2023-09-14 14:47:11 +08:00

393 lines
14 KiB

import _extends from 'babel-runtime/helpers/extends';
import _objectWithoutProperties from 'babel-runtime/helpers/objectWithoutProperties';
import _toConsumableArray from 'babel-runtime/helpers/toConsumableArray';
import { getComponentFromProp, getListeners } from '../_util/props-util';
import PropTypes from '../_util/vue-types';
import Trigger from '../vc-trigger';
import Menus from './Menus';
import KeyCode from '../_util/KeyCode';
import arrayTreeFilter from 'array-tree-filter';
import shallowEqualArrays from 'shallow-equal/arrays';
import { hasProp, getEvents, getSlot } from '../_util/props-util';
import BaseMixin from '../_util/BaseMixin';
import { cloneElement } from '../_util/vnode';
bottomLeft: {
points: ['tl', 'bl'],
offset: [0, 4],
overflow: {
adjustX: 1,
adjustY: 1
topLeft: {
points: ['bl', 'tl'],
offset: [0, -4],
overflow: {
adjustX: 1,
adjustY: 1
bottomRight: {
points: ['tr', 'br'],
offset: [0, 4],
overflow: {
adjustX: 1,
adjustY: 1
topRight: {
points: ['br', 'tr'],
offset: [0, -4],
overflow: {
adjustX: 1,
adjustY: 1
export default {
mixins: [BaseMixin],
model: {
prop: 'value',
event: 'change'
props: {
value: PropTypes.array,
defaultValue: PropTypes.array,
options: PropTypes.array,
// onChange: PropTypes.func,
// onPopupVisibleChange: PropTypes.func,
popupVisible: PropTypes.bool,
disabled: PropTypes.bool.def(false),
transitionName: PropTypes.string.def(''),
popupClassName: PropTypes.string.def(''),
popupStyle: PropTypes.object.def(function () {
return {};
popupPlacement: PropTypes.string.def('bottomLeft'),
prefixCls: PropTypes.string.def('rc-cascader'),
dropdownMenuColumnStyle: PropTypes.object,
builtinPlacements: PropTypes.object.def(BUILT_IN_PLACEMENTS),
loadData: PropTypes.func,
changeOnSelect: PropTypes.bool,
// onKeyDown: PropTypes.func,
expandTrigger: PropTypes.string.def('click'),
fieldNames: PropTypes.object.def(function () {
return {
label: 'label',
value: 'value',
children: 'children'
expandIcon: PropTypes.any,
loadingIcon: PropTypes.any,
getPopupContainer: PropTypes.func
data: function data() {
var initialValue = [];
var value = this.value,
defaultValue = this.defaultValue,
popupVisible = this.popupVisible;
if (hasProp(this, 'value')) {
initialValue = value || [];
} else if (hasProp(this, 'defaultValue')) {
initialValue = defaultValue || [];
// warning(!('filedNames' in props),
// '`filedNames` of Cascader is a typo usage and deprecated, please use `fieldNames` instead.');
return {
sPopupVisible: popupVisible,
sActiveValue: initialValue,
sValue: initialValue
watch: {
value: function value(val, oldValue) {
if (!shallowEqualArrays(val, oldValue)) {
var newValues = {
sValue: val || []
// allow activeValue diff from value
if (!hasProp(this, 'loadData')) {
newValues.sActiveValue = val || [];
popupVisible: function popupVisible(val) {
sPopupVisible: val
methods: {
getPopupDOMNode: function getPopupDOMNode() {
return this.$refs.trigger.getPopupDomNode();
getFieldName: function getFieldName(name) {
var defaultFieldNames = this.defaultFieldNames,
fieldNames = this.fieldNames;
return fieldNames[name] || defaultFieldNames[name];
getFieldNames: function getFieldNames() {
return this.fieldNames;
getCurrentLevelOptions: function getCurrentLevelOptions() {
var _this = this;
var _options = this.options,
options = _options === undefined ? [] : _options,
_sActiveValue = this.sActiveValue,
sActiveValue = _sActiveValue === undefined ? [] : _sActiveValue;
var result = arrayTreeFilter(options, function (o, level) {
