token The token to check.
* @returns {boolean} `true` if the token is a whitespace.
function isNotWhitespace (token) {
return token != null && token.type !== 'HTMLWhitespace'
* Check whether the given token is a comment.
* @param {Token} token The token to check.
* @returns {boolean} `true` if the token is a comment.
function isComment (token) {
return token != null && (token.type === 'Block' || token.type === 'Line' || token.type === 'Shebang' || token.type.endsWith('Comment'))
* Check whether the given token is a comment.
* @param {Token} token The token to check.
* @returns {boolean} `false` if the token is a comment.
function isNotComment (token) {
return token != null && token.type !== 'Block' && token.type !== 'Line' && token.type !== 'Shebang' && !token.type.endsWith('Comment')
* Check whether the given node is not an empty text node.
* @param {Node} node The node to check.
* @returns {boolean} `false` if the token is empty text node.
function isNotEmptyTextNode (node) {
return !(node.type === 'VText' && node.value.trim() === '')
* Check whether the given token is a pipe operator.
* @param {Token} token The token to check.
* @returns {boolean} `true` if the token is a pipe operator.
function isPipeOperator (token) {
return token != null && token.type === 'Punctuator' && token.value === '|'
* Get the last element.
* @param {Array} xs The array to get the last element.
* @returns {any|undefined} The last element or undefined.
function last (xs) {
return xs.length === 0 ? undefined : xs[xs.length - 1]
* Check whether the node is at the beginning of line.
* @param {Node} node The node to check.
* @param {number} index The index of the node in the nodes.
* @param {Node[]} nodes The array of nodes.
* @returns {boolean} `true` if the node is at the beginning of line.
function isBeginningOfLine (node, index, nodes) {
if (node != null) {
for (let i = index - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
const prevNode = nodes[i]
if (prevNode == null) {
return node.loc.start.line !== prevNode.loc.end.line
return false
* Check whether a given token is a closing token which triggers unindent.
* @param {Token} token The token to check.
* @returns {boolean} `true` if the token is a closing token.
function isClosingToken (token) {
return token != null && (
token.type === 'HTMLEndTagOpen' ||
token.type === 'VExpressionEnd' ||
token.type === 'Punctuator' &&
token.value === ')' ||
token.value === '}' ||
token.value === ']'
* Creates AST event handlers for html-indent.
* @param {RuleContext} context The rule context.
* @param {TokenStore} tokenStore The token store object to get tokens.
* @param {Object} defaultOptions The default value of options.
* @returns {object} AST event handlers.
module.exports.defineVisitor = function create (context, tokenStore, defaultOptions) {
if (!context.getFilename().endsWith('.vue')) return {}
const options = parseOptions(context.options[0], context.options[1] || {}, defaultOptions)
const sourceCode = context.getSourceCode()
const offsets = new Map()
const preformattedTokens = new Set()
* Set offset to the given tokens.
* @param {Token|Token[]} token The token to set.
* @param {number} offset The offset of the tokens.
* @param {Token} baseToken The token of the base offset.
* @param {boolean} [trivial=false] The flag for trivial tokens.
* @returns {void}
function setOffset (token, offset, baseToken) {
assert(baseToken != null, "'baseToken' should not be null or undefined.")
if (Array.isArray(token)) {
for (const t of token) {
offsets.set(t, {
baseline: false,
expectedIndent: undefined
} else {
offsets.set(token, {
baseline: false,
expectedIndent: undefined
* Set baseline flag to the given token.
* @param {Token} token The token to set.
* @returns {void}
function setBaseline (token) {
const offsetInfo = offsets.get(token)
if (offsetInfo != null) {
offsetInfo.baseline = true
* Sets preformatted tokens to the given element node.
* @param {Node} node The node to set.
* @returns {void}
function setPreformattedTokens (node) {
const endToken = (node.endTag && tokenStore.getFirstToken(node.endTag)) || tokenStore.getTokenAfter(node)
const option = {
includeComments: true,
filter: token => token != null && (
token.type === 'HTMLText' ||
token.type === 'HTMLRCDataText' ||
token.type === 'HTMLTagOpen' ||
token.type === 'HTMLEndTagOpen' ||
token.type === 'HTMLComment'
for (const token of tokenStore.getTokensBetween(node.startTag, endToken, option)) {
* Get the first and last tokens of the given node.
* If the node is parenthesized, this gets the outermost parentheses.
* @param {Node} node The node to get.
* @param {number} [borderOffset] The least offset of the first token. Defailt is 0. This value is used to prevent false positive in the following case: `(a) => {}` The parentheses are enclosing the whole parameter part rather than the first parameter, but this offset parameter is needed to distinguish.
* @returns {{firstToken:Token,lastToken:Token}} The gotten tokens.
function getFirstAndLastTokens (node, borderOffset) {
borderOffset |= 0
let firstToken = tokenStore.getFirstToken(node)
let lastToken = tokenStore.getLastToken(node)
// Get the outermost left parenthesis if it's parenthesized.
let t, u
while ((t = tokenStore.getTokenBefore(firstToken)) != null && (u = tokenStore.getTokenAfter(lastToken)) != null && isLeftParen(t) && isRightParen(u) && t.range[0] >= borderOffset) {
firstToken = t
lastToken = u
return { firstToken, lastToken }
* Process the given node list.
* The first node is offsetted from the given left token.
* Rest nodes are adjusted to the first node.
* @param {Node[]} nodeList The node to process.
* @param {Node|Token|null} left The left parenthesis token.
* @param {Node|Token|null} right The right parenthesis token.
* @param {number} offset The offset to set.
* @param {boolean} [alignVertically=true] The flag to align vertically. If `false`, this doesn't align vertically even if the first node is not at beginning of line.
