## vue-cropper ### A simple picture clipping plugin for vue [preview](http://xyxiao.cn/vue-cropper/example/) [中文](https://github.com/xyxiao001/vue-cropper) ### Vue-cropper Related Articles Reference.。 #### [vue全家桶开发管理后台—裁切图片](https://blog.csdn.net/qq_30632003/article/details/79639346)   作者: 麻球科技-菅双鹏 #### [Vue-cropper 图片裁剪的基本原理](https://www.cnblogs.com/tugenhua0707/p/8859291.html) 作者: 龙恩0707 ### vue-cropper communication.。 ##### Any comments, or bugs or want to develop vue-cropper together, or want to develop other plugins together ![](https://qn-qn-kibey-static-cdn.app-echo.com/4C6FE9E2-3D06-402B-8F32-98B82BEBDD9F.png) # vue-cropper #### Install ``` npm install vue-cropper yarn add vue-cropper ``` #### Use ``` views import { VueCropper } from "vue-cropper" components: { VueCropper, }, main.js import VueCropper from "vue-cropper" Vue.use(VueCropper) cdn Vue.use(window['vue-cropper']) ``` ### not use npm or webpack [online example](https://codepen.io/xyxiao001/pen/wxwKGz) ### serve render nuxt, control: ssr: false ``` module.exports = { ... build: { vendor: [ 'vue-cropper ... plugins: [ { src: '~/plugins/vue-cropper', ssr: false } ] } } ```
name Features Detail value
img Picture address null url address || base64 || blob
outputSize Crop the quality of the generated image 1 0.1 - 1
outputType Crop the format of the generated image jpg (jpg need jpeg) jpeg || png || webp
info Crop box size information true true || false
canScale Whether the image allows the wheel to zoom true true || false
autoCrop Whether to generate a screenshot box by default false true || false
autoCropWidth Default generation of screenshot frame width parent's 80% 0~max
autoCropHeight Default generation of screenshot frame Height parent's 80% 0~max
fixed Whether to open the screenshot frame width and height fixed ratio true true | false
fixedNumber The aspect ratio of the screenshot box [1 : 1] [width : height]
full Screenshot of whether to output the original map scale false true | false
fixedBox Fixed screenshot frame size is not allowed to change false true | false
canMove Whether the uploaded image can be moved true true | false
canMoveBox Can the screenshot box be dragged? true true | false
original Upload images are rendered in raw scale false true | false
centerBox Is the screenshot box restricted to the image? false true | false
high Is it proportional to the dpi output of the device? true true | false
infoTrue True to show the true output image width and height false show the width of the screenshot frame false true | false
maxImgSize Limit the maximum width and height of the image 2000 0-max
enlarge Picture output ratio multiplier based on screenshots 1 0-max(Don't be too big.)
mode img render mode contain contain , cover, 100px, 100% auto
### Built-in method Called by this.$refs.cropper ##### this.$refs.cropper.startCrop() Start the screenshot ##### this.$refs.cropper.stopCrop() Stop the screenshot ##### this.$refs.cropper.clearCrop() Clear screenshot ##### this.$refs.cropper.changeScale() Modify the image size. The positive number becomes larger. The negative number becomes smaller. ##### this.$refs.cropper.getImgAxis() Get the image based on the container's coordinate points ##### this.$refs.cropper.getCropAxis() Get the screenshot box based on the container's coordinate point ##### this.$refs.cropper.goAutoCrop Automatically generate screenshot box functions ##### this.$refs.cropper.rotateRight() Rotate 90 degrees to the right ##### this.$refs.cropper.rotateLeft() Rotate 90 degrees to the left #### Image loaded callback imgLoad returns the result success, error #### Get screenshot information this.$refs.cropper.cropW screenshot frame width this.$refs.cropper.cropH screenshot frame height ``` js // Get the base64 data of the screenshot this.$refs.cropper.getCropData((data) => {    // do something    Console.log(data) }) // Get the screenshot of the blob data this.$refs.cropper.getCropBlob((data) => {    // do something    Console.log(data) }) ### Preview ``` html @realTime="realTime" // Real time preview function realTime (data) { this.previews = data }
= ``` #### Image Move Callback Function @imgMoving ``` data type { moving: true, // moving ismove axis: { x1: 1, // Upper left corner x2: 1,// Upper right corner y1: 1,// Lower left corner y2: 1 // Bottom right corner } } ``` #### Screenshot box move callback function @cropMoving ``` data type { moving: true, // moving 是否在移动 axis: { x1: 1, // Upper left corner x2: 1,// Upper right corner y1: 1,// Lower left corner y2: 1 // Bottom right corner } } ``` ## Update log ### 0.53 ` ` ` ` Remove log information Fix PC Safari low version ` ` ` ` ### 0.53 ` ` ` ` Because chrome 81 kernel and IOS 13.5 fix the image rotation bug The plug-in will not process rotation by default in the new version of browser, and it will be processed automatically in the lower version of browser https://www.chromestatus.com/feature/6313474512650240 ### 0.52 ``` Recall the attribute of the