  "title":"CSS Variables (Custom Properties)",
  "description":"Permits the declaration and usage of cascading variables in stylesheets.",
      "title":"Mozilla hacks article (older syntax)"
      "title":"MDN Web Docs - Using CSS variables"
      "title":"Edge Dev Blog post"
      "title":"Polyfill for IE11"
      "description":"In Edge 15 is not possible to use css variables in pseudo elements [see bug](https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-edge/platform/issues/11495448/)"
      "description":"In Edge 15 animations with css variables may cause the webpage to crash [see bug](https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-edge/platform/issues/11676012/)"
      "description":"In Edge 15, nested calculations with css variables are not computed and are ignored [see bug](https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-edge/platform/issues/12143022/)"
      "15":"a #2",
      "48":"n d #1",
      "35":"n d #1",
    "1":"Enabled through the \"Experimental Web Platform features\" flag in `chrome://flags`",
    "2":"Partial support is due to bugs present (see known issues)"
  "keywords":"css variables,custom properties,var(),--var",