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compute a point from an svg path string
This is like path.getPointAtLength(t)
for an svg <path>
element, but works
in node + browsers.
If you're in the browser, it's best to use the native svg implementation since that will be faster and more accurate.
var point = require('point-at-length');
var pts = point(process.argv.slice(2).join(' '));
var len = pts.length();
for (var i = 0; i <= 10; i++) {
console.log(i / 10, pts.at(i / 10 * len));
and then given an svg path:
$ node percent.js m 340.0802,61.38651 c -40.2898,8.22791 \
-62.56591,65.81112 -49.74004,128.6158 12.82587,62.80467 \
55.90207,107.07364 96.19186,98.84572 40.2898,-8.22791 \
62.55966,-65.84175 49.73379,-128.64642 C 423.43994,97.39694 \
380.36999,53.15859 340.0802,61.38651 z m 12.91104,8.55846 c \
22.51488,-4.59795 48.14062,27.6983 57.21553,72.13556 9.0749,44.43726 \
-1.83609,84.19498 -24.35097,88.79294 -22.51489,4.59795 \
-48.11001,-27.70455 -57.18492,-72.14182 -9.0749,-44.43726 \
1.80548,-84.18872 24.32036,-88.78668 z
0 [ 340.0802, 61.38651 ]
0.1 [ 286.4845903594534, 135.39847858871894 ]
0.2 [ 302.1571721534183, 238.7146891719936 ]
0.3 [ 384.5741907293933, 289.20324985412464 ]
0.4 [ 440.01448853962546, 216.81871101620578 ]
0.5 [ 424.995580315864, 113.42989532988953 ]
0.6 [ 344.0127910427327, 60.748668250007114 ]
0.7 [ 409.3069687960253, 137.94315136324377 ]
0.8 [ 387.80154792789017, 230.38180833710817 ]
0.9 [ 329.13606555255416, 160.92824115677908 ]
1 [ 352.99124, 69.94497 ]
var point = require('point-at-length')
var pts = point(svgpath)
Create a new pt
instance given svgpath
an svg path string,
or an array that matches the format returned by
Compute the total length of the path.
This method is based on the output of the getTotalLength()
method of
svg path elements.
var xy = pts.at(len)
Compute the [x,y]
point xy
from a distance len
into the geometry.
With npm do:
npm install point-at-length