* @returns {void}
function processNodeList (nodeList, left, right, offset, alignVertically) {
let t
const leftToken = (left && tokenStore.getFirstToken(left)) || left
const rightToken = (right && tokenStore.getFirstToken(right)) || right
if (nodeList.length >= 1) {
let baseToken = null
let lastToken = left
const alignTokensBeforeBaseToken = []
const alignTokens = []
for (let i = 0; i < nodeList.length; ++i) {
const node = nodeList[i]
if (node == null) {
// Holes of an array.
const elementTokens = getFirstAndLastTokens(node, lastToken != null ? lastToken.range[1] : 0)
// Collect comma/comment tokens between the last token of the previous node and the first token of this node.
if (lastToken != null) {
t = lastToken
while (
(t = tokenStore.getTokenAfter(t, ITERATION_OPTS)) != null &&
t.range[1] <= elementTokens.firstToken.range[0]
) {
if (baseToken == null) {
} else {
if (baseToken == null) {
baseToken = elementTokens.firstToken
} else {
// Save the last token to find tokens between this node and the next node.
lastToken = elementTokens.lastToken
// Check trailing commas and comments.
if (rightToken != null && lastToken != null) {
t = lastToken
while (
(t = tokenStore.getTokenAfter(t, ITERATION_OPTS)) != null &&
t.range[1] <= rightToken.range[0]
) {
if (baseToken == null) {
} else {
// Set offsets.
if (leftToken != null) {
setOffset(alignTokensBeforeBaseToken, offset, leftToken)
if (baseToken != null) {
// Set offset to the first token.
if (leftToken != null) {
setOffset(baseToken, offset, leftToken)
// Set baseline.
if (nodeList.some(isBeginningOfLine)) {
if (alignVertically === false && leftToken != null) {
// Align tokens relatively to the left token.
setOffset(alignTokens, offset, leftToken)
} else {
// Align the rest tokens to the first token.
setOffset(alignTokens, 0, baseToken)
if (rightToken != null) {
setOffset(rightToken, 0, leftToken)
* Process the given node as body.
* The body node maybe a block statement or an expression node.
* @param {Node} node The body node to process.
* @param {Token} baseToken The base token.
* @returns {void}
function processMaybeBlock (node, baseToken) {
const firstToken = getFirstAndLastTokens(node).firstToken
setOffset(firstToken, isLeftBrace(firstToken) ? 0 : 1, baseToken)
* Collect prefix tokens of the given property.
* The prefix includes `async`, `get`, `set`, `static`, and `*`.
* @param {Property|MethodDefinition} node The property node to collect prefix tokens.
function getPrefixTokens (node) {
const prefixes = []
let token = tokenStore.getFirstToken(node)
while (token != null && token.range[1] <= node.key.range[0]) {
token = tokenStore.getTokenAfter(token)
while (isLeftParen(last(prefixes)) || isLeftBracket(last(prefixes))) {
return prefixes
* Find the head of chaining nodes.
* @param {Node} node The start node to find the head.
* @returns {Token} The head token of the chain.
function getChainHeadToken (node) {
const type = node.type
while (node.parent.type === type) {
node = node.parent
return tokenStore.getFirstToken(node)
* Check whether a given token is the first token of:
* - ExpressionStatement
* - VExpressionContainer
* - A parameter of CallExpression/NewExpression
* - An element of ArrayExpression
* - An expression of SequenceExpression
* @param {Token} token The token to check.
* @param {Node} belongingNode The node that the token is belonging to.
* @returns {boolean} `true` if the token is the first token of an element.
function isBeginningOfElement (token, belongingNode) {
let node = belongingNode
while (node != null) {
const parent = node.parent
const t = parent && parent.type
if (t != null && (t.endsWith('Statement') || t.endsWith('Declaration'))) {
return parent.range[0] === token.range[0]
if (t === 'VExpressionContainer') {
return node.range[0] === token.range[0]
if (t === 'CallExpression' || t === 'NewExpression') {
const openParen = tokenStore.getTokenAfter(parent.callee, isNotRightParen)
return parent.arguments.some(param =>
getFirstAndLastTokens(param, openParen.range[1]).firstToken.range[0] === token.range[0]
if (t === 'ArrayExpression') {
return parent.elements.some(element =>
element != null &&
getFirstAndLastTokens(element).firstToken.range[0] === token.range[0]
if (t === 'SequenceExpression') {
return parent.expressions.some(expr =>
getFirstAndLastTokens(expr).firstToken.range[0] === token.range[0]
node = parent
return false
* Set the base indentation to a given top-level AST node.
* @param {Node} node The node to set.
* @param {number} expectedIndent The number of expected indent.
* @returns {void}
function processTopLevelNode (node, expectedIndent) {
const token = tokenStore.getFirstToken(node)
const offsetInfo = offsets.get(token)
if (offsetInfo != null) {
offsetInfo.expectedIndent = expectedIndent
} else {
offsets.set(token, { baseToken: null, offset: 0, baseline: false, expectedIndent })
* Ignore all tokens of the given node.
* @param {Node} node The node to ignore.
* @returns {void}
function ignore (node) {
for (const token of tokenStore.getTokens(node)) {
* Define functions to ignore nodes into the given visitor.
* @param {Object} visitor The visitor to define functions to ignore nodes.
* @returns {Object} The visitor.
function processIgnores (visitor) {
for (const ignorePattern of options.ignores) {
const key = `${ignorePattern}:exit`
if (visitor.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
const handler = visitor[key]
visitor[key] = function (node) {
const ret = handler.apply(this, arguments)
return ret
} else {
visitor[key] = ignore
return visitor
* Calculate correct indentation of the line of the given tokens.
* @param {Token[]} tokens Tokens which are on the same line.
