process.env.DEBUG = 'app:*'; const debug = require('debug')('app:demos'); const commander = require('commander'); const connect = require('connect'); const getPort = require('get-port'); const http = require('http'); const open = require('open'); const serveStatic = require('serve-static'); const bodyParser = require('body-parser'); const parseurl = require('parseurl'); const url = require('url'); const assign = require('@antv/util/lib/mix'); const path = require('path'); const resolve = path.resolve; const join = path.join; const fs = require('fs'); const JSZip = require('jszip'); const readFileSync = fs.readFileSync; const writeFileSync = fs.writeFileSync; const nunjucks = require('nunjucks'); const renderString = nunjucks.renderString; const shelljs = require('shelljs'); const webpack = require('webpack'); const webpackConfig = require('../webpack.config'); const pkg = require('../package.json'); const blocks = require('./data/blocks.json'); const template = require('./data/template'); shelljs.config.execPath = shelljs.which('node'); commander .version(pkg.version) .option('-w, --web') .option('-p, --port ', 'specify a port number to run on', parseInt) .parse(process.argv); function startService(port) { const server = connect(); server .use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: true })) .use((req, res, next) => { // pre-handlers const urlInfo = url.parse(req.url, true); const query = urlInfo.query || {}; const body = req.body || {}; req._urlInfo = urlInfo; req._pathname = urlInfo.pathname; // add req._params (combination of query and body) const params = Object.assign({}, query, body); req._params = params; req._query = query; req._body = body; res._sendRes = (str, contentType) => { const buf = new Buffer(str); contentType = contentType || 'text/html;charset=utf-8'; res.setHeader('Content-Type', contentType); res.setHeader('Content-Length', buf.length); res.end(buf); }; // res._JSONRes(data) (generate JSON response) res._JSONRes = data => { res._sendRes(JSON.stringify(data), 'application/json;charset=utf-8'); }; // TODO res._JSONError() // res._HTMLRes(data) (generate HTML response) res._HTMLRes = res._sendRes; return next(); }) .use((req, res, next) => { const pathname = parseurl(req).pathname; if (req.method === 'GET') { if (pathname === '/bundler/index.html') { res.end(renderString(readFileSync(join(__dirname, './index.njk'), 'utf8'), { blocks })); } else { next(); } } else if (req.method === 'POST') { if (pathname === '/bundle') { // step1: prepare entry __index.js const entryPath = resolve(process.cwd(), './src/__index.js'); const ids = => parseInt(id, 10)); const codeBlocks = blocks .filter((item, index) => ids.indexOf(index) !== -1) .map(item => item.code) .join('\n'); const entryFileContent = template(codeBlocks); writeFileSync(entryPath, template(codeBlocks), 'utf8'); // step2: build it const distPath = resolve(process.cwd(), './__dist'); shelljs.rm('-rf', distPath); shelljs.mkdir('-p', distPath); const config = Object.assign({}, webpackConfig); config.entry = { component: './src/__index.js' }; config.output.path = distPath; webpack(config, (err, stats) => { // shelljs.rm(entryPath); if (err || stats.hasErrors()) { // Handle errors here // shelljs.rm('-rf', distPath); shelljs.rm(entryPath); shelljs.rm('-rf', distPath); } // step3: uglify shelljs.exec('uglifyjs -c -m -o __dist/component.min.js -- __dist/component.js'); // step4: zipping it const zip = new JSZip(); zip.folder('component-dist').file('entry.js', entryFileContent); zip.folder('component-dist').file('component.js', readFileSync(join(distPath, './component.js'), 'utf8')); zip.folder('component-dist').file('', readFileSync(join(distPath, './'), 'utf8')); zip.folder('component-dist').file('component.min.js', readFileSync(join(distPath, './component.min.js'), 'utf8')); res.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type': 'application/zip' }); zip .generateNodeStream({ type: 'nodebuffer', streamFiles: true }) .pipe(res) .on('finish', function() { // step5: clear up shelljs.rm(entryPath); shelljs.rm('-rf', distPath); res.end(); }); }); } } else { next(); } }); server.use(serveStatic(process.cwd())); http.createServer(server).listen(port); const urlPath = `${port}/bundler/index.html`; debug(`server started, bundler available! ${urlPath}`); if (commander.web) { debug('running on web!'); open(urlPath); } else { debug('running on electron!'); const app = require('electron').app; const BrowserWindow = require('electron').BrowserWindow; const windowBoundsConfig = require('torchjs/lib/windowBoundsConfig')( resolve(app.getPath('userData'), './component-bundler-config.json') ); let win; app.once('ready', () => { win = new BrowserWindow(assign({ // transparent: true webPreferences: { nodeIntegration: false } }, windowBoundsConfig.get('bundler'))); win.loadURL(urlPath); win.on('close', () => { windowBoundsConfig.set('bundler', win.getBounds()); }); win.on('closed', () => { win = null; }); }); app.on('window-all-closed', () => { app.quit(); }); } } if (commander.port) { startService(commander.port); } else { getPort().then(port => { startService(port); }); }