2023-09-14 14:47:11 +08:00

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Change Log

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.

6.1.1 (2018-09-24)

Bug Fixes

  • permutationTest: Add TypeScript definition for permutationTest (e7fa9db), closes #298
  • array quantile on certain kinds of input (#334) (e9d007e)

6.1.0 (2018-06-23)


6.0.1 (2018-05-11)

6.0.0 (2018-04-30)

Bug Fixes

  • Polyfill Number.isInteger function before committing to dropping IE11 (#297) (01cc37e), closes #296


  • package.json: Remove bower and component.json compatibility (#294) (0593cb8), closes #293



  • package.json: simple-statistics is no longer supported as a component module or a bower module. All other forms of support - script tag, unpkg, npm - continue.

5.4.0 (2018-04-21)


5.3.1 (2018-03-23)

Bug Fixes

  • Someone simple-statistics dependend on itself... (12acd40)

5.3.0 (2018-03-23)


5.2.1 (2017-12-20)

5.2.0 (2017-11-29)


  • package: Add unpkg field to package.json to support unpkg default entry point (#267) (c1afd51)

5.1.0 (2017-10-23)


  • Add TypeScript definition (688538b)

5.0.1 (2017-10-15)

Bug Fixes

5.0.0 (2017-09-26)



  • simple-statistics now uses ES6 modules internally, and exposes a entry point for other modules to use it as an ES6 module.

This means:

  • If you use Rollup or another library that supports the jsnext:main or module fields of package.json, you'll likely automatically start using this feature. When you use simple-statistics as an ES6 module, import {min} from "simple-statistics" and other imports of only a few of its methods will automatically do 'tree-shaking' and only pull in the parts you use (if your bundling tool supports tree-shaking)
  • Sub-requiring parts of simple-statistics, like require('simple-statistics/min') is deprecated and will not work. Its components are now written with ES6 syntax.

4.1.1 (2017-08-05)

Bug Fixes

  • expose BayesianClassifier & PerceptronModel instead of bayesian and perceptron (1d03671)

4.1.0 (2017-04-27)


4.0.0 (2017-04-25)

Bug Fixes

Performance Improvements

  • binomialDistribution: avoid expensive factorial calculations (#205) (525f9c0)
  • core: Improve performance of min, max, sumNthPowerDeviations, variance, sampleVariance (#195) (9d2569a)
  • distributions: return array instead of object (#209) (6c5df5f)
  • poissonDistribution: avoid expensive factorial calculation (#206) (b34aceb)
  • poissonDistribution: use Math.exp instead of Math.pow (#208) (6491dfa)
  • sampleSkewness: Improve sampleSkewness performance (#197) (03d37eb)
  • sum: Switch from Kahan to Kahan-Babuska algorithm (1b42d7f)


  • Removes .mixin(). Instead use simple-statistics in a functional style.
  • distributions: The return value of bernoulliDistribution, binomialDistribution, and poissonDistribution is no longer an Object with number keys, it is now an Array of numbers.

3.0.0 (2017-04-06)

Breaking change: before this release, simple-statistics would return NaN when provided with invalid input. After 3.0.0, simple-statistics will throw exceptions when provided with invalid input. If you previously used isNaN to test for these error cases, switch to using try and catch, or make sure that valid input is given to simple-statistics.


  • mean: combineMeans, a method for combining calculated means (d9e3ebc)
  • mean: subtractFromMean, a method to remove a value from the mean (afe76e9)
  • variance: combineVariances, a method for combining pre-calculated variances of two dataset (68133f7)

2.5.0 (2017-02-24)


  • mean: addToMean, a method to update an mean with a new element (b6637b4)

2.4.0 (2017-02-22)

Bug Fixes

  • build: Ignore conventional-changelog-core for Flow (4874868)


  • mode: Implement modeFast, an indexed mode implementation (#183) (59b7191)

2.3.0 (2017-02-17)


  • core: sampleWithReplacement (#174) (a8d05d1)



  • Improved Ckmeans algorithm from the updated R project that dramatically increases performance.
  • Adds permutationHeap method for computing all permutations of an array.
  • Adds combinations for combinations without replacement
  • Adds combinationsReplacement for combinations with replacement



New features:

  • product: returns the product of a series of numbers
  • medianSorted: exposes the internal method of median that only operates on sorted arrays and works in constant time
  • modeSorted: exposes the internal method of mode and works in linear time.


