/* jshint latedef: nofunc */ module.exports = function() { var path = require('path'), fs = require('fs'), copyBom = require('./copy-bom')(), doBomTest = false, clone = require('clone'); var less = require('./less'); var stylize = require('../lib/less-node/lessc-helper').stylize; var globals = Object.keys(global); var oneTestOnly = process.argv[2], isFinished = false; var isVerbose = process.env.npm_config_loglevel !== 'concise'; var normalFolder = 'test/less'; var bomFolder = 'test/less-bom'; // Define String.prototype.endsWith if it doesn't exist (in older versions of node) // This is required by the testSourceMap function below if (typeof String.prototype.endsWith !== 'function') { String.prototype.endsWith = function (str) { return this.slice(-str.length) === str; } } less.logger.addListener({ info: function(msg) { if (isVerbose) { process.stdout.write(msg + '\n'); } }, warn: function(msg) { process.stdout.write(msg + '\n'); }, error: function(msg) { process.stdout.write(msg + '\n'); } }); var queueList = [], queueRunning = false; function queue(func) { if (queueRunning) { // console.log("adding to queue"); queueList.push(func); } else { // console.log("first in queue - starting"); queueRunning = true; func(); } } function release() { if (queueList.length) { // console.log("running next in queue"); var func = queueList.shift(); setTimeout(func, 0); } else { // console.log("stopping queue"); queueRunning = false; } } var totalTests = 0, failedTests = 0, passedTests = 0, finishTimer = setInterval(endTest, 500); less.functions.functionRegistry.addMultiple({ add: function (a, b) { return new(less.tree.Dimension)(a.value + b.value); }, increment: function (a) { return new(less.tree.Dimension)(a.value + 1); }, _color: function (str) { if (str.value === 'evil red') { return new(less.tree.Color)('600'); } } }); function testSourcemap(name, err, compiledLess, doReplacements, sourcemap, baseFolder) { if (err) { fail('ERROR: ' + (err && err.message)); return; } // Check the sourceMappingURL at the bottom of the file var expectedSourceMapURL = name + '.css.map', sourceMappingPrefix = '/*# sourceMappingURL=', sourceMappingSuffix = ' */', expectedCSSAppendage = sourceMappingPrefix + expectedSourceMapURL + sourceMappingSuffix; if (!compiledLess.endsWith(expectedCSSAppendage)) { // To display a better error message, we need to figure out what the actual sourceMappingURL value was, if it was even present var indexOfSourceMappingPrefix = compiledLess.indexOf(sourceMappingPrefix); if (indexOfSourceMappingPrefix === -1) { fail('ERROR: sourceMappingURL was not found in ' + baseFolder + '/' + name + '.css.'); return; } var startOfSourceMappingValue = indexOfSourceMappingPrefix + sourceMappingPrefix.length, indexOfNextSpace = compiledLess.indexOf(' ', startOfSourceMappingValue), actualSourceMapURL = compiledLess.substring(startOfSourceMappingValue, indexOfNextSpace === -1 ? compiledLess.length : indexOfNextSpace); fail('ERROR: sourceMappingURL should be "' + expectedSourceMapURL + '" but is "' + actualSourceMapURL + '".'); } fs.readFile(path.join('test/', name) + '.json', 'utf8', function (e, expectedSourcemap) { process.stdout.write('- ' + path.join(baseFolder, name) + ': '); if (sourcemap === expectedSourcemap) { ok('OK'); } else if (err) { fail('ERROR: ' + (err && err.message)); if (isVerbose) { process.stdout.write('\n'); process.stdout.write(err.stack + '\n'); } } else { difference('FAIL', expectedSourcemap, sourcemap); } }); } function testEmptySourcemap(name, err, compiledLess, doReplacements, sourcemap, baseFolder) { process.stdout.write('- ' + path.join(baseFolder, name) + ': '); if (err) { fail('ERROR: ' + (err && err.message)); } else { var expectedSourcemap = undefined; if ( compiledLess !== '' ) { difference('\nCompiledLess must be empty', '', compiledLess); } else if (sourcemap !== expectedSourcemap) { fail('Sourcemap must be undefined'); } else { ok('OK'); } } } function testImports(name, err, compiledLess, doReplacements, sourcemap, baseFolder, imports) { if (err) { fail('ERROR: ' + (err && err.message)); return; } function stringify(str) { return JSON.stringify(imports, null, ' ') } /** Imports are not sorted */ const importsString = stringify(imports.sort()) fs.readFile(path.join('test/less/', name) + '.json', 'utf8', function (e, expectedImports) { if (e) { fail('ERROR: ' + (e && e.message)); return; } process.stdout.write('- ' + path.join(baseFolder, name) + ': '); expectedImports = stringify(JSON.parse(expectedImports).sort()); expectedImports = globalReplacements(expectedImports, baseFolder); if (expectedImports === importsString) { ok('OK'); } else if (err) { fail('ERROR: ' + (err && err.message)); if (isVerbose) { process.stdout.write('\n'); process.stdout.write(err.stack + '\n'); } } else { difference('FAIL', expectedImports, importsString); } }); } function testErrors(name, err, compiledLess, doReplacements, sourcemap, baseFolder) { fs.readFile(path.join(baseFolder, name) + '.txt', 'utf8', function (e, expectedErr) { process.stdout.write('- ' + path.join(baseFolder, name) + ': '); expectedErr = doReplacements(expectedErr, baseFolder, err && err.filename); if (!err) { if (compiledLess) { fail('No Error', 'red'); } else { fail('No Error, No Output'); } } else { var errMessage = err.toString(); if (errMessage === expectedErr) { ok('OK'); } else { difference('FAIL', expectedErr, errMessage); } } }); } // https://github.com/less/less.js/issues/3112 function testJSImport() { process.stdout.write('- Testing root function registry'); less.functions.functionRegistry.add('ext', function() { return new less.tree.Anonymous('file'); }); var expected = '@charset "utf-8";\n'; toCSS({}, require('path').join(process.cwd(), 'test/less/root-registry/root.less'), function(error, output) { if (error) { return fail('ERROR: ' + error); } if (output.css === expected) { return ok('OK'); } difference('FAIL', expected, output.css); }); } function globalReplacements(input, directory, filename) { var path = require('path'); var p = filename ? path.join(path.dirname(filename), '/') : path.join(process.cwd(), directory), pathimport = path.join(process.cwd(), directory + 'import/'), pathesc = p.replace(/[.:/\\]/g, function(a) { return '\\' + (a == '\\' ? '\/' : a); }), pathimportesc = pathimport.replace(/[.:/\\]/g, function(a) { return '\\' + (a == '\\' ? '\/' : a); }); return input.replace(/\{path\}/g, p) .replace(/\{node\}/g, '') .replace(/\{\/node\}/g, '') .replace(/\{pathhref\}/g, '') .replace(/\{404status\}/g, '') .replace(/\{nodepath\}/g, path.join(process.cwd(), 'node_modules', '/')) .replace(/\{pathrel\}/g, path.join(path.relative(process.cwd(), p), '/')) .replace(/\{pathesc\}/g, pathesc) .replace(/\{pathimport\}/g, pathimport) .replace(/\{pathimportesc\}/g, pathimportesc) .replace(/\r\n/g, '\n'); } function checkGlobalLeaks() { return Object.keys(global).filter(function(v) { return globals.indexOf(v) < 0; }); } function testSyncronous(options, filenameNoExtension) { if (oneTestOnly && ('Test Sync ' + filenameNoExtension) !== oneTestOnly) { return; } totalTests++; queue(function() { var isSync = true; toCSS(options, path.join(normalFolder, filenameNoExtension + '.less'), function (err, result) { process.stdout.write('- Test Sync ' + filenameNoExtension + ': '); if (isSync) { ok('OK'); } else { fail('Not Sync'); } release(); }); isSync = false; }); } function prepBomTest() { copyBom.copyFolderWithBom(normalFolder, bomFolder); doBomTest = true; } function runTestSet(options, foldername, verifyFunction, nameModifier, doReplacements, getFilename) { options = options ? clone(options) : {}; runTestSetInternal(normalFolder, options, foldername, verifyFunction, nameModifier, doReplacements, getFilename); if (doBomTest) { runTestSetInternal(bomFolder, options, foldername, verifyFunction, nameModifier, doReplacements, getFilename); } } function runTestSetNormalOnly(options, foldername, verifyFunction, nameModifier, doReplacements, getFilename) { runTestSetInternal(normalFolder, options, foldername, verifyFunction, nameModifier, doReplacements, getFilename); } function runTestSetInternal(baseFolder, opts, foldername, verifyFunction, nameModifier, doReplacements, getFilename) { foldername = foldername || ''; var originalOptions = opts || {}; if (!doReplacements) { doReplacements = globalReplacements; } function getBasename(file) { return foldername + path.basename(file, '.less'); } fs.readdirSync(path.join(baseFolder, foldername)).forEach(function (file) { if (!/\.less$/.test(file)) { return; } var options = clone(originalOptions); var name = getBasename(file); if (oneTestOnly && name !