'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); var _toConsumableArray2 = require('babel-runtime/helpers/toConsumableArray'); var _toConsumableArray3 = _interopRequireDefault(_toConsumableArray2); var _extends2 = require('babel-runtime/helpers/extends'); var _extends3 = _interopRequireDefault(_extends2); var _objectWithoutProperties2 = require('babel-runtime/helpers/objectWithoutProperties'); var _objectWithoutProperties3 = _interopRequireDefault(_objectWithoutProperties2); var _vueTypes = require('../_util/vue-types'); var _vueTypes2 = _interopRequireDefault(_vueTypes); var _resizeObserverPolyfill = require('resize-observer-polyfill'); var _resizeObserverPolyfill2 = _interopRequireDefault(_resizeObserverPolyfill); var _SubMenu = require('./SubMenu'); var _SubMenu2 = _interopRequireDefault(_SubMenu); var _BaseMixin = require('../_util/BaseMixin'); var _BaseMixin2 = _interopRequireDefault(_BaseMixin); var _util = require('./util'); var _vnode = require('../_util/vnode'); var _propsUtil = require('../_util/props-util'); function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { 'default': obj }; } var canUseDOM = !!(typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.document && window.document.createElement); var MENUITEM_OVERFLOWED_CLASSNAME = 'menuitem-overflowed'; var FLOAT_PRECISION_ADJUST = 0.5; // Fix ssr if (canUseDOM) { require('mutationobserver-shim'); } var DOMWrap = { name: 'DOMWrap', mixins: [_BaseMixin2['default']], data: function data() { this.resizeObserver = null; this.mutationObserver = null; // original scroll size of the list this.originalTotalWidth = 0; // copy of overflowed items this.overflowedItems = []; // cache item of the original items (so we can track the size and order) this.menuItemSizes = []; return { lastVisibleIndex: undefined }; }, mounted: function mounted() { var _this = this; this.$nextTick(function () { _this.setChildrenWidthAndResize(); if (_this.level === 1 && _this.mode === 'horizontal') { var menuUl = _this.$el; if (!menuUl) { return; } _this.resizeObserver = new _resizeObserverPolyfill2['default'](function (entries) { entries.forEach(_this.setChildrenWidthAndResize); }); [].slice.call(menuUl.children).concat(menuUl).forEach(function (el) { _this.resizeObserver.observe(el); }); if (typeof MutationObserver !== 'undefined') { _this.mutationObserver = new MutationObserver(function () { _this.resizeObserver.disconnect(); [].slice.call(menuUl.children).concat(menuUl).forEach(function (el) { _this.resizeObserver.observe(el); }); _this.setChildrenWidthAndResize(); }); _this.mutationObserver.observe(menuUl, { attributes: false, childList: true, subTree: false }); } } }); }, beforeDestroy: function beforeDestroy() { if (this.resizeObserver) { this.resizeObserver.disconnect(); } if (this.mutationObserver) { this.mutationObserver.disconnect(); } }, methods: { // get all valid menuItem nodes getMenuItemNodes: function getMenuItemNodes() { var prefixCls = this.$props.prefixCls; var ul = this.$el; if (!ul) { return []; } // filter out all overflowed indicator placeholder return [].slice.call(ul.children).filter(function (node) { return node.className.split(' ').indexOf(prefixCls + '-overflowed-submenu') < 0; }); }, getOverflowedSubMenuItem: function getOverflowedSubMenuItem(keyPrefix, overflowedItems, renderPlaceholder) { var h = this.$createElement; var _$props = this.$props, overflowedIndicator = _$props.overflowedIndicator, level = _$props.level, mode = _$props.mode, prefixCls = _$props.prefixCls, theme = _$props.theme; if (level !== 1 || mode !== 'horizontal') { return null; } // put all the overflowed item inside a submenu // with a title of overflow indicator ('...') var copy = this.$slots['default'][0]; var _getPropsData = (0, _propsUtil.getPropsData)(copy), title = _getPropsData.title, rest = (0, _objectWithoutProperties3['default'])(_getPropsData, ['title']); // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars var events = (0, _propsUtil.getEvents)(copy); var style = {}; var key = keyPrefix + '-overflowed-indicator'; var eventKey = keyPrefix + '-overflowed-indicator'; if (overflowedItems.length === 0 && renderPlaceholder !== true) { style = { display: 'none' }; } else if (renderPlaceholder) { style = { visibility: 'hidden', // prevent from taking normal dom space position: 'absolute' }; key = key + '-placeholder'; eventKey = eventKey + '-placeholder'; } var popupClassName = theme ? prefixCls + '-' + theme : ''; var props = {}; var on = {}; _util.menuAllProps.props.forEach(function (k) { if (rest[k] !== undefined) { props[k] = rest[k]; } }); _util.menuAllProps.on.forEach(function (k) { if (events[k] !