import { __assign, __extends } from "tslib"; import { deepMix, each, get, isUndefined } from '@antv/util'; import { COMPONENT_TYPE, DIRECTION, LAYER } from '../../constant'; import { CircleAxis, CircleGrid, LineAxis, LineGrid } from '../../dependents'; import { DEFAULT_ANIMATE_CFG } from '../../animate/'; import { getAxisDirection, getAxisFactorByRegion, getAxisRegion, getAxisThemeCfg, getAxisTitleText, getCircleAxisCenterRadius } from '../../util/axis'; import { getAxisOption } from '../../util/axis'; import { getCircleGridItems, getGridThemeCfg, getLineGridItems, showGrid } from '../../util/grid'; import { omit } from '../../util/helper'; import { Controller } from './base'; // update 组件的时候,忽略的数据更新 var OMIT_CFG = ['container']; // 坐标轴默认动画配置 var AXIS_DEFAULT_ANIMATE_CFG = __assign(__assign({}, DEFAULT_ANIMATE_CFG), { appear: null }); /** * @ignore * G2 Axis controller, will: * - create component * - axis * - grid * - life circle */ var Axis = /** @class */ (function (_super) { __extends(Axis, _super); function Axis(view) { var _this =, view) || this; /** 使用 object 存储组件 */ _this.cache = new Map(); // 先创建 gridContainer,将 grid 放到 axis 底层 _this.gridContainer = _this.view.getLayer(LAYER.BG).addGroup(); _this.axisContainer = _this.view.getLayer(LAYER.BG).addGroup(); return _this; } Object.defineProperty(Axis.prototype, "name", { get: function () { return 'axis'; }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); Axis.prototype.init = function () { }; Axis.prototype.render = function () { this.option = this.view.getOptions().axes; this.createXAxes(); this.createYAxes(); }; /** * 更新组件布局,位置大小 */ Axis.prototype.layout = function () { var _this = this; var coordinate = this.view.getCoordinate(); each(this.getComponents(), function (co) { var component = co.component, direction = co.direction, type = co.type, extra = co.extra; var dim = extra.dim, scale = extra.scale, alignTick = extra.alignTick; var updated; if (type === COMPONENT_TYPE.AXIS) { if (coordinate.isPolar) { if (dim === 'x') { updated = coordinate.isTransposed ? getAxisRegion(coordinate, direction) : getCircleAxisCenterRadius(coordinate); } else if (dim === 'y') { updated = coordinate.isTransposed ? getCircleAxisCenterRadius(coordinate) : getAxisRegion(coordinate, direction); } } else { updated = getAxisRegion(coordinate, direction); } } else if (type === COMPONENT_TYPE.GRID) { if (coordinate.isPolar) { var items = void 0; if (coordinate.isTransposed) { items = dim === 'x' ? getCircleGridItems(coordinate, _this.view.getYScales()[0], scale, alignTick, dim) : getLineGridItems(coordinate, scale, dim, alignTick); } else { items = dim === 'x' ? getLineGridItems(coordinate, scale, dim, alignTick) : getCircleGridItems(coordinate, _this.view.getXScale(), scale, alignTick, dim); } updated = { items: items, // coordinate 更新之后,center 也变化了 center: _this.view.getCoordinate().getCenter(), }; } else { updated = { items: getLineGridItems(coordinate, scale, dim, alignTick) }; } } component.update(updated); }); }; /** * 更新 axis 组件 */ Axis.prototype.update = function () { this.option = this.view.getOptions().axes; var updatedCache = new Map(); this.updateXAxes(updatedCache); this.updateYAxes(updatedCache); // 处理完成之后,销毁删除的 // 不在处理中的 var newCache = new Map(); this.cache.forEach(function (co, key) { if (updatedCache.has(key)) { newCache.set(key, co); } else { // 不存在,则是所有需要被销毁的组件 co.component.destroy(); } }); // 更新缓存 this.cache = newCache; }; Axis.prototype.clear = function () {; this.cache.clear(); this.gridContainer.clear(); this.axisContainer.clear(); }; Axis.prototype.destroy = function () {; this.gridContainer.remove(true); this.axisContainer.remove(true); }; /** * @override */ Axis.prototype.getComponents = function () { var co = []; this.cache.forEach(function (value) { co.push(value); }); return co; }; /** * 更新 x axis * @param updatedCache */ Axis.prototype.updateXAxes = function (updatedCache) { // x axis var scale = this.view.getXScale(); // @ts-ignore if (!scale || scale.isIdentity) { return; } var field = scale.field; var xAxisOption = getAxisOption(this.option, scale.field); if (xAxisOption === false) { return; } var coordinate = this.view.getCoordinate(); var axisId = this.getId('axis', field); var gridId = this.getId('grid', field); var direction = getAxisDirection(xAxisOption, DIRECTION.BOTTOM); var layer = LAYER.BG; var dim = 'x'; if (coordinate.isRect) { // 1. do axis update var axis = this.cache.get(axisId); // 存在则更新 if (axis) { var cfg = this.getLineAxisCfg(scale, xAxisOption, direction); omit(cfg, OMIT_CFG); axis.component.update(cfg); updatedCache.set(axisId, axis); } else { // 不存在,则创建 axis = this.createLineAxis(scale, xAxisOption, layer, direction, dim); this.cache.set(axisId, axis); updatedCache.set(axisId, axis); } // 2. do grid update var grid = this.cache.get(gridId); // 存在则更新 if (grid) { var cfg = this.getLineGridCfg(scale, xAxisOption, direction, dim); omit(cfg, OMIT_CFG); grid.component.update(cfg); updatedCache.set(gridId, grid); } else { // 不存在则创建 grid = this.createLineGrid(scale, xAxisOption, layer, direction, dim); if (grid) { this.cache.set(gridId, grid); updatedCache.set(gridId, grid); } } } else if (coordinate.isPolar) { // 1. do axis update var axis = this.cache.get(axisId); // 存在则更新 if (axis) { var cfg = coordinate.isTransposed ? // @ts-ignore this.getLineAxisCfg(scale, xAxisOption, 'radius') : this.getCircleAxisCfg(scale, xAxisOption, direction); omit(cfg, OMIT_CFG); axis.component.update(cfg); updatedCache.set(axisId, axis); } else { // 不存在,则创建 if (coordinate.isTransposed) { if (isUndefined(xAxisOption)) { // 默认不渲染转置极坐标下的坐标轴 return; } else { // @ts-ignore axis = this.createLineAxis(scale, xAxisOption, layer, 'radius', dim); } } else { axis = this.createCircleAxis(scale, xAxisOption, layer, direction, dim); } this.cache.set(axisId, axis); updatedCache.set(axisId, axis); } // 2. do grid update var grid = this.cache.get(gridId); // 存在则更新 if (grid) { var cfg = coordinate.isTransposed ? // @ts-ignore this.getCircleGridCfg(scale, xAxisOption, 'radius', dim) : // @ts-ignore this.getLineGridCfg(scale, xAxisOption, 'circle', dim); omit(cfg, OMIT_CFG); grid.component.update(cfg); updatedCache.set(gridId, grid); } else { // 不存在则创建 if (coordinate.isTransposed) { if (isUndefined(xAxisOption)) { return; } else { // @ts-ignore grid = this.createCircleGrid(scale, xAxisOption, layer, 'radius', dim); } } else { // @ts-ignore grid = this.createLineGrid(scale, xAxisOption, layer, 'circle', dim); } if (grid) { this.cache.set(gridId, grid); updatedCache.set(gridId, grid); } } } else { // helix and other, do not draw axis } }; Axis.prototype.updateYAxes = function (updatedCache) { var _this = this; // y axes var yScales = this.view.getYScales(); each(yScales, function (scale, idx) { // @ts-ignore if (!scale || scale.isIdentity) { return; } var field = scale.field; var yAxisOption = getAxisOption(_this.option, field); if (yAxisOption !