2023-09-14 14:47:11 +08:00

422 lines
8.6 KiB

"title":"getUserMedia/Stream API",
"description":"Method of accessing external device data (such as a webcam video stream). Formerly this was envisioned as the <device> element.",
"title":"Technology preview from Opera"
"title":"WebPlatform Docs"
"title":"Media Capture functionality in Microsoft Edge"
"title":"getUserMedia in PWA with manifest on iOS 11"
"title":"getUserMedia working again in PWA on iOS 13.4"
"description":"Until version 12.16, Opera supported [video context only]("
"description":"getUserMedia() is not supported by default in Android webviews, such as Facebook or Snapchat in-app browsers."
"17":"a x #1 #2",
"18":"a x #1 #2",
"19":"a x #1 #2",
"20":"a x #1 #2",
"21":"a x #1 #2",
"22":"a x #1 #2",
"23":"a x #1 #2",
"24":"a x #1 #2",
"25":"a x #1 #2",
"26":"a x #1 #2",
"27":"a x #1 #2",
"28":"a x #1 #2",
"29":"a x #1 #2",
"30":"a x #1 #2",
"31":"a x #1 #2",
"32":"a x #1 #2",
"33":"a x #1 #2",
"34":"a x #1 #2",
"35":"a x #1 #2",
"36":"y #1",
"37":"y #1",
"38":"y #1",
"39":"y #1",
"40":"y #1",
"41":"y #1",
"21":"a x #1 #2",
"22":"a x #1 #2",
"23":"a x #1 #2",
"24":"a x #1 #2",
"25":"a x #1 #2",
"26":"a x #1 #2",
"27":"a x #1 #2",
"28":"a x #1 #2",
"29":"a x #1 #2",
"30":"a x #1 #2",
"31":"a x #1 #2",
"32":"a x #1 #2",
"33":"a x #1 #2",
"34":"a x #1 #2",
"35":"a x #1 #2",
"36":"a x #1 #2",
"37":"a x #1 #2",
"38":"a x #1 #2",
"39":"a x #1 #2",
"40":"a x #1 #2",
"41":"a x #1 #2",
"42":"a x #1 #2",
"43":"a x #1 #2",
"44":"a x #1 #2",
"45":"a x #1 #2",
"46":"a x #1 #2",
"47":"a x #1 #2",
"48":"a x #1 #2",
"49":"a x #1 #2",
"50":"a x #1 #2",
"51":"a x #1 #2",
"52":"a x #1 #2",
"12":"a x #1 #2",
"12.1":"a x #1 #2",
"18":"a x #1 #2",
"19":"a x #1 #2",
"20":"a x #1 #2",
"21":"a x #1 #2",
"22":"a x #1 #2",
"23":"a x #1 #2",
"24":"a x #1 #2",
"25":"a x #1 #2",
"26":"a x #1 #2",
"27":"a x #1 #2",
"28":"a x #1 #2",
"29":"a x #1 #2",
"30":"a x #1 #2",
"31":"a x #1 #2",
"32":"a x #1 #2",
"33":"a x #1 #2",
"34":"a x #1 #2",
"35":"a x #1 #2",
"36":"a x #1 #2",
"37":"a x #1 #2",
"38":"a x #1 #2",
"39":"a x #1 #2",
"11.0-11.2":"y #3 #4",
"11.3-11.4":"y #3 #4",
"12.0-12.1":"y #3 #4",
"12.2-12.4":"y #3 #4",
"13.0-13.1":"y #3 #4",
"13.2":"y #3 #4",
"13.3":"y #3 #4",
"13.4-13.5":"y #3",
"14.0":"y #3"
"10":"a x #1 #2"
"12":"a x #1 #2",
"12.1":"a x #1 #2",
"4":"a x #1 #2",
"5.0-5.4":"a x #1 #2",
"7.12":"a x #1 #2"
"notes":"As of Chrome 47, the getUserMedia API cannot be called from insecure origins.",
"1":"Blink-based (and some other) browsers support an older version of the spec that does not use `srcObject`. [See Chromium issue 387740](",
"2":"Supports the older spec's `navigator.getUserMedia` API, not the newer `navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia` one.",
"3":"`getUserMedia` returns no video input devices in `UIWebView` or `WKWebView`, but only directly in Safari.",
"4":"Does not work in standalone running (\"installed\") PWAs."
"keywords":"camera,device,getUserMedia,media stream,mediastream,Media Capture API",