import { __assign, __extends } from "tslib"; import { debounce, each, isString } from '@antv/util'; import { GROUP_Z_INDEX } from '../constant'; import { getEngine } from '../engine'; import { createDom, getChartSize, removeDom, modifyCSS } from '../util/dom'; import View from './view'; /** * Chart 类,是使用 G2 进行绘图的入口。 */ var Chart = /** @class */ (function (_super) { __extends(Chart, _super); // @ts-ignore function Chart(props) { var _this = this; var container = props.container, width = props.width, height = props.height, _a = props.autoFit, autoFit = _a === void 0 ? false : _a, padding = props.padding, _b = props.renderer, renderer = _b === void 0 ? 'canvas' : _b, pixelRatio = props.pixelRatio, _c = props.localRefresh, localRefresh = _c === void 0 ? true : _c, _d = props.visible, visible = _d === void 0 ? true : _d, _e = props.defaultInteractions, defaultInteractions = _e === void 0 ? ['tooltip', 'legend-filter', 'legend-active', 'continuous-filter'] : _e, options = props.options, limitInPlot = props.limitInPlot, theme = props.theme; var ele = isString(container) ? document.getElementById(container) : container; // 生成内部正式绘制的 div 元素 var wrapperElement = createDom('
'); ele.appendChild(wrapperElement); // if autoFit, use the container size, to avoid the graph render twice. var size = getChartSize(ele, autoFit, width, height); var G = getEngine(renderer); var canvas = new G.Canvas(__assign({ container: wrapperElement, pixelRatio: pixelRatio, localRefresh: localRefresh }, size)); // 调用 view 的创建 _this =, { parent: null, canvas: canvas, // create 3 group layers for views. backgroundGroup: canvas.addGroup({ zIndex: GROUP_Z_INDEX.BG }), middleGroup: canvas.addGroup({ zIndex: GROUP_Z_INDEX.MID }), foregroundGroup: canvas.addGroup({ zIndex: GROUP_Z_INDEX.FORE }), padding: padding, visible: visible, options: options, limitInPlot: limitInPlot, theme: theme, }) || this; /** * when container size changed, change chart size props, and re-render. */ _this.onResize = debounce(function () { _this.forceFit(); }, 300); _this.ele = ele; _this.canvas = canvas; _this.width = size.width; _this.height = size.height; _this.autoFit = autoFit; _this.localRefresh = localRefresh; _this.renderer = renderer; _this.wrapperElement = wrapperElement; // 自适应大小 _this.updateCanvasStyle(); _this.bindAutoFit(); _this.initDefaultInteractions(defaultInteractions); return _this; } Chart.prototype.initDefaultInteractions = function (interactions) { var _this = this; each(interactions, function (interaction) { _this.interaction(interaction); }); }; /** * 改变图表大小,同时重新渲染。 * @param width 图表宽度 * @param height 图表高度 * @returns */ Chart.prototype.changeSize = function (width, height) { this.width = width; this.height = height; this.canvas.changeSize(width, height); // 重新渲染 this.render(true); return this; }; /** * 销毁图表,同时解绑事件,销毁创建的 G.Canvas 实例。 * @returns void */ Chart.prototype.destroy = function () {; this.unbindAutoFit(); this.canvas.destroy(); removeDom(this.wrapperElement); this.wrapperElement = null; }; /** * 显示或隐藏图表 * @param visible 是否可见,true 表示显示,false 表示隐藏 * @returns */ Chart.prototype.changeVisible = function (visible) { = visible ? '' : 'none'; return this; }; /** * 自动根据容器大小 resize 画布 */ Chart.prototype.forceFit = function () { // 注意第二参数用 true,意思是即时 autoFit = false,forceFit() 调用之后一样是适配容器 var _a = getChartSize(this.ele, true, this.width, this.height), width = _a.width, height = _a.height; this.changeSize(width, height); }; Chart.prototype.updateCanvasStyle = function () { modifyCSS(this.canvas.get('el'), { display: 'inline-block', verticalAlign: 'middle', }); }; Chart.prototype.bindAutoFit = function () { if (this.autoFit) { window.addEventListener('resize', this.onResize); } }; Chart.prototype.unbindAutoFit = function () { if (this.autoFit) { window.removeEventListener('resize', this.onResize); } }; return Chart; }(View)); export default Chart; //#