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var test = require('tap').test;
var CronExpression = require('../lib/expression');
var CronDate = require('../lib/date');
test('empty expression test', function(t) {
try {
var interval = CronExpression.parse('');
t.ok(interval, 'Interval parsed');
var date = new CronDate();
var next = interval.next();
t.ok(next, 'Found next scheduled interval');
t.equal(next.getMinutes(), date.getMinutes(), 'Schedule matches');
} catch (err) {
t.ifError(err, 'Interval parse error');
test('default expression test', function(t) {
try {
var interval = CronExpression.parse('* * * * *');
t.ok(interval, 'Interval parsed');
var date = new CronDate();
var next = interval.next();
t.ok(next, 'Found next scheduled interval');
t.equal(next.getMinutes(), date.getMinutes(), 'Schedule matches');
} catch (err) {
t.ifError(err, 'Interval parse error');
test('default expression (tab separate) test', function(t) {
try {
var interval = CronExpression.parse('* * * * *');
t.ok(interval, 'Interval parsed');
var date = new CronDate();
var next = interval.next();
t.ok(next, 'Found next scheduled interval');
t.equal(next.getMinutes(), date.getMinutes(), 'Schedule matches');
} catch (err) {
t.ifError(err, 'Interval parse error');
test('default expression (multi-space separated) test 1', function(t) {
try {
var interval = CronExpression.parse('* \t*\t\t *\t * \t\t*');
t.ok(interval, 'Interval parsed');
var date = new CronDate();
var next = interval.next();
t.ok(next, 'Found next scheduled interval');
t.equal(next.getMinutes(), date.getMinutes(), 'Schedule matches');
} catch (err) {
t.ifError(err, 'Interval parse error');
test('default expression (multi-space separated) test 1', function(t) {
try {
var interval = CronExpression.parse('* \t *\t \t * * \t \t *');
t.ok(interval, 'Interval parsed');
var date = new CronDate();
var next = interval.next();
t.ok(next, 'Found next scheduled interval');
t.equal(next.getMinutes(), date.getMinutes(), 'Schedule matches');
} catch (err) {
t.ifError(err, 'Interval parse error');
test('value out of the range', function(t) {
t.throws(function() {
CronExpression.parse('61 * * * * *');
}, new Error('Constraint error, got value 61 expected range 0-59'));
test('second value out of the range', function(t) {
t.throws(function() {
CronExpression.parse('-1 * * * * *');
}, new Error('Constraint error, got value -1 expected range 0-59'));
test('invalid range', function(t) {
t.throws(function() {
CronExpression.parse('- * * * * *');
}, new Error('Invalid range: -'));
test('minute value out of the range', function(t) {
t.throws(function() {
CronExpression.parse('* 32,72 * * * *');
}, new Error('Constraint error, got value 72 expected range 0-59'));
test('hour value out of the range', function(t) {
t.throws(function() {
CronExpression.parse('* * 12-36 * * *');
}, new Error('Constraint error, got range 12-36 expected range 0-23'));
test('day of the month value out of the range', function(t) {
t.throws(function() {
CronExpression.parse('* * * 10-15,40 * *');
}, ('Constraint error, got value 40 expected range 1-31'));
test('month value out of the range', function(t) {
t.throws(function() {
CronExpression.parse('* * * * */10,12-13 *');
}, new Error('Constraint error, got range 12-13 expected range 1-12'));
test('day of the week value out of the range', function(t) {
t.throws(function() {
CronExpression.parse('* * * * * 9');
}, new Error('Constraint error, got value 9 expected range 0-7'));
test('invalid expression that contains too many fields', function (t) {
t.throws(function() {
CronExpression.parse('* * * * * * * *ASD');
}, new Error('Invalid cron expression'));
test('invalid explicit day of month definition', function(t) {
t.throws(function() {
const iter = CronExpression.parse('0 0 31 4 *');
}, new Error('Invalid explicit day of month definition'));
test('incremental minutes expression test', function(t) {
try {
var interval = CronExpression.parse('*/3 * * * *');
t.ok(interval, 'Interval parsed');
var next = interval.next();
t.ok(next, 'Found next scheduled interval');
