layout: default
title: "PhotoSwipe Documentation: Getting Started"
h1_title: Getting Started
description: PhotoSwipe image gallery getting started guide.
addjs: true
canonical_url: http://photoswipe.com/documentation/getting-started.html
buildtool: true
markdownpage: true
First things that you should know before you start:
- PhotoSwipe is not a simple jQuery plugin, at least basic JavaScript knowledge is required to install.
- PhotoSwipe requires predefined image dimensions ([more about this](faq.html#image-size)).
- If you use PhotoSwipe on non-responsive website – controls will be scaled on mobile (as the whole page is scaled). So you'll need to implement custom controls (e.g. single large close button in top right corner).
- All code in the documentation is pure Vanilla JS and supports IE 8 and above. If your website or app uses some JavaScript framework (like jQuery or MooTools) or you don't need to support old browsers – feel free to simplify the code.
- Avoid serving big images (larger than 2000x1500px) for mobile, as they will dramatically reduce animation performance and can cause crash (especially on iOS Safari). Possible solutions: [serve responsive images](responsive-images.html), or open image on a separate page, or use libraries that support image tiling (like [Leaflet](http://leafletjs.com/)) ([more in FAQ](faq.html#mobile-crash)).
## Initialization
### Step 1: include JS and CSS files
You can find them in [dist/](https://github.com/dimsemenov/PhotoSwipe/tree/master/dist) folder of [GitHub](https://github.com/dimsemenov/PhotoSwipe) repository. Sass and uncompiled JS files are in folder [src/](https://github.com/dimsemenov/PhotoSwipe/tree/master/src). I recommend using Sass if you're planning to modify existing styles, as code there is structured and commented.
It doesn't matter how and where will you include JS and CSS files. Code is executed only when you call `new PhotoSwipe()`. So feel free to defer loading of files if you don't need PhotoSwipe to be opened initially.
PhotoSwipe also supports AMD loaders (like RequireJS) and CommonJS, use them like so:
], function( PhotoSwipe, PhotoSwipeUI_Default ) {
// var gallery = new PhotoSwipe( someElement, PhotoSwipeUI_Default ...
// gallery.init()
// ...
And also, you can install it via Bower (`bower install photoswipe`), or [NPM](https://www.npmjs.com/package/photoswipe) (`npm install photoswipe`).
### Step 2: add PhotoSwipe (.pswp) element to DOM
You can add HTML code dynamically via JS (directly before the initialization), or have it in the page initially (like it's done on the demo page). This code can be appended anywhere, but ideally before the closing `