* @returns {object|null} Correct indentation. If it failed to calculate then `null`.
function getExpectedIndents (tokens) {
const expectedIndents = []
for (let i = 0; i < tokens.length; ++i) {
const token = tokens[i]
const offsetInfo = offsets.get(token)
if (offsetInfo != null) {
if (offsetInfo.expectedIndent != null) {
} else {
const baseOffsetInfo = offsets.get(offsetInfo.baseToken)
if (baseOffsetInfo != null && baseOffsetInfo.expectedIndent != null && (i === 0 || !baseOffsetInfo.baseline)) {
expectedIndents.push(baseOffsetInfo.expectedIndent + (offsetInfo.offset * options.indentSize))
if (baseOffsetInfo.baseline) {
if (!expectedIndents.length) {
return null
return {
expectedIndent: expectedIndents[0],
expectedBaseIndent: expectedIndents.reduce((a, b) => Math.min(a, b))
* Get the text of the indentation part of the line which the given token is on.
* @param {Token} firstToken The first token on a line.
* @returns {string} The text of indentation part.
function getIndentText (firstToken) {
const text = sourceCode.text
let i = firstToken.range[0] - 1
while (i >= 0 && !LT_CHAR.test(text[i])) {
i -= 1
return text.slice(i + 1, firstToken.range[0])
* Define the function which fixes the problem.
* @param {Token} token The token to fix.
* @param {number} actualIndent The number of actual indentaion.
* @param {number} expectedIndent The number of expected indentation.
* @returns {Function} The defined function.
function defineFix (token, actualIndent, expectedIndent) {
if (token.type === 'Block' && token.loc.start.line !== token.loc.end.line) {
// Fix indentation in multiline block comments.
const lines = sourceCode.getText(token).match(LINES)
const firstLine = lines.shift()
if (lines.every(l => BLOCK_COMMENT_PREFIX.test(l))) {
return fixer => {
const range = [token.range[0] - actualIndent, token.range[1]]
const indent = options.indentChar.repeat(expectedIndent)
return fixer.replaceTextRange(
`${indent}${firstLine}${ => l.replace(BLOCK_COMMENT_PREFIX, `${indent} *`)).join('')}`
return fixer => {
const range = [token.range[0] - actualIndent, token.range[0]]
const indent = options.indentChar.repeat(expectedIndent)
return fixer.replaceTextRange(range, indent)
* Validate the given token with the pre-calculated expected indentation.
* @param {Token} token The token to validate.
* @param {number} expectedIndent The expected indentation.
* @param {number[]|undefined} optionalExpectedIndents The optional expected indentation.
* @returns {void}
function validateCore (token, expectedIndent, optionalExpectedIndents) {
const line = token.loc.start.line
const indentText = getIndentText(token)
// If there is no line terminator after the `<script>` start tag,
// `indentText` contains non-whitespace characters.
// In that case, do nothing in order to prevent removing the `<script>` tag.
if (indentText.trim() !== '') {
const actualIndent = token.loc.start.column
const unit = (options.indentChar === '\t' ? 'tab' : 'space')
for (let i = 0; i < indentText.length; ++i) {
if (indentText[i] !== options.indentChar) {{
loc: {
start: { line, column: i },
end: { line, column: i + 1 }
message: 'Expected {{expected}} character, but found {{actual}} character.',
data: {
expected: JSON.stringify(options.indentChar),
actual: JSON.stringify(indentText[i])
fix: defineFix(token, actualIndent, expectedIndent)
if (actualIndent !== expectedIndent && (optionalExpectedIndents == null || !optionalExpectedIndents.includes(actualIndent))) {{
loc: {
start: { line, column: 0 },
end: { line, column: actualIndent }
message: 'Expected indentation of {{expectedIndent}} {{unit}}{{expectedIndentPlural}} but found {{actualIndent}} {{unit}}{{actualIndentPlural}}.',
data: {
expectedIndentPlural: (expectedIndent === 1) ? '' : 's',
actualIndentPlural: (actualIndent === 1) ? '' : 's'
fix: defineFix(token, actualIndent, expectedIndent)
* Get the expected indent of comments.
* @param {Token|null} nextToken The next token of comments.
* @param {number|undefined} nextExpectedIndent The expected indent of the next token.
* @param {number|undefined} lastExpectedIndent The expected indent of the last token.
* @returns {number[]}
function getCommentExpectedIndents (nextToken, nextExpectedIndent, lastExpectedIndent) {
if (typeof lastExpectedIndent === 'number' && isClosingToken(nextToken)) {
if (nextExpectedIndent === lastExpectedIndent) {
// For solo comment. E.g.,
// <div>
// <!-- comment -->
// </div>
return [nextExpectedIndent + options.indentSize, nextExpectedIndent]
// For last comment. E.g.,
// <div>
// <div></div>
// <!-- comment -->
// </div>
return [lastExpectedIndent, nextExpectedIndent]
// Adjust to next normally. E.g.,
// <div>
// <!-- comment -->
// <div></div>
// </div>
return [nextExpectedIndent]
* Validate indentation of the line that the given tokens are on.
* @param {Token[]} tokens The tokens on the same line to validate.
* @param {Token[]} comments The comments which are on the immediately previous lines of the tokens.
* @param {Token|null} lastToken The last validated token. Comments can adjust to the token.
* @returns {void}
function validate (tokens, comments, lastToken) {
// Calculate and save expected indentation.
const firstToken = tokens[0]
const actualIndent = firstToken.loc.start.column
const expectedIndents = getExpectedIndents(tokens)
if (!expectedIndents) {
const expectedBaseIndent = expectedIndents.expectedBaseIndent
const expectedIndent = expectedIndents.expectedIndent
// Debug log
// console.log('line', firstToken.loc.start.line, '=', { actualIndent, expectedIndent }, 'from:')
// for (const token of tokens) {
// const offsetInfo = offsets.get(token)
// if (offsetInfo == null) {
// console.log(' ', JSON.stringify(sourceCode.getText(token)), 'is unknown.')
// } else if (offsetInfo.expectedIndent != null) {
// console.log(' ', JSON.stringify(sourceCode.getText(token)), 'is fixed at', offsetInfo.expectedIndent, '.')