t.equal(next.getMinutes() % 3, 0, 'Schedule matches');
} catch (err) {
t.ifError(err, 'Interval parse error');
test('fixed expression test', function(t) {
try {
var interval = CronExpression.parse('10 2 12 8 0');
t.ok(interval, 'Interval parsed');
var next = interval.next();
t.ok(next, 'Found next scheduled interval');
t.ok(next.getDay() === 0 || next.getDate() === 12, 'Day or day of Month matches');
t.equal(next.getMonth(), 7, 'Month matches');
t.equal(next.getHours(), 2, 'Hour matches');
t.equal(next.getMinutes(), 10, 'Minute matches');
} catch (err) {
t.ifError(err, 'Interval parse error');
test('invalid characters test - symbol', function(t) {
t.throws(function() {
CronExpression.parse('10 ! 12 8 0');
}, new Error('Invalid characters, got value: !'));
test('invalid characters test - letter', function(t) {
t.throws(function() {
CronExpression.parse('10 x 12 8 0');
}, new Error('Invalid characters, got value: x'));
test('invalid characters test - parentheses', function(t) {
t.throws(function() {
CronExpression.parse('10 ) 12 8 0');
}, new Error('Invalid characters, got value: )'));
test('interval with invalid characters test', function(t) {
t.throws(function() {
CronExpression.parse('10 */A 12 8 0');
}, new Error('Invalid characters, got value: */A'));
test('range with invalid characters test', function(t) {
t.throws(function() {
CronExpression.parse('10 0-z 12 8 0');
}, new Error('Invalid characters, got value: 0-z'));
test('group with invalid characters test', function(t) {
t.throws(function() {
CronExpression.parse('10 0,1,z 12 8 0');
}, new Error('Invalid characters, got value: 0,1,z'));
test('invalid expression which has repeat 0 times', function(t) {
t.throws(function() {
CronExpression.parse('0 */0 * * *');
}, new Error('Constraint error, cannot repeat at every 0 time.'));
test('invalid expression which has repeat negative number times', function(t) {
t.throws(function() {
CronExpression.parse('0 */-5 * * *');
}, new Error('Constraint error, cannot repeat at every -5 time.'));
test('range test with value and repeat (second)', function(t) {
var options = {
currentDate: new CronDate('Wed, 26 Dec 2012 14:38:53')
var interval = CronExpression.parse('0/30 * * * * ?', options);
t.ok(interval, 'Interval parsed');
var next = interval.next();
t.equal(next.getSeconds(), 0);
next = interval.next();
t.equal(next.getSeconds(), 30);
next = interval.next();
t.equal(next.getSeconds(), 0);
test('range test with value and repeat (minute)', function(t) {
var options = {
currentDate: new CronDate('Wed, 26 Dec 2012 14:38:53')
var interval = CronExpression.parse('6/23 * * * *', options);
t.ok(interval, 'Interval parsed');
var next = interval.next();
t.equal(next.getMinutes(), 52);
next = interval.next();
t.equal(next.getMinutes(), 6);
next = interval.next();
t.equal(next.getMinutes(), 29);
next = interval.next();
t.equal(next.getMinutes(), 52);
test('range test with iterator', function(t) {
try {
var interval = CronExpression.parse('10-30 2 12 8 0');
t.ok(interval, 'Interval parsed');
var intervals = interval.iterate(20);
t.ok(intervals, 'Found intervals');
for (var i = 0, c = intervals.length; i < c; i++) {
var next = intervals[i];
t.ok(next, 'Found next scheduled interval');
t.ok(next.getDay() === 0 || next.getDate() === 12, 'Day or day of month matches');
t.equal(next.getMonth(), 7, 'Month matches');
t.equal(next.getHours(), 2, 'Hour matches');
t.equal(next.getMinutes(), 10 + i, 'Minute matches');
} catch (err) {
t.ifError(err, 'Interval parse error');
test('incremental range test with iterator', function(t) {
try {
var interval = CronExpression.parse('10-30/2 2 12 8 0');
t.ok(interval, 'Interval parsed');
var intervals = interval.iterate(10);
t.ok(intervals, 'Found intervals');
for (var i = 0, c = intervals.length; i < c; i++) {
var next = intervals[i];
t.ok(next, 'Found next scheduled interval');
t.ok(next.getDay() === 0 || next.getDate() === 12, 'Day or day of month matches');
t.equal(next.getMonth(), 7, 'Month matches');
t.equal(next.getHours(), 2, 'Hour matches');
