2023-09-14 14:47:11 +08:00

380 lines
14 KiB
Raw Permalink Blame History

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* @author Kuitos
* @homepage
* @since 2018-08-15 11:37
import processTpl, { genLinkReplaceSymbol, genScriptReplaceSymbol } from './process-tpl';
import { defaultGetPublicPath, evalCode, getGlobalProp, getInlineCode, noteGlobalProps, readResAsString, requestIdleCallback } from './utils';
var styleCache = {};
var scriptCache = {};
var embedHTMLCache = {};
if (!window.fetch) {
throw new Error('[import-html-entry] Here is no "fetch" on the window env, you need to polyfill it');
var defaultFetch = window.fetch.bind(window);
function defaultGetTemplate(tpl) {
return tpl;
* convert external css link to inline style for performance optimization
* @param template
* @param styles
* @param opts
* @return embedHTML
function getEmbedHTML(template, styles) {
var opts = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : {};
var _opts$fetch = opts.fetch,
fetch = _opts$fetch === void 0 ? defaultFetch : _opts$fetch;
var embedHTML = template;
return _getExternalStyleSheets(styles, fetch).then(function (styleSheets) {
embedHTML = styles.reduce(function (html, styleSrc, i) {
html = html.replace(genLinkReplaceSymbol(styleSrc), "<style>/* ".concat(styleSrc, " */").concat(styleSheets[i], "</style>"));
return html;
}, embedHTML);
return embedHTML;
var isInlineCode = function isInlineCode(code) {
return code.startsWith('<');
function getExecutableScript(scriptSrc, scriptText, proxy, strictGlobal) {
var sourceUrl = isInlineCode(scriptSrc) ? '' : "//# sourceURL=".concat(scriptSrc, "\n"); // 通过这种方式获取全局 window因为 script 也是在全局作用域下运行的,所以我们通过 window.proxy 绑定时也必须确保绑定到全局 window 上
// 否则在嵌套场景下, window.proxy 设置的是内层应用的 window而代码其实是在全局作用域运行的会导致闭包里的 window.proxy 取的是最外层的微应用的 proxy
var globalWindow = (0, eval)('window');
globalWindow.proxy = proxy; // TODO 通过 strictGlobal 方式切换 with 闭包,待 with 方式坑趟平后再合并
return strictGlobal ? ";(function(window, self, globalThis){with(window){;".concat(scriptText, "\n").concat(sourceUrl, "}}).bind(window.proxy)(window.proxy, window.proxy, window.proxy);") : ";(function(window, self, globalThis){;".concat(scriptText, "\n").concat(sourceUrl, "}).bind(window.proxy)(window.proxy, window.proxy, window.proxy);");
} // for prefetch
function _getExternalStyleSheets(styles) {
var fetch = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : defaultFetch;
return Promise.all( (styleLink) {
if (isInlineCode(styleLink)) {
// if it is inline style
return getInlineCode(styleLink);
} else {
// external styles
return styleCache[styleLink] || (styleCache[styleLink] = fetch(styleLink).then(function (response) {
return response.text();
} // for prefetch
export { _getExternalStyleSheets as getExternalStyleSheets };
function _getExternalScripts(scripts) {
var fetch = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : defaultFetch;
var errorCallback = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : function () {};
var fetchScript = function fetchScript(scriptUrl) {
return scriptCache[scriptUrl] || (scriptCache[scriptUrl] = fetch(scriptUrl).then(function (response) {
// usually browser treats 4xx and 5xx response of script loading as an error and will fire a script error event
if (response.status >= 400) {
throw new Error("".concat(scriptUrl, " load failed with status ").concat(response.status));
return response.text();
})["catch"](function (e) {
throw e;
return Promise.all( (script) {
if (typeof script === 'string') {
if (isInlineCode(script)) {
// if it is inline script
return getInlineCode(script);
} else {
// external script
return fetchScript(script);
} else {
// use idle time to load async script
var src = script.src,
async = script.async;
if (async) {
return {
src: src,
async: true,
content: new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
return requestIdleCallback(function () {
return fetchScript(src).then(resolve, reject);
return fetchScript(src);
export { _getExternalScripts as getExternalScripts };
function throwNonBlockingError(error, msg) {
setTimeout(function () {
throw error;
var supportsUserTiming = typeof performance !== 'undefined' && typeof performance.mark === 'function' && typeof performance.clearMarks === 'function' && typeof performance.measure === 'function' && typeof performance.clearMeasures === 'function';
* FIXME to consistent with browser behavior, we should only provide callback way to invoke success and error event
* @param entry
* @param scripts
* @param proxy
* @param opts
* @returns {Promise<unknown>}
function _execScripts(entry, scripts) {
var proxy = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : window;
var opts = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : {};
var _opts$fetch2 = opts.fetch,
fetch = _opts$fetch2 === void 0 ? defaultFetch : _opts$fetch2,
_opts$strictGlobal = opts.strictGlobal,
strictGlobal = _opts$strictGlobal === void 0 ? false : _opts$strictGlobal,
success = opts.success,
_opts$error = opts.error,
error = _opts$error === void 0 ? function () {} : _opts$error,
_opts$beforeExec = opts.beforeExec,
beforeExec = _opts$beforeExec === void 0 ? function () {} : _opts$beforeExec,
_opts$afterExec = opts.afterExec,
afterExec = _opts$afterExec === void 0 ? function () {} : _opts$afterExec;
return _getExternalScripts(scripts, fetch, error).then(function (scriptsText) {
var geval = function geval(scriptSrc, inlineScript) {
var rawCode = beforeExec(inlineScript, scriptSrc) || inlineScript;
var code = getExecutableScript(scriptSrc, rawCode, proxy, strictGlobal);
evalCode(scriptSrc, code);
afterExec(inlineScript, scriptSrc);
function exec(scriptSrc, inlineScript, resolve) {
var markName = "Evaluating script ".concat(scriptSrc);
var measureName = "Evaluating Time Consuming: ".concat(scriptSrc);
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development' && supportsUserTiming) {
if (scriptSrc === entry) {
noteGlobalProps(strictGlobal ? proxy : window);
try {
// bind window.proxy to change `this` reference in script
geval(scriptSrc, inlineScript);
var exports = proxy[getGlobalProp(strictGlobal ? proxy : window)] || {};
} catch (e) {
// entry error must be thrown to make the promise settled
console.error("[import-html-entry]: error occurs while executing entry script ".concat(scriptSrc));
throw e;
} else {
if (typeof inlineScript === 'string') {
try {
// bind window.proxy to change `this` reference in script
geval(scriptSrc, inlineScript);
} catch (e) {
// consistent with browser behavior, any independent script evaluation error should not block the others
throwNonBlockingError(e, "[import-html-entry]: error occurs while executing normal script ".concat(scriptSrc));
} else {
// external script marked with async
inlineScript.async && (inlineScript === null || inlineScript === void 0 ? void 0 : inlineScript.content.then(function (downloadedScriptText) {
return geval(inlineScript.src, downloadedScriptText);
})["catch"](function (e) {
throwNonBlockingError(e, "[import-html-entry]: error occurs while executing async script ".concat(inlineScript.src));
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development' && supportsUserTiming) {
performance.measure(measureName, markName);
function schedule(i, resolvePromise) {
if (i < scripts.length) {
var scriptSrc = scripts[i];
var inlineScript = scriptsText[i];
exec(scriptSrc, inlineScript, resolvePromise); // resolve the promise while the last script executed and entry not provided
if (!entry && i === scripts.length - 1) {
} else {
schedule(i + 1, resolvePromise);
return new Promise(function (resolve) {
return schedule(0, success || resolve);
export { _execScripts as execScripts };
export default function importHTML(url) {
var opts = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {};
var fetch = defaultFetch;
var autoDecodeResponse = false;
var getPublicPath = defaultGetPublicPath;
var getTemplate = defaultGetTemplate;