// } else {
// const baseOffsetInfo = offsets.get(offsetInfo.baseToken)
// console.log(' ', JSON.stringify(sourceCode.getText(token)), 'is', offsetInfo.offset, 'offset from ', JSON.stringify(sourceCode.getText(offsetInfo.baseToken)), '( line:', offsetInfo.baseToken && offsetInfo.baseToken.loc.start.line, ', indent:', baseOffsetInfo && baseOffsetInfo.expectedIndent, ', baseline:', baseOffsetInfo && baseOffsetInfo.baseline, ')')
// }
// }
// Save.
const baseline = new Set()
for (const token of tokens) {
const offsetInfo = offsets.get(token)
if (offsetInfo != null) {
if (offsetInfo.baseline) {
// This is a baseline token, so the expected indent is the column of this token.
if (options.indentChar === ' ') {
offsetInfo.expectedIndent = Math.max(0, token.loc.start.column + expectedBaseIndent - actualIndent)
} else {
// In hard-tabs mode, it cannot align tokens strictly, so use one additional offset.
// But the additional offset isn't needed if it's at the beginning of the line.
offsetInfo.expectedIndent = expectedBaseIndent + (token === tokens[0] ? 0 : 1)
} else if (baseline.has(offsetInfo.baseToken)) {
// The base token is a baseline token on this line, so inherit it.
offsetInfo.expectedIndent = offsets.get(offsetInfo.baseToken).expectedIndent
} else {
// Otherwise, set the expected indent of this line.
offsetInfo.expectedIndent = expectedBaseIndent
// It does not validate preformatted tokens.
if (preformattedTokens.has(firstToken)) {
// Calculate the expected indents for comments.
// It allows the same indent level with the previous line.
const lastOffsetInfo = offsets.get(lastToken)
const lastExpectedIndent = lastOffsetInfo && lastOffsetInfo.expectedIndent
const commentOptionalExpectedIndents = getCommentExpectedIndents(firstToken, expectedIndent, lastExpectedIndent)
// Validate.
for (const comment of comments) {
const commentExpectedIndents = getExpectedIndents([comment])
const commentExpectedIndent =
? commentExpectedIndents.expectedIndent
: commentOptionalExpectedIndents[0]
validateCore(comment, commentExpectedIndent, commentOptionalExpectedIndents)
validateCore(firstToken, expectedIndent)
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Main
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
return processIgnores({
VAttribute (node) {
const keyToken = tokenStore.getFirstToken(node)
const eqToken = tokenStore.getFirstToken(node, 1)
if (eqToken != null) {
setOffset(eqToken, 1, keyToken)
const valueToken = tokenStore.getFirstToken(node, 2)
if (valueToken != null) {
setOffset(valueToken, 1, keyToken)
VElement (node) {
const isTopLevel = node.parent.type !== 'VElement'
const offset = isTopLevel ? options.baseIndent : 1
processNodeList(node.children.filter(isNotEmptyTextNode), node.startTag, node.endTag, offset, false)
} else {
const startTagToken = tokenStore.getFirstToken(node)
const endTagToken = node.endTag && tokenStore.getFirstToken(node.endTag)
setOffset(endTagToken, 0, startTagToken)
VEndTag (node) {
const openToken = tokenStore.getFirstToken(node)
const closeToken = tokenStore.getLastToken(node)
if (closeToken.type.endsWith('TagClose')) {
setOffset(closeToken, options.closeBracket, openToken)
VExpressionContainer (node) {
if (node.expression != null && node.range[0] !== node.expression.range[0]) {
const startQuoteToken = tokenStore.getFirstToken(node)
const endQuoteToken = tokenStore.getLastToken(node)
const childToken = tokenStore.getTokenAfter(startQuoteToken)
setOffset(childToken, 1, startQuoteToken)
setOffset(endQuoteToken, 0, startQuoteToken)
VFilter (node) {
const idToken = tokenStore.getFirstToken(node)
const lastToken = tokenStore.getLastToken(node)
if (isRightParen(lastToken)) {
const leftParenToken = tokenStore.getTokenAfter(node.callee)
setOffset(leftParenToken, 1, idToken)
processNodeList(node.arguments, leftParenToken, lastToken, 1)
VFilterSequenceExpression (node) {
if (node.filters.length === 0) {
const firstToken = tokenStore.getFirstToken(node)
const tokens = []
for (const filter of node.filters) {
tokenStore.getTokenBefore(filter, isPipeOperator),
setOffset(tokens, 1, firstToken)
VForExpression (node) {
const firstToken = tokenStore.getFirstToken(node)
const lastOfLeft = last(node.left) || firstToken
const inToken = tokenStore.getTokenAfter(lastOfLeft, isNotRightParen)
const rightToken = tokenStore.getFirstToken(node.right)
if (isLeftParen(firstToken)) {
const rightToken = tokenStore.getTokenAfter(lastOfLeft, isRightParen)
processNodeList(node.left, firstToken, rightToken, 1)
setOffset(inToken, 1, firstToken)
setOffset(rightToken, 1, inToken)
VOnExpression (node) {
processNodeList(node.body, null, null, 0)
VStartTag (node) {
const openToken = tokenStore.getFirstToken(node)
const closeToken = tokenStore.getLastToken(node)
if (closeToken != null && closeToken.type.endsWith('TagClose')) {
setOffset(closeToken, options.closeBracket, openToken)
VText (node) {
const tokens = tokenStore.getTokens(node, isNotWhitespace)
const firstTokenInfo = offsets.get(tokenStore.getFirstToken(node))
for (const token of tokens) {
offsets.set(token, Object.assign({}, firstTokenInfo))
'ArrayExpression, ArrayPattern' (node) {
processNodeList(node.elements, tokenStore.getFirstToken(node), tokenStore.getLastToken(node), 1)
ArrowFunctionExpression (node) {
const firstToken = tokenStore.getFirstToken(node)
const secondToken = tokenStore.getTokenAfter(firstToken)
const leftToken = node.async ? secondToken : firstToken
const arrowToken = tokenStore.getTokenBefore(node.body, isArrow)
if (node.async) {
setOffset(secondToken, 1, firstToken)
if (isLeftParen(leftToken)) {
const rightToken = tokenStore.getTokenAfter(last(node.params) || leftToken, isRightParen)
processNodeList(node.params, leftToken, rightToken, 1)
setOffset(arrowToken, 1, firstToken)
processMaybeBlock(node.body, firstToken)
'AssignmentExpression, AssignmentPattern, BinaryExpression, LogicalExpression' (node) {
const leftToken = getChainHeadToken(node)
const opToken = tokenStore.getTokenAfter(node.left, isNotRightParen)
