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venn.js |
A javascript library for laying out area proportional venn and euler diagrams.
Details of how this library works can be found on the blog post I wrote about this. A follow up post discusses testing strategy and algorithmic improvements.
If you use NPM, npm install venn.js
. Otherwise, download the latest release.
This library depends on d3.js to display the venn diagrams.
Simple layout
To lay out a simple diagram, just define the sets and their sizes along with the sizes of all the set intersections.
The VennDiagram object will calculate a layout that is proportional to the input sizes, and display it in the appropriate selection when called:
var sets = [ {sets: ['A'], size: 12},
{sets: ['B'], size: 12},
{sets: ['A','B'], size: 2}];
var chart = venn.VennDiagram()
Changing the Style
The style of the Venn Diagram can be customized by using D3 after the diagram has been drawn. For instance to draw a Venn Diagram with white text and a darker fill:
var chart = venn.VennDiagram()
d3.selectAll("#inverted .venn-circle path")
.style("fill-opacity", .8);
d3.selectAll("#inverted text").style("fill", "white");
View this example, along with other possible styles
Dynamic layout
To have a layout that reacts to a change in input, all that you need to do is update the dataset and call the chart again:
// draw the initial diagram
var chart = venn.VennDiagram()
// redraw the diagram on any change in input
d3.selectAll("input").on("change", function() {
Making the diagram interactive
Making the diagram interactive is basically the same idea as changing the style: just add event listeners to the elements in the venn diagram. To change the text size and circle colours on mouseover:
d3.selectAll("#rings .venn-circle")
.on("mouseover", function(d, i) {
var node = d3.select(this).transition();
node.select("path").style("fill-opacity", .2);
node.select("text").style("font-weight", "100")
.style("font-size", "36px");
.on("mouseout", function(d, i) {
var node = d3.select(this).transition();
node.select("path").style("fill-opacity", 0);
node.select("text").style("font-weight", "100")
.style("font-size", "24px");
Adding tooltips
Another common case is adding a tooltip when hovering over the elements in the diagram. The only tricky thing here is maintaining the correct Z-order so that the smallest intersection areas are on top, while still making the area that is being hovered over appear on top of the others:
// draw venn diagram
var div = d3.select("#venn")
// add a tooltip
var tooltip = d3.select("body").append("div")
.attr("class", "venntooltip");
// add listeners to all the groups to display tooltip on mouseover
.on("mouseover", function(d, i) {
// sort all the areas relative to the current item
venn.sortAreas(div, d);
// Display a tooltip with the current size
tooltip.transition().duration(400).style("opacity", .9);
tooltip.text(d.size + " users");
// highlight the current path
var selection = d3.select(this).transition("tooltip").duration(400);
.style("stroke-width", 3)
.style("fill-opacity", d.sets.length == 1 ? .4 : .1)
.style("stroke-opacity", 1);
.on("mousemove", function() {
tooltip.style("left", (d3.event.pageX) + "px")
.style("top", (d3.event.pageY - 28) + "px");
.on("mouseout", function(d, i) {
tooltip.transition().duration(400).style("opacity", 0);
var selection = d3.select(this).transition("tooltip").duration(400);
.style("stroke-width", 0)
.style("fill-opacity", d.sets.length == 1 ? .25 : .0)
.style("stroke-opacity", 0);
Released under the MIT License.