t.equal(next.getMinutes(), 10 + (i * 2), 'Minute matches');
} catch (err) {
t.ifError(err, 'Interval parse error');
test('predefined expression', function(t) {
try {
var interval = CronExpression.parse('@yearly');
t.ok(interval, 'Interval parsed');
var date = new CronDate();
var next = interval.next();
t.ok(next, 'Found next scheduled interval');
t.equal(next.getFullYear(), date.getFullYear(), 'Year matches');
} catch (err) {
t.ifError(err, 'Interval parse error');
test('expression limited with start and end date', function(t) {
try {
var options = {
currentDate: new CronDate('Wed, 26 Dec 2012 14:38:53'),
startDate: new CronDate('Wed, 26 Dec 2012 12:40:00'),
endDate: new CronDate('Wed, 26 Dec 2012 16:40:00')
var interval = CronExpression.parse('*/20 * * * *', options);
t.ok(interval, 'Interval parsed');
var dates = interval.iterate(10);
t.equal(dates.length, 7, 'Dates count matches for positive iteration');
var dates = interval.iterate(-10);
t.equal(dates.length, 6, 'Dates count matches for negative iteration');
// Forward iteration
var next = interval.next();
t.equal(next.getHours(), 14, 'Hour matches');
t.equal(next.getMinutes(), 40, 'Minute matches');
next = interval.next();
t.equal(next.getHours(), 15, 'Hour matches');
t.equal(next.getMinutes(), 0, 'Minute matches');
next = interval.next();
t.equal(next.getHours(), 15, 'Hour matches');
t.equal(next.getMinutes(), 20, 'Minute matches');
next = interval.next();
t.equal(next.getHours(), 15, 'Hour matches');
t.equal(next.getMinutes(), 40, 'Minute matches');
next = interval.next();
t.equal(next.getHours(), 16, 'Hour matches');
t.equal(next.getMinutes(), 0, 'Minute matches');
next = interval.next();
t.equal(next.getHours(), 16, 'Hour matches');
t.equal(next.getMinutes(), 20, 'Minute matches');
next = interval.next();
t.equal(next.getHours(), 16, 'Hour matches');
t.equal(next.getMinutes(), 40, 'Minute matches');
try {
t.ok(false, 'Should fail');
} catch (e) {
t.ok(true, 'Failed as expected');
next = interval.prev();
t.equal(next.getHours(), 16, 'Hour matches');
t.equal(next.getMinutes(), 20, 'Minute matches');
// Backward iteration
var prev = interval.prev();
t.equal(prev.getHours(), 14, 'Hour matches');
t.equal(prev.getMinutes(), 20, 'Minute matches');
prev = interval.prev();
t.equal(prev.getHours(), 14, 'Hour matches');
t.equal(prev.getMinutes(), 0, 'Minute matches');
prev = interval.prev();
t.equal(prev.getHours(), 13, 'Hour matches');
t.equal(prev.getMinutes(), 40, 'Minute matches');
prev = interval.prev();
t.equal(prev.getHours(), 13, 'Hour matches');
t.equal(prev.getMinutes(), 20, 'Minute matches');
prev = interval.prev();
t.equal(prev.getHours(), 13, 'Hour matches');
t.equal(prev.getMinutes(), 0, 'Minute matches');
prev = interval.prev();
t.equal(prev.getHours(), 12, 'Hour matches');
t.equal(prev.getMinutes(), 40, 'Minute matches');
try {
t.ok(false, 'Should fail');
} catch (e) {
t.ok(true, 'Failed as expected');
} catch (err) {
t.ifError(err, 'Interval parse error');
test('reset to given date', function(t){
try {
var options = {
currentDate: new CronDate('Wed, 26 Dec 2012 14:38:53')
var interval = CronExpression.parse('*/20 * * * *', options);
t.ok(interval, 'Interval parsed');
// Forward iteration
var next = interval.next();
t.equal(next.getHours(), 14, 'Hour matches');
t.equal(next.getMinutes(), 40, 'Minute matches');
interval.reset(); // defaults to initial currentDate
next = interval.next();
t.equal(next.getHours(), 14, 'Hour matches');
t.equal(next.getMinutes(), 40, 'Minute matches');
interval.reset(new CronDate('Wed, 26 Dec 2012 17:23:53'));
next = interval.next();
t.equal(next.getHours(), 17, 'Hour matches');
t.equal(next.getMinutes(), 40, 'Minute matches');
next = interval.next();
t.equal(next.getHours(), 18, 'Hour matches');
t.equal(next.getMinutes(), 0, 'Minute matches');
interval.reset(new Date('2019-06-18T08:18:36.000'));
next = interval.prev();
t.equal(next.getDate(), 18, 'Date matches');
t.equal(next.getHours(), 8, 'Hour matches');
t.equal(next.getMinutes(), 0, 'Minute matches');
next = interval.prev();
t.equal(next.getDate(), 18, 'Date matches');