const rightToken = tokenStore.getTokenAfter(opToken)
const prevToken = tokenStore.getTokenBefore(leftToken)
const shouldIndent = (
prevToken == null ||
prevToken.loc.end.line === leftToken.loc.start.line ||
isBeginningOfElement(leftToken, node)
setOffset([opToken, rightToken], shouldIndent ? 1 : 0, leftToken)
'AwaitExpression, RestElement, SpreadElement, UnaryExpression' (node) {
const firstToken = tokenStore.getFirstToken(node)
const nextToken = tokenStore.getTokenAfter(firstToken)
setOffset(nextToken, 1, firstToken)
'BlockStatement, ClassBody' (node) {
processNodeList(node.body, tokenStore.getFirstToken(node), tokenStore.getLastToken(node), 1)
'BreakStatement, ContinueStatement, ReturnStatement, ThrowStatement' (node) {
if (node.argument != null || node.label != null) {
const firstToken = tokenStore.getFirstToken(node)
const nextToken = tokenStore.getTokenAfter(firstToken)
setOffset(nextToken, 1, firstToken)
CallExpression (node) {
const firstToken = tokenStore.getFirstToken(node)
const rightToken = tokenStore.getLastToken(node)
const leftToken = tokenStore.getTokenAfter(node.callee, isLeftParen)
setOffset(leftToken, 1, firstToken)
processNodeList(node.arguments, leftToken, rightToken, 1)
CatchClause (node) {
const firstToken = tokenStore.getFirstToken(node)
const bodyToken = tokenStore.getFirstToken(node.body)
if (node.param != null) {
const leftToken = tokenStore.getTokenAfter(firstToken)
const rightToken = tokenStore.getTokenAfter(node.param)
setOffset(leftToken, 1, firstToken)
processNodeList([node.param], leftToken, rightToken, 1)
setOffset(bodyToken, 0, firstToken)
'ClassDeclaration, ClassExpression' (node) {
const firstToken = tokenStore.getFirstToken(node)
const bodyToken = tokenStore.getFirstToken(node.body)
if ( != null) {
setOffset(tokenStore.getFirstToken(, 1, firstToken)
if (node.superClass != null) {
const extendsToken = tokenStore.getTokenAfter( || firstToken)
const superClassToken = tokenStore.getTokenAfter(extendsToken)
setOffset(extendsToken, 1, firstToken)
setOffset(superClassToken, 1, extendsToken)
setOffset(bodyToken, 0, firstToken)
ConditionalExpression (node) {
const prevToken = tokenStore.getTokenBefore(node)
const firstToken = tokenStore.getFirstToken(node)
const questionToken = tokenStore.getTokenAfter(node.test, isNotRightParen)
const consequentToken = tokenStore.getTokenAfter(questionToken)
const colonToken = tokenStore.getTokenAfter(node.consequent, isNotRightParen)
const alternateToken = tokenStore.getTokenAfter(colonToken)
const isFlat =
prevToken &&
prevToken.loc.end.line !== node.loc.start.line &&
node.test.loc.end.line === node.consequent.loc.start.line
if (isFlat) {
setOffset([questionToken, consequentToken, colonToken, alternateToken], 0, firstToken)
} else {
setOffset([questionToken, colonToken], 1, firstToken)
setOffset([consequentToken, alternateToken], 1, questionToken)
DoWhileStatement (node) {
const doToken = tokenStore.getFirstToken(node)
const whileToken = tokenStore.getTokenAfter(node.body, isNotRightParen)
const leftToken = tokenStore.getTokenAfter(whileToken)
const testToken = tokenStore.getTokenAfter(leftToken)
const lastToken = tokenStore.getLastToken(node)
const rightToken = isSemicolon(lastToken) ? tokenStore.getTokenBefore(lastToken) : lastToken
processMaybeBlock(node.body, doToken)
setOffset(whileToken, 0, doToken)
setOffset(leftToken, 1, whileToken)
setOffset(testToken, 1, leftToken)
setOffset(rightToken, 0, leftToken)
ExportAllDeclaration (node) {
const tokens = tokenStore.getTokens(node)
const firstToken = tokens.shift()
if (isSemicolon(last(tokens))) {
setOffset(tokens, 1, firstToken)
ExportDefaultDeclaration (node) {
const exportToken = tokenStore.getFirstToken(node)
const defaultToken = tokenStore.getFirstToken(node, 1)
const declarationToken = getFirstAndLastTokens(node.declaration).firstToken
setOffset([defaultToken, declarationToken], 1, exportToken)
ExportNamedDeclaration (node) {
const exportToken = tokenStore.getFirstToken(node)
if (node.declaration) {
// export var foo = 1;
const declarationToken = tokenStore.getFirstToken(node, 1)
setOffset(declarationToken, 1, exportToken)
} else {
// export {foo, bar}; or export {foo, bar} from "mod";
const leftParenToken = tokenStore.getFirstToken(node, 1)
const rightParenToken = tokenStore.getLastToken(node, isRightBrace)
setOffset(leftParenToken, 0, exportToken)
processNodeList(node.specifiers, leftParenToken, rightParenToken, 1)
const maybeFromToken = tokenStore.getTokenAfter(rightParenToken)
if (maybeFromToken != null && sourceCode.getText(maybeFromToken) === 'from') {
const fromToken = maybeFromToken
const nameToken = tokenStore.getTokenAfter(fromToken)
setOffset([fromToken, nameToken], 1, exportToken)
ExportSpecifier (node) {
const tokens = tokenStore.getTokens(node)
const firstToken = tokens.shift()
setOffset(tokens, 1, firstToken)
'ForInStatement, ForOfStatement' (node) {
const forToken = tokenStore.getFirstToken(node)
const leftParenToken = tokenStore.getTokenAfter(forToken)
const leftToken = tokenStore.getTokenAfter(leftParenToken)
const inToken = tokenStore.getTokenAfter(leftToken, isNotRightParen)
const rightToken = tokenStore.getTokenAfter(inToken)
const rightParenToken = tokenStore.getTokenBefore(node.body, isNotLeftParen)
setOffset(leftParenToken, 1, forToken)
setOffset(leftToken, 1, leftParenToken)
setOffset(inToken, 1, leftToken)
setOffset(rightToken, 1, leftToken)
setOffset(rightParenToken, 0, leftParenToken)
processMaybeBlock(node.body, forToken)
ForStatement (node) {
const forToken = tokenStore.getFirstToken(node)
const leftParenToken = tokenStore.getTokenAfter(forToken)
const rightParenToken = tokenStore.getTokenBefore(node.body, isNotLeftParen)
setOffset(leftParenToken, 1, forToken)
processNodeList([node.init, node.test, node.update], leftParenToken, rightParenToken, 1)
processMaybeBlock(node.body, forToken)
'FunctionDeclaration, FunctionExpression' (node) {
const firstToken = tokenStore.getFirstToken(node)
if (isLeftParen(firstToken)) {
// Methods.