== undefined) { on[k] = events[k]; } }); var subMenuProps = { props: (0, _extends3['default'])({ title: overflowedIndicator, popupClassName: popupClassName }, props, { eventKey: eventKey, disabled: false }), 'class': prefixCls + '-overflowed-submenu', key: key, style: style, on: on }; return h( _SubMenu2['default'], subMenuProps, [overflowedItems] ); }, // memorize rendered menuSize setChildrenWidthAndResize: function setChildrenWidthAndResize() { if (this.mode !== 'horizontal') { return; } var ul = this.$el; if (!ul) { return; } var ulChildrenNodes = ul.children; if (!ulChildrenNodes || ulChildrenNodes.length === 0) { return; } var lastOverflowedIndicatorPlaceholder = ul.children[ulChildrenNodes.length - 1]; // need last overflowed indicator for calculating length; (0, _util.setStyle)(lastOverflowedIndicatorPlaceholder, 'display', 'inline-block'); var menuItemNodes = this.getMenuItemNodes(); // reset display attribute for all hidden elements caused by overflow to calculate updated width // and then reset to original state after width calculation var overflowedItems = menuItemNodes.filter(function (c) { return c.className.split(' ').indexOf(MENUITEM_OVERFLOWED_CLASSNAME) >= 0; }); overflowedItems.forEach(function (c) { (0, _util.setStyle)(c, 'display', 'inline-block'); }); this.menuItemSizes = menuItemNodes.map(function (c) { return (0, _util.getWidth)(c); }); overflowedItems.forEach(function (c) { (0, _util.setStyle)(c, 'display', 'none'); }); this.overflowedIndicatorWidth = (0, _util.getWidth)(ul.children[ul.children.length - 1]); this.originalTotalWidth = this.menuItemSizes.reduce(function (acc, cur) { return acc + cur; }, 0); this.handleResize(); // prevent the overflowed indicator from taking space; (0, _util.setStyle)(lastOverflowedIndicatorPlaceholder, 'display', 'none'); }, handleResize: function handleResize() { var _this2 = this; if (this.mode !== 'horizontal') { return; } var ul = this.$el; if (!ul) { return; } var width = (0, _util.getWidth)(ul); this.overflowedItems = []; var currentSumWidth = 0; // index for last visible child in horizontal mode var lastVisibleIndex = void 0; // float number comparison could be problematic // e.g. 0.1 + 0.2 > 0.3 =====> true // thus using FLOAT_PRECISION_ADJUST as buffer to help the situation if (this.originalTotalWidth > width + FLOAT_PRECISION_ADJUST) { lastVisibleIndex = -1; this.menuItemSizes.forEach(function (liWidth) { currentSumWidth += liWidth; if (currentSumWidth + _this2.overflowedIndicatorWidth <= width) { lastVisibleIndex += 1; } }); } this.setState({ lastVisibleIndex: lastVisibleIndex }); }, renderChildren: function renderChildren(children) { var _this3 = this; // need to take care of overflowed items in horizontal mode var lastVisibleIndex = this.$data.lastVisibleIndex; var className = (0, _propsUtil.getClass)(this); return (children || []).reduce(function (acc, childNode, index) { var item = childNode; var eventKey = (0, _propsUtil.getPropsData)(childNode).eventKey; if (_this3.mode === 'horizontal') { var overflowed = _this3.getOverflowedSubMenuItem(eventKey, []); if (lastVisibleIndex !== undefined && className[_this3.prefixCls + '-root'] !== -1) { if (index > lastVisibleIndex) { item = (0, _vnode.cloneElement)(childNode, // 这里修改 eventKey 是为了防止隐藏状态下还会触发 openkeys 事件 { style: { display: 'none' }, props: { eventKey: eventKey + '-hidden' }, 'class': MENUITEM_OVERFLOWED_CLASSNAME }); } if (index === lastVisibleIndex + 1) { _this3.overflowedItems = children.slice(lastVisibleIndex + 1).map(function (c) { return (0, _vnode.cloneElement)(c, // children[index].key will become '.$key' in clone by default, // we have to overwrite with the correct key explicitly { key: (0, _propsUtil.getPropsData)(c).eventKey, props: { mode: 'vertical-left' } }); }); overflowed = _this3.getOverflowedSubMenuItem(eventKey, _this3.overflowedItems); } } var ret = [].concat((0, _toConsumableArray3['default'])(acc), [overflowed, item]); if (index === children.length - 1) { // need a placeholder for calculating overflowed indicator width ret.push(_this3.getOverflowedSubMenuItem(eventKey, [], true)); } return ret; } return [].concat((0, _toConsumableArray3['default'])(acc), [item]); }, []); } }, render: function render() { var h = arguments[0]; var Tag = this.$props.tag; var tagProps = { on: (0, _propsUtil.getListeners)(this) }; return h( Tag, tagProps, [this.renderChildren(this.$slots['default'])] ); } }; DOMWrap.props = { mode: _vueTypes2['default'].oneOf(['horizontal', 'vertical', 'vertical-left', 'vertical-right', 'inline']), prefixCls: _vueTypes2['default'].string, level: _vueTypes2['default'].number, theme: _vueTypes2['default'].string, overflowedIndicator: _vueTypes2['default'].node, visible: _vueTypes2['default'].bool, hiddenClassName: _vueTypes2['default'].string, tag: _vueTypes2['default'].string.def('div') }; exports['default'] = DOMWrap;