import _slicedToArray from 'babel-runtime/helpers/slicedToArray'; import Select from '../select'; import { Group, Button } from '../radio'; import PropTypes from '../_util/vue-types'; import { initDefaultProps } from '../_util/props-util'; import { ConfigConsumerProps } from '../config-provider/configConsumerProps'; var Option = Select.Option; function getMonthsLocale(value) { var current = value.clone(); var localeData = value.localeData(); var months = []; for (var i = 0; i < 12; i++) { current.month(i); months.push(localeData.monthsShort(current)); } return months; } export var HeaderProps = { prefixCls: PropTypes.string, locale: PropTypes.any, fullscreen: PropTypes.boolean, yearSelectOffset: PropTypes.number, yearSelectTotal: PropTypes.number, type: PropTypes.string, // onValueChange: PropTypes.(value: moment.Moment) => void, // onTypeChange: PropTypes.(type: string) => void, value: PropTypes.any, validRange: PropTypes.array, headerRender: PropTypes.func }; export default { props: initDefaultProps(HeaderProps, { yearSelectOffset: 10, yearSelectTotal: 20 }), inject: { configProvider: { 'default': function _default() { return ConfigConsumerProps; } } }, // private calenderHeaderNode: HTMLDivElement; methods: { getYearSelectElement: function getYearSelectElement(prefixCls, year) { var _this = this; var h = this.$createElement; var yearSelectOffset = this.yearSelectOffset, yearSelectTotal = this.yearSelectTotal, _locale = this.locale, locale = _locale === undefined ? {} : _locale, fullscreen = this.fullscreen, validRange = this.validRange; var start = year - yearSelectOffset; var end = start + yearSelectTotal; if (validRange) { start = validRange[0].get('year'); end = validRange[1].get('year') + 1; } var suffix = locale.year === '年' ? '年' : ''; var options = []; for (var index = start; index < end; index++) { options.push(h( Option, { key: '' + index }, [index + suffix] )); } return h( Select, { attrs: { size: fullscreen ? 'default' : 'small', dropdownMatchSelectWidth: false, value: String(year), getPopupContainer: function getPopupContainer() { return _this.getCalenderHeaderNode(); } }, 'class': prefixCls + '-year-select', on: { 'change': this.onYearChange } }, [options] ); }, getMonthSelectElement: function getMonthSelectElement(prefixCls, month, months) { var _this2 = this; var h = this.$createElement; var fullscreen = this.fullscreen, validRange = this.validRange, value = this.value; var options = []; var start = 0; var end = 12; if (validRange) { var _validRange = _slicedToArray(validRange, 2), rangeStart = _validRange[0], rangeEnd = _validRange[1]; var currentYear = value.get('year'); if (rangeEnd.get('year') === currentYear) { end = rangeEnd.get('month') + 1; } if (rangeStart.get('year') === currentYear) { start = rangeStart.get('month'); } } for (var index = start; index < end; index++) { options.push(h( Option, { key: '' + index }, [months[index]] )); } return h( Select, { attrs: { size: fullscreen ? 'default' : 'small', dropdownMatchSelectWidth: false, value: String(month), getPopupContainer: function getPopupContainer() { return _this2.getCalenderHeaderNode(); } }, 'class': prefixCls + '-month-select', on: { 'change': this.onMonthChange } }, [options] ); }, onYearChange: function onYearChange(year) { var value = this.value, validRange = this.validRange; var newValue = value.clone(); newValue.year(parseInt(year, 10)); // switch the month so that it remains within range when year changes if (validRange) { var _validRange2 = _slicedToArray(validRange, 2), start = _validRange2[0], end = _validRange2[1]; var newYear = newValue.get('year'); var newMonth = newValue.get('month'); if (newYear === end.get('year') && newMonth > end.get('month')) { newValue.month(end.get('month')); } if (newYear === start.get('year') && newMonth < start.get('month')) { newValue.month(start.get('month')); } } this.$emit('valueChange', newValue); }, onMonthChange: function onMonthChange(month) { var newValue = this.value.clone(); newValue.month(parseInt(month, 10)); this.$emit('valueChange', newValue); }, onInternalTypeChange: function onInternalTypeChange(e) { this.onTypeChange(; }, onTypeChange: function onTypeChange(val) { this.$emit('typeChange', val); }, getCalenderHeaderNode: function getCalenderHeaderNode() { return this.$refs.calenderHeaderNode; }, getMonthYearSelections: function getMonthYearSelections(getPrefixCls) { var _$props = this.$props, customizePrefixCls = _$props.prefixCls, type = _$props.type, value = _$props.value; var prefixCls = getPrefixCls('fullcalendar', customizePrefixCls); var yearReactNode = this.getYearSelectElement(prefixCls, value.year()); var monthReactNode = type === 'month' ? this.getMonthSelectElement(prefixCls, value.month(), getMonthsLocale(value)) : null; return { yearReactNode: yearReactNode, monthReactNode: monthReactNode }; }, getTypeSwitch: function getTypeSwitch() { var h = this.$createElement; var _$props2 = this.$props, _$props2$locale = _$props2.locale, locale = _$props2$locale === undefined ? {} : _$props2$locale, type = _$props2.type, fullscreen = _$props2.fullscreen; var size = fullscreen ? 'default' : 'small'; return h( Group, { on: { 'change': this.onInternalTypeChange }, attrs: { value: type, size: size } }, [h( Button, { attrs: { value: 'month' } }, [locale.month] ), h( Button, { attrs: { value: 'year' } }, [locale.year] )] ); }, onValueChange: function onValueChange() { this.$emit.apply(this, ['valueChange'].concat(; }, headerRenderCustom: function headerRenderCustom(headerRender) { var _$props3 = this.$props, type = _$props3.type, value = _$props3.value; return headerRender({ value: value, type: type || 'month', onChange: this.onValueChange, onTypeChange: this.onTypeChange }); } }, render: function render() { var h = arguments[0]; var customizePrefixCls = this.prefixCls, headerRender = this.headerRender; var getPrefixCls = this.configProvider.getPrefixCls; var prefixCls = getPrefixCls('fullcalendar', customizePrefixCls); var typeSwitch = this.getTypeSwitch(); var _getMonthYearSelectio = this.getMonthYearSelections(getPrefixCls), yearReactNode = _getMonthYearSelectio.yearReactNode, monthReactNode = _getMonthYearSelectio.monthReactNode; return headerRender ? this.headerRenderCustom(headerRender) : h( 'div', { 'class': prefixCls + '-header', ref: 'calenderHeaderNode' }, [yearReactNode, monthReactNode, typeSwitch] ); } };