  • Adds Flow annotations to all methods, allowing up-front typechecking if you use Flow in your application.


  • Invalid input now uniformly produces the value NaN instead of previously a mix of null and undefined.
  • The method sortedUniqueCount is now called uniqueCountSorted to match the other sorted methods, medianSorted and modeSorted


  • equalIntervalBreaks was not exported by index.js, and now is.



  • Fixes to ckmeans algorithm (thanks to @llimllib) (#125)


  • Add keywords to package. Fixes #120
  • Standardize indentation, add example for epsilon
  • Browser testing with Sauce Labs

Bundle size optimizations:

  • Add external sourcemaps for minified and unminified standalone bundles
  • Use bundle-collapser for smaller bundles
  • Indicate numericSort as an internal method.


Breaking Changes

  • Removed the .m() and .b() shortcuts from the linear regression class. Use .mb().b and .mb().m instead.
  • linearRegression is now a function, and linearRegressionLine is a separate function.


Linear Regression


var l = ss.linear_regression().data([[0, 0], [1, 1]]);
l.line()(0); // 0


var line = ss.linearRegressionLine(ss.linearRegression([[0, 0], [1, 1]]));
line(0); // 0

Jenks -> ckmeans

The implementation of Jenks natural breaks was removed: an implementation of Ckmeans, an improvement on its technique, is added. Ckmeans should work better for nearly all Jenks usecases.


ss.jenks([1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 20], 3) //= [1, 7, 20, 20]


ss.ckmeans([1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 20], 3))

[ [ 1,
    9 ],
  [ 10 ],
  [ 20 ] ]

Instead of class breaks, ckmeans returns clustered data. Class breaks can be derived by taking the first value from each cluster:

var breaks = ss.ckmeans([1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 20], 3)).map(function(cluster) {
  return cluster[0];
  • BayesModel is now a class
  • PerceptronModel is now a class, and the weights and bias members are accessable as properties rather than methods.
  • All multi-word method names are now camelCase rather than underscore_cased: this means that a method like ss.r_squared is now accessible as ss.rSquared

New Features

  • Ckmeans replaces Jenks
  • sortedUniqueCount provides an extremely fast method for counting unique values of sorted arrays.
  • sumNthPowerDeviations is now exposed, providing a simple way to calculate the fundamental aspect of measures like variance and skewness.

Non-Breaking Changes

  • JSDoc documentation throughout
  • Each function is now its own file, and simple-statistics is assembled with CommonJS-style require() statements. simple-statistics can still be used in a browser with browserify.
  • The standard normal table is now calculated using the cumulative distribution function, rather than hardcoded.


  • Improved test coverage
  • Switched linting from JSHint to eslint and fixed style issues this uncovered.


  • Fixes .jenks corner cases.


  • Adds .sample for simple random sampling
  • Adds .shuffle and .shuffleInPlace for random permutations
  • Adds .chunk for splitting arrays into chunked subsets


  • fixes a bug in mode that favored the last new number


  • mixin can now take an array in order to mixin functions into a single array instance rather than the global Array prototype.


  • Adds simple_statistics.harmonicMean thanks to jseppi


  • Adds simple_statistics.quantileSorted thanks to rluta
  • simple_statistics.quantile now accepts a sorted list of quantiles as a second argument
  • Improved test coverage


  • Adds simple_statistics.cumulativeStdNormalProbability by doronlinder
  • Adds simple_statistics.zScore by doronlinder
  • Adds simple_statistics.standardNormalTable


  • Adds simple_statistics.median_absolute_deviation() by siculars
  • Adds simple_statistics.iqr() by siculars
  • Adds simple_statistics.skewness() by Doron Linder
  • Lower-level accessors for linear regression allow users to do the line equation themselves


  • Adds simple_statistics.jenks()
  • Adds simple_statistics.jenksMatrices()
  • Improves test coverage and validation


  • Adds simple_statistics.quantile()
  • Adds simple_statistics.mixin()
  • Adds simple_statistics.geometricMean()
  • Adds simple_statistics.sampleVariance()
  • Adds simple_statistics.sampleCovariance()


  • Adds simple_statistics.tTest()
  • Adds simple_statistics.min()
  • Adds simple_statistics.max()