/** * @author Kuitos * @since 2019-05-15 */ import type { FrameworkConfiguration } from './interfaces'; export declare function toArray(array: T | T[]): T[]; export declare function sleep(ms: number): Promise; /** * Run a callback before next task executing, and the invocation is idempotent in every singular task * That means even we called nextTask multi times in one task, only the first callback will be pushed to nextTick to be invoked. * @param cb */ export declare function nextTask(cb: () => void): void; export declare function isConstructable(fn: () => any | FunctionConstructor): any; export declare const isCallable: (fn: any) => boolean; export declare function isBoundedFunction(fn: CallableFunction): boolean | undefined; export declare const qiankunHeadTagName = "qiankun-head"; export declare function getDefaultTplWrapper(name: string): (tpl: string) => string; export declare function getWrapperId(name: string): string; export declare const nativeGlobal: any; /** * Get app instance name with the auto-increment approach * @param appName */ export declare const genAppInstanceIdByName: (appName: string) => string; /** 校验子应用导出的 生命周期 对象是否正确 */ export declare function validateExportLifecycle(exports: any): boolean; export declare class Deferred { promise: Promise; resolve: (value: T | PromiseLike) => void; reject: (reason?: any) => void; constructor(); } export declare function performanceGetEntriesByName(markName: string, type?: string): PerformanceEntryList | null; export declare function performanceMark(markName: string): void; export declare function performanceMeasure(measureName: string, markName: string): void; export declare function isEnableScopedCSS(sandbox: FrameworkConfiguration['sandbox']): boolean; /** * copy from https://developer.mozilla.org/zh-CN/docs/Using_XPath * @param el * @param document */ export declare function getXPathForElement(el: Node, document: Document): string | void; export declare function getContainer(container: string | HTMLElement): HTMLElement | null; export declare function getContainerXPath(container?: string | HTMLElement): string | void;