const leftToken = firstToken
const rightToken = tokenStore.getTokenAfter(last(node.params) || leftToken, isRightParen)
const bodyToken = tokenStore.getFirstToken(node.body)
processNodeList(node.params, leftToken, rightToken, 1)
setOffset(bodyToken, 0, tokenStore.getFirstToken(node.parent))
} else {
// Normal functions.
const functionToken = node.async ? tokenStore.getTokenAfter(firstToken) : firstToken
const starToken = node.generator ? tokenStore.getTokenAfter(functionToken) : null
const idToken = && tokenStore.getFirstToken(
const leftToken = tokenStore.getTokenAfter(idToken || starToken || functionToken)
const rightToken = tokenStore.getTokenAfter(last(node.params) || leftToken, isRightParen)
const bodyToken = tokenStore.getFirstToken(node.body)
if (node.async) {
setOffset(functionToken, 0, firstToken)
if (node.generator) {
setOffset(starToken, 1, firstToken)
if ( != null) {
setOffset(idToken, 1, firstToken)
setOffset(leftToken, 1, firstToken)
processNodeList(node.params, leftToken, rightToken, 1)
setOffset(bodyToken, 0, firstToken)
IfStatement (node) {
const ifToken = tokenStore.getFirstToken(node)
const ifLeftParenToken = tokenStore.getTokenAfter(ifToken)
const ifRightParenToken = tokenStore.getTokenBefore(node.consequent, isRightParen)
setOffset(ifLeftParenToken, 1, ifToken)
setOffset(ifRightParenToken, 0, ifLeftParenToken)
processMaybeBlock(node.consequent, ifToken)
if (node.alternate != null) {
const elseToken = tokenStore.getTokenAfter(node.consequent, isNotRightParen)
setOffset(elseToken, 0, ifToken)
processMaybeBlock(node.alternate, elseToken)
ImportDeclaration (node) {
const firstSpecifier = node.specifiers[0]
const secondSpecifier = node.specifiers[1]
const importToken = tokenStore.getFirstToken(node)
const hasSemi = tokenStore.getLastToken(node).value === ';'
const tokens = [] // tokens to one indent
if (!firstSpecifier) {
// There are 2 patterns:
// import "foo"
// import {} from "foo"
const secondToken = tokenStore.getFirstToken(node, 1)
if (isLeftBrace(secondToken)) {
[secondToken, tokenStore.getTokenAfter(secondToken)],
tokenStore.getLastToken(node, hasSemi ? 2 : 1), // from
tokenStore.getLastToken(node, hasSemi ? 1 : 0) // "foo"
} else {
tokens.push(tokenStore.getLastToken(node, hasSemi ? 1 : 0))
} else if (firstSpecifier.type === 'ImportDefaultSpecifier') {
if (secondSpecifier && secondSpecifier.type === 'ImportNamespaceSpecifier') {
// There is a pattern:
// import Foo, * as foo from "foo"
tokenStore.getFirstToken(firstSpecifier), // Foo
tokenStore.getTokenAfter(firstSpecifier), // comma
tokenStore.getFirstToken(secondSpecifier), // *
tokenStore.getLastToken(node, hasSemi ? 2 : 1), // from
tokenStore.getLastToken(node, hasSemi ? 1 : 0) // "foo"
} else {
// There are 3 patterns:
// import Foo from "foo"
// import Foo, {} from "foo"
// import Foo, {a} from "foo"
const idToken = tokenStore.getFirstToken(firstSpecifier)
const nextToken = tokenStore.getTokenAfter(firstSpecifier)
if (isComma(nextToken)) {
const leftBrace = tokenStore.getTokenAfter(nextToken)
const rightBrace = tokenStore.getLastToken(node, hasSemi ? 3 : 2)
setOffset([idToken, nextToken], 1, importToken)
setOffset(leftBrace, 0, idToken)
processNodeList(node.specifiers.slice(1), leftBrace, rightBrace, 1)
tokenStore.getLastToken(node, hasSemi ? 2 : 1), // from
tokenStore.getLastToken(node, hasSemi ? 1 : 0) // "foo"
} else {
nextToken, // from
tokenStore.getTokenAfter(nextToken) // "foo"
} else if (firstSpecifier.type === 'ImportNamespaceSpecifier') {
// There is a pattern:
// import * as foo from "foo"
tokenStore.getFirstToken(firstSpecifier), // *
tokenStore.getLastToken(node, hasSemi ? 2 : 1), // from
tokenStore.getLastToken(node, hasSemi ? 1 : 0) // "foo"
} else {
// There is a pattern:
// import {a} from "foo"
const leftBrace = tokenStore.getFirstToken(node, 1)
const rightBrace = tokenStore.getLastToken(node, hasSemi ? 3 : 2)
setOffset(leftBrace, 0, importToken)
processNodeList(node.specifiers, leftBrace, rightBrace, 1)
tokenStore.getLastToken(node, hasSemi ? 2 : 1), // from
tokenStore.getLastToken(node, hasSemi ? 1 : 0) // "foo"
setOffset(tokens, 1, importToken)
ImportSpecifier (node) {
if (node.local.range[0] !== node.imported.range[0]) {
const tokens = tokenStore.getTokens(node)
const firstToken = tokens.shift()
setOffset(tokens, 1, firstToken)
ImportNamespaceSpecifier (node) {
const tokens = tokenStore.getTokens(node)
const firstToken = tokens.shift()
setOffset(tokens, 1, firstToken)
LabeledStatement (node) {
