const fs = require('fs') const path = require('path') module.exports = (api, { entry, name, formats, filename, 'inline-vue': inlineVue }, options) => { const { log, error } = require('@vue/cli-shared-utils') const abort = msg => { log() error(msg) process.exit(1) } const fullEntryPath = api.resolve(entry) if (!fs.existsSync(fullEntryPath)) { abort( `Failed to resolve lib entry: ${entry}${entry === `src/App.vue` ? ' (default)' : ''}. ` + `Make sure to specify the correct entry file.` ) } const isVueEntry = /\.vue$/.test(entry) const libName = ( name || || path.basename(entry).replace(/\.(jsx?|vue)$/, '') ) filename = filename || libName function genConfig (format, postfix = format, genHTML) { const config = api.resolveChainableWebpackConfig() const browserslist = require('browserslist') const targets = browserslist(undefined, { path: fullEntryPath }) const supportsIE = targets.some(agent => agent.includes('ie')) const webpack = require('webpack') config.plugin('need-current-script-polyfill') .use(webpack.DefinePlugin, [{ 'process.env.NEED_CURRENTSCRIPT_POLYFILL': JSON.stringify(supportsIE) }]) // adjust css output name so they write to the same file if (config.plugins.has('extract-css')) { config .plugin('extract-css') .tap(args => { args[0].filename = `${filename}.css` return args }) } // only minify min entry if (!/\.min/.test(postfix)) { config.optimization.minimize(false) } // inject demo page for umd if (genHTML) { const template = isVueEntry ? 'demo-lib.html' : 'demo-lib-js.html' config .plugin('demo-html') .use(require('html-webpack-plugin'), [{ template: path.resolve(__dirname, template), inject: false, filename: 'demo.html', libName, assetsFileName: filename, cssExtract: config.plugins.has('extract-css') }]) } // resolve entry/output const entryName = `${filename}.${postfix}` config.resolve .alias .set('~entry', fullEntryPath) // set output target before user configureWebpack hooks are applied config.output.libraryTarget(format) // set entry/output after user configureWebpack hooks are applied const rawConfig = api.resolveWebpackConfig(config) let realEntry = require.resolve('./entry-lib.js') // avoid importing default if user entry file does not have default export if (!isVueEntry) { const entryContent = fs.readFileSync(fullEntryPath, 'utf-8') if (!/\b(export\s+default|export\s{[^}]+as\s+default)\b/.test(entryContent)) { realEntry = require.resolve('./entry-lib-no-default.js') } } // externalize Vue in case user imports it rawConfig.externals = [ ...(Array.isArray(rawConfig.externals) ? rawConfig.externals : [rawConfig.externals]), { ...(inlineVue || { vue: { commonjs: 'vue', commonjs2: 'vue', root: 'Vue' } }) } ].filter(Boolean) rawConfig.entry = { [entryName]: realEntry } rawConfig.output = Object.assign({ library: libName, libraryExport: isVueEntry ? 'default' : undefined, libraryTarget: format, // preserve UDM header from webpack 3 until webpack provides either // libraryTarget: 'esm' or target: 'universal' // // globalObject: `(typeof self !== 'undefined' ? self : this)` }, rawConfig.output, { filename: `${entryName}.js`, chunkFilename: `${entryName}.[name].js`, // use dynamic publicPath so this can be deployed anywhere // the actual path will be determined at runtime by checking // document.currentScript.src. publicPath: '' }) return rawConfig } const configMap = { commonjs: genConfig('commonjs2', 'common'), umd: genConfig('umd', undefined, true), 'umd-min': genConfig('umd', 'umd.min') } const formatArray = (formats + '').split(',') const configs = => configMap[format]) if (configs.indexOf(undefined) !== -1) { const unknownFormats = formatArray.filter(f => configMap[f] === undefined).join(', ') abort( `Unknown library build formats: ${unknownFormats}` ) } return configs }