/**Variable**/ @import './helpers/mixin.scss'; $btnThemeList: ( ( name: "primary", textColor: $vxe-primary-color, btnColor: #fff, btnBackground: $vxe-primary-color ), ( name: "success", textColor: $vxe-success-color, btnColor: #fff, btnBackground: $vxe-success-color ), ( name: "info", textColor: $vxe-info-color, btnColor: #fff, btnBackground: $vxe-info-color ), ( name: "warning", textColor: $vxe-warning-color, btnColor: #fff, btnBackground: $vxe-warning-color ), ( name: "danger", textColor: $vxe-danger-color, btnColor: #fff, btnBackground: $vxe-danger-color ), ( name: "perfect", textColor: $vxe-table-header-background-color, btnColor: $vxe-font-color, btnBackground: $vxe-table-header-background-color ) ); .vxe-button { position: relative; text-align: center; background-color: $vxe-button-default-background-color; outline: 0; font-size: $vxe-font-size; white-space: nowrap; user-select: none; appearance: none; @include animatTransition(border, .2s); &.is--disabled { color: $vxe-disabled-color; .vxe-button--icon { &.vxe-icon--zoomin { border-color: $vxe-disabled-color; } } &:not(.is--loading) { cursor: no-drop; } } &:not(.is--disabled) { color: $vxe-font-color; cursor: pointer; .vxe-button--icon { &.vxe-icon--zoomin { border-color: $vxe-font-color; } } } &.is--loading { &:before { content: ""; position: absolute; left: -1px; top: -1px; right: -1px; bottom: -1px; border-radius: inherit; background-color: hsla(0,0%,100%,.35); pointer-events: none; } } &.type--text { text-decoration: none; border: 0; background-color: transparent; &:not(.is--disabled) { &:hover { color: lighten($vxe-primary-color, 10%); } } @for $index from 0 to length($btnThemeList) { $item: nth($btnThemeList, $index + 1); $textColor: map-get($item, textColor); &.theme--#{map-get($item, name)} { color: $textColor; &:not(.is--disabled) { &:hover { color: lighten($textColor, 10%); } } &.is--disabled { color: lighten($textColor, 20%); } } } } &.type--button { &.is--round { border-radius: $vxe-button-height-default / 2; } &:not(.is--round) { border-radius: $vxe-border-radius; } &.is--circle { padding: 0 0.5em; min-width: $vxe-button-height-default; border-radius: 50%; } &:not(.is--circle) { padding: 0 1em; } height: $vxe-button-height-default; line-height: 1; border: 1px solid $vxe-input-border-color; &:not(.is--disabled) { &:hover { color: lighten($vxe-primary-color, 6%); .vxe-button--icon { &.vxe-icon--zoomin { border-color: lighten($vxe-primary-color, 6%); } } } &:focus { border-color: $vxe-primary-color; box-shadow: 0 0 0.25em 0 $vxe-primary-color; } &:active { color: darken($vxe-primary-color, 3%); border-color: darken($vxe-primary-color, 3%); background-color: darken($vxe-button-default-background-color, 3%); .vxe-button--icon { &.vxe-icon--zoomin { background-color: darken($vxe-button-default-background-color, 3%); } &.vxe-icon--zoomout { &:after { background-color: darken($vxe-button-default-background-color, 3%); } } } } } @for $index from 0 to length($btnThemeList) { $item: nth($btnThemeList, $index + 1); $btnColor: map-get($item, btnColor); $btnBackground: map-get($item, btnBackground); &.theme--#{map-get($item, name)} { color: $btnColor; .vxe-button--icon { &.vxe-icon--zoomin { border-color: $btnColor; } } &:not(.is--disabled) { border-color: $btnBackground; background-color: $btnBackground; &:hover { color: $btnColor; background-color: lighten($btnBackground, 6%); border-color: lighten($btnBackground, 6%); .vxe-button--icon { &.vxe-icon--zoomin { border-color: lighten($btnBackground, 