return o[_this.getFieldName('value')] === sActiveValue[level];
}, { childrenKeyName: this.getFieldName('children') });
if (result[result.length - 2]) {
return result[result.length - 2][this.getFieldName('children')];
return [].concat(_toConsumableArray(options)).filter(function (o) {
return !o.disabled;
getActiveOptions: function getActiveOptions(activeValue) {
var _this2 = this;
return arrayTreeFilter(this.options || [], function (o, level) {
return o[_this2.getFieldName('value')] === activeValue[level];
}, { childrenKeyName: this.getFieldName('children') });
setPopupVisible: function setPopupVisible(popupVisible) {
if (!hasProp(this, 'popupVisible')) {
this.setState({ sPopupVisible: popupVisible });
// sync activeValue with value when panel open
if (popupVisible && !this.sPopupVisible) {
sActiveValue: this.sValue
this.__emit('popupVisibleChange', popupVisible);
handleChange: function handleChange(options, setProps, e) {
var _this3 = this;
if (e.type !== 'keydown' || e.keyCode === KeyCode.ENTER) {
this.__emit('change', (o) {
return o[_this3.getFieldName('value')];
}), options);
handlePopupVisibleChange: function handlePopupVisibleChange(popupVisible) {
handleMenuSelect: function handleMenuSelect(targetOption, menuIndex, e) {
// Keep focused state for keyboard support
var triggerNode = this.$refs.trigger.getRootDomNode();
if (triggerNode && triggerNode.focus) {
var changeOnSelect = this.changeOnSelect,
loadData = this.loadData,
expandTrigger = this.expandTrigger;
if (!targetOption || targetOption.disabled) {
var sActiveValue = this.sActiveValue;
sActiveValue = sActiveValue.slice(0, menuIndex + 1);
sActiveValue[menuIndex] = targetOption[this.getFieldName('value')];
var activeOptions = this.getActiveOptions(sActiveValue);
if (targetOption.isLeaf === false && !targetOption[this.getFieldName('children')] && loadData) {
if (changeOnSelect) {
this.handleChange(activeOptions, { visible: true }, e);
this.setState({ sActiveValue: sActiveValue });
var newState = {};
if (!targetOption[this.getFieldName('children')] || !targetOption[this.getFieldName('children')].length) {
this.handleChange(activeOptions, { visible: false }, e);
// set value to activeValue when select leaf option
newState.sValue = sActiveValue;
// add e.type judgement to prevent `onChange` being triggered by mouseEnter
} else if (changeOnSelect && (e.type === 'click' || e.type === 'keydown')) {
if (expandTrigger === 'hover') {
this.handleChange(activeOptions, { visible: false }, e);
} else {
this.handleChange(activeOptions, { visible: true }, e);
// set value to activeValue on every select
newState.sValue = sActiveValue;
newState.sActiveValue = sActiveValue;
// not change the value by keyboard
if (hasProp(this, 'value') || e.type === 'keydown' && e.keyCode !== KeyCode.ENTER) {
delete newState.sValue;
handleItemDoubleClick: function handleItemDoubleClick() {
var changeOnSelect = this.$props.changeOnSelect;
if (changeOnSelect) {
handleKeyDown: function handleKeyDown(e) {
var _this4 = this;
var $slots = this.$slots;
var children = $slots['default'] && $slots['default'][0];
// Don't bind keyboard support when children specify the onKeyDown
if (children) {
var keydown = getEvents(children).keydown;
if (keydown) {
var activeValue = [].concat(_toConsumableArray(this.sActiveValue));
var currentLevel = activeValue.length - 1 < 0 ? 0 : activeValue.length - 1;
var currentOptions = this.getCurrentLevelOptions();
var currentIndex = (o) {
return o[_this4.getFieldName('value')];
