import _typeof from "@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/typeof"; import _createClass from "@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/createClass"; import _classCallCheck from "@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/classCallCheck"; import _isFunction from "lodash/isFunction"; import _once from "lodash/once"; import _snakeCase from "lodash/snakeCase"; import { version } from './version'; export function toArray(array) { return Array.isArray(array) ? array : [array]; } export function sleep(ms) { return new Promise(function (resolve) { return setTimeout(resolve, ms); }); } // Promise.then might be synchronized in Zone.js context, we need to use setTimeout instead to mock next tick. var nextTick = typeof window.Zone === 'function' ? setTimeout : function (cb) { return Promise.resolve().then(cb); }; var globalTaskPending = false; /** * Run a callback before next task executing, and the invocation is idempotent in every singular task * That means even we called nextTask multi times in one task, only the first callback will be pushed to nextTick to be invoked. * @param cb */ export function nextTask(cb) { if (!globalTaskPending) { globalTaskPending = true; nextTick(function () { cb(); globalTaskPending = false; }); } } var fnRegexCheckCacheMap = new WeakMap(); export function isConstructable(fn) { // prototype methods might be changed while code running, so we need check it every time var hasPrototypeMethods = fn.prototype && fn.prototype.constructor === fn && Object.getOwnPropertyNames(fn.prototype).length > 1; if (hasPrototypeMethods) return true; if (fnRegexCheckCacheMap.has(fn)) { return fnRegexCheckCacheMap.get(fn); } /* 1. 有 prototype 并且 prototype 上有定义一系列非 constructor 属性 2. 函数名大写开头 3. class 函数 满足其一则可认定为构造函数 */ var constructable = hasPrototypeMethods; if (!constructable) { // fn.toString has a significant performance overhead, if hasPrototypeMethods check not passed, we will check the function string with regex var fnString = fn.toString(); var constructableFunctionRegex = /^function\b\s[A-Z].*/; var classRegex = /^class\b/; constructable = constructableFunctionRegex.test(fnString) || classRegex.test(fnString); } fnRegexCheckCacheMap.set(fn, constructable); return constructable; } /** * in safari * typeof document.all === 'undefined' // true * typeof document.all === 'function' // true * We need to discriminate safari for better performance */ var naughtySafari = typeof document.all === 'function' && typeof document.all === 'undefined'; var callableFnCacheMap = new WeakMap(); export var isCallable = function isCallable(fn) { if (callableFnCacheMap.has(fn)) { return true; } var callable = naughtySafari ? typeof fn === 'function' && typeof fn !== 'undefined' : typeof fn === 'function'; if (callable) { callableFnCacheMap.set(fn, callable); } return callable; }; var boundedMap = new WeakMap(); export function isBoundedFunction(fn) { if (boundedMap.has(fn)) { return boundedMap.get(fn); } /* indexOf is faster than startsWith see */ var bounded ='bound ') === 0 && !fn.hasOwnProperty('prototype'); boundedMap.set(fn, bounded); return bounded; } export var qiankunHeadTagName = 'qiankun-head'; export function getDefaultTplWrapper(name) { return function (tpl) { var tplWithSimulatedHead; if (tpl.indexOf('') !== -1) { // We need to mock a head placeholder as native head element will be erased by browser in micro app tplWithSimulatedHead = tpl.replace('', "<".concat(qiankunHeadTagName, ">")).replace('', "")); } else { // Some template might not be a standard html document, thus we need to add a simulated head tag for them tplWithSimulatedHead = "<".concat(qiankunHeadTagName, ">").concat(tpl); } return "
").concat(tplWithSimulatedHead, "
"); }; } export function getWrapperId(name) { return "__qiankun_microapp_wrapper_for_".concat(_snakeCase(name), "__"); } export var nativeGlobal = new Function('return this')(); var getGlobalAppInstanceMap = _once(function () { if (!nativeGlobal.hasOwnProperty('__app_instance_name_map__')) { Object.defineProperty(nativeGlobal, '__app_instance_name_map__', { enumerable: false, configurable: true, writable: true, value: {} }); } return nativeGlobal.__app_instance_name_map__; }); /** * Get app instance name with the auto-increment approach * @param appName */ export var genAppInstanceIdByName = function genAppInstanceIdByName(appName) { var globalAppInstanceMap = getGlobalAppInstanceMap(); if (!(appName in globalAppInstanceMap)) { nativeGlobal.__app_instance_name_map__[appName] = 0; return appName; } globalAppInstanceMap[appName]++; return "".concat(appName, "_").concat(globalAppInstanceMap[appName]); }; /** 校验子应用导出的 生命周期 对象是否正确 */ export function validateExportLifecycle(exports) { var _ref = exports !== null && exports !== void 0 ? exports : {}, bootstrap = _ref.bootstrap, mount = _ref.mount, unmount = _ref.unmount; return _isFunction(bootstrap) && _isFunction(mount) && _isFunction(unmount); } export var Deferred = /*#__PURE__*/_createClass(function Deferred() { var _this = this; _classCallCheck(this, Deferred); this.promise = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { _this.resolve = resolve; _this.reject = reject; }); }); var supportsUserTiming = typeof performance !== 'undefined' && typeof performance.mark === 'function' && typeof performance.clearMarks === 'function' && typeof performance.measure === 'function' && typeof performance.clearMeasures === 'function' && typeof performance.getEntriesByName === 'function'; export function performanceGetEntriesByName(markName, type) { var marks = null; if (supportsUserTiming) { marks = performance.getEntriesByName(markName, type); } return marks; } export function performanceMark(markName) { if (supportsUserTiming) { performance.mark(markName); } } export function performanceMeasure(measureName, markName) { if (supportsUserTiming && performance.getEntriesByName(markName, 'mark').length) { performance.measure(measureName, markName); performance.clearMarks(markName); performance.clearMeasures(measureName); } } export function isEnableScopedCSS(sandbox) { if (_typeof(sandbox) !== 'object') { return false; } if (sandbox.strictStyleIsolation) { return false; } return !!sandbox.experimentalStyleIsolation; } /** * copy from * @param el * @param document */ export function getXPathForElement(el, document) { // not support that if el not existed in document yet(such as it not append to document before it mounted) if (!document.body.contains(el)) { return undefined; } var xpath = ''; var pos; var tmpEle; var element = el; while (element !== document.documentElement) { pos = 0; tmpEle = element; while (tmpEle) { if (tmpEle.nodeType === 1 && tmpEle.nodeName === element.nodeName) { // If it is ELEMENT_NODE of the same name pos += 1; } tmpEle = tmpEle.previousSibling; } xpath = "*[name()='".concat(element.nodeName, "'][").concat(pos, "]/").concat(xpath); element = element.parentNode; } xpath = "/*[name()='".concat(document.documentElement.nodeName, "']/").concat(xpath); xpath = xpath.replace(/\/$/, ''); return xpath; } export function getContainer(container) { return typeof container === 'string' ? document.querySelector(container) : container; } export function getContainerXPath(container) { if (container) { var containerElement = getContainer(container); if (containerElement) { return getXPathForElement(containerElement, document); } } return undefined; }