t.equal(next.getHours(), 7, 'Hour matches');
t.equal(next.getMinutes(), 40, 'Minute matches');
} catch (err) {
t.ifError(err, 'Reset error');
test('parse expression as UTC', function(t) {
try {
var options = {
utc: true
var interval = CronExpression.parse('0 0 10 * * *', options);
var date = interval.next();
t.equal(date.getUTCHours(), 10, 'Correct UTC hour value');
t.equal(date.getHours(), 10, 'Correct UTC hour value');
interval = CronExpression.parse('0 */5 * * * *', options);
var date = interval.next(), now = new Date();
now.setMinutes(now.getMinutes() + 5 - (now.getMinutes() % 5));
t.equal(date.getHours(), now.getUTCHours(), 'Correct local time for 5 minute interval');
} catch (err) {
t.ifError(err, 'UTC parse error');
test('expression using days of week strings', function(t) {
try {
var interval = CronExpression.parse('15 10 * * MON-TUE');
t.ok(interval, 'Interval parsed');
var intervals = interval.iterate(8);
t.ok(intervals, 'Found intervals');
for (var i = 0, c = intervals.length; i < c; i++) {
var next = intervals[i];
var day = next.getDay();
t.ok(next, 'Found next scheduled interval');
t.ok(day == 1 || day == 2, 'Day matches')
t.equal(next.getHours(), 10, 'Hour matches');
t.equal(next.getMinutes(), 15, 'Minute matches');
} catch (err) {
t.ifError(err, 'Interval parse error');
test('expression using mixed days of week strings', function(t) {
try {
var options = {
currentDate: new CronDate('Wed, 26 Dec 2012 14:38:53')
var interval = CronExpression.parse('15 10 * jAn-FeB mOn-tUE', options);
t.ok(interval, 'Interval parsed');
var intervals = interval.iterate(8);
t.ok(intervals, 'Found intervals');
for (var i = 0, c = intervals.length; i < c; i++) {
var next = intervals[i];
var day = next.getDay();
var month = next.getMonth();
t.ok(next, 'Found next scheduled interval');
t.ok(month == 0 || month == 2, 'Month Matches');
t.ok(day == 1 || day == 2, 'Day matches');
t.equal(next.getHours(), 10, 'Hour matches');
t.equal(next.getMinutes(), 15, 'Minute matches');
} catch (err) {
t.ifError(err, 'Interval parse error');
test('expression using non-standard second field (wildcard)', function(t) {
try {
var options = {
currentDate: new CronDate('Wed, 26 Dec 2012 14:38:00'),
endDate: new CronDate('Wed, 26 Dec 2012 15:40:00')
var interval = CronExpression.parse('* * * * * *', options);
t.ok(interval, 'Interval parsed');
var intervals = interval.iterate(10);
t.ok(intervals, 'Found intervals');
for (var i = 0, c = intervals.length; i < c; i++) {
var next = intervals[i];
t.ok(next, 'Found next scheduled interval');
t.equal(next.getSeconds(), i + 1, 'Second matches');
} catch (err) {
t.ifError(err, 'Interval parse error');
test('expression using non-standard second field (step)', function(t) {
try {
var options = {
currentDate: new CronDate('Wed, 26 Dec 2012 14:38:00'),
endDate: new CronDate('Wed, 26 Dec 2012 15:40:00')
var interval = CronExpression.parse('*/20 * * * * *', options);
t.ok(interval, 'Interval parsed');
var intervals = interval.iterate(3);
t.ok(intervals, 'Found intervals');
t.equal(intervals[0].getSeconds(), 20, 'Second matches');
t.equal(intervals[1].getSeconds(), 40, 'Second matches');
t.equal(intervals[2].getSeconds(), 0, 'Second matches');
} catch (err) {
t.ifError(err, 'Interval parse error');
test('expression using non-standard second field (range)', function(t) {
try {
var options = {
currentDate: new CronDate('Wed, 26 Dec 2012 14:38:00'),
endDate: new CronDate('Wed, 26 Dec 2012 15:40:00')
var interval = CronExpression.parse('20-40/10 * * * * *', options);
t.ok(interval, 'Interval parsed');
var intervals = interval.iterate(3);
t.ok(intervals, 'Found intervals');
for (var i = 0, c = intervals.length; i < c; i++) {
var next = intervals[i];
t.ok(next, 'Found next scheduled interval');
t.equal(next.getSeconds(), 20 + (i * 10), 'Second matches');
} catch (err) {
t.ifError(err, 'Interval parse error');
test('expression using explicit month definition and */5 day of month step', function(t) {
var firstIterator = CronExpression.parse('0 12 */5 6 *', {
currentDate: '2019-06-01T11:00:00.000'
