import _defineProperty from 'babel-runtime/helpers/defineProperty'; import _objectWithoutProperties from 'babel-runtime/helpers/objectWithoutProperties'; import _extends from 'babel-runtime/helpers/extends'; import classnames from 'classnames'; import omit from 'omit.js'; import VcDrawer from '../vc-drawer/src'; import PropTypes from '../_util/vue-types'; import BaseMixin from '../_util/BaseMixin'; import Icon from '../icon'; import { getComponentFromProp, getOptionProps, getListeners } from '../_util/props-util'; import { ConfigConsumerProps } from '../config-provider/configConsumerProps'; import Base from '../base'; var Drawer = { name: 'ADrawer', props: { closable: PropTypes.bool.def(true), destroyOnClose: PropTypes.bool, getContainer: PropTypes.any, maskClosable: PropTypes.bool.def(true), mask: PropTypes.bool.def(true), maskStyle: PropTypes.object, wrapStyle: PropTypes.object, bodyStyle: PropTypes.object, headerStyle: PropTypes.object, drawerStyle: PropTypes.object, title: PropTypes.any, visible: PropTypes.bool, width: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.string, PropTypes.number]).def(256), height: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.string, PropTypes.number]).def(256), zIndex: PropTypes.number, prefixCls: PropTypes.string, placement: PropTypes.oneOf(['top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left']).def('right'), level: PropTypes.any.def(null), wrapClassName: PropTypes.string, // not use class like react, vue will add class to root dom handle: PropTypes.any, afterVisibleChange: PropTypes.func, keyboard: PropTypes.bool.def(true) }, mixins: [BaseMixin], data: function data() { this.destroyClose = false; this.preVisible = this.$props.visible; return { _push: false }; }, inject: { parentDrawer: { 'default': function _default() { return null; } }, configProvider: { 'default': function _default() { return ConfigConsumerProps; } } }, provide: function provide() { return { parentDrawer: this }; }, mounted: function mounted() { // fix: delete drawer in child and re-render, no push started. // {show && } var visible = this.visible; if (visible && this.parentDrawer) { this.parentDrawer.push(); } }, updated: function updated() { var _this = this; this.$nextTick(function () { if (_this.preVisible !== _this.visible && _this.parentDrawer) { if (_this.visible) { _this.parentDrawer.push(); } else { _this.parentDrawer.pull(); } } _this.preVisible = _this.visible; }); }, beforeDestroy: function beforeDestroy() { // unmount drawer in child, clear push. if (this.parentDrawer) { this.parentDrawer.pull(); } }, methods: { domFocus: function domFocus() { if (this.$refs.vcDrawer) { this.$refs.vcDrawer.domFocus(); } }, close: function close(e) { this.$emit('close', e); }, // onMaskClick(e) { // if (!this.maskClosable) { // return; // } // this.close(e); // }, push: function push() { this.setState({ _push: true }); }, pull: function pull() { var _this2 = this; this.setState({ _push: false }, function () { _this2.domFocus(); }); }, onDestroyTransitionEnd: function onDestroyTransitionEnd() { var isDestroyOnClose = this.getDestroyOnClose(); if (!isDestroyOnClose) { return; } if (!this.visible) { this.destroyClose = true; this.$forceUpdate(); } }, getDestroyOnClose: function getDestroyOnClose() { return this.destroyOnClose && !this.visible; }, // get drawar push width or height getPushTransform: function getPushTransform(placement) { if (placement === 'left' || placement === 'right') { return 'translateX(' + (placement === 'left' ? 180 : -180) + 'px)'; } if (placement === 'top' || placement === 'bottom') { return 'translateY(' + (placement === 'top' ? 