2023-09-14 14:47:11 +08:00

291 lines
8.7 KiB

import _extends from 'babel-runtime/helpers/extends';
import _slicedToArray from 'babel-runtime/helpers/slicedToArray';
import PropTypes from '../_util/vue-types';
import BaseMixin from '../_util/BaseMixin';
import { getOptionProps, hasProp, initDefaultProps, getListeners } from '../_util/props-util';
import * as moment from 'moment';
import FullCalendar from '../vc-calendar/src/FullCalendar';
import Header from './Header';
import LocaleReceiver from '../locale-provider/LocaleReceiver';
import interopDefault from '../_util/interopDefault';
import { ConfigConsumerProps } from '../config-provider/configConsumerProps';
import enUS from './locale/en_US';
import Base from '../base';
import { checkValidate, stringToMoment, momentToString, TimeType } from '../_util/moment-util';
function noop() {
return null;
function zerofixed(v) {
if (v < 10) {
return '0' + v;
return '' + v;
function isMomentArray(value) {
return Array.isArray(value) && !!value.find(function (val) {
return moment.isMoment(val);
export var CalendarMode = PropTypes.oneOf(['month', 'year']);
export var CalendarProps = function CalendarProps() {
return {
prefixCls: PropTypes.string,
value: TimeType,
defaultValue: TimeType,
mode: CalendarMode,
fullscreen: PropTypes.bool,
// dateCellRender: PropTypes.func,
// monthCellRender: PropTypes.func,
// dateFullCellRender: PropTypes.func,
// monthFullCellRender: PropTypes.func,
locale: PropTypes.object,
// onPanelChange?: (date?: moment.Moment, mode?: CalendarMode) => void;
// onSelect?: (date?: moment.Moment) => void;
disabledDate: PropTypes.func,
validRange: PropTypes.custom(isMomentArray),
headerRender: PropTypes.func,
valueFormat: PropTypes.string
var Calendar = {
name: 'ACalendar',
mixins: [BaseMixin],
props: initDefaultProps(CalendarProps(), {
locale: {},
fullscreen: true
model: {
prop: 'value',
event: 'change'
inject: {
configProvider: { 'default': function _default() {
return ConfigConsumerProps;
} }
data: function data() {
var value = this.value,
defaultValue = this.defaultValue,
valueFormat = this.valueFormat;
var sValue = value || defaultValue || interopDefault(moment)();
checkValidate('Calendar', defaultValue, 'defaultValue', valueFormat);
checkValidate('Calendar', value, 'value', valueFormat);
this._sPrefixCls = undefined;
return {
sValue: stringToMoment(sValue, valueFormat),
sMode: this.mode || 'month'
watch: {
value: function value(val) {
checkValidate('Calendar', val, 'value', this.valueFormat);
sValue: stringToMoment(val, this.valueFormat)
mode: function mode(val) {
sMode: val
methods: {
onHeaderValueChange: function onHeaderValueChange(value) {
this.setValue(value, 'changePanel');
onHeaderTypeChange: function onHeaderTypeChange(mode) {
this.sMode = mode;
this.onPanelChange(this.sValue, mode);
onPanelChange: function onPanelChange(value, mode) {
var val = this.valueFormat ? momentToString(value, this.valueFormat) : value;
this.$emit('panelChange', val, mode);
if (value !== this.sValue) {
this.$emit('change', val);
onSelect: function onSelect(value) {
this.setValue(value, 'select');
setValue: function setValue(value, way) {
var prevValue = this.value ? stringToMoment(this.value, this.valueFormat) : this.sValue;
var mode = this.sMode,
valueFormat = this.valueFormat;
if (!hasProp(this, 'value')) {
this.setState({ sValue: value });
if (way === 'select') {
if (prevValue && prevValue.month() !== value.month()) {
this.onPanelChange(value, mode);
this.$emit('select', valueFormat ? momentToString(value, valueFormat) : value);