var firstExpectedDates = [
new CronDate('2019-06-01T12:00:00.000'),
new CronDate('2019-06-06T12:00:00.000'),
new CronDate('2019-06-11T12:00:00.000'),
new CronDate('2019-06-16T12:00:00.000'),
new CronDate('2019-06-21T12:00:00.000'),
new CronDate('2019-06-26T12:00:00.000'),
new CronDate('2020-06-01T12:00:00.000')
firstExpectedDates.forEach(function(expectedDate) {
t.equal(expectedDate.toISOString(), firstIterator.next().toISOString());
var secondIterator = CronExpression.parse('0 15 */5 5 *', {
currentDate: '2019-05-01T11:00:00.000'
var secondExpectedDates = [
new CronDate('2019-05-01T15:00:00.000'),
new CronDate('2019-05-06T15:00:00.000'),
new CronDate('2019-05-11T15:00:00.000'),
new CronDate('2019-05-16T15:00:00.000'),
new CronDate('2019-05-21T15:00:00.000'),
new CronDate('2019-05-26T15:00:00.000'),
new CronDate('2019-05-31T15:00:00.000'),
new CronDate('2020-05-01T15:00:00.000')
secondExpectedDates.forEach(function(expectedDate) {
t.equal(expectedDate.toISOString(), secondIterator.next().toISOString());
test('day of month and week are both set', function(t) {
try {
var interval = CronExpression.parse('10 2 12 8 0');
t.ok(interval, 'Interval parsed');
var next = interval.next();
t.ok(next, 'Found next scheduled interval');
t.ok(next.getDay() === 0 || next.getDate() === 12, 'Day or day of month matches');
t.equal(next.getMonth(), 7, 'Month matches');
next = interval.next();
t.ok(next, 'Found next scheduled interval');
t.ok(next.getDay() === 0 || next.getDate() === 12, 'Day or day of month matches');
t.equal(next.getMonth(), 7, 'Month matches');
next = interval.next();
t.ok(next, 'Found next scheduled interval');
t.ok(next.getDay() === 0 || next.getDate() === 12, 'Day or day of month matches');
t.equal(next.getMonth(), 7, 'Month matches');
next = interval.next();
t.ok(next, 'Found next scheduled interval');
t.ok(next.getDay() === 0 || next.getDate() === 12, 'Day or day of month matches');
t.equal(next.getMonth(), 7, 'Month matches');
} catch (err) {
t.ifError(err, 'Interval parse error');
test('day of month is unspecified', function(t) {
try {
var interval = CronExpression.parse('10 2 ? * 3');
t.ok(interval, 'Interval parsed');
var next = interval.next();
t.ok(next, 'Found next scheduled interal');
t.ok(next.getDay() === 3, 'day of week matches');
next = interval.next();
t.ok(next, 'Found next scheduled interal');
t.ok(next.getDay() === 3, 'day of week matches');
next = interval.next();
t.ok(next, 'Found next scheduled interal');
t.ok(next.getDay() === 3, 'day of week matches');
next = interval.next();
t.ok(next, 'Found next scheduled interal');
t.ok(next.getDay() === 3, 'day of week matches');
} catch (err) {
t.ifError(err, 'Interval parse error');
test('day of week is unspecified', function(t) {
try {
var interval = CronExpression.parse('10 2 3,6 * ?');
t.ok(interval, 'Interval parsed');
var next = interval.next();
t.ok(next, 'Found next scheduled interal');
t.ok(next.getDate() === 3 || next.getDate() === 6, 'date matches');
var prevDate = next.getDate();
next = interval.next();
t.ok(next, 'Found next scheduled interal');
t.ok((next.getDate() === 3 || next.getDate() === 6) &&
next.getDate() !== prevDate, 'date matches and is not previous date');
prevDate = next.getDate();
next = interval.next();
t.ok(next, 'Found next scheduled interal');
t.ok((next.getDate() === 3 || next.getDate() === 6) &&
next.getDate() !== prevDate, 'date matches and is not previous date');
prevDate = next.getDate();
next = interval.next();
t.ok(next, 'Found next scheduled interal');
t.ok((next.getDate() === 3 || next.getDate() === 6) &&
next.getDate() !== prevDate, 'date matches and is not previous date');
} catch (err) {
t.ifError(err, 'Interval parse error');
test('Summertime bug test', function(t) {
try {
var month = new CronDate().getMonth() + 1;
var interval = CronExpression.parse('0 0 0 1 '+month+' *');
t.ok(interval, 'Interval parsed');
var next = interval.next();
// Before fix the bug it was getting a timeout error if you are
// in a timezone that changes the DST to ST in the hour 00:00h.
