2023-09-14 14:47:11 +08:00

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# contour_plot
A D3 plugin to draw contour plots of 2D functions.
Uses the marching squares algorithm from d3.geom.contour to generate contour lines.
This project is a work in progress, and not ready for public consumption. Notably this doesn't
## Installing
If you use NPM, `npm install contour_plot`. Otherwise, download the [latest
## Example
Draw the [Goldstein Price]( function:
function goldsteinPrice(x, y) {
return (1. + Math.pow(x + y + 1, 2) *
(19 - 14*x + 3*x*x - 14 * y + 6 * x * x + 3 * y * y))
* (30 + Math.pow(2*x-3*y, 2)*(18 - 32*x + 12 * x * x + 48*y - 36 * x * y + 27 * y* y));
var plot = contour_plot.ContourPlot()
.xDomain([-2, 2])
.yDomain([1, -2])
.colourRange(["white", "green"]);
var elements = plot("#contour_graph"));
Should produce something like: