const path = require('path') const { resolveEntry, fileToComponentName } = require('./resolveWcEntry') module.exports = (api, { target, entry, name, 'inline-vue': inlineVue }) => { // Disable CSS extraction and turn on CSS shadow mode for vue-style-loader process.env.VUE_CLI_CSS_SHADOW_MODE = true const { log, error } = require('@vue/cli-shared-utils') const abort = msg => { log() error(msg) process.exit(1) } const isAsync = /async/.test(target) // generate dynamic entry based on glob files const resolvedFiles = require('globby').sync([entry], { cwd: api.resolve('.') }) if (!resolvedFiles.length) { abort(`entry pattern "${entry}" did not match any files.`) } let libName let prefix if (resolvedFiles.length === 1) { // in single mode, determine the lib name from filename libName = name || fileToComponentName('', resolvedFiles[0]).kebabName prefix = '' if (libName.indexOf('-') < 0) { abort(`--name must contain a hyphen when building a single web component.`) } } else { // multi mode libName = prefix = (name || if (!libName) { abort(`--name is required when building multiple web components.`) } } const dynamicEntry = resolveEntry(prefix, libName, resolvedFiles, isAsync) function genConfig (minify, genHTML) { const config = api.resolveChainableWebpackConfig() // make sure not to transpile wc-wrapper config.module .rule('js') .exclude .add(/vue-wc-wrapper/) // only minify min entry if (!minify) { config.optimization.minimize(false) } config .plugin('web-component-options') .use(require('webpack/lib/DefinePlugin'), [{ 'process.env': { CUSTOM_ELEMENT_NAME: JSON.stringify(libName) } }]) // enable shadow mode in vue-loader config.module .rule('vue') .use('vue-loader') .tap(options => { options.shadowMode = true return options }) if (genHTML) { config .plugin('demo-html') .use(require('html-webpack-plugin'), [{ template: path.resolve(__dirname, `./demo-wc.html`), inject: false, filename: 'demo.html', libName, components: prefix === '' ? [libName] : => { return fileToComponentName(prefix, file).kebabName }) }]) } // set entry/output last so it takes higher priority than user // configureWebpack hooks // set proxy entry for *.vue files config.resolve .alias .set('~root', api.resolve('.')) const rawConfig = api.resolveWebpackConfig(config) // externalize Vue in case user imports it rawConfig.externals = [ ...(Array.isArray(rawConfig.externals) ? rawConfig.externals : [rawConfig.externals]), { ...(inlineVue || { vue: 'Vue' }) } ].filter(Boolean) const entryName = `${libName}${minify ? `.min` : ``}` rawConfig.entry = { [entryName]: dynamicEntry } Object.assign(rawConfig.output, { // to ensure that multiple copies of async wc bundles can co-exist // on the same page. jsonpFunction: libName.replace(/-\w/g, c => c.charAt(1).toUpperCase()) + '_jsonp', filename: `${entryName}.js`, chunkFilename: `${libName}.[name]${minify ? `.min` : ``}.js`, // use dynamic publicPath so this can be deployed anywhere // the actual path will be determined at runtime by checking // document.currentScript.src. publicPath: '' }) return rawConfig } return [ genConfig(false, true), genConfig(true, false) ] }