var postProcessTemplate = opts.postProcessTemplate; // compatible with the legacy importHTML api
if (typeof opts === 'function') {
fetch = opts;
} else {
// fetch option is availble
if (opts.fetch) {
// fetch is a funciton
if (typeof opts.fetch === 'function') {
fetch = opts.fetch;
} else {
// configuration
fetch = opts.fetch.fn || defaultFetch;
autoDecodeResponse = !!opts.fetch.autoDecodeResponse;
getPublicPath = opts.getPublicPath || opts.getDomain || defaultGetPublicPath;
getTemplate = opts.getTemplate || defaultGetTemplate;
return embedHTMLCache[url] || (embedHTMLCache[url] = fetch(url).then(function (response) {
return readResAsString(response, autoDecodeResponse);
}).then(function (html) {
var assetPublicPath = getPublicPath(url);
var _processTpl = processTpl(getTemplate(html), assetPublicPath, postProcessTemplate),
template = _processTpl.template,
scripts = _processTpl.scripts,
entry = _processTpl.entry,
styles = _processTpl.styles;
return getEmbedHTML(template, styles, {
fetch: fetch
}).then(function (embedHTML) {
return {
template: embedHTML,
assetPublicPath: assetPublicPath,
getExternalScripts: function getExternalScripts() {
return _getExternalScripts(scripts, fetch);
getExternalStyleSheets: function getExternalStyleSheets() {
return _getExternalStyleSheets(styles, fetch);
execScripts: function execScripts(proxy, strictGlobal) {
var execScriptsHooks = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : {};
if (!scripts.length) {
return Promise.resolve();
return _execScripts(entry, scripts, proxy, {
fetch: fetch,
strictGlobal: strictGlobal,
beforeExec: execScriptsHooks.beforeExec,
afterExec: execScriptsHooks.afterExec
export function importEntry(entry) {
var opts = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {};
var _opts$fetch3 = opts.fetch,
fetch = _opts$fetch3 === void 0 ? defaultFetch : _opts$fetch3,
_opts$getTemplate = opts.getTemplate,
getTemplate = _opts$getTemplate === void 0 ? defaultGetTemplate : _opts$getTemplate,
postProcessTemplate = opts.postProcessTemplate;
var getPublicPath = opts.getPublicPath || opts.getDomain || defaultGetPublicPath;
if (!entry) {
throw new SyntaxError('entry should not be empty!');
} // html entry
if (typeof entry === 'string') {
return importHTML(entry, {
fetch: fetch,
getPublicPath: getPublicPath,
getTemplate: getTemplate,
postProcessTemplate: postProcessTemplate
} // config entry
if (Array.isArray(entry.scripts) || Array.isArray(entry.styles)) {
var _entry$scripts = entry.scripts,
scripts = _entry$scripts === void 0 ? [] : _entry$scripts,
_entry$styles = entry.styles,
styles = _entry$styles === void 0 ? [] : _entry$styles,
_entry$html = entry.html,
html = _entry$html === void 0 ? '' : _entry$html;
var getHTMLWithStylePlaceholder = function getHTMLWithStylePlaceholder(tpl) {
return styles.reduceRight(function (html, styleSrc) {
return "".concat(genLinkReplaceSymbol(styleSrc)).concat(html);
}, tpl);
var getHTMLWithScriptPlaceholder = function getHTMLWithScriptPlaceholder(tpl) {
return scripts.reduce(function (html, scriptSrc) {
return "".concat(html).concat(genScriptReplaceSymbol(scriptSrc));
}, tpl);
return getEmbedHTML(getTemplate(getHTMLWithScriptPlaceholder(getHTMLWithStylePlaceholder(html))), styles, {
fetch: fetch
}).then(function (embedHTML) {
return {
template: embedHTML,
assetPublicPath: getPublicPath(entry),
getExternalScripts: function getExternalScripts() {
return _getExternalScripts(scripts, fetch);
getExternalStyleSheets: function getExternalStyleSheets() {
return _getExternalStyleSheets(styles, fetch);
execScripts: function execScripts(proxy, strictGlobal) {
var execScriptsHooks = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : {};
if (!scripts.length) {
return Promise.resolve();
return _execScripts(scripts[scripts.length - 1], scripts, proxy, {
fetch: fetch,
strictGlobal: strictGlobal,
beforeExec: execScriptsHooks.beforeExec,
afterExec: execScriptsHooks.afterExec
} else {
throw new SyntaxError('entry scripts or styles should be array!');