6%); } } } &:active { color: $btnColor; background-color: darken($btnBackground, 3%); border-color: darken($btnBackground, 3%); &.vxe-icon--zoomin { background-color: darken($btnBackground, 3%); } &.vxe-icon--zoomout { &:after { background-color: darken($btnBackground, 3%); } } } } &.is--disabled { border-color: lighten($btnBackground, 20%); background-color: lighten($btnBackground, 20%); } &.is--loading { border-color: $btnBackground; background-color: $btnBackground; } } } } &.size--medium { font-size: $vxe-font-size-medium; &.type--button { height: $vxe-button-height-medium; &.is--circle { min-width: $vxe-button-height-medium; } &.is--round { border-radius: $vxe-button-height-medium / 2; } } .vxe-button--loading-icon, .vxe-button--icon { min-width: $vxe-font-size-medium; } } &.size--small { font-size: $vxe-font-size-small; &.type--button { height: $vxe-button-height-small; &.is--circle { min-width: $vxe-button-height-small; } &.is--round { border-radius: $vxe-button-height-small / 2; } } .vxe-button--loading-icon, .vxe-button--icon { min-width: $vxe-font-size-small; } } &.size--mini { font-size: $vxe-font-size-mini; &.type--button { height: $vxe-button-height-mini; &.is--circle { min-width: $vxe-button-height-mini; } &.is--round { border-radius: $vxe-button-height-mini / 2; } } .vxe-button--loading-icon, .vxe-button--icon { min-width: $vxe-font-size-mini; } } } .vxe-input, .vxe-button { &+.vxe-button, &+.vxe-button--dropdown { margin-left: 0.8em; } } .vxe-button--loading-icon, .vxe-button--icon { min-width: $vxe-font-size; &+.vxe-button--content { margin-left: 0.3em; } } .vxe-button--wrapper, .vxe-button--dropdown { display: inline-block; } .vxe-button--dropdown { position: relative; &+.vxe-button, &+.vxe-button--dropdown { margin-left: 0.8em; } & > .vxe-button { &.type--button { @for $index from 0 to length($btnThemeList) { $item: nth($btnThemeList, $index + 1); $btnColor: map-get($item, btnColor); &.theme--#{map-get($item, name)} { color: $btnColor; } } } } &.is--active { & > .vxe-button { &:not(.is--disabled) { color: lighten($vxe-primary-color, 6%); } &.type--text { @for $index from 0 to length($btnThemeList) { $item: nth($btnThemeList, $index + 1); $textColor: map-get($item, textColor); &.theme--#{map-get($item, name)} { color: lighten($textColor, 10%); } } } &.type--button { @for $index from 0 to length($btnThemeList) { $item: nth($btnThemeList, $index + 1); $btnColor: map-get($item, btnColor); $btnBackground: map-get($item, btnBackground); &.theme--#{map-get($item, name)} { color: $btnColor; background-color: lighten($btnBackground, 6%); border-color: lighten($btnBackground, 6%); } } } } .vxe-button--dropdown-arrow { transform: rotate(180deg); } } } .vxe-button--dropdown-arrow { font-size: 12px; margin: -0.18em 0 0 0.3em; @include animatTransition(transform, .2s); } .vxe-button--dropdown-panel { display: none; position: absolute; left: 0; padding: 0.2em 0; &.animat--leave { display: block; opacity: 0; transform: scaleY(0.5); transition: transform 0.2s, opacity 0.2s; transform-origin: 0% 0%; &[data-placement="top"] { transform-origin: 0% 100%; } } &.animat--enter { opacity: 1; transform: scaleY(1); } } .vxe-button--dropdown-wrapper { padding: 5px; background-color: #fff; border-radius: $vxe-border-radius; border: 1px solid $vxe-input-border-color; box-shadow: 0 1px 6px rgba(0,0,0,.2); & > .vxe-button { margin: 0.2em 0; display: block; width: 100%; border: 0; &.type--text { padding: 2px 8px; } &:first-child { margin-top: 0; } &:last-child { margin-bottom: 0; } } }