#!/usr/bin/env node process.env.DEBUG = 'app:*'; const debug = require('debug')('app:screenshot'); const MAX_POOL_SIZE = require('os').cpus().length; const Nightmare = require('nightmare'); const commander = require('commander'); const connect = require('connect'); const getPort = require('get-port'); const http = require('http'); const path = require('path'); const basename = path.basename; const extname = path.extname; const join = path.join; const queue = require('d3-queue').queue; const serveStatic = require('serve-static'); const shelljs = require('shelljs'); const ls = shelljs.ls; const mkdir = shelljs.mkdir; const pkg = require('../package.json'); commander .version(pkg.version) .option('-p, --port ', 'specify a port number to run on', parseInt) .option('-n, --name ', 'specify the name for demos') .parse(process.argv); // assets const src = join(process.cwd(), './demos'); const dest = join(process.cwd(), './demos/assets/screenshots'); mkdir('-p', dest); const app = connect(); app.use('/', serveStatic(process.cwd())); const DELAY = 10000; getPort().then(port => { http.createServer(app).listen(port); const url = '' + port; debug('server is ready on port ' + port + '! url: ' + url); const q = queue(MAX_POOL_SIZE > 2 ? MAX_POOL_SIZE - 1 : MAX_POOL_SIZE); const files = ls(src).filter(filename => (extname(filename) === '.html')); files.forEach(filename => { const name = basename(filename, '.html'); if (typeof commander.name === 'string' && filename.indexOf(commander.name) === -1) { debug(`>>>>>>>>> skipping because filename not matched: ${name}`); return; } q.defer(callback => { const t0 = Date.now(); const nightmare = Nightmare({ gotoTimeout: 600000, show: false }); const url = `${port}/demos/${name}.html`; const target = join(dest, `./${name}.png`); nightmare.viewport(800, 450) // 16 x 9 .goto(url) .wait(DELAY) .screenshot(target, () => { debug(name + ' took ' + (Date.now() - t0) + ' to take a screenshot.'); callback(null); }) .end() .catch(e => { debug(url); debug(target); debug(name + ' failed to take a screenshot: ' + e); }); }); }); q.awaitAll(error => { if (error) { debug(error); process.exit(1); } debug('screenshots are all captured!'); process.exit(); }); });