const labelToken = tokenStore.getFirstToken(node)
const colonToken = tokenStore.getTokenAfter(labelToken)
const bodyToken = tokenStore.getTokenAfter(colonToken)
setOffset([colonToken, bodyToken], 1, labelToken)
'MemberExpression, MetaProperty' (node) {
const objectToken = tokenStore.getFirstToken(node)
if (node.computed) {
const leftBracketToken = tokenStore.getTokenBefore(, isLeftBracket)
const propertyToken = tokenStore.getTokenAfter(leftBracketToken)
const rightBracketToken = tokenStore.getTokenAfter(, isRightBracket)
setOffset(leftBracketToken, 1, objectToken)
setOffset(propertyToken, 1, leftBracketToken)
setOffset(rightBracketToken, 0, leftBracketToken)
} else {
const dotToken = tokenStore.getTokenBefore(
const propertyToken = tokenStore.getTokenAfter(dotToken)
setOffset([dotToken, propertyToken], 1, objectToken)
'MethodDefinition, Property' (node) {
const isMethod = (node.type === 'MethodDefinition' || node.method === true)
const prefixTokens = getPrefixTokens(node)
const hasPrefix = prefixTokens.length >= 1
for (let i = 1; i < prefixTokens.length; ++i) {
setOffset(prefixTokens[i], 0, prefixTokens[i - 1])
let lastKeyToken = null
if (node.computed) {
const keyLeftToken = tokenStore.getFirstToken(node, isLeftBracket)
const keyToken = tokenStore.getTokenAfter(keyLeftToken)
const keyRightToken = lastKeyToken = tokenStore.getTokenAfter(node.key, isRightBracket)
if (hasPrefix) {
setOffset(keyLeftToken, 0, last(prefixTokens))
setOffset(keyToken, 1, keyLeftToken)
setOffset(keyRightToken, 0, keyLeftToken)
} else {
const idToken = lastKeyToken = tokenStore.getFirstToken(node.key)
if (hasPrefix) {
setOffset(idToken, 0, last(prefixTokens))
if (isMethod) {
const leftParenToken = tokenStore.getTokenAfter(lastKeyToken)
setOffset(leftParenToken, 1, lastKeyToken)
} else if (!node.shorthand) {
const colonToken = tokenStore.getTokenAfter(lastKeyToken)
const valueToken = tokenStore.getTokenAfter(colonToken)
setOffset([colonToken, valueToken], 1, lastKeyToken)
NewExpression (node) {
const newToken = tokenStore.getFirstToken(node)
const calleeToken = tokenStore.getTokenAfter(newToken)
const rightToken = tokenStore.getLastToken(node)
const leftToken = isRightParen(rightToken)
? tokenStore.getFirstTokenBetween(node.callee, rightToken, isLeftParen)
: null
setOffset(calleeToken, 1, newToken)
if (leftToken != null) {
setOffset(leftToken, 1, calleeToken)
processNodeList(node.arguments, leftToken, rightToken, 1)
'ObjectExpression, ObjectPattern' (node) {
processNodeList(, tokenStore.getFirstToken(node), tokenStore.getLastToken(node), 1)
SequenceExpression (node) {
processNodeList(node.expressions, null, null, 0)
SwitchCase (node) {
const caseToken = tokenStore.getFirstToken(node)
if (node.test != null) {
const testToken = tokenStore.getTokenAfter(caseToken)
const colonToken = tokenStore.getTokenAfter(node.test, isNotRightParen)
setOffset([testToken, colonToken], 1, caseToken)
} else {
const colonToken = tokenStore.getTokenAfter(caseToken)
setOffset(colonToken, 1, caseToken)
if (node.consequent.length === 1 && node.consequent[0].type === 'BlockStatement') {
setOffset(tokenStore.getFirstToken(node.consequent[0]), 0, caseToken)
} else if (node.consequent.length >= 1) {
setOffset(tokenStore.getFirstToken(node.consequent[0]), 1, caseToken)
processNodeList(node.consequent, null, null, 0)
SwitchStatement (node) {
const switchToken = tokenStore.getFirstToken(node)
const leftParenToken = tokenStore.getTokenAfter(switchToken)
const discriminantToken = tokenStore.getTokenAfter(leftParenToken)
const leftBraceToken = tokenStore.getTokenAfter(node.discriminant, isLeftBrace)
const rightParenToken = tokenStore.getTokenBefore(leftBraceToken)
const rightBraceToken = tokenStore.getLastToken(node)
setOffset(leftParenToken, 1, switchToken)
setOffset(discriminantToken, 1, leftParenToken)
setOffset(rightParenToken, 0, leftParenToken)
setOffset(leftBraceToken, 0, switchToken)
processNodeList(node.cases, leftBraceToken, rightBraceToken, options.switchCase)
TaggedTemplateExpression (node) {
const tagTokens = getFirstAndLastTokens(node.tag, node.range[0])
const quasiToken = tokenStore.getTokenAfter(tagTokens.lastToken)
setOffset(quasiToken, 1, tagTokens.firstToken)
TemplateLiteral (node) {
const firstToken = tokenStore.getFirstToken(node)
const quasiTokens = node.quasis.slice(1).map(n => tokenStore.getFirstToken(n))
const expressionToken = node.quasis.slice(0, -1).map(n => tokenStore.getTokenAfter(n))
setOffset(quasiTokens, 0, firstToken)
