version v1.2.0 -------------- * MercatorMalaysia added * MercatorEquatorialGuinea added version v1.1.0 -------------- * *fitExtent* and *fitSize* added to all projections version v1.0.0 -------------- * All the library changed to make it d3 4.0 compatible * Tests aren't done with moka but with tape * Gulp isn't used anymore ([read here why]( * getCompositionBorders is only practical with SVG, so a drawCompositionBorders has been added to use Canvas without using Canvas2D, not always available * albersUsaTerritories projection added version v0.4.0 -------------- * mercatorEcuador projection added * transverseMercatorChile projection added version v0.3.0 -------------- * conicEquidistantJapan projection added * All projections are now available separately and minified * Newer packages at package.json * Integration with version v0.2.0 -------------- * conicConformalEurope projection added version v0.1.0 -------------- * Spain moved to the upper-left corner * Portugal moved to the upper-left corner * France moved to the upper-left corner