} else if (way === 'changePanel') {
this.onPanelChange(value, mode);
getDateRange: function getDateRange(validRange, disabledDate) {
return function (current) {
if (!current) {
return false;
var _validRange = _slicedToArray(validRange, 2),
startDate = _validRange[0],
endDate = _validRange[1];
var inRange = !current.isBetween(startDate, endDate, 'days', '[]');
if (disabledDate) {
return disabledDate(current) || inRange;
return inRange;
getDefaultLocale: function getDefaultLocale() {
var result = _extends({}, enUS, this.$props.locale);
result.lang = _extends({}, result.lang, (this.$props.locale || {}).lang);
return result;
monthCellRender2: function monthCellRender2(value) {
var h = this.$createElement;
var _sPrefixCls = this._sPrefixCls,
$scopedSlots = this.$scopedSlots;
var monthCellRender = this.monthCellRender || $scopedSlots.monthCellRender || noop;
return h(
{ 'class': _sPrefixCls + '-month' },
{ 'class': _sPrefixCls + '-value' },
), h(
{ 'class': _sPrefixCls + '-content' },
dateCellRender2: function dateCellRender2(value) {
var h = this.$createElement;
var _sPrefixCls = this._sPrefixCls,
$scopedSlots = this.$scopedSlots;
var dateCellRender = this.dateCellRender || $scopedSlots.dateCellRender || noop;
return h(
{ 'class': _sPrefixCls + '-date' },
{ 'class': _sPrefixCls + '-value' },
), h(
{ 'class': _sPrefixCls + '-content' },
renderCalendar: function renderCalendar(locale, localeCode) {
var h = this.$createElement;
var props = getOptionProps(this);
var value = this.sValue,
mode = this.sMode,
$scopedSlots = this.$scopedSlots;
if (value && localeCode) {
var customizePrefixCls = props.prefixCls,
fullscreen = props.fullscreen,
dateFullCellRender = props.dateFullCellRender,
monthFullCellRender = props.monthFullCellRender;
var headerRender = this.headerRender || $scopedSlots.headerRender;
var getPrefixCls = this.configProvider.getPrefixCls;
var prefixCls = getPrefixCls('fullcalendar', customizePrefixCls);
// To support old version react.
// Have to add prefixCls on the instance.
this._sPrefixCls = prefixCls;
var cls = '';
if (fullscreen) {
cls += ' ' + prefixCls + '-fullscreen';
var monthCellRender = monthFullCellRender || $scopedSlots.monthFullCellRender || this.monthCellRender2;
var dateCellRender = dateFullCellRender || $scopedSlots.dateFullCellRender || this.dateCellRender2;
var disabledDate = props.disabledDate;
if (props.validRange) {
disabledDate = this.getDateRange(props.validRange, disabledDate);
var fullCalendarProps = {
props: _extends({}, props, {
Select: {},
locale: locale.lang,
type: mode === 'year' ? 'month' : 'date',
prefixCls: prefixCls,
showHeader: false,
value: value,
monthCellRender: monthCellRender,
dateCellRender: dateCellRender,
disabledDate: disabledDate
on: _extends({}, getListeners(this), {
select: this.onSelect
return h(
{ 'class': cls },
[h(Header, {
attrs: {
fullscreen: fullscreen,
type: mode,
headerRender: headerRender,
value: value,
locale: locale.lang,
prefixCls: prefixCls,
validRange: props.validRange
on: {
'typeChange': this.onHeaderTypeChange,
'valueChange': this.onHeaderValueChange
}), h(FullCalendar, fullCalendarProps)]
render: function render() {
var h = arguments[0];
return h(LocaleReceiver, {
attrs: {
componentName: 'Calendar',
defaultLocale: this.getDefaultLocale
scopedSlots: { 'default': this.renderCalendar }
/* istanbul ignore next */
Calendar.install = function (Vue) {
Vue.component(, Calendar);
export { HeaderProps } from './Header';
export default Calendar;