== false) { var layer = LAYER.BG; var dim = 'y'; var axisId = _this.getId('axis', field); var gridId = _this.getId('grid', field); var coordinate = _this.view.getCoordinate(); if (coordinate.isRect) { var direction = getAxisDirection(yAxisOption, idx === 0 ? DIRECTION.LEFT : DIRECTION.RIGHT); // 1. do axis update var axis = _this.cache.get(axisId); // 存在则更新 if (axis) { var cfg = _this.getLineAxisCfg(scale, yAxisOption, direction); omit(cfg, OMIT_CFG); axis.component.update(cfg); updatedCache.set(axisId, axis); } else { // 不存在,则创建 axis = _this.createLineAxis(scale, yAxisOption, layer, direction, dim); _this.cache.set(axisId, axis); updatedCache.set(axisId, axis); } // 2. do grid update var grid = _this.cache.get(gridId); // 存在则更新 if (grid) { var cfg = _this.getLineGridCfg(scale, yAxisOption, direction, dim); omit(cfg, OMIT_CFG); grid.component.update(cfg); updatedCache.set(gridId, grid); } else { // 不存在则创建 grid = _this.createLineGrid(scale, yAxisOption, layer, direction, dim); if (grid) { _this.cache.set(gridId, grid); updatedCache.set(gridId, grid); } } } else if (coordinate.isPolar) { // 1. do axis update var axis = _this.cache.get(axisId); // 存在则更新 if (axis) { var cfg = coordinate.isTransposed ? // @ts-ignore _this.getCircleAxisCfg(scale, yAxisOption, 'circle') : // @ts-ignore _this.getLineAxisCfg(scale, yAxisOption, 'radius'); // @ts-ignore omit(cfg, OMIT_CFG); axis.component.update(cfg); updatedCache.set(axisId, axis); } else { // 不存在,则创建 if (coordinate.isTransposed) { if (isUndefined(yAxisOption)) { return; } else { // @ts-ignore axis = _this.createCircleAxis(scale, yAxisOption, layer, 'circle', dim); } } else { // @ts-ignore axis = _this.createLineAxis(scale, yAxisOption, layer, 'radius', dim); } _this.cache.set(axisId, axis); updatedCache.set(axisId, axis); } // 2. do grid update var grid = _this.cache.get(gridId); // 存在则更新 if (grid) { var cfg = coordinate.isTransposed ? // @ts-ignore _this.getLineGridCfg(scale, yAxisOption, 'circle', dim) : // @ts-ignore _this.getCircleGridCfg(scale, yAxisOption, 'radius', dim); omit(cfg, OMIT_CFG); grid.component.update(cfg); updatedCache.set(gridId, grid); } else { // 不存在则创建 if (coordinate.isTransposed) { if (isUndefined(yAxisOption)) { return; } else { // @ts-ignore grid = _this.createLineGrid(scale, yAxisOption, layer, 'circle', dim); } } else { // @ts-ignore grid = _this.createCircleGrid(scale, yAxisOption, layer, 'radius', dim); } if (grid) { _this.cache.set(gridId, grid); updatedCache.set(gridId, grid); } } } else { // helix and other, do not draw axis } } }); }; /** * 创建 x axis 组件 */ Axis.prototype.createXAxes = function () { // x axis var scale = this.view.getXScale(); if (!scale || scale.isIdentity) { return; } var xAxisOption = getAxisOption(this.option, scale.field); if (xAxisOption !== false) { var direction = getAxisDirection(xAxisOption, DIRECTION.BOTTOM); var layer = LAYER.BG; var dim = 'x'; var coordinate = this.view.getCoordinate(); var axisId = this.getId('axis', scale.field); var gridId = this.getId('grid', scale.field); if (coordinate.isRect) { // axis var axis = this.createLineAxis(scale, xAxisOption, layer, direction, dim); this.cache.set(axisId, axis); // grid var grid = this.createLineGrid(scale, xAxisOption, layer, direction, dim); if (grid) { this.cache.set(gridId, grid); } } else if (coordinate.isPolar) { var axis = void 0; var grid = void 0; if (coordinate.isTransposed) { if (isUndefined(xAxisOption)) { // 默认不渲染转置极坐标的坐标轴 return; } else { // 如果用户打开了隐藏的坐标轴 chart.axis(true)/chart.axis('x', true) // 那么对于转置了的极坐标,半径轴显示的是 x 轴对应的数据 // @ts-ignore axis = this.createLineAxis(scale, xAxisOption, layer, 'radius', dim); // @ts-ignore grid = this.createCircleGrid(scale, xAxisOption, layer, 'radius', dim); } } else { axis = this.createCircleAxis(scale, xAxisOption, layer, direction, dim); // grid,极坐标下的 x 轴网格线沿着半径方向绘制 // @ts-ignore grid = this.createLineGrid(scale, xAxisOption, layer, 'circle', dim); } this.cache.set(axisId, axis); if (grid) { this.cache.set(gridId, grid); } } else { // helix and other, do not draw axis } } }; /** * create y axis */ Axis.prototype.createYAxes = function () { var _this = this; // y axes var yScales = this.view.getYScales(); each(yScales, function (scale, idx) { // @ts-ignore if (!scale || scale.isIdentity) { return; } var field = scale.field; var yAxisOption = getAxisOption(_this.option, field); if (yAxisOption !