126 lines
5.1 KiB
126 lines
5.1 KiB
"use strict";
exports.__esModule = true;
exports.validateModulesOption = exports.validateSpecOption = exports.validateLooseOption = exports.validateBoolOption = exports.checkDuplicateIncludeExcludes = exports.normalizePluginNames = exports.normalizePluginName = exports.validateIncludesAndExcludes = undefined;
exports.default = normalizeOptions;
var _invariant = require("invariant");
var _invariant2 = _interopRequireDefault(_invariant);
var _builtIns = require("../data/built-ins.json");
var _builtIns2 = _interopRequireDefault(_builtIns);
var _defaultIncludes = require("./default-includes");
var _moduleTransformations = require("./module-transformations");
var _moduleTransformations2 = _interopRequireDefault(_moduleTransformations);
var _plugins = require("../data/plugins.json");
var _plugins2 = _interopRequireDefault(_plugins);
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; }
var validIncludesAndExcludes = [].concat(Object.keys(_plugins2.default), Object.keys(_moduleTransformations2.default).map(function (m) {
return _moduleTransformations2.default[m];
}), Object.keys(_builtIns2.default), _defaultIncludes.defaultWebIncludes);
var hasBeenWarned = false;
var validateIncludesAndExcludes = exports.validateIncludesAndExcludes = function validateIncludesAndExcludes() {
var opts = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : [];
var type = arguments[1];
(0, _invariant2.default)(Array.isArray(opts), "Invalid Option: The '" + type + "' option must be an Array<String> of plugins/built-ins");
var unknownOpts = [];
opts.forEach(function (opt) {
if (validIncludesAndExcludes.indexOf(opt) === -1) {
(0, _invariant2.default)(unknownOpts.length === 0, "Invalid Option: The plugins/built-ins '" + unknownOpts + "' passed to the '" + type + "' option are not\n valid. Please check data/[plugin-features|built-in-features].js in babel-preset-env");
return opts;
var normalizePluginName = exports.normalizePluginName = function normalizePluginName(plugin) {
return plugin.replace(/^babel-plugin-/, "");
var normalizePluginNames = exports.normalizePluginNames = function normalizePluginNames(plugins) {
return plugins.map(normalizePluginName);
var checkDuplicateIncludeExcludes = exports.checkDuplicateIncludeExcludes = function checkDuplicateIncludeExcludes() {
var include = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : [];
var exclude = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : [];
var duplicates = include.filter(function (opt) {
return exclude.indexOf(opt) >= 0;
(0, _invariant2.default)(duplicates.length === 0, "Invalid Option: The plugins/built-ins '" + duplicates + "' were found in both the \"include\" and\n \"exclude\" options.");
var validateBoolOption = exports.validateBoolOption = function validateBoolOption(name, value, defaultValue) {
if (typeof value === "undefined") {
value = defaultValue;
if (typeof value !== "boolean") {
throw new Error("Preset env: '" + name + "' option must be a boolean.");
return value;
var validateLooseOption = exports.validateLooseOption = function validateLooseOption(looseOpt) {
return validateBoolOption("loose", looseOpt, false);
var validateSpecOption = exports.validateSpecOption = function validateSpecOption(specOpt) {
return validateBoolOption("spec", specOpt, false);
var validateModulesOption = exports.validateModulesOption = function validateModulesOption() {
var modulesOpt = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : "commonjs";
(0, _invariant2.default)(modulesOpt === false || Object.keys(_moduleTransformations2.default).indexOf(modulesOpt) > -1, "Invalid Option: The 'modules' option must be either 'false' to indicate no modules, or a\n module type which can be be one of: 'commonjs' (default), 'amd', 'umd', 'systemjs'.");
return modulesOpt;
function normalizeOptions(opts) {
// TODO: remove whitelist in favor of include in next major
if (opts.whitelist && !hasBeenWarned) {
console.warn("Deprecation Warning: The \"whitelist\" option has been deprecated in favor of \"include\" to\n match the newly added \"exclude\" option (instead of \"blacklist\").");
hasBeenWarned = true;
(0, _invariant2.default)(!(opts.whitelist && opts.include), "Invalid Option: The \"whitelist\" and the \"include\" option are the same and one can be used at\n a time");
if (opts.exclude) {
opts.exclude = normalizePluginNames(opts.exclude);
if (opts.whitelist || opts.include) {
opts.include = normalizePluginNames(opts.whitelist || opts.include);
checkDuplicateIncludeExcludes(opts.include, opts.exclude);
return {
debug: opts.debug,
exclude: validateIncludesAndExcludes(opts.exclude, "exclude"),
include: validateIncludesAndExcludes(opts.include, "include"),
loose: validateLooseOption(opts.loose),
moduleType: validateModulesOption(opts.modules),
spec: validateSpecOption(opts.spec),
targets: opts.targets,
useBuiltIns: opts.useBuiltIns
} |