setOffset(expressionToken, 1, firstToken)
TryStatement (node) {
const tryToken = tokenStore.getFirstToken(node)
const tryBlockToken = tokenStore.getFirstToken(node.block)
setOffset(tryBlockToken, 0, tryToken)
if (node.handler != null) {
const catchToken = tokenStore.getFirstToken(node.handler)
setOffset(catchToken, 0, tryToken)
if (node.finalizer != null) {
const finallyToken = tokenStore.getTokenBefore(node.finalizer)
const finallyBlockToken = tokenStore.getFirstToken(node.finalizer)
setOffset([finallyToken, finallyBlockToken], 0, tryToken)
UpdateExpression (node) {
const firstToken = tokenStore.getFirstToken(node)
const nextToken = tokenStore.getTokenAfter(firstToken)
setOffset(nextToken, 1, firstToken)
VariableDeclaration (node) {
processNodeList(node.declarations, tokenStore.getFirstToken(node), null, 1)
VariableDeclarator (node) {
if (node.init != null) {
const idToken = tokenStore.getFirstToken(node)
const eqToken = tokenStore.getTokenAfter(
const initToken = tokenStore.getTokenAfter(eqToken)
setOffset([eqToken, initToken], 1, idToken)
'WhileStatement, WithStatement' (node) {
const firstToken = tokenStore.getFirstToken(node)
const leftParenToken = tokenStore.getTokenAfter(firstToken)
const rightParenToken = tokenStore.getTokenBefore(node.body, isRightParen)
setOffset(leftParenToken, 1, firstToken)
setOffset(rightParenToken, 0, leftParenToken)
processMaybeBlock(node.body, firstToken)
YieldExpression (node) {
if (node.argument != null) {
const yieldToken = tokenStore.getFirstToken(node)
setOffset(tokenStore.getTokenAfter(yieldToken), 1, yieldToken)
if (node.delegate) {
setOffset(tokenStore.getTokenAfter(yieldToken, 1), 1, yieldToken)
// Process semicolons.
':statement' (node) {
const firstToken = tokenStore.getFirstToken(node)
const lastToken = tokenStore.getLastToken(node)
if (isSemicolon(lastToken) && firstToken !== lastToken) {
setOffset(lastToken, 0, firstToken)
// Set to the semicolon of the previous token for semicolon-free style.
// E.g.,
// foo
// ;[1,2,3].forEach(f)
const info = offsets.get(firstToken)
const prevToken = tokenStore.getTokenBefore(firstToken)
if (info != null && isSemicolon(prevToken) && prevToken.loc.end.line === firstToken.loc.start.line) {
offsets.set(prevToken, info)
// Process parentheses.
// `:expression` does not match with MetaProperty and TemplateLiteral as a bug:
':expression, MetaProperty, TemplateLiteral' (node) {
let leftToken = tokenStore.getTokenBefore(node)
let rightToken = tokenStore.getTokenAfter(node)
let firstToken = tokenStore.getFirstToken(node)
while (isLeftParen(leftToken) && isRightParen(rightToken)) {
setOffset(firstToken, 1, leftToken)
setOffset(rightToken, 0, leftToken)
firstToken = leftToken
leftToken = tokenStore.getTokenBefore(leftToken)
rightToken = tokenStore.getTokenAfter(rightToken)
// Ignore tokens of unknown nodes.
'*:exit' (node) {
if (!KNOWN_NODES.has(node.type)) {
// Top-level process.
Program (node) {
const firstToken = node.tokens[0]
const isScriptTag = (
firstToken != null &&
firstToken.type === 'Punctuator' &&
firstToken.value === '<script>'
const baseIndent =
isScriptTag ? (options.indentSize * options.baseIndent) : 0
for (const statement of node.body) {
processTopLevelNode(statement, baseIndent)
"VElement[parent.type!='VElement']" (node) {
processTopLevelNode(node, 0)
// Do validation.
":matches(Program, VElement[parent.type!='VElement']):exit" (node) {
let comments = []
let tokensOnSameLine = []
let isBesideMultilineToken = false
let lastValidatedToken = null
// Validate indentation of tokens.
for (const token of tokenStore.getTokens(node, ITERATION_OPTS)) {
if (tokensOnSameLine.length === 0 || tokensOnSameLine[0].loc.start.line === token.loc.start.line) {
// This is on the same line (or the first token).
} else if (tokensOnSameLine.every(isComment)) {
// New line is detected, but the all tokens of the previous line are comment.
// Comment lines are adjusted to the next code line.
isBesideMultilineToken = last(tokensOnSameLine).loc.end.line === token.loc.start.line
tokensOnSameLine = [token]
} else {
// New line is detected, so validate the tokens.
if (!isBesideMultilineToken) {
validate(tokensOnSameLine, comments, lastValidatedToken)
lastValidatedToken = tokensOnSameLine[0]
isBesideMultilineToken = last(tokensOnSameLine).loc.end.line === token.loc.start.line
tokensOnSameLine = [token]
comments = []
if (tokensOnSameLine.length >= 1 && tokensOnSameLine.some(isNotComment)) {
validate(tokensOnSameLine, comments, lastValidatedToken)