(function (global, factory) { if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) { define("EnUS", ["exports"], factory); } else if (typeof exports !== "undefined") { factory(exports); } else { var mod = { exports: {} }; factory(mod.exports); global.VXETableLangEnUS = mod.exports.default; } })(typeof globalThis !== "undefined" ? globalThis : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : this, function (_exports) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(_exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); _exports.default = void 0; var _default = { vxe: { error: { groupFixed: 'If you use group headers, the fixed columns must be set by group.', groupMouseRange: 'Grouping headers and "{{0}}" cannot be used at the same time, which may cause errors.', scrollErrProp: 'The parameter "{{0}}" is not supported when virtual scrolling is enabled.', scrollXNotGroup: 'Horizontal virtual scrolling does not support grouping headers. Please modify the parameters of "scroll-x.gt" correctly, otherwise errors may occur.', errConflicts: 'Argument "{{0}}" conflicts with "{{1}}"', unableInsert: 'Unable to insert to the specified location.', useErr: 'Error installing "{{0}}" module, possibly in the wrong order, dependent modules need to be installed before Table.', barUnableLink: 'Toolbar cannot associate table.', expandContent: 'Expand row slot should be "content", please check if it is correct.', reqModule: 'require "{{0}}" module.', reqProp: 'Missing the necessary "{{0}}" parameter, which can cause error.', emptyProp: 'The property "{{0}}" is not allowed to be empty.', errProp: 'Unsupported parameter "{{0}}", possibly "{{1}}".', notFunc: 'method "{{0}}" not exist.', notSlot: 'slot "{{0}}" does not exist', noTree: 'The tree structure does not support "{{0}}".', delFunc: 'The function "{{0}}" is deprecated, please use "{{1}}".', delProp: 'The property "{{0}}" is deprecated, please use "{{1}}".', delEvent: 'The event "{{0}}" is deprecated, please use "{{1}}"', removeProp: 'The property "{{0}}" is deprecated and is not recommended, which may cause error.', errFormat: 'The global formatted content should be defined with "VXETable.formats". Mounting "formatter={{0}}" is not recommended.', notType: 'Unsupported file types "{{0}}"', notExp: 'The browser does not support import / export.', impFields: 'Import failed, please check that the field name and data format are correct.', treeNotImp: 'Tree table does not support import.' }, table: { emptyText: 'No Data', allTitle: 'Select all / cancel', seqTitle: '#', confirmFilter: 'Confirm', resetFilter: 'Reset', allFilter: 'All', sortAsc: 'Ascending: lowest to highest', sortDesc: 'Descending: highest to lowest', filter: 'Enable filtering on selected columns', impSuccess: 'Successfully imported {{0}} records', expLoading: 'Exporting', expSuccess: 'Export success', expFilename: 'Export_{{0}}', expOriginFilename: 'Export_original_{{0}}', customTitle: 'Column settings', customAll: 'All', customConfirm: 'Confirm', customRestore: 'Restore' }, grid: { selectOneRecord: 'Please choose at least one piece of record!', deleteSelectRecord: 'Are you sure you want to delete the selected record?', removeSelectRecord: 'Are you sure you want to remove the selected record?', dataUnchanged: 'Data unchanged! ', delSuccess: 'Successfully deleted the selected record!', saveSuccess: 'Saved successfully!', operError: 'Error occurred, operation failed!' }, pager: { goto: 'Go to', pagesize: '{{0}}/page', total: 'Total {{0}} record', pageClassifier: '', prevPage: 'Previous page', nextPage: 'next page', prevJump: 'Jump previous page', nextJump: 'Jump next page' }, alert: { title: 'Message notification' }, button: { confirm: 'Confirm', cancel: 'Cancel' }, import: { modes: { covering: '覆盖', insert: '新增' }, impTitle: 'Import parameter settings', impFile: 'Filename', impSelect: 'Select file', impType: 'File type', impOpts: 'Import option', impConfirm: 'Import' }, export: { types: { csv: 'CSV (Comma separated) (*.csv)', html: 'Web Page (*.html)', xml: 'XML Data(*.xml)', txt: 'Text (Tab delimited) (*.txt)', xlsx: 'Excel Workbook (*.xlsx)', pdf: 'PDF (*.pdf)' }, modes: { current: 'Current data', selected: 'Selected Data', all: 'All data' }, expTitle: 'Export parameter settings', expName: 'Filename', expNamePlaceholder: 'Please enter filename', expSheetName: 'Title', expSheetNamePlaceholder: 'Please enter a title', expType: 'Save the type', expMode: 'Data to export', expCurrentColumn: 'All the field', expColumn: 'The field to export', expOpts: 'Export option', expOptHeader: 'Header', expHeaderTitle: 'Need to export header', expOptFooter: 'Footer', expFooterTitle: 'Need to export footer', expOptOriginal: 'Original data', expOriginalTitle: 'Need to export original data? If it is checked, import to table is supported', expPrint: 'Print', expConfirm: 'Export' }, modal: { zoomIn: 'Maximization', zoomOut: 'Reduction', close: 'Close' }, form: { folding: 'Folding', unfolding: 'Unfolding' }, toolbar: { import: 'Import', export: 'Export', print: 'Printing', refresh: 'Refresh', zoomIn: 'Full screen', zoomOut: 'Reduction', custom: 'Column settings', customAll: 'All', customConfirm: 'Confirm', customRestore: 'Restore' }, input: { date: { m1: 'January', m2: 'February', m3: 'March', m4: 'April', m5: 'May', m6: 'June', m7: 'July', m8: 'August', m9: 'September', m10: 'October', m11: 'November', m12: 'December', today: 'Today', prevMonth: 'Previous Month', nextMonth: 'Next Month', monthLabel: '{{0}}', dayLabel: '{{1}} {{0}}', labelFormat: { date: 'dd/MM/yyyy', datetime: 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss', week: '[Week] WW, yyyy', month: 'MM/yyyy', year: 'yyyy' }, weeks: { w: 'Week', w0: 'Sun', w1: 'Mon', w2: 'Tue', w3: 'Wed', w4: 'Thu', w5: 'Fri', w6: 'Sat' }, months: { m0: 'Jan', m1: 'Feb', m2: 'Mar', m3: 'Apr', m4: 'May', m5: 'Jun', m6: 'Jul', m7: 'Aug', m8: 'Sep', m9: 'Oct', m10: 'Nov', m11: 'Dec' } } } } }; _exports.default = _default; });