# Simple Statistics
A JavaScript implementation of descriptive, regression, and inference statistics.
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Implemented in literate JavaScript with no dependencies, designed to work
in all modern browsers (including IE) as well as in [node.js](https://nodejs.org/).
* :green_book: [API Documentation](http://simplestatistics.org/docs/)
* :chart_with_upwards_trend: [Benchmarks](./benchmarks/)
* :kissing: [A list of other statistics libraries](./SEEALSO.md)
## Installation
* **I'm using Node.js, Webpack, Browserify, Rollup, or another module bundler,
and install packages from npm.**
* First, install the `simple-statistics` module, using `npm install simple-statistics`,
then include the code with require or import:
* **I use the `require` function to use modules in my project. (most likely)**
* When you use `require`, you have the freedom to assign the module to any
variable name you want, but you need to specify the module's name exactly:
in this case, 'simple-statistics'. The `require` method returns an object
with all of the module's methods attached to it.
var ss = require('simple-statistics')* **I use `import` to use modules in my project. I'm probably using Babel, `@std/esm`, Webpack, or Rollup.** * Import all functions under the ss object:
import * as ss from 'simple-statistics'Include a specific named export:
import {min} from 'simple-statistics'Simple statistics has _only_ named exports for ES6. * **I'm not using a module bundler. I'm writing a web page, and want to include simple-statistics using a script tag.** * **I want to support all browsers** * When you use simple-statistics from a script tag, you don't get to choose the variable name it is assigned to: simple-statistics will always become available globally as the variable `ss`. You can reassign this variable to another name if you want to, but doing so is optional. * `https://unpkg.com/simple-statistics@6.1.1/dist/simple-statistics.min.js` * **I want to use ES6 modules in a browser and I'm [willing to only support new browsers](https://caniuse.com/#feat=es6-module) to do it** * This module works great with the [`?module`](https://unpkg.com/#/query-parameters) query parameter of unpkg. If you specify `type='module'` in your script tag, you'll be able to import simple-statistics directly - through `index.js` and with true [ES6 import syntax and behavior](http://exploringjs.com/es6/ch_modules.html). ```js ``` This feature is still experimental in unpkg and very bleeding-edge.