import _defineProperty from "@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/defineProperty"; import _cloneDeep from "lodash/cloneDeep"; var globalState = {}; var deps = {}; // 触发全局监听 function emitGlobal(state, prevState) { Object.keys(deps).forEach(function (id) { if (deps[id] instanceof Function) { deps[id](_cloneDeep(state), _cloneDeep(prevState)); } }); } export function initGlobalState() { var state = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {}; if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') { console.warn("[qiankun] globalState tools will be removed in 3.0, pls don't use it!"); } if (state === globalState) { console.warn('[qiankun] state has not changed!'); } else { var prevGlobalState = _cloneDeep(globalState); globalState = _cloneDeep(state); emitGlobal(globalState, prevGlobalState); } return getMicroAppStateActions("global-".concat(+new Date()), true); } export function getMicroAppStateActions(id, isMaster) { return { /** * onGlobalStateChange 全局依赖监听 * * 收集 setState 时所需要触发的依赖 * * 限制条件:每个子应用只有一个激活状态的全局监听,新监听覆盖旧监听,若只是监听部分属性,请使用 onGlobalStateChange * * 这么设计是为了减少全局监听滥用导致的内存爆炸 * * 依赖数据结构为: * { * {id}: callback * } * * @param callback * @param fireImmediately */ onGlobalStateChange: function onGlobalStateChange(callback, fireImmediately) { if (!(callback instanceof Function)) { console.error('[qiankun] callback must be function!'); return; } if (deps[id]) { console.warn("[qiankun] '".concat(id, "' global listener already exists before this, new listener will overwrite it.")); } deps[id] = callback; if (fireImmediately) { var cloneState = _cloneDeep(globalState); callback(cloneState, cloneState); } }, /** * setGlobalState 更新 store 数据 * * 1. 对输入 state 的第一层属性做校验,只有初始化时声明过的第一层(bucket)属性才会被更改 * 2. 修改 store 并触发全局监听 * * @param state */ setGlobalState: function setGlobalState() { var state = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {}; if (state === globalState) { console.warn('[qiankun] state has not changed!'); return false; } var changeKeys = []; var prevGlobalState = _cloneDeep(globalState); globalState = _cloneDeep(Object.keys(state).reduce(function (_globalState, changeKey) { if (isMaster || _globalState.hasOwnProperty(changeKey)) { changeKeys.push(changeKey); return Object.assign(_globalState, _defineProperty({}, changeKey, state[changeKey])); } console.warn("[qiankun] '".concat(changeKey, "' not declared when init state\uFF01")); return _globalState; }, globalState)); if (changeKeys.length === 0) { console.warn('[qiankun] state has not changed!'); return false; } emitGlobal(globalState, prevGlobalState); return true; }, // 注销该应用下的依赖 offGlobalStateChange: function offGlobalStateChange() { delete deps[id]; return true; } }; }