minimum bullet box. There is a bug in the judgment of the dragging coordinate of the bullet box ``` ## 0.51 `` ` Update the minimum attributes of the crop box, limit the minimum area, can pass more than 1 numbers and strings, limit the length and width are so large, can also pass arrays [90,90] limitMinSize: [Number, Array, String] `` ` ### 0.50 Support picture empty Fix ie11 ie10 not working Fix the bug that URL.createObjectURL is not destroyed after creation Add screenshot box to modify trigger event this. $ emit ('change-crop-size', {    width: this.cropW,    height: this.cropH }) ### 0.49 Fix the default event of the scroll wheel Fix the issue of event trigger in html static file ### 0.48 Fix display bug of mode attribute contain and cover Fix the problem of cross domain display of base64 pictures under ios ### 0.47 Fix the problem that does not trigger preview for the first time New image rendering mode function ### 0.46 Fix image rotation bug Fix some bugs displayed ### 0.45 Add multiples using enlarge You can output clipping boxes and other proportional images. Thank you for your contribution from [https://github.com/hzsrc]. Add preview box to various proportions, and restore image screenshots decimal problem. ### 0.44 修复引入方式的问题 ``` Repairing the way of introduction import { VueCropper } from vue-cropper components: { VueCropper, }, main.js import VueCropper from vue-cropper Vue.use(vueCropper) cdn Vue.use(window['vue-cropper']) ``` ### V0.43 Peel off EXIF's dependency library, add exfi-min.js to reduce code size 45.9k = 37k Build upgrade webpack4 upgrade ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` '. Add Vue install method = "npm: Vue.use (VueCropper) web: Vue.use (window['vue-cropper'])" ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` '. ### V0.42 Repair screenshots because of the problem of removing decimal points. ### V0.41 Repair boundary problem of screenshots ### V0.40 The way to repair orientation Thanks for the contribution of [Felipe Mengatto] (https://github.com/felipemengatto). ### v0.40 fix orientation handel Thanks for the contribution of [Felipe Mengatto] (https://github.com/felipemengatto) ### v0.39 Fix problems caused by different orientation values Thanks for the contribution of [Felipe Mengatto] (https://github.com/felipemengatto) ### v0.38 ``` Modify coordinate feedback problem ``` ### v0.37 ``` Fix screenshot of centerBox out of 1px issue Add screenshot Image move trigger event ``` ### v0.36 ``` Fix rotation automatically generates screenshot box error Modify autocrop to dynamically generate screenshot boxes ``` ### v0.35 ``` Fix other images without compression issues ``` ### v0.34 ``` provides a solution for mobile crashes Modify maxImgSize to 2000 ``` ### v0.33 ``` provides a solution for mobile crashes maxImgSize limits the maximum width and height of the image to 2000px by default. ``` ### v0.32 ``` Add screenshot box information display infoTrue true to show the true output image width and height false show the width of the screenshot box ``` ### v0.30 ``` Added image coordinate function this.$refs.cropper.getImgAxis() Added the capture box coordinate function this.$refs.cropper.getCropAxis() Added compatibility with HD devices high Added screenshot box to limit the function within the image centerbox Added automatic generation of screenshot box function this.$refs.cropper.goAutoCrop ``` ### v0.29 Added callback for image loading imgLoad returns result success, error ### v0.28 Fix the screenshot box fixed The screenshot box will affect the original image movement Zoom ### v0.27 Mouse scaling problem optimization Img max-width style optimization New attribute CanMove can move pictures by default is yes CanMoveBox move the screenshot box by default? Original Whether to render in the original scale of the image Default is No ### v0.26 Fix Firefox browser mouse zoom problem ### v0.25 Fix image may not show ### v0.24 Fix ios photo rotation Screenshot problem Add auto fix image Screenshot preview code change, modify default upload image as blob preview ``` html realTime (data) {   this.previews = data }
``` ### v0.23 Small optimization ### v0.22  New modified image size function called by this.$refs.cropper.changeScale ### v0.21 Added fixed screenshot frame size fiexdBox (Note: It is best to use the automatic generation of screenshot box) ### v0.20 Added output original image scale screenshot props name full, fix zoom image too large sensitivity problem ### v0.19 Add image rotation to fix mac wheel over-sensitive ``` js this.$refs.cropper.rotateRight() // Rotate 90 degrees to the right this.$refs.cropper.rotateLeft() // Rotate 90 degrees to the left ``` ### v0.18 Fix default build screenshot box over container error ### v0.17 Fix blob data acquisition error ### v0.15 Add mobile phone gesture zoom ``` canScale: true ``` ### v0.13 Add preview ``` html @realTime="realTime" // Real time preview function realTime (data) {   this.previews = data }