if (e.keyCode !== KeyCode.DOWN && e.keyCode !== KeyCode.UP && e.keyCode !== KeyCode.LEFT && e.keyCode !== KeyCode.RIGHT && e.keyCode !== KeyCode.ENTER && e.keyCode !== KeyCode.SPACE && e.keyCode !== KeyCode.BACKSPACE && e.keyCode !== KeyCode.ESC && e.keyCode !== KeyCode.TAB) {
// Press any keys above to reopen menu
if (!this.sPopupVisible && e.keyCode !== KeyCode.BACKSPACE && e.keyCode !== KeyCode.LEFT && e.keyCode !== KeyCode.RIGHT && e.keyCode !== KeyCode.ESC && e.keyCode !== KeyCode.TAB) {
if (e.keyCode === KeyCode.DOWN || e.keyCode === KeyCode.UP) {
var nextIndex = currentIndex;
if (nextIndex !== -1) {
if (e.keyCode === KeyCode.DOWN) {
nextIndex += 1;
nextIndex = nextIndex >= currentOptions.length ? 0 : nextIndex;
} else {
nextIndex -= 1;
nextIndex = nextIndex < 0 ? currentOptions.length - 1 : nextIndex;
} else {
nextIndex = 0;
activeValue[currentLevel] = currentOptions[nextIndex][this.getFieldName('value')];
} else if (e.keyCode === KeyCode.LEFT || e.keyCode === KeyCode.BACKSPACE) {
activeValue.splice(activeValue.length - 1, 1);
} else if (e.keyCode === KeyCode.RIGHT) {
if (currentOptions[currentIndex] && currentOptions[currentIndex][this.getFieldName('children')]) {
} else if (e.keyCode === KeyCode.ESC || e.keyCode === KeyCode.TAB) {
if (!activeValue || activeValue.length === 0) {
var activeOptions = this.getActiveOptions(activeValue);
var targetOption = activeOptions[activeOptions.length - 1];
this.handleMenuSelect(targetOption, activeOptions.length - 1, e);
this.__emit('keydown', e);
render: function render() {
var h = arguments[0];
var $props = this.$props,
sActiveValue = this.sActiveValue,
handleMenuSelect = this.handleMenuSelect,
sPopupVisible = this.sPopupVisible,
handlePopupVisibleChange = this.handlePopupVisibleChange,
handleKeyDown = this.handleKeyDown;
var listeners = getListeners(this);
var prefixCls = $props.prefixCls,
transitionName = $props.transitionName,
popupClassName = $props.popupClassName,
_$props$options = $props.options,
options = _$props$options === undefined ? [] : _$props$options,
disabled = $props.disabled,
builtinPlacements = $props.builtinPlacements,
popupPlacement = $props.popupPlacement,
restProps = _objectWithoutProperties($props, ['prefixCls', 'transitionName', 'popupClassName', 'options', 'disabled', 'builtinPlacements', 'popupPlacement']);
// Did not show popup when there is no options
var menus = h('div');
var emptyMenuClassName = '';
if (options && options.length > 0) {
var loadingIcon = getComponentFromProp(this, 'loadingIcon');
var expandIcon = getComponentFromProp(this, 'expandIcon') || '>';
var menusProps = {
props: _extends({}, $props, {
fieldNames: this.getFieldNames(),
defaultFieldNames: this.defaultFieldNames,
activeValue: sActiveValue,
visible: sPopupVisible,
loadingIcon: loadingIcon,
expandIcon: expandIcon
on: _extends({}, listeners, {
select: handleMenuSelect,
itemDoubleClick: this.handleItemDoubleClick
menus = h(Menus, menusProps);
} else {
emptyMenuClassName = ' ' + prefixCls + '-menus-empty';
var triggerProps = {
props: _extends({}, restProps, {
disabled: disabled,
popupPlacement: popupPlacement,
builtinPlacements: builtinPlacements,
popupTransitionName: transitionName,
action: disabled ? [] : ['click'],
popupVisible: disabled ? false : sPopupVisible,
prefixCls: prefixCls + '-menus',
popupClassName: popupClassName + emptyMenuClassName
on: _extends({}, listeners, {
popupVisibleChange: handlePopupVisibleChange
ref: 'trigger'
var children = getSlot(this, 'default')[0];
return h(
[children && cloneElement(children, {
on: {
keydown: handleKeyDown
attrs: {
tabIndex: disabled ? undefined : 0
}), h(
{ slot: 'popup' },