== oneTestOnly) { return; } totalTests++; if (options.sourceMap && !options.sourceMap.sourceMapFileInline) { options.sourceMap = { sourceMapOutputFilename: name + '.css', sourceMapBasepath: path.join(process.cwd(), baseFolder), sourceMapRootpath: 'testweb/' }; // This options is normally set by the bin/lessc script. Setting it causes the sourceMappingURL comment to be appended to the CSS // output. The value is designed to allow the sourceMapBasepath option to be tested, as it should be removed by less before // setting the sourceMappingURL value, leaving just the sourceMapOutputFilename and .map extension. options.sourceMap.sourceMapFilename = options.sourceMap.sourceMapBasepath + '/' + options.sourceMap.sourceMapOutputFilename + '.map'; } options.getVars = function(file) { try { return JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(getFilename(getBasename(file), 'vars', baseFolder), 'utf8')); } catch (e) { return {}; } }; var doubleCallCheck = false; queue(function() { toCSS(options, path.join(baseFolder, foldername + file), function (err, result) { if (doubleCallCheck) { totalTests++; fail('less is calling back twice'); process.stdout.write(doubleCallCheck + '\n'); process.stdout.write((new Error()).stack + '\n'); return; } doubleCallCheck = (new Error()).stack; /** * @todo - refactor so the result object is sent to the verify function */ if (verifyFunction) { var verificationResult = verifyFunction( name, err, result && result.css, doReplacements, result && result.map, baseFolder, result && result.imports ); release(); return verificationResult; } if (err) { fail('ERROR: ' + (err && err.message)); if (isVerbose) { process.stdout.write('\n'); if (err.stack) { process.stdout.write(err.stack + '\n'); } else { // this sometimes happen - show the whole error object console.log(err); } } release(); return; } var css_name = name; if (nameModifier) { css_name = nameModifier(name); } fs.readFile(path.join('test/css', css_name) + '.css', 'utf8', function (e, css) { process.stdout.write('- ' + path.join(baseFolder, css_name) + ': '); css = css && doReplacements(css, path.join(baseFolder, foldername)); if (result.css === css) { ok('OK'); } else { difference('FAIL', css, result.css); } release(); }); }); }); }); } function diff(left, right) { require('diff').diffLines(left, right).forEach(function(item) { if (item.added || item.removed) { var text = item.value && item.value.replace('\n', String.fromCharCode(182) + '\n').replace('\ufeff', '[[BOM]]'); process.stdout.write(stylize(text, item.added ? 'green' : 'red')); } else { process.stdout.write(item.value && item.value.replace('\ufeff', '[[BOM]]')); } }); process.stdout.write('\n'); } function fail(msg) { process.stdout.write(stylize(msg, 'red') + '\n'); failedTests++; endTest(); } function difference(msg, left, right) { process.stdout.write(stylize(msg, 'yellow') + '\n'); failedTests++; diff(left || '', right || ''); endTest(); } function ok(msg) { process.stdout.write(stylize(msg, 'green') + '\n'); passedTests++; endTest(); } function finished() { isFinished = true; endTest(); } function endTest() { if (isFinished && ((failedTests + passedTests) >= totalTests)) { clearInterval(finishTimer); var leaked = checkGlobalLeaks(); process.stdout.write('\n'); if (failedTests > 0) { process.stdout.write(failedTests + stylize(' Failed', 'red') + ', ' + passedTests + ' passed\n'); } else { process.stdout.write(stylize('All Passed ', 'green') + passedTests + ' run\n'); } if (leaked.length > 0) { process.stdout.write('\n'); process.stdout.write(stylize('Global leak detected: ', 'red') + leaked.join(', ') + '\n'); } if (leaked.length || failedTests) { process.on('exit', function() { process.reallyExit(1); }); } } } function contains(fullArray, obj) { for (var i = 0; i < fullArray.length; i++) { if (fullArray[i] === obj) { return true; } } return false; } function toCSS(options, path, callback) { options = options || {}; var str = fs.readFileSync(path, 'utf8'), addPath = require('path').dirname(path); if (typeof options.paths !== 'string') { options.paths = options.paths || []; if (!contains(options.paths, addPath)) { options.paths.push(addPath); } } options.filename = require('path').resolve(process.cwd(), path); options.optimization = options.optimization || 0; if (options.globalVars) { options.globalVars = options.getVars(path); } else if (options.modifyVars) { options.modifyVars = options.getVars(path); } if (options.plugin) { var Plugin = require(require('path').resolve(process.cwd(), options.plugin)); options.plugins = [Plugin]; } less.render(str, options, callback); } function testNoOptions() { if (oneTestOnly && 'Integration' !== oneTestOnly) { return; } totalTests++; try { process.stdout.write('- Integration - creating parser without options: '); less.render(''); } catch (e) { fail(stylize('FAIL\n', 'red')); return; } ok(stylize('OK\n', 'green')); } return { runTestSet: runTestSet, runTestSetNormalOnly: runTestSetNormalOnly, testSyncronous: testSyncronous, testErrors: testErrors, testSourcemap: testSourcemap, testImports: testImports, testEmptySourcemap: testEmptySourcemap, testNoOptions: testNoOptions, prepBomTest: prepBomTest, testJSImport: testJSImport, finished: finished }; };