180 : -180) + 'px)'; } }, getRcDrawerStyle: function getRcDrawerStyle() { var _$props = this.$props, zIndex = _$props.zIndex, placement = _$props.placement, wrapStyle = _$props.wrapStyle; var push = this.$data._push; return _extends({ zIndex: zIndex, transform: push ? this.getPushTransform(placement) : undefined }, wrapStyle); }, renderHeader: function renderHeader(prefixCls) { var h = this.$createElement; var _$props2 = this.$props, closable = _$props2.closable, headerStyle = _$props2.headerStyle; var title = getComponentFromProp(this, 'title'); if (!title && !closable) { return null; } var headerClassName = title ? prefixCls + '-header' : prefixCls + '-header-no-title'; return h( 'div', { 'class': headerClassName, style: headerStyle }, [title && h( 'div', { 'class': prefixCls + '-title' }, [title] ), closable ? this.renderCloseIcon(prefixCls) : null] ); }, renderCloseIcon: function renderCloseIcon(prefixCls) { var h = this.$createElement; var closable = this.closable; return closable && h( 'button', { key: 'closer', on: { 'click': this.close }, attrs: { 'aria-label': 'Close' }, 'class': prefixCls + '-close' }, [h(Icon, { attrs: { type: 'close' } })] ); }, // render drawer body dom renderBody: function renderBody(prefixCls) { var h = this.$createElement; if (this.destroyClose && !this.visible) { return null; } this.destroyClose = false; var _$props3 = this.$props, bodyStyle = _$props3.bodyStyle, drawerStyle = _$props3.drawerStyle; var containerStyle = {}; var isDestroyOnClose = this.getDestroyOnClose(); if (isDestroyOnClose) { // Increase the opacity transition, delete children after closing. containerStyle.opacity = 0; containerStyle.transition = 'opacity .3s'; } return h( 'div', { 'class': prefixCls + '-wrapper-body', style: _extends({}, containerStyle, drawerStyle), on: { 'transitionend': this.onDestroyTransitionEnd } }, [this.renderHeader(prefixCls), h( 'div', { key: 'body', 'class': prefixCls + '-body', style: bodyStyle }, [this.$slots['default']] )] ); } }, render: function render() { var _classnames; var h = arguments[0]; var props = getOptionProps(this); var customizePrefixCls = props.prefixCls, width = props.width, height = props.height, visible = props.visible, placement = props.placement, wrapClassName = props.wrapClassName, mask = props.mask, rest = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ['prefixCls', 'width', 'height', 'visible', 'placement', 'wrapClassName', 'mask']); var haveMask = mask ? '' : 'no-mask'; var offsetStyle = {}; if (placement === 'left' || placement === 'right') { offsetStyle.width = typeof width === 'number' ? width + 'px' : width; } else { offsetStyle.height = typeof height === 'number' ? height + 'px' : height; } var handler = getComponentFromProp(this, 'handle') || false; var getPrefixCls = this.configProvider.getPrefixCls; var prefixCls = getPrefixCls('drawer', customizePrefixCls); var vcDrawerProps = { ref: 'vcDrawer', props: _extends({}, omit(rest, ['closable', 'destroyOnClose', 'drawerStyle', 'headerStyle', 'bodyStyle', 'title', 'push', 'visible', 'getPopupContainer', 'rootPrefixCls', 'getPrefixCls', 'renderEmpty', 'csp', 'pageHeader', 'autoInsertSpaceInButton']), { handler: handler }, offsetStyle, { prefixCls: prefixCls, open: visible, showMask: mask, placement: placement, className: classnames((_classnames = {}, _defineProperty(_classnames, wrapClassName, !!wrapClassName), _defineProperty(_classnames, haveMask, !!haveMask), _classnames)), wrapStyle: this.getRcDrawerStyle() }), on: _extends({}, getListeners(this)) }; return h( VcDrawer, vcDrawerProps, [this.renderBody(prefixCls)] ); } }; /* istanbul ignore next */ Drawer.install = function (Vue) { Vue.use(Base); Vue.component(, Drawer); }; export default Drawer;