t.ok(next, 'Found next scheduled interval');
} catch (err) {
t.ifError(err, 'Interval parse error');
test('day of month and week are both set and dow is 7', function(t) {
try {
var interval = CronExpression.parse('10 2 12 8 7');
t.ok(interval, 'Interval parsed');
var next = interval.next();
t.ok(next, 'Found next scheduled interval');
t.ok(next.getDay() === 0 || next.getDate() === 12, 'Day or day of month matches');
t.equal(next.getMonth(), 7, 'Month matches');
next = interval.next();
t.ok(next, 'Found next scheduled interval');
t.ok(next.getDay() === 0 || next.getDate() === 12, 'Day or day of month matches');
t.equal(next.getMonth(), 7, 'Month matches');
next = interval.next();
t.ok(next, 'Found next scheduled interval');
t.ok(next.getDay() === 0 || next.getDate() === 12, 'Day or day of month matches');
t.equal(next.getMonth(), 7, 'Month matches');
next = interval.next();
t.ok(next, 'Found next scheduled interval');
t.ok(next.getDay() === 0 || next.getDate() === 12, 'Day or day of month matches');
t.equal(next.getMonth(), 7, 'Month matches');
} catch (err) {
t.ifError(err, 'Interval parse error');
test('day of month and week are both set and dow is 6,0', function(t) {
try {
var options = {
currentDate: new CronDate('Wed, 26 Dec 2012 14:38:53')
var interval = CronExpression.parse('10 2 12 8 6,0', options);
t.ok(interval, 'Interval parsed');
var next = interval.next();
t.ok(next, 'Found next scheduled interval');
t.ok(next.getDay() === 6 || next.getDate() === 12, 'Day or day of month matches');
t.equal(next.getMonth(), 7, 'Month matches');
next = interval.next();
t.ok(next, 'Found next scheduled interval');
t.ok(next.getDay() === 0 || next.getDate() === 12, 'Day or day of month matches');
t.equal(next.getMonth(), 7, 'Month matches');
next = interval.next();
t.ok(next, 'Found next scheduled interval');
t.ok(next.getDay() === 6 || next.getDate() === 12, 'Day or day of month matches');
t.equal(next.getMonth(), 7, 'Month matches');
next = interval.next();
t.ok(next, 'Found next scheduled interval');
t.ok(next.getDay() === 0 || next.getDate() === 12, 'Day or day of month matches');
t.equal(next.getMonth(), 7, 'Month matches');
} catch (err) {
t.ifError(err, 'Interval parse error');
test('day of month and week are both set and dow is 6-7', function(t) {
try {
var options = {
currentDate: new CronDate('Wed, 26 Dec 2012 14:38:53')
var interval = CronExpression.parse('10 2 12 8 6-7', options);
t.ok(interval, 'Interval parsed');
var next = interval.next();
t.ok(next, 'Found next scheduled interval');
t.ok(next.getDay() === 6 || next.getDate() === 12, 'Day or day of month matches');
t.equal(next.getMonth(), 7, 'Month matches');
next = interval.next();
t.ok(next, 'Found next scheduled interval');
t.ok(next.getDay() === 6 || next.getDate() === 12, 'Day or day of month matches');
t.equal(next.getMonth(), 7, 'Month matches');
next = interval.next();
t.ok(next, 'Found next scheduled interval');
t.ok(next.getDay() === 6 || next.getDate() === 12, 'Day or day of month matches');
t.equal(next.getMonth(), 7, 'Month matches');
// next = interval.next();
t.ok(next, 'Found next scheduled interval');
t.ok(next.getDay() === 6 || next.getDate() === 12, 'Day or day of month matches');
t.equal(next.getMonth(), 7, 'Month matches');
} catch (err) {
t.ifError(err, 'Interval parse error');
test('day of month validation should be ignored when day of month is wildcard and month is set', function (t) {
try {
var interval = CronExpression.parse('* * * * 2 *');
t.ok(interval, 'Interval parsed');
var next = interval.next();
t.ok(next, 'Found next scheduled interval');
t.equal(next.getHours(), 0, 'Hours matches');
t.equal(next.getDate(), 1, 'Day of month matches');
t.equal(next.getMonth() + 1, 2, 'Month matches');
t.ok(next, 'Found next scheduled interval');
} catch (err) {
t.ifError(err, 'Interval parse error');
test('day and date in week should matches', function(t){
try {
var interval = CronExpression.parse('0 1 1 1 * 1');
t.ok(interval, 'Interval parsed');
var next = interval.next();
t.ok(next, 'Found next scheduled interval');
t.equal(next.getHours(), 1, 'Hours matches');
t.ok(next.getDay() === 1 || next.getDate() === 1, 'Day or day of month matches');
next = interval.next();
t.ok(next, 'Found next scheduled interval');
t.equal(next.getHours(), 1, 'Hours matches');