== false) { var layer = LAYER.BG; var dim = 'y'; var axisId = _this.getId('axis', field); var gridId = _this.getId('grid', field); var coordinate = _this.view.getCoordinate(); if (coordinate.isRect) { var direction = getAxisDirection(yAxisOption, idx === 0 ? DIRECTION.LEFT : DIRECTION.RIGHT); // axis var axis = _this.createLineAxis(scale, yAxisOption, layer, direction, dim); _this.cache.set(axisId, axis); // grid var grid = _this.createLineGrid(scale, yAxisOption, layer, direction, dim); if (grid) { _this.cache.set(gridId, grid); } } else if (coordinate.isPolar) { var axis = void 0; var grid = void 0; if (coordinate.isTransposed) { if (isUndefined(yAxisOption)) { return; } else { // @ts-ignore axis = _this.createCircleAxis(scale, yAxisOption, layer, 'circle', dim); // @ts-ignore grid = _this.createLineGrid(scale, yAxisOption, layer, 'circle', dim); } } else { // @ts-ignore axis = _this.createLineAxis(scale, yAxisOption, layer, 'radius', dim); // @ts-ignore grid = _this.createCircleGrid(scale, yAxisOption, layer, 'radius', dim); } _this.cache.set(_this.getId('axis', scale.field), axis); if (grid) { _this.cache.set(gridId, grid); } } else { // helix and other, do not draw axis } } }); }; /** * 创建 line axis * @param scale * @param option * @param layer * @param direction * @param dim */ Axis.prototype.createLineAxis = function (scale, option, layer, direction, dim) { // axis var axis = { component: new LineAxis(this.getLineAxisCfg(scale, option, direction)), layer: layer, // @ts-ignore direction: direction === 'radius' ? DIRECTION.NONE : direction, type: COMPONENT_TYPE.AXIS, extra: { dim: dim, scale: scale }, }; axis.component.set('field', scale.field); axis.component.init(); return axis; }; Axis.prototype.createLineGrid = function (scale, option, layer, direction, dim) { var cfg = this.getLineGridCfg(scale, option, direction, dim); if (cfg) { var grid = { component: new LineGrid(cfg), layer: layer, direction: DIRECTION.NONE, type: COMPONENT_TYPE.GRID, extra: { dim: dim, scale: scale, alignTick: get(cfg, 'alignTick', true), }, }; grid.component.init(); return grid; } }; Axis.prototype.createCircleAxis = function (scale, option, layer, direction, dim) { var axis = { component: new CircleAxis(this.getCircleAxisCfg(scale, option, direction)), layer: layer, direction: direction, type: COMPONENT_TYPE.AXIS, extra: { dim: dim, scale: scale }, }; axis.component.set('field', scale.field); axis.component.init(); return axis; }; Axis.prototype.createCircleGrid = function (scale, option, layer, direction, dim) { var cfg = this.getCircleGridCfg(scale, option, direction, dim); if (cfg) { var grid = { component: new CircleGrid(cfg), layer: layer, direction: DIRECTION.NONE, type: COMPONENT_TYPE.GRID, extra: { dim: dim, scale: scale, alignTick: get(cfg, 'alignTick', true), }, }; grid.component.init(); return grid; } }; /** * generate line axis cfg * @param scale * @param axisOption * @param direction * @return line axis cfg */ Axis.prototype.getLineAxisCfg = function (scale, axisOption, direction) { var container = this.axisContainer; var coordinate = this.view.getCoordinate(); var region = getAxisRegion(coordinate, direction); var titleText = getAxisTitleText(scale, axisOption); var axisThemeCfg = getAxisThemeCfg(this.view.getTheme(), direction); // the cfg order should be ensure var optionWithTitle = get(axisOption, ['title']) ? deepMix({ title: { style: { text: titleText } } }, axisOption) : axisOption; var cfg = deepMix(__assign(__assign({ container: container }, region), { ticks: scale.getTicks().map(function (tick) { return ({ id: "" + tick.tickValue, name: tick.text, value: tick.value }); }), verticalFactor: coordinate.isPolar ? getAxisFactorByRegion(region, coordinate.getCenter()) * -1 : getAxisFactorByRegion(region, coordinate.getCenter()) }), axisThemeCfg, optionWithTitle); var _a = this.getAnimateCfg(cfg), animate = _a.animate, animateOption = _a.animateOption; cfg.animateOption = animateOption; cfg.animate = animate; return cfg; }; /** * generate line grid cfg * @param scale * @param axisOption * @param direction * @param dim * @return line grid cfg */ Axis.prototype.getLineGridCfg = function (scale, axisOption, direction, dim) { if (!showGrid(getAxisThemeCfg(this.view.getTheme(), direction), axisOption)) { return undefined; } var gridThemeCfg = getGridThemeCfg(this.view.getTheme(), direction); // the cfg order should be ensure // grid 动画以 axis 为准 var gridCfg = deepMix({ container: this.gridContainer, }, gridThemeCfg, get(axisOption, 'grid'), this.getAnimateCfg(axisOption)); gridCfg.items = getLineGridItems(this.view.getCoordinate(), scale, dim, get(gridCfg, 'alignTick', true)); return gridCfg; }; /** * generate circle axis cfg * @param scale * @param axisOption * @param direction * @return circle axis cfg */ Axis.prototype.getCircleAxisCfg = function (scale, axisOption, direction) { var container = this.axisContainer; var coordinate = this.view.getCoordinate(); var ticks = scale.getTicks().map(function (tick) { return ({ id: "" + tick.tickValue, name: tick.text, value: tick.value }); }); if (!scale.isCategory && Math.abs(coordinate.endAngle - coordinate.startAngle) === Math.PI * 2) { // x 轴对应的值如果是非 cat 类型,在整圆的情况下坐标轴第一个和最后一个文本会重叠,默认只展示第一个文本 ticks.pop(); } var titleText = getAxisTitleText(scale, axisOption); var axisThemeCfg = getAxisThemeCfg(this.view.getTheme(), 'circle'); // the cfg order should be ensure var optionWithTitle = get(axisOption, ['title']) ? deepMix({ title: { style: { text: titleText } } }, axisOption) : axisOption; var cfg = deepMix(__assign(__assign({ container: container }, getCircleAxisCenterRadius(this.view.getCoordinate())), { ticks: ticks, verticalFactor: 1 }), axisThemeCfg, optionWithTitle); var _a = this.getAnimateCfg(cfg), animate = _a.animate, animateOption = _a.animateOption; cfg.animate = animate; cfg.animateOption = animateOption; return cfg; }; /** * generate circle grid cfg * @param scale * @param axisOption * @param direction * @return circle grid cfg */ Axis.prototype.getCircleGridCfg = function (scale, axisOption, direction, dim) { if (!showGrid(getAxisThemeCfg(this.view.getTheme(), direction), axisOption)) { return undefined; } // the cfg order should be ensure // grid 动画以 axis 为准 // @ts-ignore var gridThemeCfg = getGridThemeCfg(this.view.getTheme(), 'radius'); var gridCfg = deepMix({ container: this.gridContainer, center: this.view.getCoordinate().getCenter(), }, gridThemeCfg, get(axisOption, 'grid'), this.getAnimateCfg(axisOption)); var alignTick = get(gridCfg, 'alignTick', true); var verticalScale = dim === 'x' ? this.view.getYScales()[0] : this.view.getXScale(); gridCfg.items = getCircleGridItems(this.view.getCoordinate(), verticalScale, scale, alignTick, dim); // the cfg order should be ensure // grid 动画以 axis 为准 return gridCfg; }; Axis.prototype.getId = function (name, key) { var coordinate = this.view.getCoordinate(); // 坐标系类型也作为组件的 key return name + "-" + key + "-" + coordinate.type; }; Axis.prototype.getAnimateCfg = function (cfg) { return { animate: this.view.getOptions().animate && get(cfg, 'animate'), animateOption: cfg && cfg.animateOption ? deepMix({}, AXIS_DEFAULT_ANIMATE_CFG, cfg.animateOption) : AXIS_DEFAULT_ANIMATE_CFG, }; }; return Axis; }(Controller)); export default Axis; //#