194 lines
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194 lines
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![]() |
"use strict";
exports.__esModule = true;
exports.transformIncludesAndExcludes = exports.isPluginRequired = undefined;
exports.default = buildPreset;
var _semver = require("semver");
var _semver2 = _interopRequireDefault(_semver);
var _builtIns = require("../data/built-ins.json");
var _builtIns2 = _interopRequireDefault(_builtIns);
var _defaultIncludes = require("./default-includes");
var _moduleTransformations = require("./module-transformations");
var _moduleTransformations2 = _interopRequireDefault(_moduleTransformations);
var _normalizeOptions = require("./normalize-options.js");
var _normalizeOptions2 = _interopRequireDefault(_normalizeOptions);
var _plugins = require("../data/plugins.json");
var _plugins2 = _interopRequireDefault(_plugins);
var _transformPolyfillRequirePlugin = require("./transform-polyfill-require-plugin");
var _transformPolyfillRequirePlugin2 = _interopRequireDefault(_transformPolyfillRequirePlugin);
var _targetsParser = require("./targets-parser");
var _targetsParser2 = _interopRequireDefault(_targetsParser);
var _utils = require("./utils");
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; }
* Determine if a transformation is required
* NOTE: This assumes `supportedEnvironments` has already been parsed by `getTargets`
* @param {Object} supportedEnvironments An Object containing environment keys and the lowest
* supported version as a value
* @param {Object} plugin An Object containing environment keys and the lowest
* version the feature was implemented in as a value
* @return {Boolean} Whether or not the transformation is required
var isPluginRequired = exports.isPluginRequired = function isPluginRequired(supportedEnvironments, plugin) {
var targetEnvironments = Object.keys(supportedEnvironments);
if (targetEnvironments.length === 0) {
return true;
var isRequiredForEnvironments = targetEnvironments.filter(function (environment) {
// Feature is not implemented in that environment
if (!plugin[environment]) {
return true;
var lowestImplementedVersion = plugin[environment];
var lowestTargetedVersion = supportedEnvironments[environment];
if (!_semver2.default.valid(lowestTargetedVersion)) {
throw new Error(
// eslint-disable-next-line max-len
"Invalid version passed for target \"" + environment + "\": \"" + lowestTargetedVersion + "\". Versions must be in semver format (major.minor.patch)");
return _semver2.default.gt((0, _utils.semverify)(lowestImplementedVersion), lowestTargetedVersion);
return isRequiredForEnvironments.length > 0;
var hasBeenLogged = false;
var logPlugin = function logPlugin(plugin, targets, list) {
var envList = list[plugin] || {};
var filteredList = Object.keys(targets).reduce(function (a, b) {
if (!envList[b] || _semver2.default.lt(targets[b], (0, _utils.semverify)(envList[b]))) {
a[b] = (0, _utils.prettifyVersion)(targets[b]);
return a;
}, {});
var logStr = " " + plugin + " " + JSON.stringify(filteredList);
var filterItem = function filterItem(targets, exclusions, list, item) {
var isDefault = _defaultIncludes.defaultWebIncludes.indexOf(item) >= 0;
var notExcluded = exclusions.indexOf(item) === -1;
if (isDefault) return notExcluded;
var isRequired = isPluginRequired(targets, list[item]);
return isRequired && notExcluded;
var getBuiltInTargets = function getBuiltInTargets(targets) {
var builtInTargets = (0, _utils._extends)({}, targets);
if (builtInTargets.uglify != null) {
delete builtInTargets.uglify;
return builtInTargets;
var transformIncludesAndExcludes = exports.transformIncludesAndExcludes = function transformIncludesAndExcludes(opts) {
return {
all: opts,
plugins: opts.filter(function (opt) {
return !opt.match(/^(es\d+|web)\./);
builtIns: opts.filter(function (opt) {
return opt.match(/^(es\d+|web)\./);
function getPlatformSpecificDefaultFor(targets) {
var targetNames = Object.keys(targets);
var isAnyTarget = !targetNames.length;
var isWebTarget = targetNames.some(function (name) {
return name !== "node";
return isAnyTarget || isWebTarget ? _defaultIncludes.defaultWebIncludes : [];
function buildPreset(context) {
var opts = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {};
var validatedOptions = (0, _normalizeOptions2.default)(opts);
var debug = validatedOptions.debug,
loose = validatedOptions.loose,
moduleType = validatedOptions.moduleType,
spec = validatedOptions.spec,
useBuiltIns = validatedOptions.useBuiltIns;
var targets = (0, _targetsParser2.default)(validatedOptions.targets);
var include = transformIncludesAndExcludes(validatedOptions.include);
var exclude = transformIncludesAndExcludes(validatedOptions.exclude);
var filterPlugins = filterItem.bind(null, targets, exclude.plugins, _plugins2.default);
var transformations = Object.keys(_plugins2.default).filter(filterPlugins).concat(include.plugins);
var polyfills = void 0;
var polyfillTargets = void 0;
if (useBuiltIns) {
polyfillTargets = getBuiltInTargets(targets);
var filterBuiltIns = filterItem.bind(null, polyfillTargets, exclude.builtIns, _builtIns2.default);
polyfills = Object.keys(_builtIns2.default).concat(getPlatformSpecificDefaultFor(polyfillTargets)).filter(filterBuiltIns).concat(include.builtIns);
if (debug && !hasBeenLogged) {
hasBeenLogged = true;
console.log("babel-preset-env: `DEBUG` option");
console.log("\nUsing targets:");
console.log(JSON.stringify((0, _utils.prettifyTargets)(targets), null, 2));
console.log("\nModules transform: " + moduleType);
console.log("\nUsing plugins:");
transformations.forEach(function (transform) {
logPlugin(transform, targets, _plugins2.default);
if (useBuiltIns && polyfills.length) {
console.log("\nUsing polyfills:");
polyfills.forEach(function (polyfill) {
logPlugin(polyfill, polyfillTargets, _builtIns2.default);
var regenerator = transformations.indexOf("transform-regenerator") >= 0;
var modulePlugin = moduleType !== false && _moduleTransformations2.default[moduleType];
var plugins = [];
// NOTE: not giving spec here yet to avoid compatibility issues when
// babel-plugin-transform-es2015-modules-commonjs gets its spec mode
modulePlugin && plugins.push([require("babel-plugin-" + modulePlugin), { loose: loose }]);
plugins.push.apply(plugins, transformations.map(function (pluginName) {
return [require("babel-plugin-" + pluginName), { spec: spec, loose: loose }];
useBuiltIns && plugins.push([_transformPolyfillRequirePlugin2.default, { polyfills: polyfills, regenerator: regenerator }]);
return {
plugins: plugins