t.ok(next.getDay() === 1 || next.getDate() === 1, 'Day or day of month matches');
next = interval.next();
t.ok(next, 'Found next scheduled interval');
t.equal(next.getHours(), 1, 'Hours matches');
t.ok(next.getDay() === 1 || next.getDate() === 1, 'Day or day of month matches');
} catch (err) {
t.ifError(err, 'Interval parse error');
test('should sort ranges and values in ascending order', function(t) {
var options = {
currentDate: new CronDate('Wed, 26 Dec 2012 14:38:53')
var interval = CronExpression.parse('0 12,13,10,1-3 * * *', options);
t.ok(interval, 'Interval parsed');
var hours = [ 1, 2, 3, 10, 12, 13 ];
for (var i in hours) {
next = interval.next();
t.ok(next, 'Found next scheduled interval');
t.equal(next.getHours(), hours[i], 'Hours matches');
test('valid ES6 iterator should be returned if iterator options is set to true', function(t) {
try {
var options = {
currentDate: new CronDate('Wed, 26 Dec 2012 14:38:53'),
endDate: new CronDate('Wed, 26 Dec 2012 15:40:00'),
iterator: true
var val = null;
var interval = CronExpression.parse('*/25 * * * *', options);
t.ok(interval, 'Interval parsed');
val = interval.next();
t.ok(val, 'Next iteration resolved');
t.ok(val.value, 'Iterator value is set');
t.notOk(val.done, 'Iterator is not finished');
val = interval.next();
t.ok(val, 'Next iteration resolved');
t.ok(val.value, 'Iterator value is set');
t.notOk(val.done, 'Iterator is not finished');
val = interval.next();
t.ok(val, 'Next iteration resolved');
t.ok(val.value, 'Iterator value is set');
t.ok(val.done, 'Iterator is finished');
} catch (err) {
t.ifError(err, 'Interval parse error');
test('dow 6,7 6,0 0,6 7,6 should be equivalent', function(t) {
try {
var options = {
currentDate: new CronDate('Wed, 26 Dec 2012 14:38:53'),
var expressions = [
'30 16 * * 6,7',
'30 16 * * 6,0',
'30 16 * * 0,6',
'30 16 * * 7,6'
expressions.forEach(function(expression) {
var interval = CronExpression.parse(expression, options);
t.ok(interval, 'Interval parsed');
var val = interval.next();
t.equal(val.getDay(), 6, 'Day matches');
val = interval.next();
t.equal(val.getDay(), 0, 'Day matches');
val = interval.next();
t.equal(val.getDay(), 6, 'Day matches');
} catch (err) {
t.ifError(err, 'Interval parse error');
test('hour 0 9,11,1 * * * and 0 1,9,11 * * * should be equivalent', function(t) {
try {
var options = {
currentDate: new CronDate('Wed, 26 Dec 2012 00:00:00'),
var expressions = [
'0 9,11,1 * * *',
'0 1,9,11 * * *'
expressions.forEach(function(expression) {
var interval = CronExpression.parse(expression, options);
t.ok(interval, 'Interval parsed');
var val = interval.next();
t.equal(val.getHours(), 1, 'Hour matches');
val = interval.next();
t.equal(val.getHours(), 9, 'Hour matches');
val = interval.next();
t.equal(val.getHours(), 11, 'Hour matches');
val = interval.next();
t.equal(val.getHours(), 1, 'Hour matches');
val = interval.next();
t.equal(val.getHours(), 9, 'Hour matches');
val = interval.next();
t.equal(val.getHours(), 11, 'Hour matches');
} catch (err) {
t.ifError(err, 'Interval parse error');
test('it will work with #139 issue case', function(t) {
var options = {
currentDate : new Date('2018-11-15T16:15:33.522Z'),
tz: 'Europe/Madrid'
var interval = CronExpression.parse('0 0 0 1,2 * *', options);
var date = interval.next();
t.equal(date.getFullYear(), 2018);
t.equal(date.getDate(), 1);
t.equal(date.getMonth(), 11);
test('should work for valid first/second/third/fourth/fifth occurence dayOfWeek (# char)', function(t) {
try {
var options = {
currentDate: new CronDate('2019-04-30')
var expectedFirstDates = [
new CronDate('2019-05-05'),
new CronDate('2019-06-02'),
new CronDate('2019-07-07'),
new CronDate('2019-08-04')
var expectedSecondDates = [
new CronDate('2019-05-12'),
new CronDate('2019-06-9'),
new CronDate('2019-07-14'),
new CronDate('2019-08-11')
var expectedThirdDates = [
new CronDate('2019-05-19'),
new CronDate('2019-06-16'),
new CronDate('2019-07-21'),
new CronDate('2019-08-18')
var expectedFourthDates = [
new CronDate('2019-05-26'),
new CronDate('2019-06-23'),
new CronDate('2019-07-28'),
new CronDate('2019-08-25')
var expectedFifthDates = [
new CronDate('2019-6-30'),
new CronDate('2019-9-29'),
new CronDate('2019-12-29'),
new CronDate('2020-03-29')
var allExpectedDates = [
var expressions = [
'0 0 0 ? * 0#1',
'0 0 0 ? * 0#2',
'0 0 0 ? * 0#3',
'0 0 0 ? * 0#4',
'0 0 0 ? * 0#5'
expressions.forEach(function(expression, index) {
var interval = CronExpression.parse(expression, options);
var expectedDates = allExpectedDates[index];
expectedDates.forEach(function(expected) {
var date = interval.next();
'Expression "' + expression + '" has next() that matches expected: ' + expected.toISOString()
.slice(0, expectedDates.length - 1)
.forEach(function(expected) {
var date = interval.prev();
'Expression "' + expression + '" has prev() that matches expected: ' + expected.toISOString()
} catch (err) {
t.ifError(err, 'Interval parse error');
test('should work for valid second sunday in may', function(t) {
try {
var options = {
currentDate: new CronDate('2019-01-30')
var expectedDates = [
new CronDate('2019-05-12'),
new CronDate('2020-05-10'),
new CronDate('2021-05-09'),
new CronDate('2022-05-08')
var interval = CronExpression.parse('0 0 0 ? MAY 0#2', options);
expectedDates.forEach(function(expected) {
var date = interval.next();
'Expression "0 0 0 ? MAY 0#2" has next() that matches expected: ' + expected.toISOString()
.slice(0, expectedDates.length - 1)
.forEach(function(expected) {
var date = interval.prev();
'Expression "0 0 0 ? MAY 0#2" has prev() that matches expected: ' + expected.toISOString()
} catch (err) {
t.ifError(err, 'Interval parse error');
test('should work for valid second sunday at noon in may', function(t) {
try {
var options = {
currentDate: new CronDate('2019-05-12T11:59:00.000')
var expected = new CronDate('2019-05-12T12:00:00.000');
var interval = CronExpression.parse('0 0 12 ? MAY 0#2', options);
var date = interval.next();
'Expression "0 0 12 ? MAY 0#2" has next() that matches expected: ' + expected.toISOString()
} catch (err) {
t.ifError(err, 'Interval parse error');
test('should work for valid second sunday at noon in may (UTC+3)', function(t) {
try {
var options = {
currentDate: new CronDate('2019-05-12T11:59:00.000', 'Europe/Sofia')
var expected = new CronDate('2019-05-12T12:00:00.000', 'Europe/Sofia');
var interval = CronExpression.parse('0 0 12 ? MAY 0#2', options);
var date = interval.next();
'Expression "0 0 12 ? MAY 0#2" has next() that matches expected: ' + expected.toISOString()
} catch (err) {
t.ifError(err, 'Interval parse error');
test('should work with both dayOfMonth and nth occurence of dayOfWeek', function(t) {
try {
var options = {
currentDate: new CronDate('2019-04-01')
var expectedDates = [
new CronDate('2019-04-16'),
new CronDate('2019-04-17'),
new CronDate('2019-04-18'),
new CronDate('2019-05-15'),
new CronDate('2019-05-16'),
new CronDate('2019-05-18'),
var interval = CronExpression.parse('0 0 0 16,18 * 3#3', options);
expectedDates.forEach(function(expected) {
var date = interval.next();
'Expression "0 0 0 16,18 * 3#3" has next() that matches expected: ' + expected.toISOString()
.slice(0, expectedDates.length - 1)
.forEach(function(expected) {
var date = interval.prev();
'Expression "0 0 0 16,18 * 3#3" has prev() that matches expected: ' + expected.toISOString()
} catch (err) {
t.ifError(err, 'Interval parse error');
test('should error when passed invalid occurence value', function(t) {
var expressions = [
'0 0 0 ? * 1#',
'0 0 0 ? * 1#0',
'0 0 0 ? * 4#6',
'0 0 0 ? * 0##4',
expressions.forEach(function(expression) {
t.throws(function() {
}, new Error('Constraint error, invalid dayOfWeek occurrence number (#)'), expression);
// The Quartz documentation says that if the # character is used then no other expression can be used in the dayOfWeek term: http://www.quartz-scheduler.org/api/2.3.0/index.html
test('cannot combine `-` range and # occurrence special characters', function(t) {
var expression = '0 0 0 ? * 2-4#2';
t.throws(function() {
}, new Error('Constraint error, invalid dayOfWeek `#` and `-` special characters are incompatible'));
test('cannot combine `/` repeat interval and # occurrence special characters', function(t) {
var expression = '0 0 0 ? * 1/2#3';
t.throws(function() {
}, new Error('Constraint error, invalid dayOfWeek `#` and `/` special characters are incompatible'));
test('cannot combine `,` list and # occurrence special characters', function(t) {
var expression = '0 0 0 ? * 0,6#4';
t.throws(function() {
}, new Error('Constraint error, invalid dayOfWeek `#` and `,` special characters are incompatible'));